Variety shows – jealousy again

Caught me at first sight

The next day I’m at home because I’m told that I’m able to take a day off from working in Samsung. So today I’m in the café, baking in the kitchen. Mae Ee and Je Si are sitting on one of the tables because they’ve been working a lot since this morning and now they’re taking a break. They’re on my laptop, checking how much views our video has had.

Then they suddenly call me over from out of the kitchen. I run to them, thinking that it’s something kind of emergency, but seeing big smile on their faces, I know it’s the complete opposite.

“Eonni! You’ve got a message from that variety show, Strong Heart!!!” Je Si exclaims, or rather scream in happiness.

“What? I can’t understand you. Dude, you’re screaming at me.” I say, laughing at her now that she’s jumping around like a crazy, this hyperactive kid.

“Your assistant messaged us just then and said that the directors of Strong Heart are inviting you to be on the show with us and BAP.” Mae Ee explains calmly, making it easier for me to understand.


“Okay! We’re going to be doing a quick run through. Everyone get into your positions!” The director orders the idols that will be featured in the show, which is including me. BAP, my cousins and assistant Choi stand on the side watching. They’re going be on later.

The audio crew and stylists run around from one person to the other, trying to give them microphones and stylist trying to perfect the faces and clothes of idols. I’m feeling overwhelmed because there are so many things going on around me and I’m starting to feel lost.

And also the reason why I’m feeling lost and nervous right now is because first, I’m neither an actor nor an idol. And two, because I’m going be filmed and I might make heaps of mistakes in front of the camera or I won’t be able to answer the MC’s questions properly. I just feel like I’m going to mess up everything!

Assistant Choi seems to have noticed the lost look on my face and approaches me. I’m still getting my make-up done and some guy is installing on a microphone for me. Assistant Choi dodges the three people around me and tries to comfort me.

He gives me an assuring look. “Don’t worry. We’ll all be here for you. And your boyfriend over there is keeping good watch in case anything happens to you. I also quote what he told me to tell you ‘Don’t talk to any pretty-faced boys or else I’ll make sure one will notice what he looks like anymore’”

I laugh at oppa’s ‘quote’ and I relax a bit. The camera crew adjust the positions of the cameras and they all seem to be facing me but in reality it’s focused on everyone. The stylists finish touching up my face and my microphone is installed.

“Everyone three minutes to air!” The assistant director shouts out. I take out a small mirror from my pocket and I take a look at myself in case the make-up artists made my face look like a cake.

“One minute to air” The assistant director shouts again. Wow, time is going so fast…

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5…” the assistant director shouts but becomes silent after 4 and lower. Then the big red sign that says On Air turns on.

Everyone clap and cheer. Kang Ho Dong does a few silly moves and introduces the show, “Wel-wel-welcome to Sta-sta-sta-star KING!” and everyone joins in when he says ‘king’

“WOW! Everyone here today look so fresh! Today we have Secret, Teen Top, Girls Day, B2ST, 4Minute, BTOB and a special guest that’s neither idol nor actress, Miss Kang Tae Ah! One by one, please introduce yourselves in your groups.” Ho Dong says in a really loud voice.

Everyone introduces themselves, including myself and questions begin to be asked among different people.


After small questions being asked and answered, each idol group show each of their talents and their comeback performances.

“Miss Tae Ah, a few days ago you posted a video online with a group of your friends. Are they here with you today?” Ho Dong asks.

“Umm, actually yes. They are all here and the guys that were in the video have prepared a something for the viewers of Star King.” I say, taking a look in their direction. I can see both of my cousins with big smiles on their faces. I don’t think they’re looking at me. I turn to look at the area they are looking in, which is behind me and I happen to see Teen Top there. I sigh in annoyance as they aren’t even paying attention to me! Anyways I stand up from my seat and I call over BAP.

They enter the controlled studio and they bow to the cameras and to Ho Dong. Ho Dong says in a really loud voice, “Welcome to this show! WOW! The six of you look handsome and young! Can you please introduce yourselves.”

After introducing themselves, Ho Dong looks in shock.

“WHAT?! Zelo is the youngest? BUT HE”S SO TALL!!!” He exclaims, earning big laughter from the audience. “OKAY! Back to the topic, BAP show us what you got!”

BAP then get into their positions in this area in front of the camera and they begin to perform a song they’ve personally made which they called BADMAN. No wonder why they are wearing such weird clothing, they’re trying to look like badmen??

They dance here and there. Yong Guk oppa begins the song with his charismatic rap that melts all the girs’ hearts. Then Jong Up does this awesome front flip which earns loud hoots from everyone. Then the youngest Zelo raps as well which I found both handsome and adorable at the same time. And lastly towards the end Dae Hyun lets out this high and powerful note that not a lot of male idols can do.

After their performance they receive many compliments and all the girls are screaming from their sudden perspectives towards BAP.

“WOW WOW WOW! You guys should enter an entertainment because you’re all so good and damn! Dae Hyun you got some great high notes there, well done!” Ho Dong praises. I let out a laugh because all a sudden all the BAP members’ heads are down due to embarrassment and all the good compliments.


“Today we have a special segment called Teach Me How To... All you need to do is put your hands up if you have some kind of special talent that no one here can do and would like to teach.” Ho Dong explains. A few hands shoot up and Ho Dong chooses one. “Let’s start with B2ST’s Yo Seob!”

Yo Seob stands from his seat and stands beside Ho Dong.

“I don’t think I have any talent I can teach but there is one person here that I would like to give dance lessons to.” Yo Seob starts, shyly looking to the idol audience. Why does it feel like he’s looking at me?

“And who is this lucky female?” The host asks mischievously, wriggling his eyebrows in such a silly way, everyone laughs at him.

“I really love Samsung and the things they make, so I would like to give dancing lessons to Miss Tae Ah.” Yo Seob says.

Off set, you can see Yong Guk oppa gobsmacked. I, too, am shocked that the Yang Yo Seob would want to teach me how to dance… Why? I don’t know.

I slowly get up from my seat and approach Ho Dong and Yo Seob. Claps and cheers are heard. I can even hear my cousins squealing on the side but then dies down because of Yong Guk oppa glaring at them.

Yo Seob stands in front of me, showing a manly gesture, holding out a hand for me to take. I contemplate before I take his hand and I anticipate on what’s going to happen next. Then in one swift move, my body is standing close to his and his other hand is placed on my waist.

I hear men whistling, girls squealing and B2ST members shouting “Our baby is a grown man now!”

I’m looking around my surroundings just to avoid his eyes but then he softly calls my name, with no one being able to hear it but me, even the microphones can’t hear. My eyes lock with his and he assures me with his eyes to trust in him and follow his moves.

Within no time we dance in the most graceful way, flowing in sync with the music and not a mistake is made. While Yo Seo (oppa) and I dance away, Yong Guk oppa is clenching his wrist and never leaving his fire gaze on us. I know he’s angry and jealous even if I’m not looking at him, I feel burning lasers on me.


The recording for Star King is over and BAP, my cousins, assistant Choi and I are in this Chinese restaurant waiting for our orders to come. Yong Guk oppa isn’t sitting next to me and I understand why. I shouldn’t have danced with Yo Seob, but how can I possibly miss the chance to dance with a famous person?

“Oppa can I talk to you outside please?” I ask him, trying my best to control my emotions. Right now my emotions are all over the place, I’m either happy that Star King went really well or angry that oppa is ignoring me right now.

The both of us are outside and oppa refuses to make eye-contact with me and is keeping his distance from me. I sigh in weariness.

“Oppa I don’t understand why you’re ignoring me right now.” I confront.

No answer from him.

“Oppa.” I call to him.

Still no answer.

I sigh, beginning to feel frustrated, my mood slowly going down.

“Fine, if you don’t want to talk to me right now, then don’t. I’m going home. It’ll be no use talking to you if you’re not willing to cooperate.” I say, starting to walk towards my car.

Then I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, stopping me from my tracks.

“I’m sorry… I just feel so angry right now. That kid had the guts to ‘teach you how to dance’ and I just lost it. I was going to run up to him and push him away from you but I know I couldn’t. So instead I had to painfully watch you with that bastard who’s pretty much more good-looking and better at dancing than me.” He confesses.

My mood then changes from bitterness to pity. I never thought of oppa’s perspective. I thought that he was just plain jealous that I was dancing with another man but since it was only for show, he’d let it go later. But was wrong.

“Oppa I’m sorry as well. I should’ve thought twice before dancing with him. I never considered your feelings.” I say, turning around to hug him back.






I'm back with a new update! I'M SO SORRY I WAS GONE FOR A WEEK!!! I had writer's block and I didn't know how to make the chapter longer. The story is nearly finished, I just need to add a few more details into it. Again I'm really sorry I haven't been on.
If you're finding my updates really boring, I wouldn't mind if you... oh I can't even say it *cries* but I really do don't mind at all. I try my very best to come up with a great chapter. But if you're finding it not to your taste, then I don't mind you not continuing to read this fanfic. Just don't plagiarise. I said I was going to be updating every 2 days, but I broke that hahaha sorry... 미안 해요... 정말 I shouldn't even be laughing. 

Hahahaha I had to research about production crews all those things and I had to research about Star King. If I made any mistakes on any information I put on, I'm sorry, I don't really know much about the show nor about how behind the shows work.

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Chapter 29: Noooo ! Cliffhangerrr T-T i'll go and save both of them ! *transform to superman* why is jungkook suddenly change to a badman now ? XO
Chapter 25: I watched it already ! And that gif omg yongguk so freaking hot there xO and that part where yongguk say , peace . His voice kills me million times x)
Don't forget to watch their MV today! BADMAN~
Chapter 24: I like Jimin ! XD update soon ! :* *showers you with lots lots lots lots lots lots of loveeeeee* <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 23: Waitt ! You're older than him by nine months :O i guess we're at the same age ! :O you're 17 ? XD 1996 ? XD
Chapter 23: Yay! BTS~~<3 :D
Chapter 21: OMO I LIKE THEM TOO ! XD My bias is Jimin <3 gahh he's hot !
Chapter 8: Lol i laughed at the part when Jongup didn't introduce himself xD Jonguppie is so adorable <3