Their story

Caught me at first sight

Yong Guk oppa is waiting for my reply, his hands starting to shake maybe from nervousness. I let go of his hands. His facial expression shows of sadness. But then I wrap my arms around his neck, “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend. The reason I rejected those guys was because they never took the time to get to know me like how you did.” I continue to hug him, then I feel a pair of arms around my waist, Yong Guk oppa hugging me back.


It’s been a few months since Yong Guk oppa and I have been dating. He says so much corny things and I get so annoyed by it, but all he says is that I secretly like it. I do, but I don’t, how does that work? Since we’ve been dating for a while now, he’s already met my cousins and so today he’s having a small gathering with his friends he calls BAP. He wants me and my cousins to meet them so tonight we’re going to have a small party, celebrating nothing in particular.

I finish work early at 8:30pm and I drive to Yong Guk oppa’s place with my cousins. Je Si is jumping around the back seat, excited to meet oppa’s friends.

“Oh my gosh. What if they’re all good-looking? What if they’re all tall and handsome like Tae Ah eonni’s boyfriend? AHHHH I can’t wait! I’m so happy I feel like puking!!!” Je Si exclaims as she widens her eyes and clasps her hands together at the thought of handsome men.

“Je Si! Contain your feels! They’ll think you’re weird because you’re too high.” Mae Ee says while focusing on the game she’s playing on her phone.

We finally arrive at Yong Guk oppa’s apartment door and Mae Ee rings the doorbell. A guy with hazel brown hair opens the door. I think I heard Je Si mumble something like “he looks like a prince” as we walk past him. Je Si walks in first and exclaims “I made cheesecake for you guys~” And straight away, the guy that opened the door for us runs to her with sparkling eyes as he carefully takes the box of cheesecake from her hands and skips to the kitchen.

I walk to Yong Guk oppa who was setting up the table. When he sees me he stops what he’s doing and calls over the five guys that are busy doing their own things.

“Guys this is Tae Ah, MY girlfriend. And these other two are her cousins; Mae Ee and Je Si” Oppa introduces. “Guys introduce yourself.”

“I’m Kim Him Chan, the handsome one in the group, but you can call me handsome oppa.” The guy with silky-looking hair says as he winks at us. I think I hear some of the other guys sighing and see some rolling their eyes.

“I’m Yoo Young Jae, the smart one, unlike this first guy here” he says as he points at Him Chan with his thumb. Him Chan oppa slaps his hand away in irritation.

“Jung Dae Hyun. Je Si-sshi, thank you for the cheesecake. I ate it well~” He slightly sings. Maybe he’s so happy because he ate all the cheesecake by himself.

“You ate all the cheesecake without sharing?” The tallest one asks. “I’m the maknae, Choi Jun Hong. But you can call me Zelo.”

“…” We’re waiting for the last one to introduce himself but he looks like a jpeg right now. The girls and I let out a small laugh. Zelo suddenly elbowed him, causing him to wince in pain. “I’m dancer Moon Jong Up.”


After all the introductions we all eat. There are a lot of different foods prepared and Him Chan oppa seems to brag on about the pasta he made. While we eat, there are a lot of conversations going on at one time; Dae Hyun looks like he’s clinging on to Je Si, asking her how she made the cheesecake to taste so delicious. Mae Ee is just sitting next to me quietly finishing her food.

After all the eating, Him Chan oppa brings out different bottles of beer and wine, while Jong Up turns up the music. Everyone is practically drinking but me because I need to drive back home but Yong Guk oppa tells me to loosen up and drink a little, so I do. Like a small sip.

After an hour or two, Je Si gets crazy. Like, literally. She was running around with a bottle of alcohol in her hand then picks up what I think is Zelo’s skateboard  and rides it around from the living room, then to the kitchen and back. She’s trying to pull up some tricks with the skateboard while Zelo stares at her in awe. Je Si holds on to Zelo to get proper balance while Zelo is getting red in the face from the sudden contact.

On the other hand Mae Ee drank quite a few drinks and is also tipsy. She suddenly ‘feels’ the music and does a few of her dance moves. Jong Up is watching her with glittering eyes and joins her. They’re all having fun but me. I don’t like parties like this because it’s too crazy for me, and I don’t like to drink as much, only for releasing stress. Not like this, getting crazy and all.

Yong Guk oppa notices me just sitting on the couch and comes to sit next to me. He interlaces his hand with mine, concern written all over his face. “Why aren’t you having fun like your cousins?”

“I don’t like having parties like this.”

“But you go to the club. That’s how we met, right?”

“Yeah, but I only go there to release stress. Not to dance with random drunk strangers.” He put my head on his shoulder and we stay like that for a while.


After a while it got boring and all the drinks are finished. Everyone is just sitting around having small conversations when Young Jae thought that we should go to the karaoke and sing a few songs. We all think it’s a good idea and head out.

We arrive at the karaoke and Him Chan oppa starts off singing SNSD’s ‘Gee’. After, Mae Ee and Je Si sings and dances to Teen Top’s ‘I wanna love’. All have their turns to sing. When I had my turn, I did it with Yong Guk oppa and we sang Secret Ji Eun’s ‘going crazy’. I never knew oppa could rap, he’s really good but I ruined the song with my terrible voice haha. Everyone was high anyway so it didn’t matter. Final song went to Jong Up. He wants to sing with Mae Ee so they do a duet. While they are singing, Jong Up suddenly kisses Mae Ee on the cheek, causing her to stop singing and blushes. What is she doing? Jong Up she has a boyfriend you know? But I don’t say it out loud.


After all the singing we bid our farewells and go our own ways. While in the car, we talk about what happened during the party.

“Mae Ee eonni, why were you blushing when Jong Up kissed you on the cheek?” I ask while focusing on the road.

“Why wouldn’t I? I mean it was so sudden and, he kissed me!” she answers back.

“What are you going to say to Taemin oppa? Are you even going to tell him?” I ask, worrying for her.

She gives it a thought and sighs, “I need to tell him. Why is it so hard having a long distance relationship?”

It becomes quiet in the car when Je Si says aloud, “That Dae Hyun oppa sure likes cheesecakes. He kept following me around. And so did Zelo, he said I was the best girl skateboarder he’d ever seen. But he’s too young! And Dae Hyun oppa likes too much food. They’re all good-looking and all but they’re just as weird as me. I can’t believe I just called myself weird.”

We continue to laugh and talk about the party until we get home.





I can't even proof read it. Too much feels from BAP's new mv HURRICANE

"The roof is on fire"



Oh yeah, I might add photos and gifs from now on in my chapters. COMMENT!


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Chapter 29: Noooo ! Cliffhangerrr T-T i'll go and save both of them ! *transform to superman* why is jungkook suddenly change to a badman now ? XO
Chapter 25: I watched it already ! And that gif omg yongguk so freaking hot there xO and that part where yongguk say , peace . His voice kills me million times x)
Don't forget to watch their MV today! BADMAN~
Chapter 24: I like Jimin ! XD update soon ! :* *showers you with lots lots lots lots lots lots of loveeeeee* <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 23: Waitt ! You're older than him by nine months :O i guess we're at the same age ! :O you're 17 ? XD 1996 ? XD
Chapter 23: Yay! BTS~~<3 :D
Chapter 21: OMO I LIKE THEM TOO ! XD My bias is Jimin <3 gahh he's hot !
Chapter 8: Lol i laughed at the part when Jongup didn't introduce himself xD Jonguppie is so adorable <3