
I Just Want to Love You

It had been two days since Yoon-eun ignored Yong Guk.

The first night which was the night after Yoon-eun saw the message on Yong Guk’s laptop Yong Guk still slept beside her on the bed.

However when Yoon-eun found out next morning that she was hugging Yong Guk all night she officially banned Yong Guk from going near her room the next day. Needless to say he was banned from sleeping in the same bed with her that night too. That night he had no choice but to spend the night on the floor of Jae Hwan’s bedroom.

Since that day Yoon-eun had also been ignoring Yong Guk. She did not say a single word to him except telling him to not sleep in her room. She totally ignored his presence and whenever she prepared food she would only prepare her own.

No matter how Yong Guk tried to strike a conversation with her, Yoon-eun would just ignore it and she would stay away from him.

This morning Yong Guk sat in the living room and flipped through the channels on the television without paying any attention to it.

His full attention was on the closed door where Yoon-eun was in. She had been in there since after breakfast and he wondered what she was doing inside.

As if answering to his query, the door opened. Yoon-eun walked out of the room wearing a blue tight fitting shirt with a deep V at the back and a pair of white shorts which clung to her bottom and showed off her legs.

Yong Guk’s jaw nearly dropped off when he saw Yoon-eun’s attire.

“Where are you going?” he asked when he saw her placing things into her handbag and getting her shoes from the shoe rack.

Yoon-eun ignored him and sat on the stool near the door to wear her pair of high heels.

Yong Guk started to worry when Yoon-eun did not reply him. When he saw Yoon-eun opening the front door of the apartment, he immediately grabbed his DSLR camera which was sitting on the coffee table and followed after her.

Luckily Yoon-eun was stopped at the lift, if not Yong Guk would not be able to catch up with her.

“Where are you going?” Yong Guk asked once again as they both waited for the lift.

Yoon-eun continued to keep quiet.

“Look, I apologize alright. I know that it’s mean of the guys to crack such a joke but believe me, they meant well. They just want to see the both of us make up and form a happy family together,” Yong Guk finally gave up.

He felt really terrible when Yoon-eun did not talk to him for the last two days. Now he hoped that his apology will work and Yoon-eun would start talking to him again. However luck was not with him.

Yoon-eun ignored his words and stepped into the lift. Yong Guk sighed and immediately followed. He tried to talk to Yoon-eun again in the lift but a woman in her fifties entered at the next level and started chatting with Yoon-eun.

When the lift reached the first level, Yoon-eun bid farewell to the lady and left the building.

Yong Guk sighed and immediately followed after her.


After walking around the city for an hour or so, Yoon-eun stopped at a café for a drink. When she saw Yong Guk sitting at the table beside hers she sighed and moved over to his table.

“What exactly do you want?” Yoon-eun asked.

“I just want to apologize for the message you saw on my laptop the other day,” Yong Guk said.

“Apology accepted so I guess you can leave me alone now?” Yoon-eun said as she stirred the cup of coffee which the waiter had just sent.

“No,” Yong Guk answered firmly.

Yoon-eun looked at him, “Then what do you want? I had enough of you following me around since we left home. Can you at least let me have some time alone?”

“I have told you that my aim now is to get you and Jae Hwan back into my life. I can let you have some time alone. I was just protecting you from behind and taking some quality shots,” Yong Guk said and waved his camera in front of Yoon-eun.

Yoon-eun rolled her eyes and got up from her seat.

She had enough of this and now all she wanted was to get home and take a rest. When Yong Guk saw Yoon-eun leaving he took his camera and threw some dollars on the table for their drinks.

Once again he walked behind Yoon-eun to see how she was doing. When he saw Yoon-eun turning back to look at him, Yong Guk pretended to be taking pictures of the view.

Yoon-eun got irritated and started to walk faster. However as she was constantly checking behind to see what Yong Guk was doing, she knocked into someone.

Yoon-eun apologized and tried to help the person up but when the person saw that it was a young pretty Asian lady who had knocked into him, his anger was gone. Not only that, he tried to take advantage of her.

Yoon-eun struggled hard to free her hand from the stranger but that guy was strong. He held onto Yoon-eun’s hand tightly and refused to let go.

Just as Yoon-eun was still thinking of ways to get out of the man’s clutch, the man was being pulled away by another pair of hands. Yoon-eun looked up and saw that it was Yong Guk who was dragging the man away.

Yoon-eun didn’t know what to do as the two men started to get into a fight. All she could do was to stand at the side and watched as Yong Guk got beaten up by the man who was slightly bigger in size than him.

Yong Guk was not so easily defeated. After taking a few punches from the big man, he gave a hard punch on the guy’s face which sent him falling onto the ground.

When the guy fell to the ground, Yong Guk immediately got up and kicked him a couple of times then he grabbed Yoon-eun who was still in a daze.

They ran as fast as their legs could carry them to run away from the man who might get up and give chase anytime.


“Yong Guk,” Yoon-eun called out to the man who were holding onto her hand and running in front of her.

Yong Guk stopped when he heard her voice, “What’s wrong? Are you tired? Let me carry you.”

Yoon-eun shook her head and tried to catch her breath, “I think he has stop following us. Can we get back first?”

Yong Guk looked behind Yoon-eun and when he confirmed that no one was following them he nodded his head. The two slowly made their way home with Yong Guk still holding onto Yoon-eun’s hand.


The two were in total silence as they made their way home. When they reached home, Yoon-eun went back to the bedroom.

Yong Guk sighed and sat on the sofa. He removed his damaged camera from his neck and examined it.

Luckily only the camera lens was damaged and there were only some damages to the exterior.

Yong Guk powered on the camera and looked at the photos he had taken with the camera. He smiled when he saw the family photos Yoon-eun, Jae Hwan and him had taken together that night. He continued scrolling and looked at the pictures of Yoon-eun which he had secretly taken earlier. He smiled at those and sighed again.

Just as he was sighing, Yoon-eun walked out of the room in her house clothes and a first-aid box in hand.

She walked over to Yong Guk and kneeled down before him. When Yong Guk saw her, he immediately sat up straight.

Yoon-eun sighed and his face.

Without saying anything she took out a tube of lotion and a cotton swab from the box to apply on Yong Guk’s injuries. She gently applied medication on all the visible injuries on his face.

Yong Guk kept quiet when Yoon-eun applied the medication for him. He could see that Yoon-eun really cared for him and was worried about him.

After Yoon-eun pasted the plaster on Yong Guk’s arm for one of the cuts, Yong Guk took her hand. Yoon-eun looked up at him with her eyes wide open.

Yong Guk saw the glimmering tears in her eyes and wiped the left corner with his left thumb.

“What are the tears for? Is it for me?” Yong Guk asked softly.

Yoon-eun looked away from him but Yong Guk turned her face towards him again. Both of them did not spoke, they just looked at each other.

Finally Yoon-eun moved. She caressed Yong Guk’s cheeks and said, “I just feel bad making you suffer because of me.”

The tears which she had been holding back rolled down her cheeks. Yong Guk tried his best to wipe away all of it but they were flowing down too fast.

Yong Guk got off from the sofa and sat on the floor beside Yoon-eun. He pulled Yoon-eun in for a hug and kissed the top of her head.

“It’s okay. I don’t mind getting hurt because of you. I love you and you know it,” Yong Guk said then he pulled Yoon-eun away slightly to look into her eyes, “Please give me the chance to treasure you again. I promise this time I won’t leave and I will never let you or Jae Hwan out of my sight.”

Yoon-eun bit her lower lip; her tears were still flowing especially after listening to Yong Guk’s words.

“I’m worried that my heart will break again. I can’t bear to experience this kind of heartache for a second time.”

Yong Guk smiled at her and kissed her tear-stained cheek, “I promise I won’t. I can’t bear experiencing the kind of torture without you by my side ever again. Can I have one last chance?”

Yoon-eun sniffed and wiped her tears away, she was really touched by Yong Guk’s words. She wanted to give him this chance but at the same time she was really afraid that it will end up like how it was previously.

Yong Guk dared not even breathe as he waited for Yoon-eun’s reply. Just as he thought he was going to die of suffocation, Yoon-eun spoke.

“Last chance, if you break it you are out of the league and never will I want you near Jae Hwan again.”

 Yong Guk looked at Yoon-eun in disbelieve, “You… you mean I got the chance?”

Yoon-eun smiled when she saw his reaction.

“Forgot what I have just said if you don’t want it,” Yoon-eun said and started packing up the first-aid box.

Yong Guk was in a daze, he still can’t believe that Yoon-eun was finally giving this chance for him to be with her again.

Before Yoon-eun could get up and leave, Yong Guk held her hand and pulled her in for another hug.

“Thank you, thank you,” Yong Guk said softly into her ear and hugged her tighter.

Yoon-eun smiled and put her arms around Yong Guk’s waist to return the hug.

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Saabbrinaaa #1
Chapter 42: Authornim please update
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 42: Aww, this was sweet. I love how Yongguk is showing his love, but recognizing that he missed 6 years of their lives. But I'm proud of her, for letting him in & allowing him to "catch" up so to speak. Omg, who wouldn't love to fall asleep in Yongguk's arms? not even my bias & I'd love it ^_^ Also, the hand holding was too cute, I giggled... it was short & sweet chapter, that was able to speak volumes. Thank you for updating & look forward to them being home & beginning their new life as a family w/ Jae Hwan!!
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 41: This was like the PERFECT chapter for feels to be BUSTED!!! sheesh, the way you described her in the am, leaving him in bed, to him coming up behind her. Trying to restart something ^_^ Then just their super sweet moments between the 2 of them!!
ugh, just perfect, I can't wait for them to go back & spend more time together~ but I LOVED this chapter!!!!!!!, thank you for updating & can't wait for more~
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 40: Youngjae & NaHee, their love has so many sad points, but each time they got stronger & have such a sweet love! I truly loved the chapter & the backstory of what happened & how they met. Youngjae's words to her were SO sweet, my heart melted. Really loved this chapter! Thank you for updating & look forward to more!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 39: T_T.... When I saw the title of the chapter, I went uhh ohh!!! YOOJIN!!??!!? Give Daehyun a chance! DAEHYUN don't give up w/out a fight, she needs to see she's worth it to him... I think!? haha They're so adorable together, but it's true. She may not be ready no matter how perfect he is, but is he willing to wait??? Great chapter! Thank you for updating & look forward to more <3
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 38: OMG... First off, in my few years on AFF, this is by far the nicest thing anyone has ever done!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH & WELCOME BACK <3333 When I saw you had updated, I literally squealed!!!!!! The wheels are starting to turn, Youngjae & Nahee have figured it out. And how cute without him even knowing it, he's playing with his grandson <3 (the feels) Uhh ohh, Daehyun is grumpy & judging by his reaction to her w/ Himchan, something is up! Loved the chapter & thank you so much for taking the time to update. Sorry you're experiencing writer's block (no indication w/ this chapter) Hope you're able to get past it ^_^ FIGHTING <33
jmayo81 #7
Just checking in again to say miss your story & hope all is well & we look forward to reading soon ^_^
jmayo81 #8
Just writing to say, miss your story & look forward to an update soon ^_^ hope all is well!
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 37: Welcome back! This chapter & the feels!!! you made this so unbearably sweet.. I LOVED IT!!! what he said towards the end about another baby... Ugh, too sweet! I'm so glad that they're going to try & I can't wait for his to tell his father! Not to mention, who doesn't love a man that can cook! Thank you for updating!
stevieortiz87 #10
Chapter 37: Oh goodness.....i....just....CAN'T!!! ugh I love this so much!!