Chapter XXXIX

Dreams Do Come True

"Why do you still look so tired? I thought you went earlier to take a nap?" Your makeup artist asked as you yawned. You looked at her and laughed it off whilyour other memebers were trying to muffle their laughter in the background.

"I don't think you went up to take a nap." Shimin teased as you walked out your stylist's room. You shot her a glare asking her to shut up. 

"Taozi ge!" Shimin waved as she saw the boys coming out from the other room. "Yo Yifan ge. Why do you look so tired? Not enough sleep?" Shimin asked. You felt like she was on a mission to embarrasse you and you wanted to kill her.

:"I guess it's the flu medication. It makes me drowsy." He replied and of all times, you had to sneeze right after he finished his sentence.

"How come you're sick too? I thought you were fine in the morning?" Lay asked. You looked at Kris and the laughed. What else could be the cause of your flu.

"I don't think the two of them went up to rest after breakfast." Shimin said in Chinese.

"More like resting together." Luhan laughed.

"Lu ge!" You exclaimed, causing the other two Chinese boys to laugh as well. The other four non-chinese members just stood there, trying to comprehen the situation but you knew they boys were going to translate for them later on. Kris just stood there smiling to himself like an idiot, obviously thinking about what you both did earlier. "Li Shimin you're so dead." You placed your hand around her shoulders as you walked towards the lobby.


You reached the TV station and they gathered both your groups to brief you guys on the programme. It was a outdoor programme where the 10 of you would be split into two groups to complete different tasks around the area and at the same time, get to explore and understand more about the city. After that, the two groups were brought to another for interview. The picked out questions that were posted by fans through their social media site. The first question they fans wanted to know was what job would you be persuing if you weren't an idol, followed by the next questions which was asking you the places you wanted to go if you were on a long holiday.

"Now for the third question," Shimin said as she picked up the third piece of paper in the box. "What are your ideal types?" She paused for a moment before asking,"Who shall we start from..."

"Duizhang, duizhang." Luhan said. "Go, Kris." Everyone was trying to keep a straight face but the situation was too funny.

"I like..." His eyes was shifting around the memebers and then outside where the staff members were and finally made contact with yours.

You raised an eyebrow and looked at him, you took the mic from Shimin, "Quick, don't waste our time."

"Why are you so egar to know huh?" Lay teased. You just smiled and handed to mic back to Shimin.

"Ideal type is someone filial, has pretty eyes cause it's the first thing I notice about her and looks like an angel." Kris said which cause everyone to 'Oh' unanimously, including you. Shimin was being an once again, and looked at you. You poked her sides to remind her that you were still filming the interview and don't try to make any funny comments.

"Is there anyone here that matches your ideal type?" Lay asked.

"Urm..." He looked the the four of you and stopped his eyes on you. "Maybe?" He smiled and so did you but you tried to hide it. He then passed the mic to his other members who gave short description on their ideal types except for Tao who gave a long list. It followed by your members and finally your turn to speak.

"I don't really have any ideal type." You answered and the other nine were not happy with that answer.

"One more chance." Shimin said.

"Someone who is tall, like 180 and above, humorous and most importantly, must be able to love me for who I am."

"Sounds like someone I know." Luhan commented.

"Sounds like someone I know too." Kris added. The interview then continued with three more questions ranging from your weird habits to one of the items on your bucket list and lastly was which member would you allow your sibling to date if you had one. The short interview took an hour because the 10 of you were having too much fun. You didn't know much much of it was going actually make it in the final cut but you were glad that you were able to talk more compared to being on Korean shows because you would find yourself messing up certain words.


After touching up your makeup and lunch, you all boarded the bus charted by the TV station to the place where you would start your show recording. They started the recording outside the Tiananmen Square where they introduced both the groups, making you guys perform your songs as well. Since it was an outdoor recording, there were people crowding around to watch, mostly your fans and curious passerbys. After that, you were asked to choose your own group members and they made you and Kris the leaders of each group since you are the leaders of your own group. "We can't be in the same group?" Kris asked.

"Who wants to be in the same group as you?" You retorted making the hosts and other members laugh.

"Is it that bad to be is the same group as me?" Kris answered back.

"A little?"

"Don't fight, don't fight. Go settle your domestic affairs at home." Lay added. Of course the two of you weren't bickering for real, it was how both of you communicated and Lay knew that as well. He just wanted to make the recording atmosphere lighter and tease the two of you at the same time.

"I'm going to stop arguing with you for the sake of Yixing ge." You said.

"What? Okay, fine. You're going to get it from me later." Kris replied, causing the crowd to laugh again. The both of you obviously didn't mind showing the relationship you had on national TV. You interactions weren't that obvious to show that you both were together but it was ambiguous enough for people to guess if you are really together. The two of you then stood at a side each while the other eight stood in a line infront of you. Kris allowed you to choose first because he claimed he was a gentlemen.

"Lu ge!" You called. Who else better to choose when you're in Beijing.

Kris sighed seeing that you picked someone he had in mind. "Yixing!" He called.



It was left with Gayeon, Miko, Tao and Xiumin.

"Zitao!" You called. 


It was left with both your members and you didn't know who to pick. "It's just a game, please don't hate me." You declared before choosing Gayeon over to your team. Miko acted like she was hurt by you for not choosing her and walked over to Kris' team. After the first round of challenge at the Tiananmen square, both your teams were off to your various locations to finish the task. It was almost september and the weather wasn't as hot as it was in the ious months but the few of you were still perspiring under the heat. The various challenges required you to go to various significant places and also try out their local food and games as well. For the past few hours, you were indeed having a lot of fun especially when you like exploring new places that you never went before. You were basically a travel junkie. 

The recording finally ended after four long hours and all 10 of you and the hosts gathered back at Tiananmen Square to do the closing. After the recording ended, the ten of you were brought to the concert venue for rehearsal. It took quite a while since you need to get used to the stage and know how far the extension stage was from the actually one. It was past dinner time by the time you all were done and everyone was exhausted and hungry after a long day.


"Aren't you having anymore?" Tao asked.

"I'm full." Kris placed his chopsticks down and leaned against the back of the chair.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good."

"I guess I'm just tired." Kris pressed his thumb and index finger on his temples. He wasn't feeling well. It seems that his flu has gotten worse after the whole day of schedule and he was having a really bad headache. You saw Kris leaving the table after talking to his manager. You got up and followed behind since you were concerned and you could tell that he looked uncomfortable.

"Wait!" You slid your hand through the lift door before it closed.

"Enjing?" Kris was shocked. "Why aren't you having dinner?"

"Did your flu get worse? You don't look that good." You asked, cupping his left cheek with your hand.

He took your hand in his and held it, "I'm fine, just that my head is killing me. I'll get better after some rest."

You pouted at him because you knew he was always acting strong even though he was unwell. He held your hand all the way back to him room and you could feel that his temperature was going up.

"Ge, do have any fever medication in your room?" You called Luhan, who was sharing a room with Kris. Kris was in the shower so you took the chance to talk to Luhan.

"I don't think so. Why?"

"I think Yifan's running a fever. Oh, I'll be in your room until you're back to look after him."

"Do you want to stay over? I can always bunk in with Yixing and Minseok."

"It's fine. I'll stay here until you come up."

Kris walked out of the shower with his track pants and a towel hung over his shoulder. "Why are you not wearing any shirt?" You frowned.

"Why? You've seen it so many times, don't need to be shy." He laughed. "Round two?" He smiled sheepishly at you as he crawled onto the bed. You picked up the pillow and hit him on the arm. You hopped out of bed and poured him a cup of water along with the cold medication that Luhan had instead. You walked to his luggage and pulled out one of his t-shirts. 

"Put it on. You're not going to recover like this." You held the shirt in front of him. He placed the cup down after taking his medication and stretched his hand out. "What?" You asked and he bobbed his head at the shirt. "You want me to put it on for you?" You frowned but he just smiled and nodded.

"Why? Do you only know how to take it off me?" He teased.

"No!" You protested, placing the shirt over his head and then both his arms. "See? Such a baby."

"Your baby." You couldn't help but smile at his words. He wrapped his arms up around you and pursed his lips up to kiss you.

You laid in bed with Kris until he fell asleep. It seems like the medication was taking effect and you hoped that he would be better tomorrow because you had a concert at night. You jumped slightly when you heard the door open. "Lu ge." You called as you spotted the older boy.

"How is he?"

"I guess the medicine is taking effect. He's alseep." You gently ran your fingers through the boy's hair. His head was rested against your waist and his hand placed gently on your thigh. Not wanting to wake him up, you grabbed his hand as gently as you could and lifted them off you. He groaned a little but he was still a sleep.

"Really not staying?" Luhan asked.

"I'll be going back to my room. Miko can't sleep alone, she'll freak out." You laughed. "I'll most probably come by in the morning if not, I'll see you guys at breakfast." You gave Luhan a quick hug before heading back to your room.


"Ge. How is he?"

"He's still having slight fever." Luhan said as let you in. You stood by the dressing table and looked at the boy who was still sleeping, with his back facing you. "You go check on him. I'm going over to Minseok's room for a bit."

You walked up to the sick boy and sat by his bed, running your fingers along his fringe. He grabbed your hand and turned himself to face you. "Good morning." His voice was hoarse. You weren't sure it was because he just woke up, or it was because of his flu.

"How are you feeling?" You asked as you placed your hand on his forehead and then on his neck. He was a burning a little, just like what Luhan said earlier.

"Still sick." He paused. "But I think I'm getting better at the sight of you." You laid down on your side on the little space that was vacant on his bed. He stretched his left arm out for you to lie on and the other hanging loosly around your waist. You didn't mind the fact that he was sick because you knew he needed you by his side, the more when he is feeling unwell.

"How are you going to perform tonight?" You frowned.

"It's not the first time I'm performing when I'm unwell. I'll be fine." He kissed your forehead, "Who knows, maybe I'll be fine by tonight."


You waited for him to wash up before heading down to the restaurant together. Despite having an early night yesterday, you weren't able to sleep well before you know it, you fell asleep only to be woken up by your boyfriend a while later. "Come on sleeping beauty, time to head for breakfast." He smiled before kissing you on the lips.

"You think you're prince charming huh." You laughed.

"Well, at least the kiss works."


There was still free time for you before going to the concert so you decided to roam around the area with your members. You weren't exactly sure of where to go so the four of you, along with your manager, just walked around the area aimlessly. "Wait here for a bit." You said before running into the pharmacy that you passed by.

"What did you get?" Your manager asked, looking at the small plastic bag that you stuffed into your clutch.

"Just some medication."

"You're sick?"

"No, it's for someone."


"I thought I told you guys I'm not- Oh, it's you." Kris widened his eyes the moment he saw you.

"What's with the expression. Who were you expecting huh?"

"I thought it was the boys." 

"You're such a loner." You walked pass him into the room and sat on Luhan's bed. "We bumped into them on the streets and realise you and Yixing weren't around."

"It's not everyday you see me hiding in the room you know." He said. "Then why are you here? Aren't your members exploring the place?"

"Here." You took out the plastic bag from your clutch and handed it over to Kris.

"What's thing?" He took it from your hand and peeped inside.

"Make sure you take it." You said, standing up from your place.

"Are you leaving?" Kris grabbed your hand and pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around you and leaning his head on your stomach.

"I don't want to join the loner club." You ruffled his hair jokingly. He held on to you tighter not wanting you to leave. The two of you haven't been able to spend so much time with each each other alone for a long while. "I can only stay for a while. We don't have much time before we head to for rehearsal anyways."

"Then at least stay with me until the rest come back." He whinned. Seeing that you didn't really have anything important to settle, and that you also wanted to spend time with him, you agreed and stayed. Kris didn't want to stay in the room so he suggested that the both of you go to the pool side to get some fresh air. The pool was just two storeys up where Kris' room was and it was open to public. Since it was still early, there were only a handful of people swimming and chilling by the pool side. The both of you found a cosy spot by the pool side cafe and sat there for coffee. Techinally, it was only you because you didn't allow him to order anything else besides orange juice.

"Why orange juice..." He whinned. You realise he was too whinny for someone his size and face but you like it anyways.

"Vitamin C." You said, pushing the drink towards him. He pouted and drank it, eyeing the mocha that you were drinking. 

"Why do you keep looking at me?" Kris asked. "I know I'm handsome."

"Oh please," You rolled your eyes. "You look pale. Are you sure you are alright?" You stretched your hand over, wanting to feel his forehead but he grabbed your wrist just in time. You could feel the heat radiating from his palm, he was obviouisly not alright.

"I'm fine."

"But you're burning up!"

"It's just the heat. I'll be fine after taking the medicine."

"Why are you always so stubborn?"

"It's not stubborn. I-"

"You just don't want me to worry right? I know I know." You grumbled and sipped away on your coffee. You were upset, Kris obviously could tell. You rested your hand against your palm and scrolled through your phone, not bothering to look at him.

"Hey." He nudged but you didn't respond. "Baby..." He tried multiple times but you just didn't want to respond to him. "Zhang Enjing!" He raised his voice.

"What?" You finally decided to answer and you felt his lips on yours the moment your head turned towards him. You quickly pushed him away, hoping that no one saw anything. "What are you doing?!"

"Trying to find a way for you to respond to me." He smiled, not gulity about what he did. You covered your mouth with your hand and backed up, trying to hide your reddening face as well.

"People are going to see us! What if we make the headlines again?"

"Then we'll go public. It's not like people actually buy that we're not dating."

"Some of them do." You sighed, swirling the straw in the cup. "Looks like we got to leave." You said, looking at the message your members sent.

"Well that ." Kris stood up with you following suit, making your way towards the lift lobby. As you made your way back, there were a few fans waiting by the pool side and the lobby, flashing out their cameras and phone taking pictures of the two of you.

"Are you guys really together?" One of them asked as the both of you were waiting for the lift. You kept a straight face and looked at Kris who did the same as well. 

"Why are you always with Yifan ge?" One of them asked. The question caught you off guard but you smiled slightly and nodded your head, acknowledging her question. "Why are you not answering?"

"Stay away from him, do you really think you are good enough to be his girlfriend?" You faintly heard another person said. "Stay away from the other boys too! Don't use them to get more popularity." You could see from the side of your eye that Kris wasn't too happy with what he heard. He had a stern expression and he wasn't even looking at the fans around you both. The small commotion alerted the security who was up in no time to prevent the fans from following the two of you down to the levels you were staying.

"Why?" You asked after the lift doors shut, leaving the two of you alone again. You held his wrist and shook them slightly.

"I don't like the way they talk about you." He turned and look at you.

"It doesn't matter. I'm used to it, more like I need to get used to it."

"What do you mean you're used to it." Kris frowned. "How much of these comments and nonsense have you been getting?"

"That's not important. We all have to go through that. It's something I have to get used to since I have such a handsome boyfriend." You smiled. "You know, maybe they are right. You're too good for someone like me." You hung your head and looked at your feet. You were trying your best to show that all those comments were not affecting you. You have always been a really sensitive person, especially to what the public feels and think about you. You would go and monitor your performances on various sites and see what people write in the comments. When there are new pictures of your group released, you would also go online and look at the response. You would type your name into the search engines and see what people say about you. You wanted to show your best to everyone out there, show them that you worked your way to what you have today and in the future. Of course you were prepared to receive criticism from people. Afterall, you cannot please everyone but, you are still human. There's so much that you can take before you reach your breaking point.

"What are you talking about?" Kris frowned, He didn't like you saying such thing. You're worth the whole world to him and it pained him to see you say such thing about yourself. 

"Storey eight." The telecom announced in Chinese.

"Nothing." You brushed it off. "I'll get going first. Remember to take your medicine before you leave okay?" You reminded him before stepping out of the lift. Kris took a step and grabbed onto your arm just as you were walking out. You turned to face him, only to see him looking apologetic and worried. "I'm fine, really." You pat his hand gently before walking back to your room.


"Did anyone see my phone?" Gayeon yelled across the room, rumaging every corner to look for her phone. You shrugged her off and sat down on the couch because you now how she would always misplace her things and find them a while later.

"Enjing ah, we need you to rehearse the dance break again." One of the staff members called out. You plucked out your earphones and quickly made your way back to the stage, not wanting to waste any time. They needed to see your positions again so they could better do the stage effects while the three of you were performing. You thanked the staff and made your way back stage after your rehearsal and saw the other M members getting ready. You manage to catch a glimpse of your boyfriend while making your way back. He was bending down, on hand on his forehead and the other hand resting on Tao. He didn't seem too well. Before you could go over to see how he was doing, they were given to cue to go on stage.


"Unnie, help me fix my mic." Miko asked as you made your way out for standby. You walked passed Exo's room, whose door was open, and you could see the boys resting in the room.

"How's he?" You asked Tao who was the nearest to the door.

He paused for a long while, looking at the boy and then back at you. "Not very well. I think his temperature went up."

"He didn't take the medicine?"

Tao shook his head. "You know how stubborn he can be."

"Let me t-"

"Enjing unnie!" Your members were calling out for you.

"Go for your standby. I'll look after him." Tao assured. You took a glance at Kris before running off and standby for your performance. You pulled yourself together, focusing on the next 10 minutes where you needed to perform. As much as you were worried about your sick boyfriend, you still needed to do your best for your performance. It was your first time performing in front of your China fans and you didn't want to mess it up.


Roaring cheers were heard from the crowd as you finished your final song, the four of you remained at your final pose as the lights dimmed, making your way down the side of the extension stage. You quickly made your way back to the main stage while changing your outer jacket on the way. As you stood on the platform, waiting for the music to start you saw Kris standing by your left, a few feet away from you. He flashed you a wide smile, giving you a thumbs up, signalling that you did a great job for your performance and wishing you all the best for your next performance. 

You heard the music playing through your earphones and it was the start of your dance performance. You smiled and winked back at Kris, acknowledging him before getting into your position. Few seconds later, your were pushed up and you danced like it was your last performance on stage. That was your mentality for each of your performance because you always wanted to give your all to the people who loved and supported you. 

As the dance segment ended, you made your way back stage along with your members and monitored the boys' performance which was after yours. Their performance made the crowd go wild, which brought the atmosphere of the whole concert to a new level. The boys ended their performance with Growl, which also signaled the end of the whole concert. All the performing artistes were invited out onto stage once again for the finale. This was the chance for you to interact with artistes from other countries and also those that you have been looking up to for a long time.

You slowly made your way to where Exo was along with your members, positioning yourself next to Kris. He smiled at you and your members as you greeted them. You grabbed his hand and you could feel that he was burning. It seems that his temperature was higher compared to this morning. He shifted his hand to your back and rubbed it gently, assuring you not to worry. He placed his hand over your shoulder and walked up to the extension stage along with both your members, greeting and thanking your fans as you do so. He took the chance to hold your hand and the 10 of your bowed to the audience. You felt your heart beating faster because of his sudden action, plus the fact that you were in front of thousands of people. As the 10 of you got up, you slipped your hand away from him and turned back, walking back to the main stage with your members. Kris followed behind, smiling to himself at your reaction. He found it really adorable when you try to hide the fact that your were shy.


"This tastes so good!" Chen exclaimed as he placed the peking duck into his mouth. It was a must-try dish when you go to Beijing and even though the boys tried it before, they still found it really delicious. You all had a scrumptious dinner after the concert with local delicacies. You ate so much you felt that your stomach was going to explode anytime.

Kris on the other hand, didn't eat as much. He didn't even finish the bowl of porridge that was infront of him. He was coughing from time to time and he looked really tired and unwell. He didn't involve himself much in your conversations either. 

"Lu ge, can I stay over at your room?" You asked. "I want to take care of him for the night." You pointed at Kris who had his head buried in his plams.

"No problem. I can always bunk with Xiumin and Tao since they have a king size bed."

"You can sleep in my room if you want. Miko will most probably sleep with the other two since she's scared of sleeping alone in the hotel room."


"You're here." Luhan greeted as he opened his room door. "I'll be going over then. Bye Yifan!" He exclaimed before walking to the room opposite. You closed the door behind you, walking past the bathroom which was just next to the door. You heard the sound of water running and since there wasn't anyone in the room, it was probably Kris showering.

"Hi." You greeted as Kris stepped out of the shower with his towel hanging over his shoulder. His head jolted up the moment he heard your voice.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm staying over tonight." You smiled.

"Really?" His face lit up the moment he heard what you said.

"Yes. I'm here to be your mum and look after you." You got up and walked towards him, reaching your hand and touching his forehead. He didn't stop you from doing so this time. "You didn't take the medicine I gave you in the morning, didn't you?" You frowned. Kris looked at you and shook his head. "Come here, you held his hand and led him to the dressing table, making him sit down in front of you while you took the hair dryer to dry his hair, preventing him from falling sick any further.

Kris looked at your reflection in the mirror as you dried his hair. He couldn't help but feel really touched, a smile formed unknowingly as he looked at you and his heart was swelling with joy. He felt like he was the luckiest man on earth to be able to have you as his girlfriend. As you were about to walk away, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his arms.

"Why?" You crooked your head slightly to the side.

"Nothing." He smiled and pulled you closer, resting his head on your chest. You ran your fingers through his hair and smiled to yourself. "I just feel so lucky to have you." 


Hello darlings! New chapter up! ^^ Sorry for the long wait again. I've just started with a new company and it has been SOOOOO HECTIC. I have filming almost every other day. I'm not complaining because I am enjoying what I'm doing! ^^ This means I the updates might be a little slower but don't worry, I'll try my best to keep it up. (:

Thank you so much for the love and support! I've tried my best to make this chapter shorter but apperently... It's still a tad bit long but shorter than the previous one. :P I hope you guys are enjoying this! ^^

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333