
I Just Want to Love You

It had been nearly a month since they came back from the work trip. Many things happened in this one month.

Their project in Busan was going on well and was expected to finish by next month. Hence, Daehyun and Himchan were more relaxed.

The relationship between Daehyun and Yoojin was progressing on well. They didn’t have any quarrels in the one month that they were together. Maybe because they are still in the honeymoon period but they believed that the other party is the one that they want to be with.

Whenever Himchan had free time after work, he would ask Yoon-eun out for dinner. Yoon-eun would usually accept his offer because she can’t bear to reject him. Sometimes, Jae Hwan would join them too.

As for lunch, it’s always the time for Youngjae, Daehyun and the recently joined Yoojin to enjoy the show. During lunch, Himchan and Yoon-eun would joke around and discuss about their dinner the night before. Yong Guk would be glaring at them angrily and eating his food in silence. Sometimes he will try to add in his comments but after a while it would all be Himchan’s and Yoon-eun’s voice and laughter again. The three would watch as Yong Guk’s face changed colours. Sometimes they can’t help laughing at him too. Of course, they do it secretly because they don’t want to shoot them murderous looks.


37th Level, Chairman's office

“Isn’t there anything that I can do to make her notice me more?” Yong Guk asked. He was grumbling to his buddies about not being able to get closer to Yoon-eun.

It was after office hours and they had just finished discussing about the company’s future plans. Hence now they are spending some buddy time to talk about their lives.

They didn’t go elsewhere because both Youngjae and Daehyun were waiting for their precious girlfriends to meet them at the office for a double date.

“Well, seems like that Kim guy got all her attention,” Daehyun said.

“Bro, you really have told her the truth?” Youngjae asked. He still can't believe that Yong Guk really pluck up the courage to tell Yoon-eun the truth.

Yong Guk scratched his head, “Not really everything. I told her who I am and my feelings for her. About my dad, I haven't told her about it yet. I want to win her back before telling her about it, but now it really seems like Himchan have gotten all her attention.”

“You really have to work hard if not Himchan might get her heart soon one day,” Daehyun said.

Although Yong Guk don’t like what Daehyun had said but he knew what he had said is the truth. If he don’t make a move to win Yoon-eun back in his life, Himchan might really grab the chance and make Yoon-eun his and it’s something which he can’t afford to lose.

He was about to ask the guys for a plan when there was a knock on his office doors.

Yoojin pushed the door open and popped her head in.

“Sorry to disturb you guys but are we ready to leave? Na-hee is waiting in her car at the entrance.”

Daehyun and Youngjae got up from their seats and made their way to the door. Before closing the door, Youngjae looked at Yong Guk and said, “Don’t worry, I’m sure you will find a plan soon to get your wife back by your side. Don’t forget you got a secret weapon which Himchan doesn’t have.” Youngjae winked at him and exited the room.

Secret weapon? What secret weapon does he have? Yong Guk didn’t know what Youngjae was talking about. Seeing that it was getting late and all the work was done, Yong Guk packed his things and got ready to leave.


Carpark of Bang’s Corp

Yong Guk stepped out of the lift when it reached the basement. He threw his car controller in the air and caught it with his hand. He slowly walked to his car which was parked at the far end of the carpark.

As he was walking, he spotted a couple. They seemed to be kissing and Yong Guk laughed to himself. He didn’t know that his staff in the office are so bold to kiss in the public even if its an empty carpark.

He was about to walk off when he caught a glimpse of the girl’s side view. He was so shock that he dropped his car controller.

The sound made the couple broke apart and the guy to turn around to face Yong Guk. Yong Guk recomposed himself and pick up his controller from the ground. He then walked over to the couple and stood between them.

“What were the both of you doing here?” he asked but he was eyeing the female.

“Erm… we were…” the male rubbed the back of his neck. He didn’t know how to answer his boss especially since it’s the big boss who’s asking him this question.

 The girl stared back at Yong Guk and answered, “I think its very obvious isn’t it? Now if you would excuse us, we have a dinner date to attend.”

She gently pushed Yong Guk away and grabbed the man’s hand. Yong Guk felt as if the world had collapsed when he saw this. He grabbed her other hand and pulled her towards him.

“I’m afraid Ms Park will have to cancel her date with you tonight, Mr. Kim. I need her for some discussions.”

With that, Yong Guk dragged Yoon-eun away and left Himchan standing there all alone.


In Yong Guk’s car

After Yong Guk got Yoon-eun away from Himchan, he pulled her to his car and asked her to sit in the passengers’ seat. Although Yoon-eun was reluctant but she knew better than to protest. Yong Guk might seem nice and all but when he was angry he can be a demon too.

After they both got in, he stepped on the accelerator and drove the car of the office vicinity.

The two remained silent throughout the car ride until Yoon-eun couldn’t hold it any longer and asked, “Where are we going?”

Yong Guk remained silent. He was still angry with what he had seen in the carpark just now.

“If you are not going to say then stop the car. I'm getting out,” Yoon-eun said and looked out of the car window.

Yong Guk took a quick glance at her and continued driving. Yoon-eun realized that Yong Guk was not stopping the car, instead he was increasing speed. Yoon-eun shot him an angry look.

“Stop the car if not I'll jump out!” she screamed at him.

Yong Guk sighed and stepped on the brake pedal. Once the car stopped at the roadside, Yoon-eun unfastened her seatbelt and tried to open the car door. However, it just won't budge.

Yoon-eun looked at Yong Guk again. However Yong Guk continued looking out at the street from the windscreen.

“Bang Yong Guk, do you mind unlocking this damn door so I can get out?” Yoon-eun asked. She was getting frustrated. First she was dragged to his car without any reason. Then he drove the car without saying anything or saying where they will go. Now he was not opening the door for her to get out.

Yong Guk did not respond and Yoon-eun was getting angrier as the minute passed.

“What do you want? I don't know mind-reading so if you are not going to tell me I won't know anything. If you are going to continue keeping mum then....” Yoon-eun's words were cut off when Yong Guk suddenly pressed his lips onto hers.

Yoon-eun was shocked at Yong Guk's action; she didn't know what to do. Her eyes were wide open and she was looking at Yong Guk who was before her with his eyes closed.

She knew she should push him away but she didn't want to. She had missed his kisses in the last six years and she knew she wanted it badly. However, she knew she have to push him away. Hence Yoon-eun gathered all her force and pushed Yong Guk away from her.

Yong Guk looked at her and Yoon-eun stared back.

“Can you unlock the door now?” Yoon-eun asked and looked out of the window.

Seeing that Yoon-eun don't seem too happy, Yong Guk sighed and unlocked the door. When Yoon-eun heard the click, she immediately opened the door and got out. Not bothering to say any words to Yong Guk she slammed the door shut and hoped onto the cab that happened to pass by.

Yong Guk watched as the cab drove out of his sight. He slammed his fist onto the steering wheel in frustration and leaned back on the car seat.

He really didn't know what to do. Is Yoon-eun really going to leave him forever? Can't he make up for the mistake he had made? He closed his eyes and silently made a wish in his heart.

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Saabbrinaaa #1
Chapter 42: Authornim please update
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 42: Aww, this was sweet. I love how Yongguk is showing his love, but recognizing that he missed 6 years of their lives. But I'm proud of her, for letting him in & allowing him to "catch" up so to speak. Omg, who wouldn't love to fall asleep in Yongguk's arms? not even my bias & I'd love it ^_^ Also, the hand holding was too cute, I giggled... it was short & sweet chapter, that was able to speak volumes. Thank you for updating & look forward to them being home & beginning their new life as a family w/ Jae Hwan!!
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 41: This was like the PERFECT chapter for feels to be BUSTED!!! sheesh, the way you described her in the am, leaving him in bed, to him coming up behind her. Trying to restart something ^_^ Then just their super sweet moments between the 2 of them!!
ugh, just perfect, I can't wait for them to go back & spend more time together~ but I LOVED this chapter!!!!!!!, thank you for updating & can't wait for more~
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 40: Youngjae & NaHee, their love has so many sad points, but each time they got stronger & have such a sweet love! I truly loved the chapter & the backstory of what happened & how they met. Youngjae's words to her were SO sweet, my heart melted. Really loved this chapter! Thank you for updating & look forward to more!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 39: T_T.... When I saw the title of the chapter, I went uhh ohh!!! YOOJIN!!??!!? Give Daehyun a chance! DAEHYUN don't give up w/out a fight, she needs to see she's worth it to him... I think!? haha They're so adorable together, but it's true. She may not be ready no matter how perfect he is, but is he willing to wait??? Great chapter! Thank you for updating & look forward to more <3
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 38: OMG... First off, in my few years on AFF, this is by far the nicest thing anyone has ever done!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH & WELCOME BACK <3333 When I saw you had updated, I literally squealed!!!!!! The wheels are starting to turn, Youngjae & Nahee have figured it out. And how cute without him even knowing it, he's playing with his grandson <3 (the feels) Uhh ohh, Daehyun is grumpy & judging by his reaction to her w/ Himchan, something is up! Loved the chapter & thank you so much for taking the time to update. Sorry you're experiencing writer's block (no indication w/ this chapter) Hope you're able to get past it ^_^ FIGHTING <33
jmayo81 #7
Just checking in again to say miss your story & hope all is well & we look forward to reading soon ^_^
jmayo81 #8
Just writing to say, miss your story & look forward to an update soon ^_^ hope all is well!
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 37: Welcome back! This chapter & the feels!!! you made this so unbearably sweet.. I LOVED IT!!! what he said towards the end about another baby... Ugh, too sweet! I'm so glad that they're going to try & I can't wait for his to tell his father! Not to mention, who doesn't love a man that can cook! Thank you for updating!
stevieortiz87 #10
Chapter 37: Oh goodness.....i....just....CAN'T!!! ugh I love this so much!!