The Meeting

I Just Want to Love You

Yoon-eun flipped through the file in front of her once again. She had another hour before she had to report to the 37th level to give her presentation to the Chairman on the company’s relation with the media and also the company’s promotion strategies in the past two years.

Just as she flipped another page, a knock came on her door. After Yoon-eun gave the command, her door opened and a figure walked in. Yoon-eun did not look up from her file and instructed the person to sit down.

The person pulled the chair out and sat down. The person did not make any sound; he just waited patiently for Yoon-eun to notice him.

Finally Yoon-eun closed the file, “Sorry for making you wait for so long, Yoo… Himchan? What are you doing here?” Yoon-eun asked in surprise when she realized that the person sitting in front of her was Himchan and not Yoojin.

Himchan laughed, “Haha. I just reported for work and decided to come visit you.”

Yoon-eun looked at Himchan and said, “You mean you are working in Bang Corp. too?”

Himchan laughed again and nodded his head. “Do you have to look so shock?”

Yoon-eun recovered and apologized, “Sorry. I didn’t hear you mentioning anything about it over dinner last week and the day before.”

Himchan chuckled, “I wanted to give you a surprise. However, you look really surprised. Sorry to have disturbed you,” After saying that he looked sad and got up from his seat.

Yoon-eun immediately got out of her seat and caught Himchan’s arm before he could leave. “Hey, sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just that I’m a bit uptight with the presentation to the Chairman later. Don’t take it to heart alright?”

Himchan could not hold back the laughter he was suppressing and burst out laughing. “Haha… I was just teasing you. Your reaction is really priceless.”

Himchan couldn’t stop laughing. After a while, Yoon-eun let go of his arm and went back to her seat. Upon seeing this Himchan immediately stopped laughing. He walked back to the seat he was sitting on a minute earlier and looked at Yoon-eun who was flipping the file once again.

“Hey, are you angry? You look so serious so I decided to joke around with you. I meant no harm. Don’t be angry okay?” Himchan tried to pacify Yoon-eun but Yoon-eun just ignored him and continued looking through her folder.

Himchan panicked and he apologized again, “Yoon-eun, I’m really sorry. Please don’t be mad at me anymore. I just wanted to have a little fun.”

Yoon-eun looked up from her folder and looked at Himchan. There was no obvious expression on her face. All Himchan could see in her eyes were emptiness. Himchan didn’t know what to do. Had he angered her? Did he go overboard with his joke? Was she really angry at what he had done?

Suddenly Yoon-eun burst out laughing. Himchan was shocked for a moment, he looked at Yoon-eun and after a while he laughed together with her.

“Haha. You are so easy to fool too,” Yoon-eun said while she wiped away the tears that were forming in her eyes. It had been a long time since she had such a nice laugh. Himchan finally heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Yoon-eun laugh. He thought she was mad at him for coming up with such a stupid joke but luckily she seemed to be enjoying herself.

“How dare you trick me,” Himchan said.

“Hey, you were the one who started it. I merely strike back,” Yoon-eun laughed once again.

“Yeah, right. You are going to treat me to lunch later to make up for it.”

“You were the one who pulled the trick first and you want me to treat you? Dream on,” Yoon-eun said and stuck her tongue at him.

“Come on. After all I am new here and the least you can do is to treat me to lunch. You wouldn’t want me to eat alone and feel lonely right?” Himchan asked with a pitiful look in his eyes.

Yoon-eun couldn’t stop laughing when she saw Himchan’s eyes until she saw the time on the clock sitting on her desk. There was only 15 minutes left before she has to meet the Chairman and there were still some things that she needed to clear up.

“Okay Himchan, I’ll have lunch with you later but will you please let me have some time now so I can look through the report I have prepared?” Yoon-eun said while holding up her folder for Himchan to see.

“No problem! I’m leaving now. Give me a call when you are ready to leave,” Himchan said and stood up.

Yoon-eun gave him a smile and nodded her head. Before Himchan left her room, her head was already buried back into the folder. Himchan shook his head and silently closed the door for her.


37th Level, Chairman’s office

“Youngjae, is my tie straight? I keep having the feeling that it’s crooked,” Yong Guk asked his cousin and competent assistant who was standing next to his chair.

Youngjae sighed, “Mr. Bang, I have told you many times since morning that it is perfectly straight.”

Indeed, since they got into the car Yong Guk had been asking Youngjae on his appearance at least a dozen times from tie to the suit he was wearing. Youngjae just couldn’t understand. Why was Yong Guk so anxious? Its not like he was meeting some important client or the president, it was just the Communications Manager, Park Yoon-eun.

Yong Guk meddled with his tie again and tried to make it straight.

Youngjae couldn’t stand it anymore; he pulled Yong Guk’s hand away from the tie and said, “Yong Guk, enough. The tie is perfectly straight and in the right place. If you keep meddling with it you will strangle yourself soon. The knot seems to be tighter than before.”

Upon hearing this, Yong Guk’s hand went to his tie again and meddled with the knot. Youngjae sighed and walked out of the room. He can’t stand it anymore!


37th Level, outside Chairman’s office

Daehyun looked up from his work when he heard the door to the Chairman’s office opened and closed.

“Hey Youngjae, what are you doing out here? I thought Mr. Bang asked you to be around when Miss Park comes?” Daehyun asked when he saw Youngjae stepping out of the office.

“He’s driving me crazy. Since morning I had been telling him that he looks great and his tie is perfectly straight, his suit is perfectly alright. However, he still bugs me with the appearance question every 5 minutes. No make that every 2 minutes. If I stay in there another minute, I’m afraid I might strangle him with my own hands or with the tie,” Youngjae said as he sat on the empty chair in front of Daehyun’s table.

Daehyun laughed after he heard what Youngjae had said. Daehyun was a year older than Youngjae but they had been best buddies in school. Through Youngjae, he got to know Yong Guk too. The three became really good brothers and would often hang out together. When Yong Guk was asked by his father to manage the company, he immediately got Daehyun and Youngjae to be his assistants.

“Why is he so anxious? It’s so not like Yong Guk,” Daehyun asked.

Youngjae raised his hand in the sky, “How would I know? Think the girl got him hard I guess. Hopefully he’ll still remember what Uncle told him. I don’t want him to get into trouble with his dad.”

Daehyun nodded his head.  He had known Yong Guk for five years and this was the first time he had seen him acting like this. Daehyun had also met Uncle Bang before and he was sure that he won’t be happy if he knew that Yong Guk was getting involved in office romance. Hopefully Yong Guk will be able to control himself and don’t let things go too far.


37th Level, Chairman’s office

Yoon-eun sat on the chair opposite of Yong Guk and presented the report which she and her team had worked on for the whole week.

Yong Guk appeared like he was concentrating but in fact in his mind there were a million things running in it.

“Man, I can’t keep my eyes off her lips. How I wish I can pull her in for a kiss. Her eyes still sparkles and how I want to be the only person that she will ever see. She seems to be skinner than before. Did I hurt her too much when I left? How can I make it up to her for the six years that I have been missing? Will our child allow me back into their lives? Yoon-eun, I miss you so much. Do you know that?”

Yong Guk was lost in his own thoughts and he didn’t realize that Yoon-eun had already finished and was looking at him.

“Erm… Mr. Bang, I have finished. Is there any problem?” Yoon-eun asked minutes later after getting no response from Yong Guk.

Yong Guk jerked back into reality and shook his head, “Sorry I sort of spaced out.” He flashed his smile again.

Yoon-eun returned the smile, “It’s alright. I should be the one apologizing for making it so boring.”

Yong Guk chuckled, “Hey, I didn’t mean it that way. Don’t make me seem like a bad boss okay?”

Yoon-eun laughed at Yong Guk’s remarks and the two had a good laugh over the matter.

“It’s almost time for lunch. How about letting me have the opportunity to make up for what I have done?” Yong Guk asked. He was hoping that Yoon-eun would say yes and then he would have the chance to know how she had been in the last six years. However, luck was not on his side.

Yoon-eun looked the watch on her wrist and shook her head, “Sorry Mr. Bang, I already have a lunch appointment with a new colleague.”

Yong Guk was disappointed but he didn’t let it show, instead he put on a smile and asked, “A new colleague? Maybe all of us can go together? It’ll be good for me to know more about my staff too.”

Yoon-eun bit her lips and hesitated, “How about next time? I don’t know if he will like to have lunch with his boss. If he’s okay maybe we can go together tomorrow? My treat then.”

Yong Guk smile and said, “No problem. Just give me a call anytime you want to go for lunch. But the first one got to be my treat and I insist.”

Yoon-eun laughed and replied, “Okay. Since you insist I won’t fight with you over it. If there’s nothing else I guess I’ll make a move first.”

Yong Guk nodded his head and Yoon-eun made her way out of his office. After Yoon-eun left, Yong Guk leaned against his chair and he looked sad, he had caught the ‘him’ in Yoon-eun’s words.

“Does she already have someone in her life to take care of her? Am I too late? Was I wrong to have left?”


A/N: Still no comments? Hope I'm not being too boring! A little encouragement will be greatly appreciated:) Let me know if it's not good as well so that I can know where to improve:)

Although I'm older but I don't bite:)

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Saabbrinaaa #1
Chapter 42: Authornim please update
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 42: Aww, this was sweet. I love how Yongguk is showing his love, but recognizing that he missed 6 years of their lives. But I'm proud of her, for letting him in & allowing him to "catch" up so to speak. Omg, who wouldn't love to fall asleep in Yongguk's arms? not even my bias & I'd love it ^_^ Also, the hand holding was too cute, I giggled... it was short & sweet chapter, that was able to speak volumes. Thank you for updating & look forward to them being home & beginning their new life as a family w/ Jae Hwan!!
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 41: This was like the PERFECT chapter for feels to be BUSTED!!! sheesh, the way you described her in the am, leaving him in bed, to him coming up behind her. Trying to restart something ^_^ Then just their super sweet moments between the 2 of them!!
ugh, just perfect, I can't wait for them to go back & spend more time together~ but I LOVED this chapter!!!!!!!, thank you for updating & can't wait for more~
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 40: Youngjae & NaHee, their love has so many sad points, but each time they got stronger & have such a sweet love! I truly loved the chapter & the backstory of what happened & how they met. Youngjae's words to her were SO sweet, my heart melted. Really loved this chapter! Thank you for updating & look forward to more!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 39: T_T.... When I saw the title of the chapter, I went uhh ohh!!! YOOJIN!!??!!? Give Daehyun a chance! DAEHYUN don't give up w/out a fight, she needs to see she's worth it to him... I think!? haha They're so adorable together, but it's true. She may not be ready no matter how perfect he is, but is he willing to wait??? Great chapter! Thank you for updating & look forward to more <3
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 38: OMG... First off, in my few years on AFF, this is by far the nicest thing anyone has ever done!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH & WELCOME BACK <3333 When I saw you had updated, I literally squealed!!!!!! The wheels are starting to turn, Youngjae & Nahee have figured it out. And how cute without him even knowing it, he's playing with his grandson <3 (the feels) Uhh ohh, Daehyun is grumpy & judging by his reaction to her w/ Himchan, something is up! Loved the chapter & thank you so much for taking the time to update. Sorry you're experiencing writer's block (no indication w/ this chapter) Hope you're able to get past it ^_^ FIGHTING <33
jmayo81 #7
Just checking in again to say miss your story & hope all is well & we look forward to reading soon ^_^
jmayo81 #8
Just writing to say, miss your story & look forward to an update soon ^_^ hope all is well!
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 37: Welcome back! This chapter & the feels!!! you made this so unbearably sweet.. I LOVED IT!!! what he said towards the end about another baby... Ugh, too sweet! I'm so glad that they're going to try & I can't wait for his to tell his father! Not to mention, who doesn't love a man that can cook! Thank you for updating!
stevieortiz87 #10
Chapter 37: Oh goodness.....i....just....CAN'T!!! ugh I love this so much!!