Dreams Do Come True

There she was, the girl that once made you go through so much pain and hurt was standing right in front of you. This time, there was something different about her, something that you never saw in her before. "We're doing fine." You smiled politely back at her. 

"Hi." She turned her head and smiled at Kris.

"Hi." Kris greeted her back.

It was an awkward moment for the three of you. You haven't seen Hannah for more than a year, after you were discharged from hospital. You didn't know what to say at the very moment, neither did anyone of you. "How have you been doing?" You broke the silence, genuinely wanting to know how have see been doing.

"I'm doing well. As you can see, I have this boy to take care of." The baby turned his head to face you and Kris, making a little squeal as his did so. He reached out his tiny hand towards your direction and you stretched out you palm, letting the boy hit it a fews times before he got distracted by something else. "Enjing, I was wondering if I could have a word with you?" Hannah asked. You were a little shocked by her request but you agreed.

"I'll wait for you in the car." He said, taking the bags of items you bought and walked out of the cafe, a little worried of what Hannah might say to you because she was really hostile to you previously. Hannah sat down opposite you, holding the child in her arms

"What's his name?" You asked, reaching your palm out to the baby again, letting him play with you.

"Jeremy." She replied.

"How old is he?"

"Almost one." She smiled. Little Jeremy was squealing and giggling. " Actually, I haven't really properly apologise to you about the mess that I've caused previously." She paused. "That day after you left with Chanyeol, I went out with Kris because he wanted to talk to me. He found out that I did something to the DNA results of the child so he wanted to confront me. Of course, I was angry and embarrassed that's why I decided to leave Korea. But after much thought, I felt really foolish and childish. There were times where I felt like sending on apology message to the both of you but I guess I was too prideful." She shifted her gaze from the table up to you, "I'm really sorry, Enjing, for all the stupid things that I've done, coming in between you and Kris. I know it's a scar that can never be removed but I hope you will forgive me for what I've done. You're a really nice girl, and I know that. I was just over whelmed by jealousy that's why I said so many hurtful and mean things about you. I'm really sorry."

"You know, I really hated you when you appeared out of no where and claim that Kris was the father of your child. I had a really rough relationship before this where my boyfriend was violent, and he cheated on me, so I felt really blessed and happy when I got together with Kris. But all that happened it that few months made my world came crashing down on me again and I was so angry and depressed. Everything was going really well until you appeared." You sighed, thinking about what happened in those few months. "But people make mistakes, we tend to get blinded by things and act in a way that we never thought we would. I'm not as nice as you think because there were horrible thoughts that went through my head but I didn't have the courage to do any of those. Maybe I couldn't understand why you made the decision to do what you did, but I believe that people deserve a second chance if they are sincere about their apology." You smiled and looked up at Hannah. Hannah smiled at your words, really touched that after all that she has done, you were willing to forgive her actions.

"Thank you so much." She smiled with tears around her eyes, and reached out her hand. "Hi, my name is Hannah. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Enjing, nice to meet you." You reached out and shook her hand. It was a gesture of you two starting a new, putting the past behind you. Just as the two of you shook hands, Jeremy squealed again, as though he was happy that the two of you are on good terms now.

"He's so adorable." You said, reaching your hand out and held his tiny little hand. "Nice to meet you too, Jeremy!"


Kris left the two of you in the cafe and headed towards the lift lobby feeling uneasy. 'What if she says something mean to her again?' The lift door opened but Kris was just standing in the lobby in the world of his own. "Excuse me sir?" The man in the lift questioned making Kris snap out of his thoughts.

"Oh, sorry..." He walked in and pressed the level where the car was parked. He walked to the car and placed the bags in the back seat before settling himself down in the driver's seat. Taking out his phone from his pocket, he texted you to see if everything was alright but you didn't reply him which made him a little paranoid.

He checked his phone again 10 minutes later, no reply.

"Screw this." He alighted from the car and walked back to the lift lobby, heading back up to where the cafe was located.


The two of you walked out of the cafe and bumped into Kris who was leaning against the wall right next to the entrance. "I thought you wanted to wait in the car?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Well.. I.."

"I guess someone was afraid something might happen to you." Hannah chuckled, which made Kris feel a little awkward. "Well, I guess I'd better be going first."

"Urm.. Do you want us to send you back?" Kris asked, hoping to clear the awkwardness between the both of them,

"It's alright, I won't want to waste any of your time since you two don't have much time to spend like this. My fiance is coming to pick me up."


"He is a childhood friend of mine and he have been taking care of me ever since I came back to Canada. He liked me for a long time but I never accepted his feelings. I guess sometimes we get caught up with things we can't have and neglect those who are just beside us." She smiled slightly and turned to Kris. "She's a really nice girl so you better treasure her." Kris turned to look at you and nodded with a smile. "I'll get going then." Hannah said. "Say bye Jeremy. We're leaving." Jeremy lifted his hand and shook it slightly. It was his way of waving goodbye,

After bidding Hannah goodbye, the both of you headed towards the lift lobby and waited for the lift to go down to the carpark. "I thought you were waiting in the car?"

"Well..." Kris hesitated slightly. "I was worried something bad might happen so..." He rubbed his neck, feeling a little embarassed. You laughed and hooked your hand around his arm.

"See, nothing bad happened, silly. You gotta have faith in me." You smiled and lifted your finger and poked his forehead slightly. "Stop frowning, it'll give you wrinkles." Your smile grew wider. Kris cupped your cheeks with his hands, " Smiling gives you wrinkles too you know?" He teased.

"No." You rolled your eyes at him. "Wait! I haven't gotten anything for your relatives." You remembered.

"It's fine, really. At most I'll get mum to bring some of the things you bought over for them."

"Okay then..." You nodded.

Kris took another route back to his house, showing you more of the town that he grew up in. "That's my secondary school, one fo them." He pulled over. You were intrigued by the school architecture. It's walls were white washed and it was like a victorian styled building, nothing like the schools you studied in back home. "Let's go." Kris opened his driver's seat door, signalling you to get down as well. "I'll give you a tour of my school."

It was in the late afternoon so most of the students were heading home and it was quite shocking to you that they didn't have any school uniforms. "You guys don't have to wear school uniforms?"

"Not really. We just wore whatever we felt it was comfortable and what we liked. Well, except for certain occasions."

"Oh..." You nodded as you continued to look at the surroundings. Kris was from Grey Point Secondary School for a short period of time before moving to another school. The school has a large field infront of it and a pathway that lead to the main hall of the school. You could see Kris' nostalgic face as he brought you around.

"And this is where I hung out most of the time." He opened the door and you could see students having their basketball training. Kris has been playing basketball for the longest time and it was something that he loved and something that you can never take away from him. He lead you up to the spectator's stand and sat there as the two of you watched the students practice and Kris telling you the memories he had of this place. You could see the sparkle in his eyes whenever he talked about basketball. 

"So... was this were you and Hannah knew each other?" You asked, It was a burning questions that you wanted to know the moment you stepped in school and you finally blurted it out.

"Yes." Kris laughed. "I was kinda expecting that question." He placed his hand on your hair and ruffled them. "We spent most of out time dating here since we were always training and that used to be our favourite spot." He pointed diagonally up a few rows behind.

"Oh..." You nodded at the information Kris said, feeling a little weird because he was talking about his past lover.

"Funny how you always ask questions that will make you jealous eventually." Kris laughed.

"What? No. I'm not jealous. I'm just... you know..."

"Yeah yeah, what ever you say." Kris teased and turned back to look at the students practice.

"Do you want to join them?" You asked, seeing that Kris really wanted to play. "We still have some time." Just as you asked the question, one of the boys on court turned towards the two of you,

"Hey, do you want to join us for a match? I know you. You're Kris from that Korean boyband right?" The Chinese boy asked. "I've heard stories about you from our coach, care to join us for a game? A short one will do." Kris turned towards you, as though asking for permission. You nodded and Kris made his way down on court while you sat there and cheered for him. Just like any basketball match, it was 5v5 and the first team to reach 50 points wins.

As you were watching, more people started to come into the basketball court. Seems like news got around that Kris was back in school which led quite an amount of students to gather at the basketball court to catch the rare sight of the star alumi back in school. You just sat there watching him play, occassionally snapping some pictures, trying to blend in with what the rest was doing so your presence wouldn't be that obvious but, it was quite difficult since your hair was ash grey in colour. You were enjoying yourself just by looking at the boy play on court. Although his team was lacking behind a little, he was still giving his all. You really liked this side of him, Wu Yifan on the basketball court will always be the iest to you. 

It has been almost 20 minutes and both the team are having a tie breaker. 48 to 48. Kris took the ball and dribbled it while thinking of who he should pass the ball to. Kris checked the ball with another player from the opponent team before going in court himself, seeing that he had no where else to go, he tried to shoot but it rebounced. It happened a few more times until one player from the opponent team scored a three pointer which made an end to the game. He shook hands with his juniors, thanking them for allowing him to play a simple game with them before walking over to where you were seated. You took out a half drank bottle of water from your bag and passed it to Kris in which he gluped in down in one shot. You then took out a packet of tissue and passed it to your boyfriend who was perspiring non stop even though he was only in his wife beater. He picked up your phone which you left by your side to check the time. It's almost 5:30pm and you guys are going to be late if you don't leave the school soon.

Kris was called back to the court because they wanted a picture with him and you helped them with it, which made every one present know that you were there with him and it was already pretty obvious that the two of you were together. "Sorry guys, we need to go." Kris said politely before the two of you made your out, greeting the other students on the way.

"That was fun." He commented as he closed his car door, turning down the air condition up because he was really warm. "Maybe I should do this more often."

"Are you going to bring me to your other school and do the same thing?" You laughed.

"I might. But now, we have something more important to attend to." Kris pressed the home button on his phone to check for the time again. "We're gonna be late." He pursed his lips slightly.


"Baby, are you done?" Kris knocked on the door. You headed for the shower first because you knew you were going to take a much longer time to get ready than he was.

"Almost!" You yelled over the sound of the hair dryer.

"Can I come in?" 

"No!" You yelled again, but the door opened anyways. 

"Is this why you don't want me to come in?" He smirked, scanning you from head to toe. You only had the towel wrapped around you with your clothes still hanging by the shower.

"Rude." You rolled your eyes.

"I have seen things underneath that piece of cloth." He growled by your ear, placing his has around your waist. "Why are you so irresistible, baby?" He planted soft kisses along your shoulder blades.

"Go shower, Yifan." You smacked his arm, "You're so sticky and I just bathed!" You frowned. "And, we are going to be late."

"Or maybe we can skip dinner and spend some more time together." He whinned, resting his head on your shoulder.

"Don't be such a kid. Now, hurry and go shower." You nudged his head with your shoulder.

"Alright." He pecked your cheeks cheekily. "We shall continue this when we get home." 


You stood in front of the full length mirror Kris has in his room, putting on make up so you looked more presentable while Kris was styling up his hair in the bathroom. "Are you ready?" Kris asked as he walked out of the bathroom, walking towards where you are. He stood behind you and looked at you through the mirror while you were pushing your hair to one side. You looked at him through the mirror and smiled to yourself. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." You turned around and walked pass him to grab your purfume which was placed on top of the drawer. "I just find you exceptionally good looking in that white shirt of yours."

"Really?" You swear could feel him smirking through his voice.

"I just have a thing for guys who wear white and black shirts."

"Every guy?" Kris raised his eyebrow.

"Especially you." You replied softly, not wanting to boost his ego too much.

"What did you say?" He scoot closer to you and turned you around to face him with his hands around your waist, his gummy smile plastered on his face.

"I said," You paused while reaching your hand up to fix his collar, "I think we should get going." You smiled and looked up at the giant in the eye.

"Really?" He crooked his head a little. "I thought I heard something along the line of me looking exceptionally fine in white."

"Oh?" You raised your brows. "You must be hallucinating." You stuck your tongue out slightly at him.

"Is it that hard to get a compliment from you?" Kris pouted, trying to act a little cuter in front of you. You tipped toe and pecked his lips quickly.

"Will this make up for it?"

"Actually," His gaze shifted down to your lips, pulling you in closer and pressed his soft lips agaisnt yours, slowly parting them with his skilled mouth, leaving your breathless in a matter of seconds. "Yes." His gummy smile was back on his face after he pulled away from you looking at you flushed state. You laughed and reached your hand out to his lips and ran your thumb gently over them.

"Now you look even better with my lip stick on." You teased. Walking over to your clutch to grab lip stick to touch up on yours while Kris cleaned off the little stain on his lips. After the two of you finally gotten ready, you headed down to the garage where the car was and headed to the dinner venue. It was about a 20 minutes drive from Kris' place and it got you really nervous as you got closer to the place.

The restaurant was located in one of the hotels in Vancouver. As the car drove into the parking lot, you felt the same feeling you did when you first stepped into Kris' house, Just that this time, it was much worse because you were going to meet more than one of his family members, people who saw him grew up. The both of you stepped into the lift and pressed for the floor of the restaurant. Your turned to your left to check yourself in the life mirror, making sure you looked presentable.

"You look beautiful." Kris comment with a smile. "You're freaking out again aren't you?"

You smiled nervously while nodding your head. "The pressure is no joke dude... Like... What if I make a wrong comment or laugh at an inappropriate time?"

"Come here," Kris stretched his arms out to hug you. "You'll be fine. Be yourself and they will love you, alright?" He kissed your temples lightly, giving you strength. "Let's go." Kris laced his fingers with yours and lead you out of the lift. The both of you walked up to the receptionist outside the restaurant who brought you to a private room where his family was.

"Ready?" He squeezed your hand slightly.

"Mmm." You took in a deep breath and nodded. Kris pushed open the partition and walked in with you following closely behind.

"Look who we have here!" A man seemingly in his 40s exclaimed. "We have been expecting the both of you."

"Yifan gege!" A girl in two pigtails called out and ran towards him excitedly and hugged him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, uncle." Kris replied apologetically. "Hello Zixun," he ruffled the girl's hair slightly, "it's been a long time since I saw you and you've grown taller." He smiled, making the young girl swoon in happiness. Looks like he is able to charm any girl of every age. She turned her head and looked at you curiously.

"Who is she?" She pointed at you.

"And she must be your girlfriend." His uncle smiled warmly.

"My name is Zhang Enjing. Nice meeting all of you and sorry to have kept you all waiting." You greeted everyone that was in the room. Kris took the chance to introduce you to his relatives present and also you to everyone. They didn't want to make the occassion too formal so they got you to settle down quickly before getting the waiter to serve the food.

"I want to sit here!" His cousin ran and sat where you were suppose to be seated.

"Zixun, come back here!" Her mother called out from the opposite side, looking a little embarrassed but you just laughed at the little girl.

"No! I want to sit with Yifan gege!" She pouted and looked at her mum.

"Don't be rude, come on. Enjing jiejie is suppose to sit there."

"I don't care!" She whined, making her mother more embarrassed.

"Pretty jiejie, you can sit with me!" Zifeng exclaimed from his place opposite. The unexpected remark from the young boy made everyone in the room burst out in laughter, especially when he called you pretty jiejie instead of your name because you guess he couldn't catch your name.

"Sure!" You laughed.

"How can you ask Enjing jiejie to sit next to you so boldly, are you not scared that Yifan gege will be jealous?" His mum asked jokingly and the boy paused for a while to think before shaking his head.

"I don't think your Yifan gege will be jealous, right Yifan gege?" You teased and made a face at Kris and Kris glared at the little boy for stealing you away.

You were really enjoying yourself throughout dinner. You got to know his family members and they got to know more about you too. Everyone was really friendly and you found yourself very comfortable speaking to the adults present. There were also a few of his cousins who were around his age, besides the two young children, were also present at the dinner. There was almost 15 people present and it was quite pressurising for you but you seemed to be holding in your nervousness quite well.

"I heard the both of you are together for quite some time already?" One of his aunts asked.

"Around three years." You replied.

"That's quite long, especially for people in your industry." She replied. You didn't know what her words were suppose to mean but you took it positively. "Do the both of you have any marraige plans?" She added. You were taken a back by that question and you looked to Kris for help, who also wasn't sure how to reply.

"Urm... Maybe in the future but not in the next few years." You answered.

"We're still in the early years of our career so I don't think it would be our top priority as of yet, but we will in the future." Kris added.

"I believe they know what is more important for them at the current time. Let them handle it themselves." Kris' mum said, saving the both of you from any more related questions. "But of course, don't make me wait too long." She added, making the both of you laugh awkwardly.

"Mum.." Kris protested at his mum's joke.

"I was just joking." She laughed. "No pressure."


Dinner gathering was coming to an end since it was getting late and most of them had to work tomorrow and the children had school too. "Pretty jiejie! Can I have a photo with you before I go?" The young boy asked.

"Of course." How was it possible to reject him? You took out your phone from your purse and snapped a few photos with the younger boy. 

"Jiejie, can I have your phone number? This way, you can send me the photos and I can talk to you in the future too!" He flashed his smile at you, melting you instantly. You wondered if he mixed with Kris too much because he young boy was obviously too adorable.

"Hey you punk! Are you hitting on my girlfriend?" Kris raised his voice slightly while walking up behind you. "Too obvious." He narrowed his eye at his younger cousin.

"What is hitting on your girlfriend? I didn't hit her..." The younger one obviously didn't understand. "But I like jiejie, she is so nice and pretty." His answer made you swoon in happiness. Your smile was on your face for the longest time.

"Aww.. so sweet of you." You gently ruffled the boy's hair. "I'll get your parent's number from Yifan gege okay? Then I'll send you the photos." The boy nodded in agreement. "Now, you better get going, see you soon okay?" You stretched out your hand to give him a goodbye hug but the boy kissed you on the cheek unexpectedly.

"Byebye jiejie, byebye Yifan gege." The boy waved before running off to the door where his parents was. 

"That rascal..." Kris cursed softly, of course he wasn't really angry at his cousin, he was just slightly jealous that he got your attention for almost the whole dinner. 


"Is your mum coming back with us?" You were curious since there was only the two of you left. You headed to the ladies before meeting Kris back at the lobby.

"She got my uncle to send her home so we could send time together." Kris replied. A smile creeped up your face and you wrapped your arms around Kris and snuggle in his chest since there was only the two of you in the lift. You crooked your head up and looked at Kris without saying anything.


"Just examining your jealous face." You grinned.

"That kid.." Kris rolled his eyes.

"But he is so cute! Plus he called me pretty and nice! Don't get jealous over a little boy." You hit his arm jokingly.

"I say that you're pretty too..." Kris whinned. "I'm not jealous.. I'm just... disapproving of what he did. Even if I am jealous, I should because he had your attention the whole time. You didn't even read the messages I sent you." He pouted.

"Messages?" You took out your phone and saw 20 notifications from your chat with Kris, half of them whinning about you ignoring him. "Oops?" You laughed. Kris walked out of the lift as it reached the basement where the car was and you following behind him. You hooked your arm around his making him slow down his pace. "Yifan." You called. As he turned his head towards you, you tipped your toe and kissed him on his lips. A smile flashed across his face and he drapped his arm around your shoulder as you made your way to the car.

“The night's still young. Let me bring you some where." Kris suggested as he started the car engine. You crooked your head and looked at him curiously. You decided not to ask because you know he would keep you in suspense.


Kris stopped his car outside his house which made you even more confused. "I thought we were going somewhere?" You asked as you unbuckled your seatbelt. 

"We are, just follow me." He replied and reached out his hand to hold yours.

He lead you down the stretch of houses where you looked around like a curious puppy, trying to peep into each house and see how the interior looked like. The both of you walked into a park nearby. It was rather quiet with one or two people jogging pass since it was already rather late for a weekday. "Here." Kris quickened his step and stood up on the ledge. It was a sand playground with slides and swings and the other amenities. Carefully, you reached out your hand to grab Kris' and stepped up onto the ledge before stepping into the sand. Since your heels were a huge problem, you took them off and walked barefooted.

You spotted the swing at the other side of the play ground and you ran towards it, not caring if you would fall. It was as though you were transformed back to a child. You threw you heels aside and sat yourself down on the swing and swinging yourself slightly while Kris made his way over to you, laughing. "You act like you are two instead of 22." He teased, flickling your forehead slightly.

"You don't act like you are 25 either!" You rebutted. Kris walked to the empty swing next to yours and sat down. "Why did you bring me here?" You were curious.

"Because this was my favourite hideout when I was a kid." He said, slightly rocking himself back and forth on the swing. "I always came here whenever I was upset. Not doing well in school, getting scolded by my mum-"

"And when girls reject you?"

"And that too." He laughed. "I always hid under the tunnel over there," he pointed diagonally right at a curved little cave-like tunnel under one of the slides," until my mum came to find me because it was getting dark."

"Sounds like an emo kid."

"That was before basketball." He said. The two of you sat there and talked about anything and everything. You really enjoyed every single moment you had with Kris for the past few days, not having to care about having schedules the next day, just leading your lives as normal people, sleeping late and waking up at whatever timing. No alarm clock, no morning calls from your managers. The best part? Waking up next to the person you love.


"So how's you honeymoon with Yifan ge?"

"What honeymoon. Don't be retarded." You replied, smiling to yourself. "You are back in Korea already?"

"Mmm. I just got back yesterday. Are you coming back soon, or are you deciding to get married and settle down over there already?"

"Shimin please, before I fly back immediately and smack you in the head, stop being so annoying." Shimin called you because she was bored and alone in the dorm. Miko was still in Japan and Gayeon was only going back to the dorm at night. "I'm leaving the day after. Canadian time so do your math. This time zone thing is confusing." You complained. You were out in the balcony talking while Kris was in the shower. Being the close friends the two of you are, you shared your adventures in Canada keeping her updated with your life.

"Not sure if you already know, the pictures are all over the internet man. You and Kris together in Canada. You better be mentally prepared when you get back to Korea." Shimin said.

"Oh?" You paused. "The ones in his school?"

"And a few others."

"Oh..." You sighed, thinking of when your manager was going to call you and talk sense into your head because it wasn't the first time you and Kris were photographed together in the public together and to make things worse, the both of you were back in his hometown.

"Maybe I shouldn't have told you cause it seem likes it's affecting your mood already." Shimin said apologetically. "You know, haters are gonna hate so just let them be and enjoy your honeymo- I mean, holiday." 

"Last warning young lady." You threatened jokingly. You heard the clicking of the door knob coming from the room, signalling that Kris was done showering. "Enjoy your time alone in the quiet dorm before we all come back and make a hell lot of noise in the dorm. Don't miss me too much." You hung up shortly after, turning yourself around, wanting to head back into the room when you see Kris leaning against the door frame with his towel drapped around his neck, looking at you. "What?" You said walking up to him.

"Nothing, just enjoying the view." He smiled.

"What view?"

"This view." He said, looking straight into your eyes which made your heart flutter. You couldn't do anything but smile. "Who was that?" He ask, sitting himself down on the chair out in the balcony.

"Shimin." You replied, sitting down sideways on his lap. "She was bored cause she's all alone in the dorm so she called and see what I was doing." 


"And?" You asked him back.

"That's all?" He probed, as though he knew something was bothering you. "Are you sure she didn't tell you anything else?"

"What else can she tell me?" Your eyes were a little shifty. "Oh my gosh I hate you so much," you pouted, knowing that the slightest change in your mood and expression cannot escape his eyes. "She told me about the pictures of us in Canada. It's apparently everywhere."

"Oh." He paused, deep in his thoughts.

"Hey." You rubbed his shoulder, "What are you thinking about?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing much. Don't worry about the photos, the hype's going to be over in a few days." He assured.

"I'm not worried. You look like that one who is though." You laughed, running your fingers against his brows. As you were doing so, your phone rang again. "Oppa." You forced out a smile and looked at Kris, it was your manager. "Yeah.. I heard..." You stood up and walked back into the room with Kris following you. Just moments after, Kris' phone rang too, and you were guessing that it was his manager. He grabbed his phone and walked out into the hallway, leaving you in the room.


"Let me guess, we got called because of the same problem." You flipped onto your stomach across the bed as Kris returned back into the room. Kris nodded while throwing his phone onto the night stand before sitting down next to you. You shifted yourself so you ended up sitting infront of him, leaning your back against his chest with his arms around you.

"Let's just enjoy our vacation and worry about it when we get back. So, how did you find tonight's dinner?" Kris asked, not wanting to talk about the topic which would spoil the mood for the both of you.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be although your aunt's questions totally caught me off guard."

"Sorry about that." Kris apologised. "She never really approved the idea of me being an idol and I guess the idea of me being with another idol irks her a little so she might sound a little offensive. She always think that idols or those who work in the showbiz are all about the fame and money. Which isn't true."

"I guess that's the misconception most people have about us. I'm not affected, really." You assured. "But your cousins were really cute, especially Zifeng." You grinned, purposely mentioning the young boy because you wanted your boyfriend to be jealous.

"Yes, really cute..." He frowned. "I need to keep you away from him in the future. Your attention was all on him and you didn't even care about me. I spammed your messages!" He whinned.

"Are you getting jealous over you little cousin, again?" You teased, leaning your head back on his shoulder and your finger gently poking his cheeks playfully. "What do I do with you? You're such a child." You pushed yourself up and kissed him along his jaw. "Stop being a jealous bomb. I still love you the most, alright?" A smile spread across Kris' face and he tightened his grip around you. 

"I've been thinking about this for the whole day... What did Hannah say to you in the cafe? I mean... how did the two of you become friends now?" Kris asked.

"Well, I casted a magic spell on her." You laughed and so did Kris. "All we did was talk, honestly. We just talked about how we felt and I guess we came to a mutural agreement that we should put the past behind us and start a fresh."

"So you forgive her?"

"I think I have hated her long enough. It wasn't an easy decision to make, especially after everything that she has put me through, but I guess as people grow up, we start to look at things differently. I'm sure she hasn't feeling good all these while either. It still stirs up unhappy memories but I'm trying to put it all behind and forget it once and for all. So... I guess you can say that I forgave her?" You crooked your head and looked up at Kris who was staring down at you with a straight face. You couldn't make up what he was thinking. "Are you unhappy?"

"Of course not. Why would I be." He paused and ran his fingers through your locks. "It's just that.. I don't even know if I can forgive her for putting us through all those... I still feel horrible thinking back on those few months, the pain of losing you, not being able to be by your side when you needed me the most."

"Take things slowly." You rubbed his arm gently, "I know it left a huge scar on you and it won't be easy for you to forget it. You can't forgive her now, but I know you can, eventually." You smiled. Without saying anything, Kris pulled you closer to him, leaning his head on your shoulder, hugging you.

"Maybe this is why my family likes you so much." Kris mummbled although you could make up what he said. "Sometimes I really wonder what did I do to be able to have you as my girlfriend."

"Why are you sentimental all of a sudden..." 

"I've been observing your interactions with my family for the past two days and it's really obvious that my family likes you a lot. It's incerdible how you manage to click with my mum so well because my previous girlfriends weren't able to hold much of a conversation with her. And for the past three years, you have always been so understanding towards me. You were fine with me cancelling our dates because I had extra hourrs of rehearsals and because I wanted to sleep. You never really flared up at me when I fell asleep and forgot to turn up for dates,brushing it aside and said it was okay since you could see me in SM the next day. Most importantly, standing by me through the toughest time, believing in me when I was giving up on myself, not walking out of me when I hurt you the most, giving me another chance to prove that I love you." 

You turned yourself around to face Kris. With a slight smile on your face, you reached out your right hand to cup Kris' cheek, gently it with your thumb. "Because I love you." You said. " Love is paitent, love is kind. it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserveres. As much as I want to hate you, I can't do it for long because I love you too much." You looked into Kris' eyes as you said all those heartfelt words. You crawled next to Kris and snuggled your head on his chest with your arms around him. Kris wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer and planted a kiss on your forehead. "And I am able to do all those is because I know that you love me as much. Bearing with my temper, my nonsense, how stubborn I can be. Loving all my imperfections." You smiled and looked up at Kris. "Thank you, baby." 

Kris leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. His hand s around your waist, coming into contact with your bare skin unintentionally, making you gasp slightly at the contact of his cold hands on your warm back. Taking the chance, Kris slipped his tongue into your mouth, turning this into an intense making out session by planting hot kisses along your neck and shoulder. He was way too familiar with the exact places which made you moan in pleasure just with the works of his sinful mouth. With his lips back on yours, you could feel Kris' hand going under your shirt, exploring your body. His hand was moving down playfully, reaching the helm of your shorts slowly pulling them lower. Just as you felt his hand going for your underwear, you grabbed onto his hand, making him break away from your passionate making out session.

"What's the matter?" Kris said breathelessly, looking down at you with his dark orbs, clouded with both lust and concern. "Did I hurt you?" Kris was getting more concern by the minute because you were just staring at him, trying to catch your breath. 

"No, I'm fine." You assured. "Just that... Your mum is around and... isn't it a little disrespectful if we're going to do it when she's around?" Your voice trailed off slightly and your shifted your eyes somewhere because you thought you sounded rather little silly.

Kris smiled and pinched your nose jokingly, "We can keep it down and she won't know."


"Am I that good that you can't keep it down?" He smirked.

"Yifan!" You exclaimed in embarassement, hitting his arm in the process.

"Baby, you can't just and leave me hanging..." He muttered by your ear, pressing his lower body against yours letting you feel what he meant.

"But what if- mmmph..." A soft moan escaped from your mouth as Kris on your sweet spot. "Yifan..." You breathed heavily with the amount of pleasure he was starting to give you. His mouth planting wet hot kisses all over your exposed neck and shoulder, his hand working its magic all over your body, slowly driving you insane.

"You are so sensitive to my touch." He smirked, once again, looking at how flustered you were with the ing. "So do you still want to stop what we are doing?" Kris trailed his finger down your nose bridge to your chin, tilting it up a little before moulding his lips with yours. Your hands wrapped around his neck, deepening the kiss as the reply to his question. Using the strength that you have, you pushed Kris slightly to the side, wanting to be on top of him and he followed suit with your movements. You pulled away and looked at your boyfriend who is now below you, looking at you with half-lidded eyes, both trying to catch your breath.

"I'll try to keep it down." You smirked, rolling your hips against his crotch as you said which made Kris grunt.

"So this is how you want to play huh." He muttered. Before you could respond, you found your back hitting the soft sheets with your boyfriend looker down at you with a cheeky smirk. You knew you were screwed for the night with that smirk on his face. "I'm gonna make it hard for you to keep it down." With that warning, he crashed down onto your lips, making sure he meant what he said for the night.


HELLO LOVELIES. I AM SO TERRIBLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR TWO MONTHS. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. D: Rehearsals for my performance took up a whole lot of time so I kinda neglected this a whole lot. And I just started with a new company and work's been really hectic so I might not be able to come on here as often. But I promise to at least finish this story. (: Of course, this isn't the last chapter because I kinda become really long winded so this chapter is 7K words long. I hope it makes up for the past two months.

It's Christmas eve at where I am so this shall be my Christmas present to you guys. :D Hope you guys like it and have a wonderful Christmas holiday and New Year! I'll see you guys in 2015!! ^^ MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333