Chapter XXXX

Dreams Do Come True

"I just feel so lucky to have you."

"Hmm?" You hummed, wanting him to repeat although you heard what he said.

"I said," he pulled you to sit on his lap. "I am very lucky to call you mine. You just want to hear that again didn't you?" He poked your cheek and you stuck your tongue out at him. You walked towards the night stand and picked up the thermometer you brought along with you and handed it over to Kris.

"Ahh." You signalled Kris to open his mouth.

"Where did you get this?" He asked, opening his mouth slightly to put the thermometer in.

"Magic." You waited until it beeped and checked the results. "This is what happens when you refuse to take the medication." You sighed, flipping the thermometer over for him. It showed 39 degrees celsius. He was running a high fever and his sore throat isn't helping the situation. You poured him a cup of water and took the fever pills that he left on the night stand back to the dressing table, placing it in front of him. "I know you hate taking them, but you have to. You're running a high fever and I don't think it's going to go down if you don't take the medicine."

"Alright..." He replied, popping two of the pills into his mouth, downing it with water.

"Very good." You smiled. Your three days have been packed with schedules and there was hardly enough time for rest, it was no surprise that Kris' condition was getting worse.

Kris made his way to the bed while you washed up in the toilet. He patted the space next to him when he saw you walking out of the bathroom. You untied your hair and walked over, sitting down where he wanted you to. "Are you not going to sleep?" You crooked your head and looked at him.

"Not yet. I want to spend more time with you."

"It's not like I'm leaving or anything." You pinched the bridge of his nose slightly. You laid down on his hand which was stretched out as your pillow, hanging your right hand loosely on his waist. The both of you shared a few minutes of silence. Not the awkward ones, but the comfortable silence that the both of you liked. Kris ran his fingers through your hair, adjusting your fringe that was covering your face out of the way. Smiles formed on both your faces unknowingly as the two of you looked at each other. He leaned in and planted a kiss on your forehead.

"Do you think we'll make the headlines once again when the preview of the show and interviews go out?" You asked.

"We were openly flirting with each other, what do you think?" You nodded in agreement. Although it was intended for the both of you to show how good your relationship was, it went a little more than what was expected. "You know, I have been thinking," he paused. "Wouldn't it be better if we went public with our relationship?" You shifted tilted your head up and looked at him with a frown.

"But we can't."

"Who says we can't?"

"Our fans? And the company. Dating ban remember, dating ban." You paused. "Haven't you forgotten how crazy the fans went when they found out Baekhyun was dating Tayeon unnie? I don't think you want that to happen again, do you?"

"It's not like we didn't warn them." Kris said.

"Look, if we go public, your fans will get angry, my fans might also get angry and the company will screw us over. There isn't any win-win situation in this case." You sighed. He pulled you closer to him and tightened his grip on you, cooing you and showing you that he was there for you.

"You see, the problem with you is that you always put others before yourself. It's not a bad thing, but I wish that you would be a little bit more selfish and put yourself first sometime."

"Isn't being together with you already putting myself before any thing else?" You poked his side. "Anyway, it's getting late and you need more rest looking at your current condition." You said, trying to change the topic. "Good night." You said, pulling the sheets up to cover the both of you. Kris lifted your head up and gave you a good night kiss on your lips. 

"I won't be surprised if you are the one that is sick tomorrow." He laughed. It has been a long day and both of you were exhausted. You fell asleep in no time and you felt especially calm because Kris was holding you in his arms.


You woke up in the middle of the night and you saw Kris flipped onto his back with his right arm still under your head. You lifted your head up, picking up his hand gently and moving it so it was resting on his abdoment. You felt bad for lying on his hand for such a long time. You sat up and grabbed your phone to check the time. It was 5am, three more hours before the time you were suppose to wake up. You turned around to check on the sleeping giant, reaching your hand to his forehead to see if he was still burning. 'Looks like it went down a little...' As you shifted your hand away, you realised there were perspiration on his forehead and his neck. You pulled the blankets down and there were wet spots on his shirt as well. Not wanting him to catch a cold, you headed over to his luggage and pulled out another shirt that he packed, throwing it over your shoulder before heading to the toilet to grab a towel. You ran it under the tap with cold water before twisting the excess water way.

You gently pat the damp towel on his forehead and neck to clean off the perspiration. "Kris, wake up for a bit." You said softly, nudging him. He frowned a little and shifted his position. "Kris..." You shook him again, a little harder this time. He mumbled something incoherent and opened his eyes a little bit. "You need to change out of your shirt before you catch a cold again." You said, lifting his shirt up in the process. It slipped off pretty easily and you used the towel to gently wipe his body before putting on the new shirt. It took you quite a while to get him dressed properly because he was asleep half the time and it was pretty difficult to move him around with your small frame. Walking back to the bathroom, you folded the shirt he wore and slipped it in a air tight back nicely and placed it by the sink. You ran the towel under cold water again and went back out to place it on his forehead after twisting it dry. He was still running a fever but it was better than before.

You felt yourself being more awake than you should after doing all those and you couldn't fall back asleep after flipping in bed a few times. Not wanting to wake the sick boy up, you got out of bed once again and made yourself comfortable on the small couch infront of the TV. You grabbed the tablet that you brought along with you and started surfing the internet, watching shows with your earphones plugged in, hoping that you would fall asleep soon.


"Hello..." Kris mumbled as he picked up the phone that has been ringing for the past 30 seconds. "I got it..." He placed the receiver back down and flipped onto his back. His right hand stretched out to where you were sleeping but all he felt was his cold bedsheets. He opened his eyes slowly and scanned his room for you. "Enjing?" He called but there wasn't any reply. He sat up and it took him a while to realise he was wearing a different shirt from what he did after showering along with the towel which has fallen onto the bed throughout the night. A smile formed on his face as he saw those, knowing that you have been taking care of him the whole night made his heart swell with happiness.

He slipped into the bedroom slippers that was by his bed and got up, stretching himself as he walked. As he walked past the partition, he saw you curling up on the couch asleep with your earphones plugged into your ear. He walked up to you and squat down infront of you, taking in the beauty of you sleeping soundly on the couch. It made his heart flutter just by seeing you sleep so peacefully. He walked over to his closet and pulled out the jacket that you returned him and lightly placed them over you, not wanting you to catch a cold. As gently as he could, he sat himself down on the space beside you and carried you up slightly so you could rest your head on his lap, removing the earphones that you still had on.

He spent the next few minutes looking down and you, lightly running his fingers through your hair. "Would it be great if I can wake up to this everyday?" He mumbled to himself with a smile. The door beeped with the sound of a card being inserted followed by the clicking of the door knob. 

"Morning Yifan, seems like you are up early today." Luhan greeted as he walked in. "Oh?" His eyes widened a little seeing that you were lying on his lap. "You look so much better than yesterday." Luhan commented.

"And I feel so much better." Kris added. 

"I guess I know the reason why." Luhan smiled, making his way into the bathroom. Kris nodded in agreement. "Aren't you gonna wake her up?" Luhan asked from the toilet.

"Let her sleep in for abit. I guess she must have stayed up quite abit yesterday." He said, looking down at you. The phone rang again, this time, jolting you awake from your slumber. Luhan jogged out of the bathroom and answered it.

"Yes? Yeah she's here. I'll ask her to go up soon." Luhan said before hanging up.  You rubbed your sleepy eyes with your plam before opening them and realising where you are.

"How did you end up here?" You asked when you saw Kris' face above yours.

"I should be the one asking you that question. I woke up realising that no one was next to me. I thought you ran away." He pouted.

"Oh please." You sat up onto the couch at stretch. Your back was hurting because of the weird position you were sleeping in. "Oh, good morning Lu ge!" You greeted as you saw the older boy.

"Good morning. It seems like you did a great job taking care of the giant baby over here." He laughed. "By the way, Miko called and asked you to go back up and pack."

"Got it!" You stood up and bent over to stretch yourself again. You started sneezing as you walked to the bathroom and you couldn't stop after that.

"Looks like I've got to stay away from the two of you." Luhan joked. Kris picked up the jacket that was left on the couch and drapped it over your shoulders.

"Wear it. It'll keep you warm." He said. "Just don't wear it to the airport again. But I'm not stopping you if you want to."

"Whatev-" You sneezed again before you could finish your sentence. "Urgh. Stupid nose." You complained, rubbing your nose as you made your way out.


"Here." Kris placed a cup of bubble tea in front of you and took his seat next to you. You smiled and slipped it happily.

"We watched a few episodes of the drama you were in," Luhan said.

"And?" It was your first acting gig and you wanted to know how the others felt about it, especially the ones closest to you. Your eyes shifted between the two boys with anticipation.

"I felt that you did a-"

"It was okay." Kris interupted before Luhan could finish. "

"Okay?" You paused and frowned. "What do you mean okay. Like okay okay? Or passable okay? Or I need more practice okay? Was it really that bad like what they said?" You sighed and sank back into your seat. Luhan glared at Kris for making such a remark although he knew Kris wanted to tease you.

"I thought you did a pretty good job." Luhan said, still glaring at Kris who was rubbing his neck trying to think of a way to salvage the situation. "Even the director praised that you were a natural." You nodded and took another sip of your drink, vision fixed on the table as you chewed on the pearls. Kris was still at a loss, mentally cursing himself for being insensitive.

"Me too." Kris placed his hands on yours and squeezed them slightly. "I was just joking earlier on... Sorry."

"I know..." You replied. "Maybe I had too high expectations for myself." You lifted your head up slightly and smiled slightly.

"It's good to have high expectations for yourself." Luhan said. "You'll be able to grow this way. Just take the comments with a pinch of salt. We know you did a great job." He smiled.

"Thank you." Your face brightened up.

"You're always the best in my eyes." Kris shifted himself closer to you and wrapped his left arm around your waist. Luhan chuckled and sipped his bubble tea.

"I heard you've got a movie casting coming up?" You turned and looked at your boyfriend.

"How did you know?"

"Well, I have spies everywhere." You smirked. Kris turned towards Luhan who just shurgged.

"Is it in Korea?" Luhan asked.

"It's in Beijing so I've got to fly over."

"How long is it going to take?"

"The movie? A few months, if I get casted that is. Why? Are you going to miss me?" Kris teased. You rolled your eyes and ignored him. "What if I have kissing scenes?"

"Then I'm not going to watch it."

"Really?" Luhan asked.

"Do you guys really think I'm that petty?" You pouted while Kris nodded his head. "I'll still watch it. I mean, it's part of your job so I can understand."

"Really? But your expression says otherwise." Kris laughed, bringing his face closer to yours. "Just admit it." He growled in your ear.

As he inched closer, you could see someone approaching your table so you pushed him away quickly. You swirled your drink in your hand and looked at the person approaching. "Oppa... Sign..." The girl stretched out her hand with a notebook and pen held in it. The boys looked at each other, deciding if they should. A few more girls came about the table, wanting the boys to help them sign and you started feeling uncomfortable from the looks they were giving you. You felt like you shouldn't be there. You kept you head down and looked at your phone while the boys rejected them politely.

"We should leave." Luhan said, standing up from his seat with the two of you following suit, making your way out of the shop.

"Enjing jiejie!" Someone shouted in Chinese, making the three of you turn back. "I watched the drama and I really liked it." The girl smiled. She seemed just a little younger than you, a petite girl with black hair tied up in a pony tail. Her dressing made her look no more than 18 years old. "All the best!" She waved.

You couldn't help but smile at the younger one. That one simple affirmation made your day so much better. "Thank you so much." You bowed slightly and waved back at her before walking off. 

"See, I told you you did good job." Kris nudged you with his arm.

"No. You said I did okay." You stuck your tongue out at him and continued walking

"Look how happy you are." Luhan teased. You smiled and sipped happily on your drink. The three of you made your way back to SM before going down to your photoshoot location. Ever since the previous collaboration, the two groups have been chosen to endorse their clothing line. As winter approach, they needed new cataloge photos of the season's clothes for them to display in their stores. You were thrilled to be able to work with them because you loved their style and designs.


"When are you flying over for your casting?" You asked as you wrapped your photoshoot.


"That's fast." You paused and look at the boy who was scrolling through his phone. "All the best. I hope you get the role." You stood up from your seat and walked out to where your members are. Kris looked up from his phone and his eyes followed you as you made your way out, studying your expression. Kris wanted to catch up with you but your group already boarded your van. Since there wasn't any schedule left for the day, you were headed back to your dorms. You can finally have a few days of rest before you start preparing for your next comeback.

You took a nap back in your room after washing up since you were dead beat from waking up super early. It was almost 7 when you woke up and your members were doing their own things in the dorm except for Gayeon, who was out filming a variety show. You didn't feel like staying in the dorm so you changed and left the dorm with your tablet. You wanted walked to han river, and sat in a hut all by yourself, taking out your tablet and started typing away. You have been composing songs during your free time and you felt that going out of the dorm would let your inspiration flow more. You were immersed in your own world and you didn't realise two figures approaching you.

"Why is such a pretty girl sitting here alone all by yourself?" You heard a husky voice ask. You looked up and saw two guys standing infront of you with their towels covering their face. You frowned a little and studied the two before smiling slightly.

"Sorry, what were you saying? I don't understand Korean." You replied them in English.

"You're Enjing right? From that girl group Gems? Don't you try to act like you don't understand us." The other said, sounding pissed. You kept quiet and tried to give them a straight face. The taller guy sat down next to you and placed his arms over your shoulder, "Let oppa accompany you so you won't feel so lonely."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" You smirked. "I don't know what will happen to you if I called your best friend over." There was a moment of silent between the three of you, the two boys looking at each other before one of them spoke.

"This ." The guy standing spoke and pulled his towel off his face and threw it at you. "She knows us too well." He pouted before seating down on your other side.

"Dude, I trained with you people for two years of course I know the stupid things you guys do." You laughed. "I know your voices too well." 

"Such a wet blanket." The older one complained before pulling his towel off as well. Who else could it be other than Chanyeol and Sehun, the two pranksters you knew since your trainee days. You know them to well to recognise their voices and their body structure. "What are you doing here anyways?" Chanyeol asked.

"Meditating." You laughed.

"With that?" He pointed at your tablet and shook his head. "I don't think so."

"Are you composing?" Sehun pressed the home button of the tablet and started reading the lyrics you wrote with Chanyeol joining in.

"Don't judge. I know my Korean isn't that good."

"It's actually not that bad..." Chanyeol commented.

"Enough of my lousy composition," you locked your tablet screen. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Dating." Sehun laughed. He was obviously teasing you because they knew you and Kris came here often. You side-eyed him and rolled your eyes at him. "The few of us are playing basketball. You wanna come sit and watch us play?"

You paused for a moment before replying, "Sounds like a plan."


"What took you guys so long? I'm dying of thirst." Tao complained as he see the two boys approaching. He ran over an took a bottle of water from the bag they were carrying. "Oh, hello!" He waved frantically as he saw you. 

"Why are you acting like you haven't seen me for 1000 years." You laughed.

"Can't I be excited to see you?" He rolled his eyes. "I know I know, I'm not duizhang. So biased." He pouted and turned around. "Duizhang! You're wanted here!"

"You need to stop mixing around your duizhang too much. You're becoming childish like him."

"I think so too." Tao laughed.

Kris was so engrossed in his game with Luhan that he didn't hear Tao calling out for him. Not wanting to disturb them, you sat down with the other three boys while they rested. You worked on the song along with the help of the three boys as you waited.

"It sounds better like this..." You nodded as Chanyeol made a few changes to the way your phrased your lyrics.

"What are you guys looking at?" Kris said as he walked towards you along with Luhan.

"Your girlfriend's composition." Tao replied.

"Girlfriend?" Kris crooked his head. Sehun shifted his position a little so the boy could see you from where he was standing. "Oh, my girlfriend." Kris smirked.

"You sound like you forgot you had a girlfriend." Chanyeol teased.

"I guess he has too many to remember." You teased. The boys broke out in an unision 'oh' at how great your comeback was which left Kris standing there smiling awkwardly like an idiot.

"What brings you here?" Kris asked, pushing Chanyeol away so he could sit next to you.

"I got kidnapped by your members." You turned to look at Sehun who shrugged as you did so. 

"Since you are here already, why not go out with me?" Kris suggested.

"Did you make the two of them bring me here because it feels like you have this all planned out." You pouted.

"Maybe?" Kris winked. "Don't you want to spend time with me?" He leaned in and whispered your in ear.

"Can I say no?"

"You don't have a choice." Kris poked your side. 

"So much for asking."


"Sorry I'm late!" You walked towards the boys and settled down next to your boyfriend. 

"Here." Kris pushed the cup of hot chocolate that he has ordered before hand towards you.

"Aigoo, since when were you so thoughtful." Tao laughed.

"I have always been very thoughtful." Kris defended himself. "Right?" He nudged you asking for your approval.

"What's the occasion?" Luhan asked. "You hardly initiate a gathering."

"I have something to say." Kris replied.

"What? Are you guys getting married?!" Tao exclaimed.

"Not so soon, Tao." You felt your cheeks burning a little when Kris replied. Does it mean that he was certain that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you? But you know you were.

"You know the casting I went for a month back?" Kris paused, looking at the four of your expressions, all egar to know what he was up to. "I got it. I got the role." He smiled and turned to look at you.

"Really?" Your hands grabbed his arms subconsciously, "That's awesome!"

"Congrats dude!" The boys cheered.

"When is the filming starting?" Lay asked.

"Next month."

"That's fast." Luhan said.

"How are you going to cope? You have your concert coming up soon." You sighed.

"I'm a superman, remember?"

"You're a dragon, Yifan." Lay teased.

"Don't worry about me," he rubbed your thighs gently, "I'll be fine. Besides, I'm finally able to do what I love." Kris smiled. You could see it in his smile that he was really overjoyed about getting the role. As much as you worry about him not being able to cope physically, you know it was what he have been yearning for ever since he stepped into the company. As long as he is happy, you are too.


"Cut! Good take!" The director exclaimed. "Alright, it's a wrap for the day. Great job everyone!" Kris was done with his scenes and he is on two week's break from filming due to Exo's upcoming concert. After thanking his fellow actors and the crew, Kris headed back to his hotel in Shanghai to rest. It was four in the afternoon and he decided to take a nap before heading out for dinner and catching the midnight flight back to Korea.

Kris has spent the past two weeks in Shanghai filming his first and upcoming movie. It has been tiring but it was a whole new experience for him and he really enjoyed it. Since he was one of the main leads in the movie, his scenes were quite heavy and due to Exo's hectic concert schedules, he needed to clear as much scene as he could before starting on the concert tour.

Kris was too lazy to go anywhere far for dinner so he settled so a place near the hotel with his manager. He was suppose to have a dinner with a few of the production crew but he turned it down. It was a chilly november as the weather starts getting colder as winter approaches. Dressed in varsity jacket and black jeans, Kris went around shopping after dinner since he didn't want to head back too early. Kris wanted to see you since you were in the same city filming, but you couldn't because your schedule was going to end late in the night.


Kris packed the things he bought into in luggage and headed for the shower. He was sure that he would get a good night's sleep tonight judging from how tired he was. He walked out of the shower feeling a little bit more refreshed than before. He sat down on his bed and took put his laptop to use with the TV on. 

It was close to midnight and Kris felt his sleepiness kicking in once again. 'I think I should sleep soon...' He thought to himself. Making sure everything was properly packed, he hopped on to bed and reached out for the lights. Just as he was about to do so, his doorbell rang. 'Who could it be at this hour...' "Yes?" He yelled out as he approached the door.

"Room service."

Kris opened the door hesitantly. "I think you made a mistake, I didn't-" He paused and stared at the person standing infront of him. Slowly taking in her features and that smile on her face which unknowingly brought a smile onto his too.

"Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Yifan

Happy birthday to you!" You held the cake that you prepared and stood outside his room, singing him his birthday song. Yes, you had it all planned out with his manager to give him a surprise at midnight. "Happy birthday, baby."

Kris was smiling from ear to ear. Never did he expect you to turn up at his door with a cake to celebrate for him since you mentioned your filming was all the way until late night. You could feel the happiness that was radiating from him and it made you feel happy as well. You stood infront of the full length balcony glass window, still holding the cake in your hands. Kris walked over after closing the room door with the grin still on his face.

"Look at you, so happy." You teased. Kris walked up to you and closed his eyes and made a wish before blowing out the candle.

"You're so sneaky." Kris took the cake from you hand and place it on the table.

"I can't help it since my boyfriend is sneaky." You laughed and sat down on his bed.

"I thought you were busy?" Kris asked as he fiddles with the cake, taking our the candles and walked over to the drawers to look for something you guys could eat with.

"I was." You chuckled. "I only had five scenes to film today so I actually wrapped before seven. I just wanted you to feel sad because you couldn't meet me."

The two of you sat by the edge of the bed and ate the birthday cake, sharing with each other how your filmings have been going on so far. You had another week in the city before heading back to Korea to prepare for your new album whereas Kris has his busy concert schedule. There was hardly anytime for the two of you to meet each other because of your busy schedules and it made the two of you quarrel more often than usual.

"Are you not going back?" Kris asked as he took the last bite of the fruit cake.

"It's past midnight. I don't think you'll want me to walk back to my place alone right?"

Kris crooked his head slightly, trying to understand what you've just said.

"I'm staying in the apartment that the crew booked for the past two weeks. It's about 10 minutes walk from here. I thought you always wanted me to stay but I guess that's not the case." You pouted and stood up, walking towards the door. "I'll be leaving then, since you want me to." You turned you back towards the giant and tried to hold in your laughter. You knew Kris was going to make you pay for teasing him so much.

Just as you were about to place your hand on the door knob, Kris grabbed your arm and spun you around. "Of course you can stay. I would be crazy to say no." He pulled you in closer and s his hand around your waist. "Stop playing hard to get. It turns me on." Kris smirked.

"Whatever Yifan. Everything turns you on." You rolled your eyes and freed yourself from him, walking into his bathroom.

"More like everything about you turns me on." He laughed. You ignored him and used his facial products to remove your makeup. "Here." He took his spare shirt and boxers and passed them to you. You grabbed them and closed the bathroom door.

"No peeping." You warned.

"It's not like I've never seen you ." Kris grinned.

"Go away. So annoying."

You opened the bathroom door and there stood your boyfriend in his tank top and sweat pants, scrolling through his phone. You judged him silently and walked to place your towel on the chair. You sat cross legged on the bed and switched on the TV. Kris crawled onto the space behind you and pulled you into his embrace, letting you lie against his chest while he gently ran his fingers through your hair. He liked doing that and you enjoyed it. It made you feel more relaxed and calm. 

"I like how you smell like me now." Kris said gently by your ear. "How long have we not spend time like this together?"

"A few months?" You responded. You felt your lids getting heavier as time pass. Seeing that you were falling asleep, Kris switched off the TV and dimmed the lights, carrying you up and putting you down gently on the space next to his.

"Look at you, so worned out." He laid down next to you and pulled the sheets over you. "Good night, baby. Thanks for the surprise. I really wasn't expecting anything."

You leaned closer to Kris and placed your lips on his, gently kissing him. As you were about to pull away, Kris deepened the kiss, pulling you closer to him. "Anything for you, Yifan." You smiled. You snuggled into his chest and slept the night away. It was the best sleep you ever had for the past few weeks.


"Wake up, sleepy head." Kris nudged gently. "I am going to miss my flight if you continue sleeping." You opened your eyes slowly and you were greeted with Kris' face. He was already done washing up and changed into the clothes he was wearing to the airport.

"Morning." You yawned. "Looks like someone is getting up earlier and earlier." You headed to the washroom to wash up and change back to the set of clothes your wore yesterday, bunning up your hair so it doesn't look messy. You heard the doorbell ring in the process of your washing up routine and you were curious who it could be. As you opened the bathroom door, you were greeted with the aroma of food.

"I realised we never had breakfast with each other alone before." Kris decided to order room service because he wanted you to sleep in more judging from how tired you were yesterday. You sat down opposite him and tucked in before leaving.

Since you have to film in the afternoon, you needed to make your way back to the apartment to prepare. Just as the lift was about to reach the ground floor, Kris pulled you into a tight hug. "Take care, don't overwork yourself."

"You too. I'll make sure to watch your concert no matter what." You took in a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the boy you loved so much. Kris cupped your cheek and gave you a kiss just before the lift door open. 

"I love you."

"Me too."


Hello everyone! I'm sorry this chapter took more than a month to update. >.< Work has been crazy because I'm filming everyday and I have scripts to write so I try to juggle them equally (which isn't working very well). ANYWAYS, thank you all for being so patient as always and I promise to end off the story well okay! (: Thank you guys~! xoxo

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333