Chapter XXXVII

Dreams Do Come True

'Who is it calling me so early...' You grumbled as you reached for your phone, sliding the answer icon even before looking at who the caller is.

"Hello?" You mumbled, obviously still half asleep.

"Good morning. This is your complimentary morning call service from your favourite Exo member for your constant love and support towards him." 

"Favourite Exo member? I don't remember Chanyeol speaking such fluent Mandarin." You laughed.

"What?! But-"

"I think I must call SM to tell them that they got my favourite member wrong." You heard laughing from the background and you were guessing that you were on loud speaker. There was another delayed laughter so you were guessing it was Chanyeol after someone translated what you said to him.

"Aren't I suppose to be your favourite member?"

"You are my favourite too, Enjing!" You could hear Chanyeol in the background. You laughed because you can probably imagine him getting a death glare from Kris.

"Why am I on speaker?" You asked.

"Because they wanted to hear your reaction and apparently, you just make a fool out of me."

"That's good." You laughed. The background was silent so you guessed you were off speaker and he went somewhere quieter to talk to you. "Dude, you're earlier than my alarm..." You groaned.

"Because your alarm doesn’t work on you." Kris replied. 

"Why are you so free? I thought you have a full day of schedule?"

"Have you ever considered leaving Gems and become our manager?" Kris laughed. "I'm done with my part of the photoshoot so I'm pretty much done for now and, I just happen to remember someone needs to wake up to prepare for her flight."

"I guess this service is not that bad after all, besides the fact they got my favourite member wrong." You chuckled.

"I guess this is the best you can get." Kris sneered. "Anyways, I just wanted to hear your voice before you fly off. Take care of yourself alright? Drink more water, have proper meals and sleep more. Make use of your break wisely."

"You're starting to sound like a dad now." You teased but were really touched by his comments. "I will, don't worry. You too. Don't stress yourself out too much and fall sick. Try to sleep during flights and all. It to always see you look so tired with all the flying around."

"But I can fly, remember?"


"I'm gonna miss you, noona!" You heard Sehun's voice over the phone. He most probably pulled the phone away from Kris.

"Yah! What are you doing?" Kris said to the younger.

"Nothing." You heard Sehun laugh. "Time to go back. We need to do group shots."

"Looks like I've got to go." Kris said.

"Better get going. It's not good to hold up the others."

"Yeah. I'll be going then. Stay safe yeah."

"Same to you. All the best for your schedules. Oh, and go easy on Chanyeol." You laughed.


You lay in bed a while more before finally getting up to shower. Checking your clock in the living room, there was still an hour before your manager came and pick you up so you took your time to get ready. Munching on some nuts to fill your stomach while doing the final checks on the things that you were bringing back home. You pulled your luggage by the door and laid down on the sofa waiting for your manager. It has been a long busy year and you can finally go back home. It has been more than two years since you saw your parents and you were really excited to see them along with your friends.

You heard someone pushing the passcode number on your dorm's door and you guessed that it was your manager since it was almost time. He made sure you had all your things before leaving. You hopped into the front seat after placing your luggage behind and waited for you manager. Something doesn't seem quite right. It seems that something was bothering your manager but he didn't say anything about it. The trip to the airport was a little too silent for your liking, especially when your manager obviously has something he needed to say to you.

"Oppa," you started, "Is there something you need to say?" 

"Huh?" Slightly taken aback, "It's just..." He paused. You looked at him and frowned a little. So you were right. There was something he needed to tell you but judging his reactions, it might not be something good.


The car stopped at the red light and your manager turned to you briefly before turning back to look at the traffic infront. "The few of us discussed the issue about you and Kris again after the two of you left and..." He paused again. Stepping on the acceleration pedal so the car could move, taking the chance to avoid talking about the topic. Your manager was never like this. It was your first time seeing him so hesitant to tell you something, especially when it's from a staff meeting.

"And?" You probed, not giving up until you got your answer.

Your manager sighed. It took him a while before he finally answered you. "They feel that it's the best that the both of you break up." 

"Huh?" You were confused, "I thought they were alright with us dating as long as we kept it low profile?"

"They're saying that because they don't want to be seen as heartless people in front of the two of you. They are making us find ways to lessen the interaction with between the two of you."


"So besides official activities, they are hoping that the managers stop the two of you from seeing each other too much. By doing so, they hope to create more distance between the two of you and as you know, not being able to see each other for quite some time might cause misunderstandings and conflicts which will eventually lead to... you know."

"Oh..." You sighed. "But it's not like we have the chance to see each other that much anyways. I won't be in Korea for a period of time and I'm going to be in Taiwan and them in China... I guess it might just happened." You said, playing with the black band on your index finger.

"I'm saying all this because I want you to know what they want me to do. I'm personally not against the two of you dating, I actually think the two of you make a great couple. I've been in the industry long enough to see couples get together and break up because of various reasons. It's difficult for artistes to date especially when you have a bunch of fans looking up to you as their ideal type and role models but if you really found someone you think that is right for you, I don't think you should just let the other party go because the company and the public is putting pressure on you. I know the two of you have been through various obstacles and I don't think this will be a reason for the two of you to break up."

"Wow. You sound like a love guru." You laughed, lightening the atmosphere.

"Oppa is experienced." He laughed.


You finally reached the airport after a long ride and headed to the counter along with your manager to check in before finding a spot at the cafe the level below since there was still some time before you went in. You waited at a table while your manager went to order your drinks. You were looking through your social media accounts and looking up on news. You typed in your name in the search bar and the top few news were on your dating scandal. You hesitated but clicked on them eventually, scrolling down to the comments sections and read what people wrote.

"Why are you reading all those again?" Your manager placed your drink and a sandwich in front of you. You smiled and shrugged your shoulders slightly. "Here, have something before you fly off," pushing the sandwich nearer to you. "Don't be too bother about the comments, people can say what they want."

"I know..." You took a sip of your green tea latte. "But I'm just curious about what they think of us." 

"Really?" Your manager looked at you. "I don't want you to think too much about what I've told you earlier and what you read on the internet. It's your relationship so ultimately, you're the one making decisions. Just enjoy your well-deserved break."

"I will." You smiled. You were really thankful for your manager. He's like the older brother you never had and you could tell him what's on your mind and what's bothering you. You finished up your food and walked to the departure gate with your manager.

"Take care. I'll see you in two weeks."

"I will. See you, oppa." 

"Don't forget your song!" He added, giving you a few pats on your shoulder before you went in to the departure hall. 

'Finally...' You sat down on one of the seats in the lounge looking out of the gallery where all the planes where parked. There were too many thoughts going through your head, good ones and bad ones but you decided to leave the negative thoughts behind and enjoy yourself with your family and friends these two weeks. You don't know when you can go back home to visit so you're going to make good use of this opportunity.


"You've worked hard!" The boys thanked the staff as they proceeded back to their dressing room. The day's schedule has finally ended and it was already past midnight.

"Kris," His manager called. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He motioned Kris to go outside so they could speak.

"Yes hyung?"

"How are you feeling?"

"Huh?" Kris' slightly taken aback by what his manager asked. "I'm good. Why?"

"You and Enjing, how strong is your relationship?"

"We have been though quite a lot so I guess we're pretty strong. What's the problem?"

His manager sigh, "You see, the company isn't really happy about the two of you being together so they might try to do things that will cause the two of you to not see each other that often, like different schedules and all. They are asking us to prevent as much interaction between the both of you besides from official schedules."

"What? That's just ridiculous." Kris replied. "I seriously don't see why they are so worked up about it. I mean we are still going to get attached to someone in the future. Even if it's not me, the other members would."

"I know you're not happy with how they are reacting to this but I don't want you get go against them either. It's not going to do you any good. The reason why I'm asking you is because I just want you to know the both of you might not be able to see each other that frequently so I'm hoping the distance won't cause any problems to your relationship."

"You're not asking me to break up with her?"

"Why would I say that? I just hope the two of you would still work out despite the obstacles you guys are facing."

"We will. We've been through things crazier than this. Thanks hyung." Kris smiled before returning to the room with s. He grabbed his phone that was lying around the counter and saw one message from you a few hours ago.

[Hey baby, I've reached Singapore safely and I'm missing you already. I guess you're still have your schedules so, all the best! Have a good rest after that okay? I love you.]

Kris smiled at your text and replied it on his way out to the van. The conversation with his manager earlier kept replaying in his mind but he was certain that nothing will break the two of you apart. The both of you have been through so much to finally get back together and he didn't want to lose you again.


The two weeks break was over faster than you thought. You managed to catch up with your friends that you haven't met in a long time and also spend quality time with your parents. You really wanted to stay longer and spend more time with your parents after seeing how much they have aged in such a short period of time. It was already your last night home and you double checked the things that you were bringing back to Korea. You headed to the kitchen to help your mum with dinner after you were done packing. Since it was your last dinner before you flew off, she prepared all of your favourite dishes so that you could have them.

"Two weeks passed so fast. If only I could stay longer." You said.

"We don't want you to leave too darling." Your mum said. 

"Maybe you guys can come over and visit some time. You guys haven't been to Korean right? I can bring you around!" You suggested.

"I guess we can work that out." Your dad replied. "But our dear girl is so busy, will you have time?" He laughed.

"Of course, anything for my parents."

"How are you and Kris?" Your mum asked. Your parents knew about your relationship with Kris, of course they did. You told them a few months after you got together with him. They were the only ones that knew, not even your close friends. You called home and cried for hours when you found out Hannah was pregnant, and whenever you met with obstacles. Your remembered how pissed your dad was when he knew Kris 'cheated' on you. He threatened to fly to Korea to beat the giant up. Who cares if Kris was taller and stronger than him. If anyone hurts his princess, he would go all out for her. "We've seen the news, you must be going through quite a lot, aren't you?"

"We're doing fine." You replied, keeping your eyes on the ground and started peeling the manicure on your nails.

"Really?" Your dad asked.

"We're getting along well, just like any other couple, just that I'm starting worry about what the public might think. The company's statement is that we aren't romantically attached to each other but you know fans these days are not that easily pleased with just an official statment." You sighed, leaning your back against the couch. "We promised to keep it low from now but I think the company really wants us to split."

"What did Kris say?"

"He wanted to go public with our relationship which I guess made them even more pissed. I don't know if I should listen to what the company says, to keep a distance during non schedule times or just act as I would normally."

"Follow your heart." Your mum placed her hand on your shoulder. "No one else can tell you what to you. It's your life. The fans might not accept it but they will sooner or later. You're a human being just like them, you meet people, fall in love and get married. It's the cycle. Just because you're in the limelight doesn't mean you're different from any other person."

"If he's the one, don't let him go." Your father added. You smiled at your parents, trying to hide the tears that formed around your eyes. You were really touched and assured that even if the world comes crashing down on you, your parents will be there for you.

You reached the airport a few hours earlier because your friends wanted to see you one last time before you flew off. You met your friends at one of the restaurants since they were having their dinner there. They passed you the presents and cards they made, making sure that you will not forget them despite your busy schedule. As much as you wanted to stay longer, it was time for you to leave. You met up with your parents at the departure gate and said your goodbyes, causing a little commotion as the other passengers spotted you.

With a heavy heart, you passed your boarding pass to the immigration officers at the departure hall, turning back to look at your loved one before going in. There was still an hour to go before your midnight flight so you decided to walk around the duty free shops to kill time after texting your manager, telling him that you were on your way back.


The 6.5 hours flight finally landed with a slight delay and you waited for most of the people to alight before leaving the aircraft. It was almost 8 in the morning and you were feeling hungry more than anything. Although they provided food on the plane, you only took a few bites and slept your way back. You switched on your phone to see a text from your manager.

[The airport's a bit crazy now, be careful when you come out.]

You raised an eyebrow, not understanding what he meant. As you walked, you found groups of girls loitering around with cameras, waiting for someone, sometimes snapping a few pictures of you. 'No wonder oppa said the airport's a little crazy...' You brushed the thought aside after a while and slowly took your time to walk to the immigration, fiddling with your phone along the way. 

Squeals could be hear from girls as you walked out of the washroom and you saw the few girls with cameras running past you to a group of people walking towards you direction. You couldn't really make up who they were since they were still quite a distance away from you but you could hear yelling of the staff members from where you were. Shrugging the commotion off, you plugged in your ear piece and continued your way out. You were taking a little too long and your manager was hurrying you. Your phone vibrated all of a sudden and there was a text from Kris.

[Turn behind.]

It took you a few seconds before you stopped and turn around, finally knowing the reason why there were fangirls around. You spotted him easily among the people and he was staring straight at you with his smug look, looking as good as ever. Your lips curved up into a smile, standing there for a while before turning back and continued walking. You didn't want to make a commotion by waiting for them since you felt that it might bring back the news about the two of you dating if you were seen together with him. However, an arm that was placed on your shoulder spoiled what you planned. 

"Good morning!" The youngest boy greeted you, stopping you in your tracks. You had no choice but to wait for the other members to come over and greeted them. You felt a little awkward because you weren't suppose to be with them, at least you thought, not at such a sensitive point of them. The members didn't seem to mind, of course they didn't, and neither did the managers and staff members so you were a little relieved.

"Did you just reach as well?" One of their managers asked.

"Yeah. My flight was delayed so it reached later than it originally should." The group of you continued walking and Kris slowly moving himself so he was walking next to you.

"How was your trip?" He asked.

"Too short, but it was good."

"Even without me?"

"Of course." You chuckled, earning yourself a slight push from the giant who wasn't satisfied with your answer. He needed to maintain his cool image since he was in the public so there wasn't anything much he could do to you.

"Did you get anything for me?" Chanyeol asked. He somehow managed to walk right next to you

"Maybe?" You shrugged your shoulders. "You'll know it if you receive it but since you are my favourite member, you'll most probably get something." 

"Nice." Chanyeol smiled victoriously.

"About the favourite member thing, maybe you need a reminder on who truly is your favourite member." Kris stared down at you with his dark orbs, making your heart flutter like it was the first time you made eye contact with him. You faked a cough and looked away from him, various possibilities running through your mind trying to figure out what 'reminder' is he talking about. On the other hand, Kris was trying to hold back the obvious grin on his face knowing what he could do to you with just one look.

You cleared the immigrations and all you needed was to collect your luggage but judging from the people out there, you didn't know if you could make it out alive or not. Since you were alone and your manager wasn't with you, Exo's manager decided that you should leave with them so that they could look out for you as well. With Luhan and Xiumin walking in front, the bunch of you walked out of the arrival hall. Kris motioned you to stay close to him so he could keep a look out for you. Screams could be hear the moment you stepped out, nothing unusual since you are with one of the most popular kpop groups around. The short one minute walk to the exit seemed like forever with the amount of pushing and shoving. You were trying to walk properly despite fans shoving you, trying to pass presents to their oppas, earning a few curses from them, questioning your presence with the group. 

"Jongdae oppa!" Someone yelled and felt a strong force pushing pass the already unstable you, making you fall and landed on your left knee with a loud thud, causing the few of the boys to stop and turn to see what happened. You swore you heard cracking sounds coming from your hands as well. Kris turned to you immediately and helped you up along with Tao. You injured your knee ligaments previously while dancing and this fall triggered the injury once more. You stayed in the position for a while before you slowly stood up, putting all your weight on your right leg. The pain was unbearable but you still kept a straight face all you wanted was to get out of the crowd. Dismissing the fact that there were cameras around, Kris wrapped his arms around your shoulder and held you close to him. You too, wrapped your arm around his waist so you could use him as a support as you walked. A step at a time, you limped your way out to where your manager was. Seeing the state you were in, your manager rushed towards you and helped you into your van before placing your belongings in the back, rushing off to the hospital to check on your injury.


"Oh my goodness what happened to you?" Shimin exclaimed as she saw you limping into the dorm, making the other two girls pop their heads out from the kitchen to see what happened to you.

"I was so excited to see you guys I fall while running here." You joked.

"Seriously..." Shimin rolled her eyes at you.

"I fell at the airport. There was too much pushing so I lost my balance."

"Are you that popular to have so many fans picking you up at the airport?" She teased.

"Well, I've been topping the search engine for quite a while." You joked. "I bumped into Exo when I landed so we decided to leave together which wasn't a very good idea." 

"Is it serious?" Gayeon asked.

"Not really, I guess resting a few weeks will do the job. It's just an old injury." You replied. "Anyways, what are you guys making?" There was an aroma coming from the kitchen but you couldn't make up what it was.

"Hotcakes!" Miko exclaimed. You made your way to the kitchen and see the two girls scooping up the hotcakes from the pan and placing them on the plate. Gayeon motioned you to sit down and brought your breakfast to you. You headed for a shower and plopped onto your bed for a short nap before you head down to the company later that afternoon.


"Looks like we are good to go." The producer said, approving the song you wrote. "I guess we should be able to record some time next week. I'll keep you updated on the specific date."

"Thank you so much." You smiled. Your hard work finally paid off and you were really proud of yourself.

There was still a while more before your members arrived so you decided to head up to the rooftop to have some time to yourself. You realise it was not a good idea when you stood in front of the flight of stairs up, especially when you could walk properly. Seeing that you were already there, you held on to the side and hopped your way up, hoping that you won't fall. You were already exhausted when you reached the top. Slowly, you made your way to the railing and looked over the city, letting the breeze cool you down.

"Baby..." A strong pair of arms s around your waist, making you jump. "I missed you so much." He growled beside your ear followed by planting a trail of kisses on your bare shoulder since you were wearing an off shoulder top.

"Yifan what are you... umph.. doing?" You tried to keep your cool when he on your sweet on but you failed terribly. He pulled you closer, letting your back hit his chest and continued to plant kisses on your shoulder. 

"I'm just reminding you who your favourite Exo member is." You could almost hear him grinning, victorious that he could make you crumble under his touch.

“Yifan...” You whispered, trying your best to control yourself from making anymore unnecessary sound.

“You’re liking this aren’t you?” He teased, spinning you around so you could see him.

“No I’m not.” You hung your head down so he couldn't see how flustered you were. You were obviously enjoying it but you didn’t want to boost his ego any further. He lifted your head with his finger, letting both your eyes meet, giving you the gummiest smile you haven’t seen in a while before leaning in and chaste a kiss on your lips.

“I like it when you’re like this, so adorable.” He smiled. “How’s your leg?”

“I can still dance so it’s fine.” You replied. “But I guess I’ll be limping for quite a while.”

“Are you still going to Taiwan in this state?”

“Why not? It’s not sure a big deal. I can still walk. I don’t want it to be a burden and affect my schedules. It’s not like they are asking me to dance there or something.”

Kris sighed, knowing how stubborn you can be, he didn’t want to argue with you.

“Anyway, don’t you think what you did at the airport earlier was a little bit risky?” You asked. Kris crooked his head, not knowing what you meant. “You know, you putting your hand over me in front of so many cameras. Aren’t you afraid that they are going to make a big deal about it?”

“What is there to worry about? You were injured and I helped you up, there isn’t anything wrong about it.”

“Not when the other party is me. You know, it’s quite a sensitive period.”

Kris sighed and sat you down on his lap, “You’re over thinking and, it doesn’t matter to me what they say.”

“But you know the management won’t like it, they don’t even want us to see each other during our free time...” You phone rang suddenly and you answered, it was from your manager asking you to head down to the practice room.

“You guys still have practice?”

“I think they got something to tell us. I heard we’re going to record a Japanese single or something so I guess we’ll have to train up. It’s quite a burden when my leg is in this state.” You sighed. “Come to think of it, why are you so free?”

"Actually, I'm supposed to be back like.. five minutes ago but since you're leaving too, we can leave together." Kris walked in front of you and squatted down.

"What are you doing?"

"Piggybacking you of course. How are you going to go down the stairs like that?" He pointed at the guard around your knee. "Come on." He pulled your hand. You reached your hand over his shoulder and placed yourself against his back, letting him carry you up and walked towards the exit. You leaned your chin on his shoulder, giving his kisses occasionally. An idea suddenly popped into your head and you grinned to yourself. As he walked down, you started planting light kisses around his neck like he did to you previously, slowly moving up to his jaw.

"What are you doing?" You could hear the strain in his voice and you liked it.

"Rewarding you." You smirked and continued with your act. The contact of your lips on his neck was driving him crazy.

"Baby..." He groaned, asking you to stop but you obviously didn't want to. He finally reached the end of the stairs with much difficulty. He walked to the lift where he could see you from the mirror. You chuckled at the sight of the boy, looking like he was going to explode. "You're lucky that I can't do anything to you here, or you'll regret what you've done." He said, not please that he couldn't punish you for teasing him like that. 

“Too bad for you.” You stuck your tongue out.

He placed you down outside the practice room so you could make your way in. “What do you have after this?” He asked.

“Nothing, why?”

“Just asking. Maybe we could... go somewhere?” He suggested. You looked at him with widened eyes, trying to register what you’ve just heard.

“You want us to go out together?” You emphasised on the last word. Kris nodded like there was nothing wrong with what he suggested. “But-“

“Kris hyung!” Chanyeol yelled from the other room down the corridor cutting you halfway. “The whole world is waiting for you!”

“Coming!” He replied, turning back to you. “No buts, don’t worry, it won’t just we the two of us.” He smiled, smacking you on the before leaving.

"Wu Yifan!"


Hello! Thank you guys for waiting so paitently for the new chapter. I mainly focused on their interactions  and how each of them felt about this relationship after the news broke. Kris is obviously not going to care if the everyone knows about the relationship but Enjing apperently feels otherwise. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as well. It was getting a little bit too long so I had to chop off some parts and place them in the next chapter. Sorry I took forever again... /: I'll try my best to be more frequent in updating alright? (:

Thank you for all the subs and keep your comments and thoughts coming in. Who knows, maybe I might change the direction of the fic because of the suggestions and comments you all give. Have an awesome week ahead!

Please also keep praying for the people in South Korea as well! The missing people, the deceased and their families. Pray that they will stay strong and be able to slowly recover from this tragedy.

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333