Meeting of Daehyun and Yoojin

I Just Want to Love You

The intercom on Daehyun’s table beep and soon Yong Guk’s voice could be heard, “Daehyun, can you do me the favour of running down to Communications department and check if Yoon-eun is there? I called her line couple of times but she doesn’t seem to be picking it up. Thanks, bro.”

With that, Yong Guk hung up the line. Daehyun sighed and got up from his seat. Since the lunch they had together two weeks back, they had been meeting every single day for lunch. Everyday it would be the same routine, they would have lunch together with Youngjae and Daehyun sitting there in silence and observing the other three. Yoon-eun would laugh at Himchan’s jokes and Yong Guk would just sit there glaring at Himchan. Lunchtime slowly became a time where both Youngjae and Daehyun dreaded as it would be like a silent war for Yong Guk.

Daehyun stepped out of the elevator when it stopped on the floor where the Communications department was. He greeted a few of the staff and made his way to where Yoon-eun’s office was. However, he noticed from a distance that the lights in her office were out. He walked towards the desk that was just outside Yoon-eun’s office and leaned on the low partition.

“Hey beauty, have you seen Yoon-eun around?” Daehyun asked Yoojin who was sitting at her desk and doing her work. At the sound of his voice, Yoojin looked up and was mesmerized by him.

She did not say anything but just stared at Daehyun. She was mesmerized by his eyes, his lips and most importantly his looks. Daehyun cleared his throat after noticing that Yoojin didn't seem to be answering his questions.

“Erm… are you alright? Is Yoon-eun around?” Daehyun tried once again.

Yoojin snapped out of her dreamland and replied him, “Oh, she took the day off because of some family problems.”

“Day off? Okay, I’ll let Mr. Bang know about it then. Thanks beauty. Erm… mind telling me your name?” Daehyun asked.

Yoojin smiled and answered him, “Yoojin, Kang Yoojin. Park Yoon-eun’s secretary.”

Daehyun smiled at Yoojin, “Yoojin, okay I got it. Looking forward to seeing you around more often.”

With that Daehyun turned around and left.

“Whoa, how come I never know that such a handsome guy existed in the company?” Yoojin said to herself so she watched Daehyun left the department.

“I must really get the chance to know him,” Yoojin promised herself.


37th Level, Chairman's office

A knock came on Yong Guk's office.

“Come in,” said Yong Guk and he looked up when the door opened.

“Hey bro, so you managed to find Yoon-eun?” Yong Guk asked anxiously when he saw Daehyun entered the door.

“Hey, chill out. Give me time to breathe will you,” Daehyun said and sat himself in the chair opposite Yong Guk. “She took the day off because of some family problems,” Daehyun said immediately after he made himself comfortable.

“Family problems? What could it be? By the way, how did you know about it?” Yong Guk asked.

“Her secretary told me. Hey, I didn’t know that she has such a pretty assistant.”

“That’s not the point,” Yong Guk rolled his eyes at Daehyun. “Hey, think you can do me another favour?” Yong Guk smiled and asked.

Daehyun shifted backwards in his seat and shook his head, “Can I say no? It doesn’t seem like an easy task.”

Yong Guk laughed, “Don’t worry, it’ll be really easy. You just have to work your charms.”

Daehyun rolled his eyes this time and said, “Fine. Shoot. What do you need from me?”

Yong Guk chuckled, “I know you are the best! Can you ask Yoojin for Yoon-eun’s address?”

Daehyun’s eyes shot wide open, “What?! You want to go visit her?”

Yong Guk gave Daehyun an innocent look and shrugged his shoulders, “Yup, I don’t see any problem with that. A boss should show concern for his staff.”

“I don’t see you showing much concern for me,” Daehyun said.

“Well, I will when you have a girlfriend and need my help. Can you run down now? Please?” Yong Guk acted pitiful and pleaded Daehyun.

“Fine,” with that he got up from his warm seat.

“Thanks bro, you are the best!” Yong Guk shouted as Daehyun left his office.

Daehyun made his way down to the Communications department once again to seek Yoojin’s help and of course to catch another glimpse of this pretty lady.


30th Level, Communications department

Daehyun greeted some colleagues once again as he stepped into the Communications department. Once again he made his way to the desk located just outside of Yoon-eun’s office and leaned on the low partition.

“Hey Yoojin,” he greeted.

Yoojin looked up and saw Daehyun, “Hi Mr. Jung.”

Daehyun raised his brow, “You know me?” He didn’t remember mentioning his name to her just now.

Yoojin giggled, “I guess it isn’t too difficult to know the name of Mr. Bang’s assistants.”

“Well, yeah.”

“Anything I can help you?” Yoojin asked. She guessed that Daehyun did not come specially to look for her.

Daehyun smiled at her, “You sure are a smart lady. Well, I was just wondering if you have Yoon-eun’s address. I’m not the one who wants it.” Daehyun clarified immediately to avoid any misunderstanding from Yoojin.

Yoojin laughed and nodded her head, “I understand. Let me just write it down for you.”

She took a notepad from her desk, flipped to a clean page and wrote down Yoon-eun’s address. After she finished writing, she tore the page from the pad and gave it to Daehyun.

“The first one is Yoon-eun’s address. But I don’t know if she’s there or at her best friend’s place so I wrote her friend’s address as well. You might want to get Mr. Bang to give her a call first,” Yoojin said.

Daehyun whistled, “Whoa, thanks so much babe. How did you know that it's Mr. Bang who wants it?”

Yoojin smiled, “I guess it isn’t too difficult to know. You did mention that you will let Mr. Bang knows that boss’s not in just now.”

Daehyun slapped his hand on his forehead, “I totally forget about it.”

Yoojin smiled at his action and Daehyun smiled back. After a while, Daehyun straightened his back and cleared his throat.

“I guess I’ll head back and give this to Mr. Bang. Thanks so much, Yoojin.”

“No problem,” Yoojin flashed another smile at Daehyun and he left.

After taking a few steps, Daehyun returned back to Yoojin’s desk. Yoojin looked up and asked, “Anything else you need my help with?”

Daehyun hesitated and kept silent for a minute. Yoojin looked at him curiously and Daehyun spoke, “I was just wondering if you want to have lunch with me later?”

Yoojin was a bit shocked but she soon recovered and nodded her head, “No problem. Just let me know the time and place to meet.”

At her response, Daehyun smiled broadly, “Ok. I’ll send you an email later to confirm the time and meeting place.”

With that, Daehyun left the Communications department happily and returned back to give Yong Guk the address of Yoon-eun.


After Yong Guk got Yoon-eun's address, he asked Daehyun to cancel all his meetings and dashed out of his office. Daehyun sat back on his desk and typed an email to Yoojin. He couldn't wait to have lunch with this girl and know more about her.

When a pop-up appeared on his screen to indicate a new mail, he immediately opened it and nearly jumped with joy when he saw her reply.

Luckily he's the only one left on the whole level. Yong Guk had left to look for Yoon-eun and Youngjae took the day off to welcome his girlfriend, Na-hee who was back from her business trip to Japan.

“Maybe God is helping me too,” thought Daehyun as he looked at the clock hanging on the wall opposite him.

How he wish lunch time would be here soon….

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Saabbrinaaa #1
Chapter 42: Authornim please update
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 42: Aww, this was sweet. I love how Yongguk is showing his love, but recognizing that he missed 6 years of their lives. But I'm proud of her, for letting him in & allowing him to "catch" up so to speak. Omg, who wouldn't love to fall asleep in Yongguk's arms? not even my bias & I'd love it ^_^ Also, the hand holding was too cute, I giggled... it was short & sweet chapter, that was able to speak volumes. Thank you for updating & look forward to them being home & beginning their new life as a family w/ Jae Hwan!!
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 41: This was like the PERFECT chapter for feels to be BUSTED!!! sheesh, the way you described her in the am, leaving him in bed, to him coming up behind her. Trying to restart something ^_^ Then just their super sweet moments between the 2 of them!!
ugh, just perfect, I can't wait for them to go back & spend more time together~ but I LOVED this chapter!!!!!!!, thank you for updating & can't wait for more~
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 40: Youngjae & NaHee, their love has so many sad points, but each time they got stronger & have such a sweet love! I truly loved the chapter & the backstory of what happened & how they met. Youngjae's words to her were SO sweet, my heart melted. Really loved this chapter! Thank you for updating & look forward to more!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 39: T_T.... When I saw the title of the chapter, I went uhh ohh!!! YOOJIN!!??!!? Give Daehyun a chance! DAEHYUN don't give up w/out a fight, she needs to see she's worth it to him... I think!? haha They're so adorable together, but it's true. She may not be ready no matter how perfect he is, but is he willing to wait??? Great chapter! Thank you for updating & look forward to more <3
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 38: OMG... First off, in my few years on AFF, this is by far the nicest thing anyone has ever done!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH & WELCOME BACK <3333 When I saw you had updated, I literally squealed!!!!!! The wheels are starting to turn, Youngjae & Nahee have figured it out. And how cute without him even knowing it, he's playing with his grandson <3 (the feels) Uhh ohh, Daehyun is grumpy & judging by his reaction to her w/ Himchan, something is up! Loved the chapter & thank you so much for taking the time to update. Sorry you're experiencing writer's block (no indication w/ this chapter) Hope you're able to get past it ^_^ FIGHTING <33
jmayo81 #7
Just checking in again to say miss your story & hope all is well & we look forward to reading soon ^_^
jmayo81 #8
Just writing to say, miss your story & look forward to an update soon ^_^ hope all is well!
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 37: Welcome back! This chapter & the feels!!! you made this so unbearably sweet.. I LOVED IT!!! what he said towards the end about another baby... Ugh, too sweet! I'm so glad that they're going to try & I can't wait for his to tell his father! Not to mention, who doesn't love a man that can cook! Thank you for updating!
stevieortiz87 #10
Chapter 37: Oh goodness.....i....just....CAN'T!!! ugh I love this so much!!