Little miss popular

Caught me at first sight

Days pass and Yong Guk oppa’s head is all healed. I’ve been staying in his apartment with him because he says he’s “too dizzy to go back to work”, but he’s not ‘too dizzy’ to be trying to cuddle with me. I try to avoid him because he deserves it for not going to work.

Seriously, was oppa a bear in the past? Is it like how the frog turned into a prince when a princess kissed him? Was there another woman who made him fall for her and turned him from a bear into a human? What am I talking about?

Anyways, after a few days of taking care of oppa, I get back to work since I haven’t been going in a while as well. And it’s not really healthy for a company to not have its owner coming to check or else things will go wrong. At least Assistant Choi had been updating me with the status around the building.

Nothing had been going wrong in Samsung and they’ve completed making the fake news report about the company failing. We still need that fake news report in case Hwang Ki Dong comes back and tries again to ruin Samsung.


Today I decide to dress prettily for coming back to work after how many days. I wear a light-coloured dress that stops just above my knees with stockings, heels and a thick coat since it’s now the beginning of winter.

I turn off the engine to my car and I come out. I walk into the Samsung building and as soon as people see me walking in, they greet me as if they haven’t seen me in years.

People approach me and they either bow in respect, shake my hand or give me a present for my return. Some even try to ask me if I’m ok because I was kidnapped by some maniac. I’m starting to feel uncomfortable but luckily Assistant Choi comes right on time and sends all the workers back to what they are doing.

Assistant Choi walks by my side, carrying all the gifts I received from my employees. I suggested that I would hold some but he wouldn’t let me. Why do I suddenly feel like a celebrity?

I walk into my office when suddenly I get a phone call on the company phone. Assistant Choi places all the gifts down on the table and answers the phone.

“Miss Kang’s line, how can I help you?” He says, continued by, “Yes… She’s not busy right now… Right now?... Ok then, see you in a few minutes.” And with that he hangs up.

“Who was that?” I ask.

“Miss Gye Hye Mi, the lady that interviewed you last time when you were first new to Samsung.” He replies back.

“Oh. What did she want? You said that you were going to see her in a few minutes.” I question, “Are you guys dating???” I ask excitedly.

“What? No!” He exclaims, suddenly becoming pink on the cheeks.

I laugh at his reaction, “Then why are you seeing her now?”

“She wants to interview you again. I told her that you weren’t busy, so might as well accept her request.” He says. What? I’m being interviewed without me agreeing to it? Since when did Assistant Choi make decisions for me?


I get myself prepared for the interview and I somehow feel really nervous. I have a feeling they’re going to be asking questions I’m going to be uncomfortable about. I try my best to keep calm but somehow I’m getting bad vibes.

The crew arrives and they slowly set up the cameras and mikes after greeting us. The interviewer Hye Mi enters my office and we have a small chat on how the process will work. She says it will only take a few minutes and that if there are any questions I feel I shouldn’t answer, then I can gladly decline to answer.

After thirty minutes or so, the crew finishes setting up. I get into place, which is on the two chairs by the big window.

“Hello TV viewers, this is Gye Hye Mi back in the Samsung building. And here sitting next to me once again is the CEO of Samsung, Miss Kang Tae Ah. A few months back I’ve talked to her about how she became CEO of the company. Now I come back to talk to her about what has happened during the time she has been CEO.” Hye Mi starts off.

“Hello, I am Kang Tae Ah, CEO of Samsung, nice to meet you.” Saying, with the best smile I can pull off for the camera. I need to look good of course!

And she begins to ask questions…

“So, Miss Tae Ah, recently you have created a new form of smart phone. It was a very intelligent idea to make things look 3D. Usually, people wouldn’t like it because it makes you feel dizzy, but with your creation it doesn’t hurt your eyes or give you headaches at all! How did you manage to do that?” She asks.


After answering all her questions about the new smart phone, her questions begin to get more sensitive.

“Miss Tae Ah, a few days ago you were in this incident with your boyfriend. Can you tell me what that was about?” She asks, careful not to say anything that will cause trouble.

I’m taken back a bit, clasping tightly on the end of my dress. “Umm…”

“It’s ok if you don’t want to talk about it but a lot of people would want to knows since it’s been all over the media. People were beginning to worry that the CEO of Samsung was in some big trouble.” She says.

I take a few minutes to steady my breath, “A friend of mine worked for this guy who ruins businesses. And he didn’t know that I was the owner of Samsung, and that friend of mine was assigned to ruin Samsung.” I say, trying to hold in the fear that has taken over me all of a sudden.

“And this man’s name is apparently Mr Hwang Ki Dong, am I correct?” She asks.

I nod.

“Well before we came to interview you today, we had gone to the police department to ask about him and they had said that Hwang Ki Dong is one of the most wanted people that needed to be captured and placed behind bars. They said that he had been running away and changing his identity for countless of years, and now thanks to you, the police have now caught him.” Hye Mi assures, also congratulating.

I look at her baffled, “You mean I helped catch one of the most dangerous guys in the world?” I ask.

She laughs at me and nods. “The police department says many thanks to you and would like to give you this.” And signals one of the staff to hand over something, which is a basket full of treats and also a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

I look at the gifts and the biggest smile forms on my face. I stand up in astonishment as I bow multiple times in respect in happiness. “Thank you so much!”


The interview went really well and now I’m at the café, helping out my cousins with cleaning up the shop. I drive home together with them, and as I approach the front door to our apartment, I see many gifts of different shapes and sizes.

I get closer to the door and I gawk at the presents. My cousins look at me weirdly, pushing me aside as they carry all my presents in the house, since they think that I wasn’t planning on moving at  all. Snapping out of my sudden zoning out, I quickly get inside and I rush towards the area where they placed my presents which is on the kitchen table.

I look at the notes that are written on them, and most of them, or all of them are from people that I don’t even know. They gave me gifts - from reading them – because they felt really bad that I had to face this much difficulty in having to own Samsung, and that there are many people who try to ruin my life.

I’m really thankful for these people who care for me, I really am. I know I wouldn’t even continue to run that company if it wasn’t for them. Because the only reason why I accepted Mr Chang’s offer was because I wanted to make other people feel, satisfied.

I grab my phone from my bag and I dial up oppa’s number.

“Oppa!!!!!” I scream out through the phone, causing the person on the other side shout in shock.

“Princess, what was that for? I think you broke my eardrum!” He says in a whining voice. Hahaha he’s acting like a baby again.

“Nothing~ I just wanted to call you because today has been a really good day. Can you call BAP over to come here with you? I want to post up a video on the internet.” I say.

“Why? What happened today? Oh, wait, never mind, I saw your interview with that lady on TV. You looked beautiful in that dress you know~” He compliments.

I ‘giggle’ at his compliment, making me blush. “Thanks, I had to look pretty on TV.” laughing again.

“I want to thank the public for giving me gifts and worrying for the both of us when we were captured by that Hwang Ki Dong guy.” I continue.

“Ahh~ ok, I’ll call over the guys. See you later.” He says, then hanging up.


Everyone (BAP, my cousins and I) have gathered around in the living room and we have set up a small camera recorder. On the side (where that camera can’t see) is an MP3 player that is connected to some speakers.

Everyone stands on the side while I sit on the couch in front of the camera.

“Hi, I am Samsung’s CEO Kang Tae Ah. Today I’m posting up a video to thank all of you for caring about me for what had happened a few days ago. I was very touched when I got home and I saw all those presents and encouragement letters on my front doorstep. And my way to thank you guys, I’m here at home with my group of friends and cousins. We’re going to be performing something smalls for you guys, and I hope you like it. Talking no more, I give you BAP and my cousins!” I say, gesturing my hands towards BAP towards the end of my speech.

BAP and my cousins (and I) skip goofily in front of the camera and we get into positions. We dance to BAP’s self-composed songs, which are ‘Crash’ and ‘Stop It’.

We had a lot of fun recording ourselves that we ended up performing many songs, including IU’s Marshmallow and Secret’s YooHoo.






Goodevening! (from where I am)
Sorry if I'm only updating now, but this time is the only free time I'm having haha...
It's a boring chapter but, hey, at least it's up!
I'm beginning to blank out on the story and I need inspiration!

That pose! (I do not own this photo. Credit to rightful owner ^_^)

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Chapter 29: Noooo ! Cliffhangerrr T-T i'll go and save both of them ! *transform to superman* why is jungkook suddenly change to a badman now ? XO
Chapter 25: I watched it already ! And that gif omg yongguk so freaking hot there xO and that part where yongguk say , peace . His voice kills me million times x)
Don't forget to watch their MV today! BADMAN~
Chapter 24: I like Jimin ! XD update soon ! :* *showers you with lots lots lots lots lots lots of loveeeeee* <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 23: Waitt ! You're older than him by nine months :O i guess we're at the same age ! :O you're 17 ? XD 1996 ? XD
Chapter 23: Yay! BTS~~<3 :D
Chapter 21: OMO I LIKE THEM TOO ! XD My bias is Jimin <3 gahh he's hot !
Chapter 8: Lol i laughed at the part when Jongup didn't introduce himself xD Jonguppie is so adorable <3