Chapter XXXIII

Dreams Do Come True

Sleeping in has never felt so good in a long time. You didn't know how long you slept for but you know it was longer than usual. Your phone rang, making you awake from dreamland. You groaned and you reached out for your phone.

"Hello..." You mumbled in your husky morning voice with your eyes still closed.

"You're still asleep?"

"Mmm..." You hummed. You pulled your phone away from your ear and squinted to looked at the ID to see who it was on the other line. "Why are you calling me so early..." You groaned as you shifted to your side.

"What do you mean early? It's almost 1 o'clock miss." Kris laughed over the phone. "And you're calling me lazy?"

"You called just to tell me I'm lazy?"

"Of course not. I already knew that long ago." He replied. "Hope you didn't forget about meeting me tonight. I'm heading out for basketball with the boys in a while. I'll text you again."

"Okay." You replied as you stretched yourself. "See you." You sat yourself up and ruffled your hair. Shimin wasn't in the room and the afternoon sun was shining through your room window. Feeling more awake, you checked the time on your phone. It was 1pm. You tied your hair up into a bun and went outside to look for your two members who didn't have any schedule. The house was quiet; no one seemed to be around. You went back to your room to call Shimin, finding out where the two of them are. It seems that Shimin is out with her dancer boyfriend and Miko went out with your stylists. 'So much for shopping together...' you thought. You headed to the kitchen to make yourself a sandwich before sitting yourself down on the couch with your laptop and the television on. You browsed the internet, updating yourself with the recent news of the industry and also news back at home. Your busy schedule didn't allow you to have much time to rest, let alone allowing you to keep up with the recent happenings. The only time you have to that was the traveling time between schedules which is mostly spent sleeping and also when you end you day's schedules.

You watched videos of the shows that your group went on, monitoring your own performance on music shows and variety shows so that you can point out the different points for you and your members to improve on for the next time. You still found it weird seeing yourself on the screen and cringed at some of your own reactions. 'Oh god.. Why did I do that...' You decided to head out to shop alone since it was getting boring in the dorm.

The streets were filled with people since it was a Sunday, enjoying their time with their family members and friends. Since you didn't have any specific place you wanted to go, you just roamed around, going into random shops. You were casually dressed, a chiffon blouse with a woolen sweater over it, black jeans and a pair of boots. You didn't have any makeup on except for a light amount of BB cream. You decided to pay the boys a visit after shopping by yourself. You found it pointless to go back to your dorm since you were going to meet Kris later anyways. You dropped by a convenient store and bought drinks for the boys before getting into a cab and head off the where the boys were.

They would always play at a court near their dorm. You’ve bump into them a few times while you were jogging around the area. It has been their go to place ever since they moved to their current dorm. You could vaguely see them from where you alighted. You took your time to lug the two bags of drinks over to where the boys are. They were quite heavy but still manageable for that short distance. Few of the boys were pointing and looking at your direction, trying to figure out who it was. After a while, you heard a familiar voice calling for you. “NOONA!” Sehun called out and waved to you. He jogged over to you shortly with Kai following behind him. “What’s this?” He asked as both the boys looked into the bag.

“Is this for us?” Kai added.


“Wah daebak. Noona you’re the best!” Sehun exclaimed.

“Am I disrupting you guys or something? You can just place them at the side and grab them when you guys take a break. I’ll just stone by the corner.” You said.

“Why are you here anyways?” Kai asked.

“You sound like you don’t want me here..” You joked. “I’m meeting someone later and my members all have their own plans so I decided to be nice and pop by.”

“More like you’re here so you can go off with that person straight away after we end.” Sehun teased making both the boys laugh.

You sat by the side and watched the boys play. It was M versus K and M seemed to be in the lead. The boys were really into to the game, you could see it on their faces, especially Kris. He looked really intense and focused. Although you didn't know much about basketball, you actually enjoyed watching the boys play, getting shocked by the random shrieking of fans the happened to pass by or the screams of a few fans who decided to sit there and watch just like you are doing. After a while more of playing, the boys decided to take a break. You took a bottle and threw it to Kris who was walking towards you.

"Thanks Enjing!" Lay said as he took a bottle from the bag and sat down on the steps in front of you.

"All thanks to you, we get free drinks." Chanyeol said as he bumps his shoulder with Kris'. "Anyways, thanks Enjing!"

“Why are you here?” Kris asked as he sat down next to you, grabbing a towel from his bag to wipe off his perspiration. “It’s not even time yet. Are you that egar to see me/”

“Oh please.” You rolled your eyes. “My members have their own plans so I decided to pop by after shopping around the area. I thought it would be more convenient but I guess…” You paused and looked at him. His hair was tied up into a small pony tail and he was covered up in perspiration from the game. “…you need to go back and wash up first.”

“Well, I can go off like that if you don’t mind.”

“I do!” You replied. “And you need to look more presentable just in case you get your photos taken by the fans.” You pointed to the side where a few groups of girls were seen seated with their phones out. Not sure if they were taking pictures or videoing.

“It’s not like I’m looking any much better now.” Kris said. He then headed back on court with s for another match before calling it a day. You followed the boys back to their dorm after much persuasion by them. You didn’t want to in the first place because you found it inconvenient.

“It’s not like you haven’t been to our dorm before.” Sehun said.

“Precisely.” Kris agreed. “You even spent the night there before.” He whispered. You glared at Kris and pinched his arm.

You made yourself comfortable in their dorm, sitting down on their couch and switched on the television. “Aren’t you making yourself a little too comfortable?” Luhan said.

“Well, you said ‘make yourself comfortable’.”

“I didn’t know you took it so literally.” Luhan laughed. Running Man was showing so you just watched it along with a few other members while waiting for Kris.

“Did you watch the episode we were on?” Sehun asked.

“Of course I did. You guys were not bad.” You replied. “It’ll be cool if Gems could go on as well.”

Kris came out from the bathroom and walked into his room. It has been a while since he was inside and you decided to check on him. You knocked on the door and slowly opened it since the door wasn’t locked. Kris was seated in front of the mirror, applying something on his face. You walked towards him with a smirk your face.

“Yes, yes, I’m vain. Shhh!” Kris said before you could say anything.

“That wasn’t what I wanted to say but since you mentioned it, yeah, you are.” You said. “Are you just going to wear that?” You pointed to the sleeveless top he was wearing.

“Of course not. I don’t want to freeze.” He said. He stood up and walked towards the cupboard, opening it and deciding which jacket he should wear. “This or this?” Kris took out two different jackets letting you choose.

“The maroon one.” You answered while lying on his bed. “Is that thick enough to keep you warm?”

“Seems fine.” Kris replied as he put on the jacket. He reached for his drawer and took out a grey scarf and wrapped it around his neck. He then walked over to the mirror to see if he looked fine. His hair was left down with his fringe swept to one side. He had no makeup on but you were sure people can still recognise him. “I think we’re good to go.” He said as he grabbed a pair of fake glasses and place them on.

“I’m going to fall asleep here if you took any longer.” You said as you got up from your lying position. “I seriously feel like I’m the guy sometimes.” You walked in front of the mirror and arranged your clothes, making sure it was presentable.

“You can be my boyfriend and I can be your girlfriend.” Kris teased.

“No.” You stuck your tongue out at Kris while deciding whether to tie your hair up.

“What’s this?” Kris said as he ran his finger on the tattoo that was on the back of your neck. It was the word ‘faith’ and two vertical lines on top and below the word, making it look like a cross.  “I never knew you had this.”

“Shows that you were not observant enough.” You replied while letting your hair down, covering the tattoo. “I got it recently. An early birthday present for myself.”

“You went to get it alone?”

“Yeah. I’ve been wanting one for quite some time so I just went to get it.” You replied. “It’s nothing much. You have like… three?”

“It looks nice on you.” Kris said. “Does your manager know?”

“No one knows except for you.” You replied. “I think he will flip if he found out. We’ll see when it happens.”


“Have fun!” Kai said before the two of you left.

“Don’t come back too early!” Sehun added.

This kid…’ You waved before finally leaving their dorm. You entered the lift and Kris pressed the button to the basement carpark. “Basement?”

“I’m driving.” Kris said.

“You borrowed the car again?” Kris nodded. “What did you do this time to persuade your manager? Sell your soul?”

“You can say that.”

Kris drove out of the carpark. You were not sure where Kris was taking you and you didn’t bother asking either because you know he will just keep you in suspense. You looked around the place and you found it a little familiar. “Hongdae?”

“Seems like you are quite street smart.” Kris replied. It was crowded since it was a Sunday and the restaurants were filled with people, most of them with queues outside. Looking at the situation, you decide to head for a movie before having dinner. You don’t think you have ever been to a movie alone with Kris before. The last you remembered was with him and the usual three boys you all hung out with. Although you bought the tickets late, the two of you still managed to find a couple seat which was in the middle. Kris made his way into the cinema first and you followed behind slightly later. You decided to watch The Commitment (sorry I couldn’t think of any possible movies /: ) since it was the popular show at the moment.

“Will I be able to see you up there one day?” Kris asked.

“Maybe?” You replied. “I hope so. Who knows, maybe I will be watching you on the big screen one day too. We shall work towards it.”

The movie was good although you found it a little draggy at some parts but you still enjoyed it. You always liked action movie and you hoped to be able to star in one of them in the future. It was almost nine when the movie ended and you were both feeling hungry. You walked down the streets of Hongdae, trying to look for something nice and warm.

“Anything you are craving for?”

“I don’t know.. Hotpot?” You replied.

“Hotpot?” Kris repeated . “Isn’t it Chinese food? Shouldn’t you be craving for something Korean since you have been out of the country for such a month?”

“Well.. I’m Chinese. There’s nothing wrong with wanting Chinese food.” You said.

“Fine. There’s this place where Zhoumi ge and I go to quite often.” Kris said. “But it’s not around this area though.” With that, you headed back to the car and went to the restaurant for dinner. You both roamed around the streets after dinner, looking at items that were on sale. You both ended up at Cheonggyecheon River Park and it looked really beautiful at night with the different coloured lights on.

“Maybe we should consider coming here for our dates in the future.” Kris said. You shrugged and continued walking. You found a nice and quiet spot and sat down

“Anyways, what’s your character in the drama you’re acting in?” Kris asked.

“She’s called Jiaen. The protagonist’s first love.”

“First love?!” Kris’ tone became a little higher. “So does that mean…”

“Mean what? You asked. Kris looked a little uneasy which made you wanted to laugh at his expression.

“Is there like… you know.. kiss scene?” Kris said.

“There isn’t any kiss scene.” You said. Kris’ expression relaxed after hearing what you said. “But there are scenes of us cuddling and holding hands when they filmed the flashback scenes.” Kris let out a long sigh  You chuckled and leaned against the concrete wall. “It’s nothing much, just a few scenes.” You turned to the other side to look at the scenery. “Don’t be jealous.” You added softly.

“Well, that’s not very comforting.” Kris replied. “But it’s part of your job so I won’t get jealous that easily.”

“Really…:” You replied in a challenging tone. ‘But you’re a jealous bomb’ “Enough about me, let’s talk about you. Two days till your comeback, are you excited?”

“I guess. But it’s more nervous since everyone is having high expectations. The MV’s coming out later during midnight.” Kris said.

“Of course they have high expectations. You’ll be fine. Just be the usual cold -guy Kris and kill everyone with those winks and smirks of yours and you’ll do great.”

“That’s some advice you have.” Kris laughed. “Well it’s good to be performing again and, I think we might be going to Taiwan something this month so it seems like we could visit you.”

‘That’s good. I won’t be so lonely anymore.” You replied. “Why does it seem so much colder tonight? Isn’t spring coming?” You rubbed your palms together and blew out your breath onto them and placing them around your neck afterwards.

It was a windy night and the breeze was making you shiver since the clothes you were wearing were not enough to keep you warm. You should have just gone with the thicker leather jacket you picked out instead of this woolen sweater.

“Wait here.” Kris said and he took off to somewhere before you could ask. You watched as his back view got smaller and disappeared after making a turn up the stairs. You slid both your hands in your jean’s pocket keeping them warm. You watched as people walk by where you were seated. Couples, families and group of friends with some occasionally looking at you, as if trying to figure out if you are who they think you are. You were envious of the people you see sometimes, being able to spend time with their friends and family. You couldn’t remember when was the last time you had a decent outing with your family, let alone your friends who you hardly get to meet when you’re back home. You really wished that this coming break after your drama shoot will allow you to spend more time with them.

You were in your own thoughts until you spotted a little boy running towards your direction. He looked like he was only two or three years old. You saw a young couple a distance from the boy with a stroller, most probably his parents, and they were calling out to him, asking him not to run. Being at the age where they are the most active, the toddler just kept running. A smile unknowingly formed on your face looking at how adorable the young boy was.

“Why are you smiling to yourself?” Kris’ voice gave you a shock. “Here.” He handed a can of hot coffee to you. You grabbed it with both your hand, letting the warmth from the coffee warm you up.

“Isn’t he cute?” You nodded towards the toddler who was just a few steps away from you. He boy stopped briefly to look and you and Kris who were infront of him and continued waddling his way. There was a small step infront of him but he missed it and he fell flat onto the ground.

“Oh!” You exclaimed and ran towards the boy. You held him up and wiped the dirt off him. “Are you okay?” You asked. The boy looked at you with his already tears filled eyes and started wailing shortly after. “Don’t cry. Does it hurt?” You hushed, blowing on his hands which were a little red from the impact. You turned to look at Kris as if asking him for help. The poor kid was crying non-stop. Kris walked over and carried the boy from you.

“Look, umma’s coming.” Kris pointed to the couple who was running towards you. "Don't cry anymore, boys don't cry." He said, using his thumb to rub away the tears from the boy who was still crying.

"Aigoo, Yunjae ah~!" His mother called. The boy stretched out his arms as soon as he see his mother coming towards him. "Are you hurt? Umma's here, it's alright now." She cooed. Yunjae placed his head on his mother's shoulder, still sobbing away but he's quiter now. 

"Thank you so much." She thanked. "Are you guys artistes? I think I saw you guys performing on music shows before." The both of you smiled and nodded.

"I think we'll be going then," the father said. "Yunjae ah, say bye to hyung and noona." The boy lifted up his hand and waved at the two of you.

"Annyeong!" You both said and waved back. The family took their leave after thanking the both of you once more.

"Such an adorable boy." You commented as you sat back down. 

"Your motherly instinct totally took over." Kris said. "You should have seen the look on your face. It was as if it was your own child that fell."

"You are not too bad yourself." You replied. "Some advise you have. You sounded like a dad talking to his son too." You laughed.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" He asked.


"Like you know, when you get married and have a family..."

"A boy first I guess. I always wanted an older brother and I would want someone to protect my daughter." You replied. Kris was looking at you the whole time, smiling to himself at the expression you had on your face when you talked about it. 

"I'll try to make it happen." Kris commented.

"Excuse me?!" You exclaimed. You weren't sure what he meant or maybe you just pretended that you didn't know.

Kris just laughed at your reaction. "Oh, I almost forgot." He took out a beige scarf and wrapped it around your neck. "This will make you warmer." 

"Where did you get this?"

"I bought it, along with the coffee." You were touched by his small gesture. It's funny how Kris always knew how to make you happy with the slightest things he does. "There's one more place I want to go." Kris said as he stood up, gesturing you to follow him. Kris drove down the familiar road that you have passed by multipule times. It was way too familiar to you.


"It seems like everything still looks the same." Kris said as he leaned on the railings, looking at night view of the streets across the river.

"Of course it's the same. The scenery hardly changes. People do..." You said. The Han river held so much memories, good and bad. This was the place where the two of you got together and spend hours by yourselves in the night dating. It was also the place you went to drown your sorrows in, the night when you found out about Hannah's pregnancy. 



"I know it has been a crazy ride for you over the past few months. It has been as crazy for me as well, mostly because I didn't have you by my side. I really want to apologise for the hurt that I've cause and I know you have been keeping everything inside. I have been thinking these few months, thinking a lot, about us." Kris said with his head hung low. You slowly climbed onto the railing, sitting on it. You wanted him to continue but a part of you was afraid about what he might say. "I can't live without you. I realise how I've changed after we broke up. I was speaking lesser to my members and I was basically back to the days where I kept everything to myself. The cold-guy Kris everyone has been calling me. I miss the time we spend chatting out night away here, enjoying each other's presence. I miss how we secretly date when both our groups have meals together. I miss the long phone calls we have, your scent, your touch, everything." Kris stopped and walked infront of you so that he could see your face.

You hung your head down, trying to hide the tears that were slowly building up around your eyes. Kris' words pierced your heart. It was excatly how you felt. You missed his scent, his touch, everything you used to do with him. Even though you have been keeping your distance from his, you found yourself peeking at his schedules and looking out for him whenever you both are at the same schedule. 

"Look at me." Kris said, placing his finger on your chin, gently pushing your head up. "Zhang Enjing, are you willing to give me another chance? Let's get back together."

"Isn't our relationship good now? I mean.." You stopped, not knowing how to continue.

"It's great but I want us to be back like what we used to be."

"But we can't, can we? After all these that happened." You sighed. "Some things will never be the same again."

"That doesn't matter. As long as we have each other." Kris said. You looked into his eyes and you could see his sincerity. The way he was looking at you was the same as the time he first confessed but this time, there was a slight tinge of fear. He was afraid you would say no, he was afraid that he was going to lose you. "So?" He asked, waiting for your answer.


"Will you come back to me?"

New chapter! Sorry for the long wait. I kinda spent too much time on my other fanfic so it dragged a little for this one. :P I hope this chapter isn't too boring cause I know there's not as much exciting moments going on. I'll try to update the new chapter asap since I'll be more free after Christmas. (: 

To all my readers and subscribers, MERRY CHRIST(KRIS)MAS! Enjoy the last two weeks of 2013! <3

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333