Chapter XXXXI

Dreams Do Come True

"Thank you everyone for coming down and giving us so much support. We're finally back in Korea after travelling around Asia and this encore concert wouldn't have been possible without the love from all of you." Suho's eyes was getting teary as he thanked the fans. "We have travelled to so many places in the past few months and received so much love from the fans. We promise to bring a better Exo to everyone of you in the future." The members than cued Kris to make his speech.

"To everyone of you, thank you for pouring so much love to us. We are really overwhelmed by it and we promise to do better in the future." Kris said in English. "There are so many people that we want to thank, our families, friends and of course the fans for making all of this possible." Kris paused and scanned the crowd before fixing his eyes in one direction. "There's someone that I really want to thank," Kris switched back to Korean, making the crowd go wild at his words. "I know I hardly say such things I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how I really feel." He paused again, making the crowd scream evenn louder and the boys on stage were making noise as well. "Thank you for always being there for me at my lowest point of time, giving me the advice or just the listening ear. Thank you for always being so understanding and forgiving no matter what situation I get myself into. I really wouldn't be here without you being by my side. These few years haven't been the easiest but with you around, everything seem to be alright. You know who you are. Thank you and I love you." 

The crowd went crazy at Kris' speech. The members too, were teasing him because they all knew who he was talking about. You.

"OMG!" Shimin shook you. "He's openly confessing his love for you!"

"Wah daebak! I never knew Kris oppa was this cool." The maknae added.

"I never knew your boyfriend was so cool." Taemin, who was also present at the concert with s, teased. "Are you guys going public now?'

Gems, alongside a few other idols were present at the concert and what Kris said totally caught you off guard. You wasn't expecting any of this, obviously. You quickly took one of the support banners to cover your face, not wanting people to see how red your face was. It was causing a little commotion at your area because besides the few idols that were seated in the rows infront and behind you, the rest were fans who turned towards you since they knew you were seated there, and you were in a little awkward situation after Kris' open confession. You still wanted to make it out of the concert venue alive. Although there wasn't any official statment that the both of you were dating, it was like an open secret because the two of you were always seen going out together quite often.

"I love you too, Kris hyung." Chanyeol replied, making the situation a little less awkward.


As the concert draw to an end, the idols that attended the concert were lead backstage to where the boys were. Kris was constantly being teased by s and staff on his public confession but he seem to be enjoying it. As you enter, the boys were making noises and pushing Kris to you. "Get married you two, it's about time!" Chen teased. You were so embarassed you couldn't even look Kris in the eye. You slowly scoot your way next to Luhan and Sehun where you felt a little more comfortable.

"I haven't seen you react like this in a long time." Luhan laughed.

"You have no idea how awkward I was just now. I felt like the whole world was looking at me." You complained. "If I don't make it out alive, you know what's the reason." 

Seeing that you were at the other side of the room, Kris made his way over to you. You wanted to walk away but Kris stood infront of you and blocked your way. "Why are you running away from me?"

"Because you're super embarassing. What were you thinking, saying all those on stage?" You grumbled. "You could get yourself into trouble. I still want to make it out alive!"

"Why?" Kris grinned. "I didn't mention anyone's name. Why do you think I was referring to you?"

You stared blankly and Kris before frowning. "Oh. Okay." You pushed Kris aside and walked towards the other boys who were taking photos. Kris laughed at your reaction and followed behind you.

"Kris hyung, you guys should take a picture together." Chanyeol suggested, pulling you next to Kris. You stood next to him awkwardly and smiled at the camera.

"Why are you guys so stiff?" Tao complained. "Be more natural!" Seeing that you felt awkward, Kris moved closer to you and placed his arms loosely around your shoulers, bringing you closer to him.

"Why are you so shy?" Kris whispered.

"I'm not shy!" You protesed, placing your arm around his waist naturally and let the boys snapped away.

"We could use all this for your wedding montage." Sehun commented as he looked through the photos taken.

"You guys are making it sound like we're gettng married for sure." Kris said.

"Are you guys not?" Sehun crooked his head slightly and looked at Kris and then to you. You shrugged your shoulders and walked away to your members.

The boys looked at Kris as if he has said something wrong. Kris jogged after you and tapped you lightly on your shoulder. "You know I was kidding right?"


"You know... About us not getting married."

"Oh? Who said I was going to marry you?" You teased.

"Then who are you going to marry?" Kris frowned.

"You'll know when you get the invitation." You grinned and left with your members after biding the boys goodbye.

"Oops. Someone's in deep ." Chen teased.

"Shut up." Kris commented while looking at you and your manager leave their waiting room..


It was your last promotion stage for your 2nd album and you were having mixed feelings about it. It was your third year since debut and this was the album that made the four of you shine even brighter, letting more people know you. You sat infront of the mirror and stared straight at yourself while the makeup artist did your makeup. You have come a long way. Being in Korean for six years isn't easy. You had to start a freash because you knew no one when you first came over. You wouldn't have done it without the support from your family members 2835 miles back home.

"What are you thinking about?" Your makeup artist asked.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how far we've come since the day I arrived in Korea."

"I remember you being super quiet and polite." She laughed. "Always hiding in a corner during trainings and hardly ever spoke until someone called you. Honestly, I never thought they would choose you to be the leader of a group. But you definitely proved me wrong."

"Thank you, unnie." You smiled. "I still am quiet and polite though."

"Really? We'll see about that." 

"Morning, noona." A deep and familiar voice greeted followed by a few others. You looked through the mirror and saw your boyfriend and a few of s walking into your waiting room.

"Morning. What brings you guys here?" Your makeup artist asked.

"We wanted to support our hoobaes so we came." Kris replied. Your makeup artist did the last few touches to your make up and you were done. You sat down on the seat by the wall and Kris leaned against the counter next to you. "Is something bothering you?"

"Hmm?" You looked at the boy infront of you.

"You look like there's something you want to talk about."

"Nothing much. I've been thinking about how not to break your heart when I pass you my wedding invitation." You laughed.

"That day will never come because you won't have to pass me the invitation if you are getting married to me." Kris grinned.

"It's still too early to say. What if you cheat on me with someone else huh? Or you get so into the character that you are acting as and you fall in love with your co-star."

"Oh... So someone is jealous." His grin grew wider. You sat there quietly and stared at him. "I can't promise that I won't fall in love with someone else..."

"What?!" You exclamined, a little too loudly, making a few of the people in the room turn to look at your direction.

"Look at you." He laughed. "I was just joking. Who else will want such a dork like me except you?"

"All your fans." You rolled your eyes.

"But I only want you." Kris whinned. Your lips curved up a little at his words. 

"I don't understand how the two of you communicate." Tao commented as he walked over.

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"Not when the both of you are talking so loudly." Tao sassed. You were being called out for your pre-recording while the boys stayed in the room, monitoring your performance through the TV. It was the usual recording routine and you were up for No.1 that week. As the performances came to an end, you gathering to the front of the stage along with the other two group that was up for the No. 1 spot. You were up against Girls' Day and BTS for the week. The emcees announced the various votes on the different channels and the numbers started running. Third place was revealed and it was between you and BTS for first. You honestly felt that the chances of your group taking the first place was slim, looking at how much fans BTS has.

"And the first place goes to..." The suspense was killing you. You felt like the numbers were not moving for the longest time and when they finally did, you felt like you were going to lose it. "Gems! Congratulations!" Your eyes widen in shock and you froze there, not knowing what to do. You felt so much emotions overwhelming you. You looked around and saw your members crying. You took over the trophy and made your winning speech. It was your first win ever since debut and you were really not expecting it. There were many times where you were up for the No. 1 spot but you never really did win it.

"On behalf of my members, I would like to thank SM for grooming us, the instructors, managers, the sunbaes, and everyone who have taught us so much. The four of us come from very different backgrounds and we are really thankful to be able to stage on this stage together." You paused as you felt something moist around your eyes, You were so overwhelmed that you started tearing but you were holding it back. "Also, how can we forget our fans who have been supporting us. It is with your love and support that we can become better. Lastly, our parents who we haven't seen for the longest time. We did it and this is for you. I love you guys!" You wanted to pass the mic to your other members but they were huddling behind you, sobbing non-stop. They eventually took the mic and thanked the fans repeatedly. You had your encore stage and thanked the fans repeatedly


"Congratulations!" The staff members and the Exo boys cheered as you returned to the waiting room. Your members were still sobbing, trying to calm themselves down. You found a quiet corner and took out your phone and started dailing.

"Hello Ma? It's me." You said. Your voice starting to tremble the moment you hear your mum's voice. "We did it. We got first place." Your tears started falling. You haven't spoke to your parents for the longest time and everytime you did, you will end up crying because you miss them so much. You never liked letting others see you cry because you wanted to show a strong side of you but you couldn't hold it in this time. You had a short conversation with your mum before hanging up. The moment you hung up, you felt a strong pair of hands wrapping around you, holding you close.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered, his hand gently rubbing your back. "You did a great job, baby. You guys really deserve this." You buried your head in his chest and sobbed your heart out. The three years wasn't easy. As much as you were loved by your fans, there was the other group of people wanting to bring you down, throwing mean remarks at you and your members. But you were glad your hardwork finally paid off. It was your first award in Korean after three long years.

Kris lifted your head up and wiped away your tears with his thumb. "You're makeup is gonna be ruined if you keep crying."

"You cried when you got your award as well..." You mummbled.

"Anyway, I've got something to tell you. I'll pick you up at your dorm at nine." Kris said.

"What is it that you can't tell me now?"

"It's nothing bad, really. I think you might actually like it." Kris smiled. He leaned in and gave you a quick peck on the lips before anyone sees it. 

After much photo takings and packing up, you slowly made your way out to the carpark to where your van was. You bid goodbye to the boys and left for each of your dorms. Since it was the end of your promotions and you've won your first No.1 spot, your managers decide to bring the four of you out for a celebratory dinner paid by the company. Your managers knew that you have been on a strict diet because you wanted to look good during the promotional period so they decided to reward the four of you by bringing you guys to your favourite samgyeopsal restaurant. 

"It's been so long since I ate this." Gayeon exclaimed.

"Great job girls. We are really very proud of you, You've done really well for this comeback and you can finally get your long awaited holiday." Your manager announced.

"Really?" The four of your eyes brightened up when you heard the word 'holiday'.

"Yes, and it's a real holiday. No schedules, no nothing for the next two months."

"YES!" The four of you cheered.

"Yah! Don't you think that reaction is a little too much?" You manager teased. "But yes, we'll try to empty your schedules but we can't do anything about the pre-planned performances."

"Nice!" Shimin smiled. "Actually, I have been wanting to do this for quite a while. Why not the four of us go on a road trip together? Like visit each other's hometown since we're from different countries."

"That sounds like a great idea." You commented. "And since we're already in Korea, we should get Gayeon to bring us to places we haven't been to."

"Then followed by Japan, Taiwan and finally Singapore!" The maknae chripped.

"I'm already getting excited thinking about it." 

You spent the whole dinner talking about places you all should visit, along with your managers chipping in ideas. You were truly looking forward to going on a holiday with just your members only because it was your first time. Your managers won't be tagging along to places outside of Korea because they need their rests too. The four of you headed back to your dorm after dinner and continued with the discussion and planning. The four of you were hardly so spontanous about things like this before.

As the four were gathered in the room, doing research on the air tickets and places you all want to visit, your phone rang.


"I hope you didn't forget that I am picking you up later." Kris said over the phone.

"How will I forget?" You laughed. "Are you here already?"

"Almost. You can make your way to the basement."

"Alright." You hung up.

"Dating?" Shimin asked and you nodded. "Have fun! It's been a while since you met up with Yifan ge." You tied up your hair in a ponytail and left the house.

You reached the basement and saw a black car waiting by the lobby. You walked closer and managed to figure out the person in the driver's seat was your boyfriend even though the window was tinted. "Where are we going?" You asked the moment you got into the car.

"Somewhere." Kris said.

"Why are you always so secretive?"

"Because I like it like that." He chuckled. "We're going to have your favourite cheesecake as a reward."

"Really?" You turned and look at him with wide eyes.

"Look at you, such a kid. Yes, we're going to have your cheesecake."

"I think I'm going to gain weight with the amount of good I ate today. Samgyeopsal and now this."

"Just treat it as a reward for yourself. You think I don't know you have been dieting during your promotional period? Don't worry, I still love you if you are fat." He smiled.


The two of you stood around the counter area to choose the food and drinks you want before seating down at your favourite spot. It was a sofa seat by the wall, the space big enough for the two of you to sit together in one chair. The two of you were cautious about your behaviour in public but now, you were more relaxed.

"What are your plans since you guys are done with your concerts?" You asked while slowly savouring the cake infront of you.

"I'm going home to visit." He replied, grabbing your hand and pulling it towards him so he could eat the small piece of cake you scooped.


"Mmm." Kris nodded.

"When are you leaving?" 

"In a few weeks."

"You guys still have schedule?"

"Just a few more. What about you? You're a free bird now aren't you?"

"I guess you could say that." You laughed. "I'm going on holiday with my members."

"Woah. That sounds fun! Where are you guys going?"

"To each of our hometowns. I guess that's the perks of being in a group with members from different countries."

"Well, we have members from different countries too." Kris protested.

"If you want to put it that way..." You shrugged. "Oh right, I thought you had something to tell me?"

"About that..." Kris paused, placing a spoon of tiramisu cake in his mouth. "I was actually wondering if you want to come over to Canada with me."

"Huh?" You crooked your head.

"We've talked about us travelling together so many times but we hardly get the chance to do so. Since we finally have similar breaks, why not take this chance to do so? And since I'm going back home, why don't you come over and I can show you around." He stopped and looked at your face for any reaction. "And meet my mum."

"Meet your mum?!" Your eyes widen in shock. " No no no. You must be crazy." You protested.

"You'll gonna have to meet her sooner or later." Kris laughed. "Plus, she did tell me to bring you over when both of us are free."

"But... I'm not ready..."

"Don't worry. My mum's really nice and she already likes you before she even met you." Kris rubbed your thighs gently. "Just think of it as a holiday, just the two of us. You're obviously staying at my place, so you're going to have to meet my mum no matter what."

You paused and slowly took in what he said. You have also been wanting to travel with Kris for the longest time but the idea of meeting his mother, the women who brought him up single handedly, was kind of scary. But you have been wanting to see what kind of women she was like. "I think your mum will be totally disappointed when she sees me."

"Why do you always say such things about yourself." Kris frowned. "So does this mean yes?" You nodded and Kris was delighted that you agreed. "When will you be back home?"

"They'll stop over at Singapore last, so I guess in three weeks? I'll most probably fly over from there."

"Sweet! This is going to be so exciting." Kris smiled. You could genuinely sense the excitement coming from him. "Now I can't wait for these three weeks to be over."

"Oh, I'm not done lecturing you about what you did yesterday night." You changed the topic all of a sudden. "It was such a risky move. You could get yourself into trouble."

"But I didn't." He smiled. "I just wanted to do something special for you. I never really told you how I felt and how much you meant to me after these three years of being together and I wanted to let the others know how wonderful you are so people can stop talking bad about you. I'm not good in writing like you so I can't dedicate a special thank you message to you in the album without making it look too obvious. I just felt like I wanted to do something special for you on our last leg of the concert."

"You don't have to, silly. I don't need to hear it. I know that you love me and that's enough." You smiled slightly. "Besides, it was embarrassing. You have no idea how many pairs of eyes were on me. I felt like I was going to get killed by your fans."

"They won't do that. But you liked it didn't you?"

"Maybe? But I'm sure our members enjoyed it more than anything." You laughed. You enjoyed nights like this where the both of you didn't have any schedule the next day and you can hang out till anytime you want. The two of you were getting bolder than before, hooking each other's hands and Kris placing his arm around your shoulder when the both of you walked. You couldn't care anymore. All you wanted was to live in your own world and forget about other people for a while.

"Goodnight." Kris leaned over from the driver's seat and kissed you on your lip. "Have a good rest."

"You too. Don't sleep to late. It's already 2." You waved Kris goodbye and watched the car disappear from your view as it drove out of the car park.


"All packed?" You asked as the girls made their last check for the luggage. It was a wonderful 4 days spent, bringing the girls around your country and showing them the places you loved to visit and brought them to your school and got them to try the food they've all been wanting to try. Making sure that they've gotten all their belongings, you headed down to get your car to send the girls to the airport.

It has been an amazing three weeks travelling around with your members, going to places you've never visited before, having heart to heart talks at night, pouring everything out to each other. Sometimes you were very thankful for the chance to be selected as SM's trainee because you wouldn't have met all the wonderful people you have.

Since there was still plenty of time, you took the long way to the airport, letting them see more of the small city that you grew up in. Your dad was nice enough to leave the car for you to bring your members around and him taking the public transport to work for the past few days.

The girls went to their respective counters to have their check-in done while you waited at Starbucks along with your mum. "Seem like you've got three sisters you can count on to now." Your mum smiled. "You're the oldest so you have to take care of them alright? I can see that they look up to you alot. You've done a really great job and mum and dad are really proud of you."

"I will, ma. I'll continue to make the both of you proud." You assured. The girls mingled around before they decided to head into the departure hall together. You hugged the three of them before sending them off. You headed back home with your mum and starting packing for your own flight to Canada two days later. You still felt like you were out of your mind for actually agreeing to fly over and spend time with Kris.


"Why do you look so nervous?" Your dad asked as you walked towards them after checking in your luggage.

"I am? I guess cause I haven't been on such a long flight alone before."

"I think you're more nervous about meeting his mum." He said. You scratched your head and laughed. "Don't worry, she'll like you. Who wouldn't like my daughter?" Your dad added proudly.

"Everything's going to be fine. Just take it easily." Your mum said. "It's gonna be your duty to bring him to us one day."

"Why are you guys making it sound like I'm going to marry him for sure?"

"Are you not?" Your mum laughed. "I don't think anyone will want you besides him."

"MA!!" You whined and looked at your dad who was laughing as well.

You spent the last 30 mintues with your parents before entering the departure hall, texting Kris as you were walking towards the gate, double checking everything. You wouldn't want to be stranded in a place that you didn't know. You boarded the plane with mixed feelings, not knowing what to expect when you reach Cananda. You looked out of the window as the plane started to taxi. You watched as the city below you become smaller and smaller, and eventually disappearing underneath the clouds. You plugged in your ear piece and shut your eyes. It was going to be a long flight but it was going to be worth it.


Hello lovelies! Thank you for being so patient with me. Chapter 41 is up after a long while because I couldn't decide to cramp everything into one chapter or split it in two. But I realise it was getting too lengthy so I split it eventually. xD I guess it's kind of obvious that the story is coming to an end. I wanted to end everything in this chapter but it seems a little impossible. Somehow, I always end up writing more than what I expected. Hehh.

Next chapter might be the last one, if I manage to write everything in that is. :P So please, continue to support this story and my other stories as well (shamless advertising, I know).  I'll see you guys in the next or hopefully, the last chapter then! :D


Deepest condolenses to Ladies Code and their familes.

I hope Korea start looking into the safety of the idols because they spend half the time on the road rushing from schedule to schedule and we all know how crazy the traffic is in Korea. So many accidents have happened to the idols and I hope this serves as a lesson to everyone out there. 

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333