Chapter XXII

Dreams Do Come True

"What did you buy?" Kris asked as he looked through the different bags of things you bought.

"Just some clothes and accessories..." You replied, coming out from the bathroom. "Oh! Before I forget..." You rummaged through one of the bags and took out a braclet. "Here. I saw this at one of the shops just now and I though it looks good on you. I bought a matching one too." You said, shaking your wrist to show him that you were already wearing it. You took his hand and helped him wear it on.

"Looks like you've got good taste." He said looking at the braclet you bought. 

"That goes without saying. The internet voting doesn't lie you know" You said. 

"But I was ranked higher than you." Kris rebutted. There was a ranking done by netizens on the most stylist artistes based on their airport fashion and you were ranked 6th and Kris was ranked 5th. You rolled your eyes at him and climbed onto your bed.

"Who was that guy earlier?" Kris asked

"Someone I don't want to remember..." You said, throwing your head onto your pillow and with your hands covering your eyes. Kris tucked himself in bed next to you and you shifted till you were resting your head on his chest. 

"Ex-boyfriend?" You nodded. "Seems like it didn't go so well between the both of you." He added.

"He was my dance mate and we got closer and then got together in a few months. He was nice, just like how every other boyfriend would treat their girlfriend but it only lasted for the first two months." You paused, shifting yourself to an upright position facing Kris. "He started to become violent and would constantly vent his anger on me. Yelling at me, throwing things at me and slap me in the face." You said as your voice start to shake from the emotions. You rubbed your arm where it bruised because of Issac's grip earlier in the day. "I was so afraid of him I didn't even dare to break up with him until one incident, which I was quite glad it happened. I went out with my crew mates for dinner one night and ... He was caught cheating on me with his ex and we pretty much ended that way."

Kris pulled you in and wrapped his arms around you from behind. "I'm sorry... I never knew..." Kris said, gently rubbing the bruising area on your hand.

"It's okay... It's something not worth mentioning anyways. I just never expected to see him again."

"Is this why you were so upset when I met up with Hannah?"

"Yeah... I didn't want history to repeat itself. I love you a lot Yifan and I know you are the total opposite of that jerk, that's why the more I am afraid to lose you." You said as tears slowly form around your eyes. "I'm insecure, that's why."

Kris planted a soft kiss on your temple as he tighten his grip around your waist. "It's alright now. I won't leave you, I promise." He brushed his thumb under your eyes, wiping away the tear stains you have. "Don't cry anymore. If not you're gonna have puffy eyes during the photoshoot."

You cuddled into Kris' arms and fell asleep to his heartbeat being your lullaby.


You woke up the next morning to your hotel room phone ringing. With your boyfriend's hands around your waist, you tried your best to stretch yourself to reach for the ringing phone.

"Enjing ah, time to wake up. We'll be leaving in 45 mins for the shoot, please get ready." Your heard your manager's voice over the phone.

You hung up and sank back down into your pillow. You tilted your head to the right and see Kris still asleep. You gave him a peck on his chin and gently shoke him to wake up but as usual, it was not easy to wake the giant up. You nudged him again, this time with more force. "Yifan wake up." He groaned and turned to lie on his back. He mumbled something but you couldn't make out what he was saying. You managed to break free from his grip and replaced your presence with your pillow so you could wash up. You went out and grabbed your phone when you heard it ring. It was Luhan who called to ask you to inform Kris to get ready since they were also going for the same photo shoot as you. He probably guessed he was with you when he was unreachable on his room phone and his handphone.

You opened the bathroom door and got a shock when you bumped into Kris who was standing outside.

"Watch where you're going. Looks like you're still not awake uh." Kris joked.

"Whatever. Luhan ge ask you to get ready in 30 mins cause we're leaving for the shoot soon." You said as you walked out to place your clothes into the closet.


SInce both the group has been quite a hot topic because of their appearance in China, the local fashion magazine decide to have a feature with the Chinese members of each group to know more about you. The studio of the photoshoot looked really good with the different settings that you all were going to be taking photos at. 

After the photoshoot, you rushed down to where the award ceremony was held and had the final sound check before preparing for the night. There was a red carpet ceremony before the award show and you got the chance to walk down alongside your memebers. You were thankful to hear fans cheering and see fanboards that they made for your group. You were being seated after that and waited for the award show.

It was finally time for them to present the most popular newcomer award. Even though you were already informed before hand, you were still nervous and your felt your heart was going to jump out anytime. 

"And the most popular newcomer awards goes to...' the presenter said and you hear the crowd shouting the different names of their idols. "GEMS from Korea!" 

The crowd roared as the four of you stood up and bowed to the other artistes that were present. The Exo boys came forward to congratulate you all. The four of you made your way up to receive the trophy and you made the thank you speech. 

"It's an honour to receive such an award less than a year from our debut. We're really thankful to the fans and the SMTOWN family who have been supporting us throughout our journey. Also to our parents, who we hardly get to see, thank you so much for alway being there for us. We're sorry we can't spent much time with you all but we'll do our best to make you proud of us..." 

The award ceremony ended and there was an afterparty held at another hall. There were food and drinks and it was a good chance for you all to get to know artistes from different countries as well. When it was almost time to go, you felt someone pulling your hand, dragging you to hand other place.

'Let go!" You said and you swung your hand free from the guy's grip. He was dressed rather well so he should be someone that was performing earlier. He turned around and smiled at you, without apologising. "What do you want now." You said coldly.

"Is this how you talk to your friend?" He said.

"Ex-boyfriend. I never once said you were my friend." You replied. "So what do you want?"

"I was wondering if you're free after this. Like you know, maybe we could hang out?"

"What?" You responded in confusion. "Why are you asking me out all of a sudden?"

"I'm hoping we could be friends again. I hope you will forgive me."

"After causing so much pain to me? I can forgive but I'll never forget."

He took one step closer and held your wrist. "Can you please give me another chance? I'll prove to you I've changed."

You brushed his hand away and took one step back from him. You rubbed your wrist, thinking about what he done to you the day before. "I don't think so..." You said softly. "I have to go... my manager must looking for me." You politely bowed to him and walked pass but you felt his grip on your arms and he pushed you against the wall with both his hand on your shoulder.

"WHY?" He yelled.

"Can't you see? Look at what you are doing now." You said. You saw the familiar glare in his eyes. It was how he looked whenever he was angry and how he looked everytime he hit you. "And you say you've changed?' You scoffed. "Let go I really need to go before my manager gets worried."

"So you think you're really great now huh? Famous and all?" Issac said with his hand choking your neck. "I bet you slept your way to what you are today. Just like how you did with my best friend, ." 

You tried breaking free but he was too strong for you. You started hitting him on his arms and chest but it didn't work, his grip got tighter and you felt you were losing your breath. "I didn't sleep with him..." you said in a faint voice, still struggling to break free. "You were the one that was sleeping around bloody bastard."

"So who did you sleep with this time? Your manager? CEO? Or some member from that boy group?" 

Your face was red from all the anger and him choking you. Tears escaped your eyes unknowingly and Issac's grip loosened when he saw you cry. You slapped him in the face for insulting you. "I did it with all my hardwork. Who are you to insult me when you are the one who always pulled strings to get what you want?"

"!" You felt his hand on your neck again, this time his grip was tighter than before, just like he was out to kill you.

"I bet.. you did it to get to what you are now, right?" You scoffed.


"Hey! What are you doing?!" You heard someone shouting followed by footsteps of people running towards you. Your manager pryed Issac off you and you saw Kris, Sehun, Exo's manager and some security members holding to Issac. You fell onto the ground, trying your best to catch your breath. 

"Are you alright?" Kris and Sehun ran up to you and Kris held you in his arms. You nodded.

"You , I bet you slept with the both of them." Issac said as he was brought away by the security members and your manager. 

Kris ran up to Issac and punched him in the face. "Say that again?" Kris grabbed his collar. Issac scoffed and looked away while Kris was pulled away by his manager. 

"Are you trying to get yourself into trouble?" His manager reprimanded.

"Sorry." Kris said as he walked back to you and Sehun. 

"How did you guys know?" You asked.

"We couldn't find you when we were gathering so Kris told your manager about what happened yesterday, he was afraid that guy might harass you again." Exo's manager said. "We asked around and his friend saw him draggin you somewhere so we got people to look around for you."

"Sorry to make you guys worry..." You apologised. "And thank you."

"Thank your boyfriend." Exo's manager said. You were shocked at what you heard and you turned to look at Kris who was as shocked.

"Hyung, how did you-"

"It's pretty obvious. Junyong knows it too." He gave you both a smile. "Don't worry, your secret's safe. Just hope that the higher management doesn't know and make sure it doesn't hinder your work."


You threw your tired body on the bed and closed your eyes. It has been a long and eventful day and all you wanted to do was sleep. You heard someone knocking on your door but you were contemplating whether you should answer it. You got up eventually and walked towards the door. You were greeted by the four boys you were closest to with snacks in their hands.

"I heard you were feeling down so I thought we should make you feel more lively." Said the happy virus.

"They're fine now?" You pulled Sehun one side and whispered, pointing to the twin towers.

"Looks like it."


It was getting late so the three of them headed back to their room leaving on Kris. You walked to the full length glass  window and admired the view. Kris walked behind you and s his hands around your waist and planted soft kisses on your neck. 

"Does it still hurt?"

"Not anymore."

"I should have kept you by my side. I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault. You needed to be with the boys and I needed to be with my girls as well." You stretched out your hand and gently his cheeks. "You shouldn't have done that just now. Why get angry over that kind of person."

"He was insulting you." He turned you around. "I can't just let anyone talk about my girl."

"But you have an image Yifan. Don't do rash things anymore okay?" You kissed him on the cheeks. "Thank you my love."

He pulled you into his embrace tightly. He lifted your chin up and moulded his lips with yours. Things got a little heated over time. You wrapped your arms around the giant's neck and he lifted you up and brought you to the bed, dimming the room lights along the way. He placed you down gently on the bed and slowly planting kisses from your lips to your jawline and your neck. He on your sweet spot, leaving his mark and made his way back to your lips. He your lower lip, signalling for enterance and you obliged. Both your lips moulded together perfectly. 

You felt his hand slipping under your shirt, coming in contact with your bear skin, snaking it's way around your waist and slowly going north. It was not long until the both of you were topless. "I need you baby" Kris grunted. You could see lust in his eyes and you wanted him too.

"It's my first time..." You said softly. "Be gentle with me yeah?"

"We can stop if you're not comfortable with it." Kris said, slightly disappointed but he respects you since it was your first time.

"It's okay." You replied. "I need you too Yifan."

With that, he crashed his lips onto yours once again and spent the night making love with you. It was passionate but you felt Kris being really gentle with you, treating you like a delicate piece of art.

"I love you." Kris said, after spilling his seeds into you.

"I love you too Yifan." You wrapped your hand around him and fell asleep.


Kris woke up to his phone vibrating. He looked at the person's name and he rejected the call. He threw his phone aside and turned to look at you who was still sleeping soundly. he propped his head up and slowly studied your features, using his fingers to trace your jawline and planting a kiss on your lips. You fidgeted slightly at the kiss but you weren't fully awake. Kris' phone vibrated once again and it woke you up. You opened your eyes slowly and saw Kris staring at his phone. Just like before, he rejected the call.

"Why didn't you pick it up?" You asked, giving him a shock.

"Oh.. It was an unknown number." Kris brushed it off. "Morning sunshine." He greeted you with his smile that probably killed thousands of fangirls.

"Morning." You pecked his lips. "What time is it?"

"A little after 11." Kris said, a little shocked at the time as well.

"Are we suppose to gather by 12?" You asked. Before you got your answer you heard  your phone ring and it was from Shimin, telling you to get ready by 12. "We running late. Why aren't you going back? Aren't you gonna wash up?"

Kris gave you sheepish smile. He climbed over you and you realise he was still , and so were you.

"Why are you still embarrassed after yesterday night?" Kris teased as he removed your hand that was covering your face. "I know how to save us some time." He pulled off the blanket that was covering your body.

"Yifan!" You smacked him in embarrassement cause you are fully exposed to him. He got off the bed and carried you up bridal style and headed to the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" You kicked your legs in the air protesting.



"Showering together, of course" He said as he closed the bathroom door behind him with his foot, giving you a smirk.

Update! (: A little tease on the making out part. I might include a full fledged part in the future. :D Enjoy reading! :D

Would like to recommend 10080 to all of you. It's been quite a hot topic lately but it's a really good Baekyeol fanfic. I ended up crying reading 10080 and the sequel (86400) as well. Not Kris related but definitely give both a read. (Y)

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333