Chapter III

Dreams Do Come True

You gathered the girls the next morning and had a mini meeting over breakfast on the feedbacks that you got last night. The girls took it rather positively which was a relieve to you and you were glad that everyone was determind to do their best for your debut. Afterall, this was what all of you have been wanting and looking forward to.

The rest of the day was spent in the company rehearsing for the showcase. Cleaning up your steps, vocals and rap. You all decided to head out to the nearby shops for lunch since you were going to spend the whole day in the company and took this chance to catch a breather from the rehearsals. You guys left the building and bumped into Super Junior who were coming in for their practice. You greeted them and they returned it while asking how your preparation for your showcase is coming up and they are looking forward to it. You all were even more pumped up and motivated after hearing what your seniors said.

Lunch was Japanese cuisine from one of the shops a few streets down from SM. It was one of the last few chances where you guys could go around without any fans following or taking pictures of you since you guys still haven't debuted. Just then, your phone rang and it was your manager.

"Neh oppa? Jinja? That's good news! We'll be heading back shortly," you said. 

"Junyong oppa said our teasers will be released tomorrow!" you said to your members and you guys cheered which received stares from some of the other customers in the shop. You quickly finished what was remaining of your lunch and headed back SM. 


Since your next practice was still one hour away, you all decided to crash Exo's practice since they were having self prac. 

"Can we crash your prac for an hour?" Gayeon asked while poking her head into the practice room. Suho nodded and the rest of you went in. You guys ended up sitting around the room and catching up with each other. It has been a long time since you guys could catch up with each other with GEMS preparing for debut and Exo busy with their 'Wolf' promotions and gearing up for their follow up song. It was nice to know how everyone is doing after long time. The room was filled with laughter and bickering among members and everyone was having a good time.

It was time for your seperate rehearsals and you all left the room. Just then Kris called out to you and walked towards your direction. "Feeling better? Jiayou!" he said placing his hand onto your shoulder. "Yup, much better. Thanks gege," you replied and looked into his eyes. There was something mesmerising about his eyes. It was just so attractive and you couldn't stop staring and started to lost in his pair of eyes. 

"Enjing unnie!" One of your members shouted for you.

"Oh! I'm coming," you snapped out of your gaze. "Um.. I've got to go. See you later then," you say to Kris while patting his arms. Kris nodded and went off for his practice as well. 


Practice went better than expected and both your manager and choreorapher were pleased with your performance. Rehearsal ended at 1 am and your other went back home to rest for the day while you stayed on for another meeting. As you walked out of your practice room you see Kris, Luhan and Chanyeol still around and you walked up to them. Chanyeol saw you walking over and waved "Enjing-ah annyeong! Heading back to the dorm?" he asked. "We are planning to catch a movie you want to come?"

You hesitated for a while, "Sounds good. What are we watching?" You agreed since you wanted something to help get your mind off all the things regarding to your showcase for a bit.

"World War Z? Heard it was good," Chanyeol replied. "You're not scared are you?" he stuffed his face close to yours and raised one of his eyebrows giving you a question look.

"Of course not!" you replied whacking his arm. "Let's go."


It was rather late at night so there were hardly any fans outside the SM building which made it easier for them to go out. Luhan borrowed his manager's car and drove you guys to the theatre. You got down to buy the tickets while the guys went to look for parking before heading up to meet you. The guys arrived and you all went in just before the movie started when it was darker. It was Thursday night but there were a number of people in the cinema despite being late in the night. 

'This is not scary at all..' you thought to yourself. You turned to your side and found Kris watching the movie attentively. You just keep looking at him, taking in how good his side profile looks. His sharp nose, prominent jawline and his eye. 'No wonder you are my eyecandy' you thought. You always thought he was good looking when you first saw him, especially after he debuted. You were glad you had him as one of your closet friends. You guys could talk about anything and confide in each other. People always think you guys were together cause you stuck around each other when you had the chance. Somehow, you had a special feeling towards him just that you are not sure about it and not sure if he feels the same as well.

While you were still deep in your thoughts Kris turned towards your direction and caught you admiring his face. You got a shock and turned back to the screen pretending nothing happened.

The movie ended and you guys left first in case the boys got recognised. 

"Were you admiring me just now?" Kris teased while putting his hand over your shoulder. 

"What?! No! I just happened to look at your direction," you said

"But you stared for quite some time. I know I'm good looking." he looked down at you "Why is your face so red?"

You rolled your eyes after hearing him praise himself. 'Shucks... he noticed?' You placed both your hands on your cheeks trying to hide your blushing cheeks, "I though you said my red hair gave my face a pink-ish tint?" you snapped at Kris and he laughed at you.

Luhan and Chanyeol who were walking infront turned around, "you guys can't live one day without bickering uh?" Luhan said teasingly. 

"He started it!" you pushed Kris away and stuck your tongue out at him and walked off with Luhan leaving him behind with Chanyeol.


Luhan drove you back to your dorm but you were so tired you fell asleep at the back and your head was resting on Kris' shoulder all they way. 

Kris looked down at you and ran his long fingers through your hair and watched you sleep. 'You must be really tired. Jiayou Enjing, I'll always be here for you.' Kris thought while your hair. 

The car came to a stop. "We're here," Luhan said. "Wake her up Yifan." 

Kris nudged you lightly and you slowly opened your eyes. "We're here," he whispered into your ear. You lifted your head from his shoulder and rubbed your eyes. "Sorry, I guess I was too tired. Thanks guys, I haven't had such a fun outing in a while. Goodnight and rest well guys!" you said to them and alighted from the car. They waved and drove off back to their dorm.


"Hyung, you like her don't you?" Chanyeol said earning a slap to the arm from Luhan, who obviously knew something.

Kris broke into a smile.


Hello! I'm done with the third chapter! I'm sorry if it's getting boring and stuff but I'll try to have more OC and Kris moments okay! I'll try not to keep the whole fic too long hopefully below 8 chapters?

AND EXO IS RELEASING THEIR FOLLOW UP SONG NEXT WEEK (that's why i mentioned in the fanfic :P)! Are you guys excited cause I know I am :P

Thanks for reading and do look forward to the next chapter~! <3

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333