Chapter XXXXII

Dreams Do Come True

You finally reached Vancouver after a long flight with two layovers. You could harldy get any proper sleep in the plane and all you wanted was to rest. You were aching all over from sitting down for too long. As you walked towards the immigration, it finally sunk in that you are here in Canada and it kinda perked you up a little. You took out your phone and called Kris, informing him of your arrival. "I'm here."

"That's great. Give me a while. I'm looking for a parking lot. I'll be up once I'm done." Kris said.

You grabbed your luggage and walked out into the arrival hall. You scanned through the people waiting outside the arrival hall and you spotted your boyfriend standing in one corner, smiling at you. "Hello beautiful." He stretched his arms out and hugged you tight. "You look so tired."

"It took me almost a day to get to you." You pouted. "See the things I do for you."

"Shall I get you your caffine fix then?" Kris pinched your cheeks playfully and you nodded.

"Is it me or you do always dress so nicely when you go out?" You scanned your boyfriend from head to toe as you walked. He was wearing a pair of ripped jeans, black wife beater with a red checkered shirt over it, pairing them up with his air jordans and his snapback. "Are you afraid that people won't recognise you?"

"You're not too bad yourself." He commented. You had your specs on with and oversized long sleeved top tucked into your shorts and a checkered shirt tied around your waist and a pair of old sneakers. "You're out to attract attention with that hair colour of yours." He laughed. Your hair was ash grey which was what you had for your latest album's promotion.

"Whatever. You're just lucky your hair is brown now." You stuck your tongue out and walked towards the cafe. You ordered a takeaway and headed to the carpark.

"You bought quite a number of things..." Kris mummbled as he loaded your items into the boot.

"They are for you," you paused. "And your mum. I don't know what to give her so I just got her some of the local stuff. You can't go wrong with food, right?"

"I guess she'll like it, since it's from you." Kris closed the boot and placed the food items into the backseat while you made your way next to the driver's seat. "You don't seem very excited."

"I am!" You protested. "I'm just more concerned about meeting your mum and tired."

"Relax, she's out and will most probably be home in the evening so we're just going to head home and place your stuff down and head out for lunch or something." Kris started the car and drove out of the car park and out into the city. It was your first time here and your eyes were glued to the scenery outside. Although it was an urban city like where you grew up in, but everything was different. Afterall, it was an American country and things are more westernised compared to the little island you were from.

Kris made a left turn which brought you to a housing estate with rows of double storey houses. He took another right turn at the cross junction and turned into one of the garage a few houses down the road. "We're here."

You stepped out of the car and looked around while Kris helped with your luggage. You followed behind Kris as he lead you into his house. Like a curious kitten, you looked around as you walked into his house. It was obviously bigger than your since you stayed in an apartment where his was a two-storey house. It was simple but posh. There were a few antique items here and a few paintings on the wall. "Seems like your mum is really into arts stuff." You commented.

"She does." Kris said as he lead you up to the second storey. There were three rooms, one on the left with the door alightly ajar and you could vaguely see the interior of the room. "That's the study." Kris said. "That one is my mum's room and this is where you'll be sleeping for the rest of the days." His room was simple, coated in white paint with minimal things hanging on the wall, unlike yours. He had a section of his cupboard dedicated to his own group, placing their albums, pictures and fan gifts that he brought home. You walked towards he drawer and looked at the photoframes he had. It was pictures of him when he was younger with his mum, and in the centre of the three, was a picture of you and him. You don't remember taking that picture with him. It was obviously not a proper photo since the both of you weren't looking at the camera but at each other with all smiles and Kris' arms was placed around your shoulders.

"Who took this?" You asked, taking a closer look the picture.

"Sehun. It was during one of our SMTOWN concerts." He placed your things down why you made yourself comfortable in his room on the small couch. "It looks nice doesn't it? We look so in love." You nodded in agreement and looked around his room.

"Dude, your closet is bigger than mine." You pointed out. "Do you have that many clothes?"

"It's new. I just ordered it when I came back." Kris replied. "Do you want me to put your clothes in there as well?"

"What for? It's not like I'm going to stay here for long."

"Well, it's going to be your place in the future." Kris grinned and you just ignored his cheesiness, or at least you tried. You walked over to your luggage and picked out a set of clothings.

"I'm gonna shower. I feel so sticky after being on such a long flight." You said, making your way into the shower before Kris could even answer you. As you washed up, Kris packed your clothes nicely into his closet and chucked your luggage to a side so it wasn't in the way. He sat on the couch with his laptop while he waited for you to get ready. The moment you came out of the bathroom, Kris was scanning you up and down. "What?" You exclaimed as you made your way to his closet, trying to find your outerwear.

"You've been showing too much skin lately." He complained. "I don't like that." You wear wearing a tank top tucked into your high waist shorts and you wear planning to wear your long mash outerwear along with it.

"Oh?" You mummbled and pulled something out from one of the drawers where he placed your clothes and headed back to the bathroom. "Is this better now?" You stood in front of him. you changed your shorts into a pair of ripped jeans. Kris nodded. "I don't get you. I show the same amount of skin I do during performances. Why are you making a fuss out of it?"

"Because I don't like people looking at you unnecessarily." He pouted. "I don't really like what they are giving you. Too much legs and stomach." You laughed at his comment, you knew were he was coming from and you were happy that he made the comment. You packed your necessary items into your clutch and headed out to have your lunch with Kris. Knowing that you were tired from the long flight, he brought you to a mall nearby. You walked around after lunch, exploring the place since it was your first time there. 

"Should I get something for your mum?" You asked as you walked past a jewellery shop.

"Haven't you gotten her things back home? I think it's more than enough."

"Really?" You mumbled.

"It's the thought that counts." Kris assured. The both of you explored every level of the mall since there was a lot of time for you to spend together. Kris stopped and looked at you as you walked pass the arcade. He pointed at the entrance asking if you wanted to go in. Your raised your eyebrows at him but he dragged you in without waiting for your answer. "Let's play this." Kris pulled you infront of the electronic basketball game.


"Yeah, don't worry, I'll cut some slack and not make you lose that badly."

"What?" You scoffed. "We'll see about that." You snatched the card that Kris was holding and tapped it on your machine's sensor and Kris followed suit after you did. It was three round and you were so close to beating Kris. 

"Told you." Kris grinned victoriously.

"It was so close. You aren't that good either considering you were a basketball player." You complained.

"Do I get a reward since I won?" 

"We never agreed on that." You shook your head and walked off. Kris caught up to you and walked around the arcade, seeing what other games the two of you could play. You spend the next hour or so playing arcade games, reliving your childhood days. "I'm so tired..." You whined as you finished your last race with Kris.

"I think you're jet lagging." Kris took out his phone and checked the time. "I think my mum should be home by now. Shall we go back? She said she'll be making us dinner to welcome you." You jolted up at his words. It's sinking in that you are finally going to meet Kris' mum and you got even more nervous than you originally were.

"I'm not in the best state to meet your mum..."

"It doesn't matter." Kris held your hand and pulled you up from the seat. "Let's go. You can catch some sleep while we're back before dinner." You took a short nap in the car as Kris drove you back home, hoping that you will feel more awake and not so restless. You wanted to leave a good impression on Kris' mother. Kris held your hand as you walked up to the door.

"This is worse than performing on stage." You mummbled. "What if I say something wrong? Or I make a fool out of myself? Or-"

"Don't worry, I'll be by your side." He assured, giving you a light peck on your forehead to calm you down before entering the house.

"What do I call her? Auntie? Mama Wu?"

"Auntie is fine. Or you can call her mum. It's a matter of time anyways." Kris laughed, making you feel slightly less nervous.


"Mum, we're home." Kris called out in Chinese as you walked in. You heard sounds coming from the kitchen follow by the sound of the household slippers. A few moments later, you saw a lady with her hair tied up in a bun with an apron over her clothes walking out from the kltchen.

"You guys are back?" She smiled. 

"Nice to meet you auntie." You bowed slightly.

"You must be the Enjing that Yifan talks about all the time." She smiled as she gently pat your arm. "Looks like you're jet lagged. Why don't you go up and rest first? I'll get Yifan to wake you up when it's time for dinner."

"It's fine, I can help you with dinner."

"It's alright, don't worry. You can always help me another day." She paused and turned to Kris, "Bring her up. I'll go prepare dinner." She looked at the both of you and walked back to the kitchen. You felt relieved and a little retarded because it was as bad as you thought it would be.


"See, it wasn't that bad. Just be yourself." 

"i guess so." You shrugged as you threw yourself onto his bed and shut your eyes.

"Sweet dreams. I'll wake you up when dinner's ready." You hummed before dozing off almost instantly. Making sure you were asleep, he went back downstairs to help his mum with dinner.


"Has she fallen alseep?" His mum asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Almost instantly." Kris laughed. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"This is the first time you're offering me help." She laughed. "You can help me wash the rice and put it in the cooker. You know how to do that right?"

"Of course I do." Kris replied proudly. "I do help out in the dorm sometimes." Kris scooped the rice into the pot and washed them before putting them into the cooker and pressing the button for it to cook. "So how do you find her?" He asked.

"I've only met her for five minutes." His mum smiled. "But she's really nervous isn't she?"

"You could tell?"

"Of course, she seemed so different from her confident self on stage. Am I that intimidating?"

"No you're not." Kris placed his hand on her shoulder. "She's just worried about how you think of her. She's quite sensitive towards that."

"She seems like a really nice girl. I'll get to know more about her during dinner." His mum smiled. "Now, get out of the kitchen before you start making a mess." Kris walked out of the kitchen and sat himself down in the living room couch, switching on the television to see what was on. 

You woke up to an empty room and it took you a while to realise that you were in Kris' room. You weren't sure long you slept but you looked out from the balcony and the sky was in shades of orange. You went to wash yourself up before walking downstairs to look for your boyfriend who was seated on the couch, watching TV. "What's so interesting?" You sat yourself down on to the seat next to him.

"You're awake?" He smiled. "Just watching some random show to pass time. I think dinner will be ready soon."

"Shall I go check?" You stood up and walked towards the kitchen. You could already smell the aroma of the food as you got nearer. Kris' mum looked up at you and gave you a smile as she saw you approaching.

"Did you have a good nap?"

"Yes, I did." You walked next to her, looking at what she was doing. "Do you need any help? I can give you a hand. Don't worry, I won't mess up the kitchen like Yifan." You laughed, and so did she.

"Hey! I heard that!" Kris exclaimed from the living room which made the both of you laughed even more.

"I'm almost done." Kris' mum said. "You can help bring those out to the dinning table." She pointed to the two plates of food on the kitchen counter. You brought them out to the dinning table and helped to bring the soup and the three bowls of rice out while she finished the last dish. It was a spread for just the three of you and it looked really appetizing. You called Kris to the table and dug in to the spread that was on the table.

'"Here, you should eat more." Kris' mum took a piece of meat and placed it in your bowl. "And you too." She took another piece and placed it in Kris' bowl as well. The atmosphere was rather light during dinner, and you didn't feel as nervous as you did anymore. You had the chance to look at Kris' mum carefully, studying her features which made you realise how beautiful his mum was. She told you so much things about Kris that you never knew. How naughty he was as a child and how sad he was when he was rejected by a girl he liked back in middle school.

"Let me do the dishes since you've already prepared such a scrumption dinner for us." You suggested as you took the empty plates into the kitchen.

"I'll help you!" Kris exclaimed, taking in the rest of the things on the table in.

"That girl that rejected you... what was she like?" You asked while doing the dishes. Kris' lips curved up slightly as he heard your question.

"She was my classmate back in school, rather outgoing and quite good looking." He paused and looked at you cleaning the dishes with a straight face. "It was just a crush. Why?"

"Nothing... Just curious." You switched off the tap and wiped your hands on the towel next to the sink. Just as you turned around, Kris had his hands on the sink counter, trapping you in between. You looked up at him confusedly.

"You know, we need to do something about your jealousy issue." He smirked.

"Huh? What jealousy issue? I'm not jealous!" You protested while hitting his arm jokingly.

"Really?" Kris leaned in closer. "You seem to really care about who that girl was."

"No I don't." You pouted. "But you like it don't you? Me being all jealous over whatever that has got to do with you."

"So you're admitting it?" His smirk grew wider. 


"You are very attractive when you are jealous." He grinned, one of his hands snaking around your waist and leaning closer to you. Just as his lips was about to touch yours, you placed two fingers in between the two of you, preventing him from kissing you. He shifted his eyes up and looked at you, grabbing your hand away from his lips.

"Your mum is around. Behave yourself."

"She's in the living room..." He whinned. "And she wouldn't mind. It's a natural process in a relationship." As he finished his sentence, he pulled you in and smacked his lips against yours. "See? It isn't that bad." He grinned. You rolled your eyes and poked him in the ribs. You knew you could never win him and his logic. Who knew the cold city guy would be such a er for skinship every now and then? And no one will ever guess how much of a whinny kid he is juding from his looks. You always question yourself why did you fall in love with him in the first place.

The both of you made your way out to the living room where Kris' mum was. She brought out a plate of fresh fruits and placed it on the coffee table so the three of you could have some while talking. "Oh right!" You jolted up from your seat all of a sudden. "Excuse me for a minute." You made your way upstairs to bring down the gifts that you have gotten her back home.

"Here are some things that I've gotten for you when I was back home." You placed the bag of gifts in front of her. "It's nothing much, just some local delicacies, hope you will like it."

"You shouldn't have spent the money. But since you bought it, I'll take it then. Thank you, sweetheart." She smiled. 

"I didn't want to come empty handed." You scratched your head and smiled while replying. "If you like them I can get you some more next time." You paused, realising what you just said. "I mean... if I get to come back and visit again..." You trailed off slowly, turning towards Kris and see him laughing at your words.

"Of course you'll be back often. Right Yifan?" His mum laughed slightly at how embarrassed you looked.

"Absolutely." Kris placed his arms over you and ruffled your hair slightly, showing you his affection. The rest of the evening was spent talking with his mum, letting her know more about you and you about her as well. She was a really nice lady. The way she spoke wasn't too loud and everytime you looked into her eyes, it gave you a really warm feeling. You felt as though you were really at home. So much for being nervous.

"How long are the two of you staying?" His mum asked.

"Four days." Kris replied. 

"That's good. You haven't forgotten about the gathering tomorrow have you?"

"Oh right..." Kris' eyes slowly shifted to you. "I guess it kinda slipped my mind..." He smiled forcefully.

"Gathering?" You crooked your head slightly.

"We're having a family dinner tomorrow night with a few of our relatives in Canada. I guess someone forgot to tell you before hand." She laughed slightly. "Don't worry sweetheart, it's just going to be eating and talking."

As it got later into the night, Kris' mum got you to go back to the room to wash up and rest because you had a long flight and she wanted you to have proper rest. As you were bathing, Kris wento into his mum's room and sat on the side of her bed.

"Yes?" Her eyes still fixed on the book that she was reading.


"How do I find her?" She looked up at Kris from her book before closing it and placing it aside. "Why are you so egar to know how I think about her?"

"Because you're my mum, and if I were to marry her in the future, she must be someone that you like as well."

"If I were to say that I don't like her, are you going to break up with her?" She looked at Kris with seriousness in her eyes. Kris was stunned, not knowing how to answer that question because it would tear him apart if he was to ever break up with you. At that moment, his mum broke into a smile. "I was just joking, look how tensed you are." She placed her hand on Kris' shoulder and squeezed it gently. "I would be so mad at you if you were to ever leave that girl. I can see that behind all the confidence and that sweet smile she has on her face, she genuinely need someone to protect her and that is your job, Yifan. I don't think you can find anyone else who can comprise all the wrong things you have done and still love you so deeply. Treasure her and love her with all your heart." She smiled, placing both her hands on his, patting them gently.

"Thanks mum, I will protect and love her with my life." Kris leaned in and gave his mum a tight hug.

"Looks like our Yifan is all grown up now." She laughed and pat rubbed his back.


You stepped out of the bathroom after your long bath and saw Kris coming into the room at the same time. He grabbed his towel and went into the bathroom. You walked towards the balcony and slide open the glass door. The few from his room was simple, you could see the other houses that was in the district.SInce his house was situated at the higher grounds, it was like an overview and it looked really pretty since it was night time. You stood outside and studied the place slowly, letting the cold night breeze freshen you up slightly.

"Why are you out here?" Kris asked, making you jump alittle. He hugged you from the back and pushed your hair to one side so he could rest his head on your shoulders.

"Checking your neighbourhood out."

"Shouldn't you be checking me out instead?" He asked in his husky voice and planted a kiss on your exposed neck while taking in your lavender scent from your shower gel. You turned and shot him a disapproving look because he was again, too full of himself. "Looks like you are immune to my cheesiness." He laughed. "Since we have a few more days here, I can bring you around the neighbourhood and to places you wanna go. But for now, we need to get you some sleep because you look exhausted." He lead you back into his room and pulled the curtains over the balcony door and switched off the lights before climbing onto bed next to you.

"Goodnight." You stretched over and hugged Kris, snuggling close to him.

"Sweet dreams, baby." 


The morning sun shone through the curtains, hitting the wooden floor. You shifted your position in bed and slowly opened your eyes, squinting them as you looked at your phone that was next to you. 9:30am. You pushed yourself up and ruffled your hair as you looked around and landed your vision on the boy who was still asleep next to you. A smile formed on your face as you observed the sleeping giant. His lips sligtly ajar, his chest rising and falling slowly. 'So this is how it feels like to wake up to someone you love...

You got off the bed and walked towards the balcony, pulling open the curtains and let the sun rays into the room. You slid the door open and made your way out. You reached your arms out and stretched yourself, taking in the fresh morning air. It was a busy morning, with people driving out of their houses to work, children getting ready for school, and housewives going out and about to do their daily grocery shopping. It was a cosy friendly neighbourhood where everyone was greeting each other as the see them. You felt that you were starting to like this place more and more.

As you walked back into the room, Kris was flipped onto his side, looking at you with his half-lidded eyes. "Morning." You greeted as you laid down beside him, supporting your head with your hand. You ran your fingers playfully along the bridge of his nose and his jaw, taking in his features. Although the two of you have been together for almost four years, your heart still flutter everytime to stare into his dark obs for too long. 

Kris pulled you in and gave you a morning kiss on your lips. "Can I wake up to you every morning? Then I'll have the motivation to get my work done."

"Too cheesy, Yifan." You poked his chest. "And I think I've heard that line before. No much creativity huh, Mr Wu." You laughed.

"Whatever." He flicked your forehead gently. "Where do you want to explore today?"

"What do you have installed for me? But I need to get something more presentable to wear for dinner tonight, and at least some gifts for them. I would have been more preapred if someone remembered to inform me."

"Oops?" He smiled. "Why not let's head out for breakfast and decide on what we should do for the day?"

"Deal." You replied, pecking him on the side of his lips before getting out of bed to wash up and get changed.

The both of you headed downstairs after preparing and spotted his mum seated on the living room sofa reading the day's paper. "Good morning mum." Kris greeted and you followed suit.

"Have you had breakfast?" You asked politely as you sat down on the seat next to her.

"Not yet."

"Why not join us for breakfast?" You suggested and turned your head to look at Kris who agreed as well. His mother gladly agreed.

Since you were new to the area, they decided to bring you to one of the breakfast shop that they liked to frequent. It was a simple breakfast and it was a wonderful feeling sending time with Kris and his mum. Since Kris had to make a trip down to the immigration office to collect his new passport, you followed Kris' mum around for her daily grocey shopping, The market place here was different from what you have back home and it was really an eye opener for you.

Since the market place was just a stone's throw away from their places, the two of you decided to walk back since Kris wasn't done with his errand. "You know, Yifan has told me so much about you for the past few years."

"Really? Well I hope it's nothing too bad and embarrassing." You laughed. "What did he tell you?"

"Of course not." She smiled. "He told me how you could make him laugh with the simplest thing you do, how you took care of him when he was sick, how you stood by his side when he needed someone the most, how sorry he was when he made your heart broken, and how madly in love he was with you." Her smiled grew wider and so did yours. "I remembered when he was in trouble when Hannah showed up out of no where, claiming she was having his child, he sounded so heartbroken over the phone. I could tell that he was crying and he was so torn apart because you broke up with him. And then when the two of you got back together, I could hear the change in his voice. Everytime when he talked about you, he sounded so cheerful. I've never seen him so madly in love with someone before." She paused and turn to look at you. You didn't know how to respond to all the things that she was telling you. All you could do was to smile shyly. "I finally got to meet the girl he has always been talking about and I finally know why."

"I'm not actually all that good like what he said..." You replied softly.

"But I really want to thank you for taking care of him on my behalf. You know how stubborn he can get at times but you seem to have your way with him." She laughed. "I guess this is the power of love. I will need you to take care of him more often in the future."

"Don't say that, I have to thank you for bringing such a wonderful child to earth." You smiled, holding the door open for Kris' mum as the both of you reached home. "Yifan has told me so much about you, how difficult it was for you to bring him up single-handedly and how wonderful you are. I am really glad to be able to meet the most important women in his life, and I have so much to learn from you."

"Seems like we won't have much of a problem getting along in the future." She laughed and so did you. You helped her to place the items bought into their various places and helped her with some of the chores while waiting for Kris to come home.


"You two seem to get along pretty well." Kris commented as he walked into kitchen. "Looks like you've already won my mum's heart uh." He teased as he walked pass you.

"You're dead, Yifan. Your mum is on my side now." You laughed.

"That's good to know." He smacked your gently before heading out to the living room. "I'll be waiting for you till you're done." He called out.

"Oh right, you're heading to the mall with Yifan aren't you?" His mum turned her head towards you. "Then you better get going if not you won't have time till dinner." She hurried you out of the kitchen. "Here Yifan, I'm returning you your girlfriend. Don't be late for the dinner!"

"Aren't you going to leave with us?" Kris asked.

"I got your uncle to pick me up earlier so I can go there catch up with them. Don't worry about me. Now, get going you two." She pushed the two of you to the door. "I'll see you guys tonight!"

"Why are you rushing us?" Kris whinned. "See you mum."

"See you tonight." You waved as you walked to the passenger's seat of Kris' car. 


"What are you going to get?" Kris asked as you walked around.

"I don't know what's appropriate... A dress?" You replied and Kris' eyes widen.

"Dress?" Kris smiled slightly.

"Because it's easier for me to pack and it's more... presentable?" You never really liked wearing dresses because you felt uncomfortable in them, and because you find yourself abit more rowdy compared to most girls. You hardly wore dresses when you are not performing, even your performance outfits are mostly shorts. The only few times that you were wearing dresses were for award ceremonies and the minority of your performances. "Are you gonna get anything?" You asked as you scanned through the rack of clothings, picking out a few and putting them back again.

"Maybe? I'll see if anything catches my eye." Kris commented.

"Or you can get more shoes than you already have." You teased. "This looks nice." You pulled out a simple sleveless maroon dress and headed to the dressing room to try it on.

"How is it?" Kris asked as you walk out.

"I think I'll take this." Your walked towards the cashier and placed your item on the counter. "How much is it?" You asked as you dug for your wallet in your clutch.

"I'll get it." Kris reached out his hand and handed the cashier his card. You turned and looked confusedly at Kris who just flashed you his smile. "Thank you." He thanked the staff before heading out with you behind him. 

"Thank you?" You tilted your head slightly as you looked at your boyfriend.

"You're welcome." He smiled and laced his fingers with yours as you continued shopping. You walked two more levels up and bought a pair of heels to go with your dress and Kris did his fair share of shopping as well.


After a few hours of shopping, the two of you settled down in one of the cafes to rest and to settle for a light lunch since you figured there is going to be loads of food during dinner. "Are you feeling nervous again?" Kris asked as he took some of your salad and placed it in his mouth before frowning at the taste of raw vegetables. He never liked eating them, needless to say about uncooked ones.

"Is it written all over my face?" You looked up at him. "I'm meeting your relatives, of course I'm scared."

"Don't worry. You've already won the heart of my mum, I believe they will like you too."

"Hopefully..." You smiled slightly. It was a light hearted lunch as the both of you talked about work and the future plans that the company were planning for the both of you. You were looking around and an adorable baby boy at the counter caught your attention. He was leaning on his mum's shoulder and looking at your direction. You stuck  your tongue out and tilted your head left and right, trying to tease the baby and he laughed slightly.

"What are you doing?" Kris turned his head to see what you were looking at. "Stop traumatising the poor baby." Kris teased.

"No I'm not. He seem to like... me..." You started trailing off and went into a daze. You felt your heart sinking the moment you saw the mother turn around.

"Of course. Everyone likes you." Kris laughed. He looked up from him plate seeing that you weren't replying and see you staring at the direction of the counter. "Enjing?" He waved his hand slightly in front of you but you were too taken aback by who you saw. "Enjing?"

She was approaching your table and you suddenly felt so overwhelmed with all your emotions and the memories that came with it. "Hi, it's been a while." She smiled slightly. Kris turned his head to the sound of her voice and finally saw who she was. "How have you guys been?"


/Edited 21/12: Putting this post up again because it has been a LONG time since I updated. Sorry guys, life is catching up with me so I hardly have time to come and update but don't worry, the next chapter will be up before Christmas. So in case you guys have forgotten, here's to recap what happened before the next chapter comes up. (:


Hey guys! I know I promised that this would be the last chapter but somehow, the chapter got accidentally published before I finished so I decided to make it a little longer so that I can end it properly. ;P I know, I know. It's getting draggy and slightly boring but I still hope you guys are enjoying it so far. xD I'm really apologetic to those few whom read the unfinished chapter so I hope you guys will read the ending for this chapter again. :P 

Stay tuned for the next chapter! And as usual, I like to leave you guys hanging for the ending. :D


A little personal rant on the recent issues - there have been so many people saying different things about Luhan leaving the group but I really canoot stand people calling Kris a betrayer when he left and then everyone supporting and understanding why Luhan did the same. It mostly applies to the cfans because as usual, the kfans cussed the out of both members when they left. I don't really feel much towards this anymore because I saw it coming. I'm secretly hoping Luhan and Kris will work together in the future for dramas or albums (have you guys heard/seen the post about Luhan and Kris meeting each other in Beijing during the Chuseok holidays. And the analysis on Kev Shin's instagram post - that the dude next to Kris was actually Luhan. I can give you guys the link if you are interested to know) in the future. I get a lot of people have said what I wanted to say so, I wish them all the best in the solo careers.

AND WHAT IS THIS ABOUT SUNGMIN GETTING MARRIED OMG. ): But at least he has found his happiness so, congrats! (':

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333