MT trip with BAP and BTS

Caught me at first sight

A few months pass by and I’m finally able to go out more often. Next week, for three days and two nights BAP, BTS, my cousins and I are going on an MT trip.

I’ve chosen a place for us to stay in and it’s in a small villa. It’s a double-story house and to be honest it looks like a mansion, so it’s not really a small villa. It’s actually my parents’. They made a villa so we could have a place to stay  in whenever we would go back to Korea for a holiday.


I get out of the rented mini bus as I stare at the beautiful scenery in front of me. BAP, BTS, my cousins and I have finally arrived at our destination after, what, four hours of driving? And assistant Choi drove the bus that was filled with loud men singing to SNSD and other girl group songs.

I walk to the side of the mini bus where the bags are placed and just as I’m about to get my bags, someone beats me to it. I look at who’s arm it is, and it’s Jung Gook’s. I smile at him, then thanking him.

“Okay guys, bring your bags up to the house and all gather in the living room.” Jin says.

“Don’t go into any of the rooms just yet, because we’re going to be playing games on who’s going in which room and who’s sharing with who.” Yong Guk oppa continues, and then looks at me in a mischievous way.

I roll my eyes at him as I place my bags down on the couch. I walk to the kitchen and it’s really spacious. I really like spacious kitchens like this, I feel like a princess whenever I bake and cook.

After everyone settles down their belongings on random places in the first floor of the house, the two oldest guys tell everyone to gather in front of them. Then they tell us to form a circle and we do so, going from oldest to youngest, and girls having to separate around the circle.

it would’ve been a lot better if there are more girls with us, rather than just three. There are fourteen guys, including assistant Choi, which his first name is Woo Young.

We play that multiplication game that a lot of celebrities play on variety shows. And if you get the answer wrong, you’re going to be sleeping in the same room with the person who loses in the same game as you. Us girls are only participating since we have a room to ourselves.

In the first game Zelo, V, Dae Hyun, Him Chan and Suga loses, meaning they have to share a room together. In the second game Jin, Young Jae, Jong Up, J-Hope and Woo Young loses. The last round had only Ji Min, Rap monster, Jung Gook and Yong Guk.

Before going to the rooms, they had to fight for it with a group game.


We all head outside in the big yard that’s covered in green grass and flowers on the side as well and the tall trees that formed a thick surrounding for the villa and the yard.

“Okay! For this game, you’ll need to be strong and fit to be able to win the best room.” Mae Ee points out.

Jimin and Jong Up high-five each other even though they aren’t in the same team.

“The game you guys will be playing is tug-of-wars. It’s simple, winning team will be taking the best room out of the other three remaining.” Mae Ee continues.

First up is HimChan’s group and Jimin’s group. They all look strong, especially with one team having a tower on their side.

Je Si blows the whistle and both sides begin to pull on the rope. DaeHyun and V start losing their grip as the tall tower Zelo slides to his bottom, causing the other team to win.

Next up is Jin’s team and Yong Guk’s team. Yong Guk oppa has all the bulky-looking guys and they actually look like warriors.

Je Si pauses for a while but then blows the whistle when the guys aren’t paying attention, causing them to flinch in surprise. They instinctively pull on the rope with all their might.

I give oppa’s team an enthusiastic cheer (since I’m biased) and all of a sudden Yong Guk oppa shouts to his group and pulls on the rope as hard as they can. Those causes the other team to trip forward and have their faces meet the green grass. Yong Guk’s team wins!


After the guys settle their bags in their respected won rooms, everyone gets their turn to take a shower. Soon enough, dinner came and we all cooperate together to grill meat and cook other food.

My cousins help me on cutting the vegetables and prepare the side dishes. Dae Hyun makes the rice and when the rice is cooked, I make it into fried rice. Yong Guk oppa takes over with cooking the meat with Suga and HimChan.

The rest of the guys set up the table outside the villa and also set up a campfire. The atmosphere is just nice; two groups interacting and we all look like a warm, happy family. There are a lot of laughs and conversations going on and it’s really lively. I take out me camera and I capture the moment with everyone smiling.


When the meat is all cooked and cut into appropriate sizes, we gather around the table and thank for the food. In an instant, more than half of the meat is inhaled by the guys, especially by Daehyun and Zelo. Lucky I brought more, or else the girls and I wouldn’t be able to eat any. I knew this was going to happen because I have guy cousins back in Australia that eat in the exact same way.

While we eat, we laugh about random things and jokes, and also the groups, trying to know each other more.


After cleaning up the table and utensils used, we bring our chairs around the campfire and we just stare at the flame that moves and sparks as the wood burns. After a while of peaceful silence, each start to tell stories about themselves or they tell scary stories. Night passes filled with laughter and a sense of comfort and closeness.





Sorry for the long update... And sorry for the grammatical error

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Chapter 29: Noooo ! Cliffhangerrr T-T i'll go and save both of them ! *transform to superman* why is jungkook suddenly change to a badman now ? XO
Chapter 25: I watched it already ! And that gif omg yongguk so freaking hot there xO and that part where yongguk say , peace . His voice kills me million times x)
Don't forget to watch their MV today! BADMAN~
Chapter 24: I like Jimin ! XD update soon ! :* *showers you with lots lots lots lots lots lots of loveeeeee* <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 23: Waitt ! You're older than him by nine months :O i guess we're at the same age ! :O you're 17 ? XD 1996 ? XD
Chapter 23: Yay! BTS~~<3 :D
Chapter 21: OMO I LIKE THEM TOO ! XD My bias is Jimin <3 gahh he's hot !
Chapter 8: Lol i laughed at the part when Jongup didn't introduce himself xD Jonguppie is so adorable <3