Chatper XXI

Dreams Do Come True

"That's the rough flow of the whole show." You nodded as your manager ran through the programme schedule. "I think that's what we've got so far. Your members are already on their way to the airport so you'll just go along in Exo's van and meet your memebers there."

You grabbed your bag and went down stairs with your manager to where the two cars are, waiting for you and the 12 boys to board. GEMS and Exo are going to attend an award show in Shanghai the next day where you would be given the most popular newcomer award. When you got downstair, the boys were already there waiting. 

"What's with the shades?" Sehun asked as he sat beside you.

"Don't you think I look better with them?" You joked, Sehun laughed as well. "My eyes are swollen that's why."

You plugged in one side of your earphone and listened to the songs on your phone while the other members board the car. You looked up and see Kris seated infront of you with Tao. Both of you were still a little tense after yesterday's conversation since there wasn't a conclusion and you kinda just left it hanging there. You were hoping to make use of this trip to clear things up. There was a little commotion going on between the members but you couldn't hear what it was but somehow, Kris ended up switching place with Sehun and is now seated next to you. The both of you stayed quiet for half of the journey, not even looking at each other. 

Just when you closed your eyes, wanting to get some rest, Kris took out one of your earphones and plugged in one of his in your ear. You paused your music, waiting to see what he was up to. He tapped his phone and Lucky by Jason Mraz played followed by a personal message from him to you. 

'Hey baby, I know you're feeling really upset from what happened yesterday but I want to ensure you that you're the only one that I love. Just like what the lyrics said, I'm lucky to be in love with you because you know all my good and my bad points and you embrace them no matter what. Enjing ah, you really mean the world to me and I don't want to lose you. Don't be angry with me anymore please? I love you.'

He intertwined his hands with yours and he looked down at you. He reached out his hands and wiped off the few drops of tears that escaped your eyes. You didn't really know why you were crying either. You felt happy that he made the effort to do such a small yet touching gesture for you but at the same time, you thought about what happened last night which still cause you to feel a little upset. He tightened the grip on your hands, making your turn to look at him. He removed the shades that you were wearing and you quickly covered your eyes with your other hand, not wanting him to see your puffy eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked, shifting your hand away. "Have you been crying all night?"


"Your eyes are saying other wise." He said.

"That's why I need this." You said as you grabbed the shades back from him. He reached his hand over and gestured you to rest your head on his shoulder.


You were the second car to reach the airport. You waited at the alighting point with the boys and waited for the signal to cross the road. As usual, the airport had fans who were there to send their idols off. You walked infront, alongside with Kris with your earphones plugged in. You were quite okay until fans started swamming around you to take pictures, mostly of the Exo boys. You finally made it to the immigration and headed to the waiting area to meet your members after that.

It was a short two hour flight and you reached there around 2pm. The staff members collected your respective baggage and headed out to the the porch where the vans are waiting. It was your first time in China after debut, your manager gathered the four of you and told you all to be careful when going out cause the Chinese fans tend to be more excited whenever their idols are here. You slowly headed to the door of the baggage collection area, you could already see the amount of people waiting outside with fanboards and banners, waiting to welcome you. The Exo boys went out  first and deafening screams could be heard through out. You told your members to stay close and you lead the wait out into the arrival hall. There were loads of pushing and fans were trying to stuff their fan gifts and letters to everyone of the artistes and to take pictures of them as well. A short two minutes walk to where your vans were waiting took almost 10 minutes due to the amount of human traffic that was there.

"That was close..." Shimin said as she closed the van's door.

It took a while before the van could move off and headed to the hotel. You entered through the basement carpark and all of you occupied one whole floor. After putting down all your things, everyone gathered at one of the restaurants for lunch before heading to the awards ceremony venue for rehearsal.



You heard someone calling you. You turned around and saw a tall guy wearing a cap slowly walking towards you. As he got closer, you were able to see his features and you found him somewhat familiar.

"Don't you remember me?" He asked in English. "It's me, Issac."

"Of course I remember." You gave him a smile. 'How could I forget...'



He was your ex-boyfriend, well, kind of. You both knew each other during dance class. He was a regular and you went for classes on and off due to your schooling schedule and other commitments. You always went for dance alone and he was always with his bunch of friends. You attended the same hip hop class but both of you never spoke to each other although there were times you catch him starring at you and vice versa. It was one day after your class where he started talking to you. You came out of the toilet after changing and saw him waiting just outside the toilet. Thinking that he was waiting for someone else, you walked past him but he called your name, giving you a shock.

Ever since then you started hanging out with his group of friends and formed your own dance crew. He was very funny, there would be no awkward atmosphoere with him around and he was someone you could really talk to. The two of you got together soon after but things started to change. He was very possesive and got jealous of the things you do very easily. He needed to know your schedules and if you didn't tell him, he would call and yell at you. At times, he would even get physical, grabbing you so tight that it left bruises around when he's angry and even slapping you infront of his friends. You wanted to break up with him but you didn't know how to raise it up to him. You had another close friend in the group so you decided to ask him for help but matters got worse because Issac thought you were cheating with the other friend instead. 

It was one night where you finally decided to break it clean with him. You went out for dinner with the crew and Issac was no where to be seen. You all decide to head to somewhere else and you called him but he didn't pick up. As the whole bunch walked pass an alley, one of your friend suddenly stopped and looked at the direction of the alley. Curious, you walked up and have a look and your whole world came crashing down at the sight of it. You saw your then-boyfriend making out with another girl and they were obviously enjoying themselves, oblivious to the people looking at them. One of your male friend when to pull him away and punched him in the face while the girl looked stunned. You looked at the girl and you found her familiar. She was his ex girlfriend, the one he could never stop talking about even when you were in a relationship. Realising the situation, Isaac came up to you, begging for your forgiveness but you didn't want to. You gave him one tight slap and walked off, not even a single tear shed.

You were relieved that both of you ended. You didn't have to go through the mental and physical torture anymore. You didn't want your crew members to be awkward so you were still nice and talked to him but you kept it at the minimal. The last thing you remembered him saying to you was he was sorry when he sent you off at the airport 4 years back.



"What are you doing here?" You asked him.

"I'm the backup dancer for JJ Lin." He replied. "How have you been? It's been really long uh..."

"Yeah..." You rubbed your neck, trying not to feel awkward. "I'm good. It's been quite busy but I love what I'm doing now."

There was an awkward silence and you wanted to end this as soon as possible because you can't bear the thought of looking at him cause until today, you could still never forget about the things he did to you.

"Look... I don't think I've said this properly the previous time but I'm sorry." He said as he took one step closer and grabbed your arm. "I know I shouldn't have hit you and shouldn't have cheated on you. Will you forgive me?" Tightening his grip as he spoke.

"Issac," you said, trying to free your hand from his tight grip. "Your hurting me..."

"Forgive me, please? Give me another chance." He pleaded and his voice got louder. You were really afraid other people might see what was going on, especially Kris.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I can." You said coldly while still trying to pry his hand off. You hated the fact of him touching you again. "All those things.. they're ju-"

"Why?!" Issac yelled. He grabbed both your arms tightly with his hand and pushed you against the wall, causing you to knock your head against it. "Why?!"

"Look at what you are doing now. And you want me to forgive you? Don't you get it? I'm scared of you. i-"

"Let go of her!" You heard a familiar voice yelling from afar. Before you knew it, that pair of strong hands pryed you off Issac and hid you behind him. 

"Yifan..." you said softly, holding tightly onto his arms.

"Don't let me catch you near her again." Kris warned. Issac scoffed and walked off.

"Are you okay?" He turned to look at you. You were still shaken from what happened. Your hand and arms were red from Issac's grip and your head started to hurt a little. "You look pale."

"I'm fine... Just.. shocked." You replied.

"Who's that?" 

"I don't want to talk about it now... " You said looking up at him. He nodded and placed his arm around you and both of you went back to where the rest were.


Rehearsal went smoothly and you all waited in the holding room while waiting for your managers to call for you all. You headed back from the restroom with Shimin and saw Luhan and Lay speaking to someone and you realised it was JJ Lin when you walked closer. You greeted him and joined in the conversation with the two boys. It was all going well until one group of boys walked pass and you noticed that familiar face that you didn't want to see. Then walked into the door behind JJ and some of them stood by the door, including Issac. He kept on looking at you as though he wanted to talk to you again if he got the chance. You were quite into the conversation after a while after JJ knowing that you are a fellow Singaporean and you all had quite something to talk to.

"Oh, do you happen to know Issac?" JJ asked all of a sudden, pulling Issac into the circle.

"Yeah." You were shocked at the sudden question. "We were from the same dance crew." You could hear loads of 'Really?' being said by the two Exo memeber and your own.

"We were really close." Issac said all of a sudden. "Right?"

You gave an awkward laugh and nodded in politeness. You were praying hard in your head that he doesn't tell them that both of you were together before because you wanted that part of your memory to be erased permenatly.

"Sorry to interupt your conversation." Kris said, appearing out of no where. "But our managers are calling for us." Kris placed his hands on your shoulder and stared at Issac who was standing opposite.

As you all walked away, you could feel Kris holding on to you tightly making you smile to yourself.


It was free time so everyone decided to go walk around the streets of Shanghai to relax. You went around with your members looking at things to buy. It was almost 8 and you decided to have dinner. You meet up with Exo and had steamboat dinner at one of the local restaurant. Everyone was enjoying themselves, espcially Xiumin since it was he's favourite food. You realise Kris and Chanyeol were hardly speaking to each other and you found it weird because they were almost inseperable. They weren't seated together and didn't even look at each other, not even once.

"What's wrong with them?" You whispered to Sehun and pointed at the two.

"They had quite a heated arguement yesterday..." He paused. "Almost physical."

"Serious?" You were shocked. Although you know that it's common for boys to be a litlle more physical but the two just didn't seem like the type that would throw their fists at each other unless it was something that angered them, a lot.

"What did they argue about?" Sehun kept silent, thinking if he should tell you. "Tell me, Sehun-ah"

"It was about..." he hesitated, "about you..."


.. [Flashback]

"You haven't answered me." Kris said as he slammed the door shut. "Do you like Enjing?"

Chanyeol avoided his eyes and pushed the older away. "It doesn't matter. I just hope that you don't hurt her anymore."

"Are you admitting it indirectly?" Kris asked but Chanyeol didn't say anything. "PARK CHANYEOL!" He yelled. He grabbed the younger by his collar and pushed him against the wall. "Why are you keeping quiet? That's not like you."

"What do you want me to say?" The younger tried to release Kris' grip on his shirt. "If you really want to know, fine. Yes. I like Enjing."

"Are you out of your mind? How could you when you jolly well know she's my girlfriend?!"

"It was before the both of you were together. I just can't stand the amount of pain you're causing her hyung. She has been crying to herself very night and you don't seem to care at all." Chanyeol replied leaving Kris a little speechless


"What's going on?!" Suho opened the room door after hearing the commotion in the room. Tao and Lay rushed in to pull Kris away from Chanyeol and Suho and Sehun stood in between the two to prevent them from hitting each other. "Bring him back to his room." Suho said as Sehun and Baekhyun brought Chanyeol out.



"About me?" You asked. 

"Yeah. Chanyeol hyung confronted Kris hyung on something and matters got a little too heat up." Sehun said. He didn't want to tell you about Chanyeol's feelings cause it would just be awkward.

"Oh.. I see.." You replied, sort of know what the arguement was about. "I'll talk to Kris tonight about it."


You came out of the bath room after showering and you heard someone knocking on your door. You opened the door slightly and it was your boyfriend standing outside.

"What a great timing." You said as you opened the door of him and walked into your room while drying your hair.

"I guess it's telepathy." He said while closing the door behind and climbed onto your bed, making himself comfortable. He took the TV remote and swtiched on the television.

"Aren't you making yourself too comfortable?" You said, standing infront of the dresser while applying skincare products on your face.

"What else am I suppose to do? Anyways, are you done? I want to bring you somewhere." He said and he switched off the TV. "I'll be back in a while." He said and walked out of your room. You wondered what he was up to. Before you could react, he was back in your room again, with his jacket in his hand. 

"Let's go." He grabbed your hand.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." You managed to grab a cardigan from your closet before leaving the room.


You walked out of the lift and Kris led you to an open area, which seemed at though it was their roof garden. You were amazed by the view you saw. The location of your hotel was great and you could the the magnificent skyline of Shanghai at night. "How did you find out about this place?" You said as you leaned against the railing, slowly taking in the night vew.

"The few of the boys were checking out the hotel and they found this place." He said as he looked at you. "I thought you might like it."

"I do." You gave him a smile. He walked behind you and hugged you with his coat, giving you warmth.

"I have something to say." He started. "I know you're still upset about what happened yesterday. I really want to say that I'm sorry, really sorry. I thought about it the whole night and it really kills me to see you not responding to me. I know I'm partially at fault at what happened as well. I promise I wouldn't go out with her anymore. Forgive me, please? 

"You don't have to serve all ties and not see her again, I don't want to be seen as that kind of girlfriend. I'm just hoping that she doesn't keep clinging on to you..." You said. You felt him pulling you closer and planted a soft kiss on your neck. "One more thing," you said as you held his right hand and gently his knuckles with your thumb. You realised that there were injuried wounds and you guessed that it was from the conflict between him and Chanyeol. "Don't hurt yourself anymore. I don't want you to be mad at your own brother because of me." You planted a kiss on his knucles. You turned around to face him. "Don't be mad at Chanyeol anymore yeah? I guess he's just worried about me that's all.." He looked at you and nodded.

"So, does this mean that you forgive me?" He asked.

You looked down at you feet and up at him again. You cupped one side of his face with your hand and gently it, Kris' eyes showed a little disappointment. "What's with the expression?" You asked. He didn't say a word but he held your hand that was on his face and gave you a faint smile. You tipped toe and kissed him on the lips by surprise. "Of course I do, silly."

"You need to stop giving me such suspense you know." Kris warned and leaned in for a longer and more passionate kiss. "Thank you, for always accepting all my flaws and the wrong things I've done." He said as he pulled away from the kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." You replied. Kris leaned in again, but you sneezeed all of a sudden, ruining his plan.

"I think we better head back before you catch a cold." Kris said laughing at you. 

You covered your face in embarrassment and nodded, hooking your arms onto Kris' and headed back down to where your rooms were.


Update! ^^ Hope you all are enjoying it! (: Hopefully this chapter is longer and more interesting. The issue between Enjing and Kris is resolved or now but what will happen next? Do you think Hannah is just going to stop here? :P Stay tuned yeah! I'll do my very best to make this more exciting. Love you all~!


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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333