
The Pendant

Back at her dormitory, Kyungmi ran into her ahjumma, who for some reason, just arrived at the said place a few minutes earlier than Kyungmi. The middle-aged woman seemed to have noticed Kyungmi's presence, making her turn around and smile at the young lady. 

"Kyungmi-ah, just came home now?" her ahjumma asked, a bright smile crossing her face.

"Ah, nae, ahjumma." she nodded, smiling.

"Aigoo, let me guess, you were hanging around with Sungjae again?"

"Mwo? Aniyo, not him."

"Not him? Who? Giant blondie"

"Yeah, him. He's name's Zelo, ahjumma, not giant blondie." Kyungmi pouted.

She actually found it annoying when her ahjumma would give ridiculous nicknames to her friends when she forgot their name. Once, her BtoB-oppas were given nicknames by the same woman. Eunkwang received the nickname "Blondie" for his hair was already dyed blonde that time. Minhyuk? He was called "Pretty Boy" due to him having the visual position in the group. Changsub received the nickname "Sleepy" due to him, well, looking sleepy that time. Hyunsik got the nickname "Smile Boy" due to his unique smiles, which was easily distinguished. Peniel was named "Chicago Guy" since the only thing her ahjumma remembered about Peniel was that he was from Chicago. Ilhoon was nicknamed "Gwiyomilhoon" which was a mix of gwiyomi and his name. For her ahjumma, it was cute since when Ilhoon did gwiyomi that time, she never forgot him and Ilhoon was her favorite. Sungjae? He was first nicknamed "Maknae" but soon, it became "Mr. Banger" since, well, there was incident that ahjumma saw Sungjae doing stupid stuff like hitting a watermelon with his head and banging his head like an idiot.

Yeah, of all nicknames, she liked Sungjae's. 

And if you think Kyungmi was left out, no she wasn't. She was nicknamed "Ice" because of her cold aura when she first met her. It was really annoying. She was called by her ahjumma "Ice" for almost two months despite Kyungmi repeating to her that her name is Kyungmi!

"Ah, Zelo? Okay, I'll remember that." her ahjumma eye-smiled. "For now, I'm going. See you, Kyungmi-ah!" 

"You wouldn't remember his name." she mumbled when the middle-aged woman was inside her room. Afterwards, Kyungmi walked to her room, just to find something she never expected.

Or someone she never expected.

"Sungjae?!" she cried in surprise, almost jumping back. Correct. Yook Sungjae was on her door, sitting and was obviously asleep. Her cry somewhat woke the young man, and upon seeing Kyungmi in front of him, he simply flashed a smile.

"Oh, hey. You're back." he yawned.

"W-what the heck are you doing here?!" she cried. 

"Waited for you to come back, what else?"

"No, no, not that! I mean, it's eight in the evening, what are you doing here sleeping in front of my apartment room's door?"

"Like I said, I was waiting for you, Jung Kyungmi."

"... Is there a reason you came here?" Kyungmi glared, her arms crossed.

"I'm spending the night out here for now. Don't worry, the hyungs permitted me so, yeah. I'm sleeping here with you tonight."

"... No. Good night!" she smiled and dashed in her room, leaving Sungjae outside. Luckily, Sungjae was able to stop Kyungmi from shutting the door completely, thus, he can still peek inside. Sungjae was and is still stronger than Kyungmi, so it was easy for him to counter her great strength. 

"Come on, you can't possible leave me out here, Jung Kyungmi!" Sungjae exclaimed.

"No! That's being like a creeper!"

"Uh, hello? We were raised together under one roof by one family for years and I think me sleeping with you under one roof is quite normal. Besides, we are like siblings, aren't we?" Sungjae pouted.

Oh great.

Not the pout.

Kyungmi hates Sungjae's pout.

"Shireoyo! GO HOME!!!" Kyungmi shouted.

"Mean! I already brought my clothes and I waited for you for two straight hours 'till I fell asleep and this is how you treat me?! How could you!?" Sungjae cried.

"What? Two hours? Seriously?" Kyungmi gasped, letting go of the door, making Sungjae fall down due to him, still pushing the door open. He landed on the floor flat, making a loud thud.

"Yeah. Two hours, and I was texting you non-stop yet you gave no reply! Seriously, what were you doing?" Sungjae asked.

"I was... walking around Seoul and had a stop to eat ramen at that ramen shop we often visit." Kyungmi said.

"You alone?" 

"... Y-yeah. Only me, no one else."

"No dates?"


"... Yup, you weren't." Sungjae sighed as he stood up, dusting himself. "So, can I please come in and sleep here tonight?"

Sending her best friend back to his dorm would be rude of her. Plus, he had a point. Years and they were raised together and slept together that they know every single information about each other. They are like siblings and are still. 

"Fine, get in." she pouted, seemingly upset that Sungjae had to stay the night out with her.

"Yah, aren't you happy? We barely have sleep overs anymore so you should be excited." Sungjae cried, putting his hands on his waist like a diva.

"Psh, we had a sleep over just a month before school started!" Kyungmi cried. "And that wasn't long ago."

"It was different. You had a sleep over at our place and the hyungs were there, so it can't be considered our sleepover."

"Whatever, and yes, I ain't happy. I only bought food good for one! How am I supposed to share food with you?!"

"Geez, I can simply microwave the frozen pizza you have, Kyungmi." Sungjae sighed. "It's good enough to be my dinner."

"It's not correct. Pizza can't be dinner, idiot."

"Yes it can."

"No. You're eating a proper dinner, Yook Sungjae."

"You talk like an ahjumma. No, you talk like umma!"

"YAH! I do not! I am two months younger than you so I can't be an ahjumma nor an umma! You're just one boring ahjussi!"

"Don't talk to your oppa like that!" Sungjae exclaimed before sticking out his tongue.

"You aren't and never will!" Kyungmi cried, sticking her tongue out as well.

"... Eh.... I'm making dinner. Go dress up already, uniform in the house is so not appropriate." Sungjae said and headed to the kitchen, pulling out the right ingredients to make the said dinner.

"Fine." Kyungmi nodded and headed to her room, locking it.

After a couple of moments, Kyungmi came out of her room, dressed in a dark blue-violet colored tank top and checkered navy blue-indigo colored shorts. Dinner was already prepared and Sungjae was simply sitting on the couch, watching T.V. "Woah, you're done that quick?" Kyungmi gasped.

"Yup. C'mon, let's eat." Sungjae smiled and turned off the television.

Together, the two ate dinner. Afterwards, like always, they cleaned the dining room together, Kyungmi washing the dishes and Sungjae cleaning the table. When they were done, they watched T.V together and they were done watching some shows, they went to bed and prepared to sleep.

"Yah, are you putting a pillow barrier?" Sungjae blinked as he saw Kyungmi placing several pillows in between them.

"It looks like it, so, yes." Kyungmi nodded.


"Uh, hello? Boy and girl? One bed? Awkward?"

"Psh, like we never slept in one bed ever in our lives!"

"That was back when we were like twelve or thirteen, Sungjae!"

"Jinjja? Because I remember that when we had our last sleep over, we slept in one bed together." Sungjae smirked.

"Aish! FINE! DO IT YOUR WAY!" Kyungmi hissed and threw the pillows away, tucking herself in bed. Sungjae simply smiled and giggled and his best friend's black hair. 

"Oh, now you're angry at me?" Sungjae cutely asked. Of course, Kyungmi gave no response and pretended to be asleep. "Don't fool me, it was only seconds after you shouted and now you're asleep. Babo."

"Just go to sleep." Kyungmi mumbled.

"... I can't."

"And why?"

"You're angry at me."

"Am not."





"Really really promise?"

"Are you gonna stop or do I have to shove a pillow in that darn mouth of yours?"

"I'm sleeping, see? Geez." Sungjae sighed. "Good night."

"Good night." Kyungmi smiled. Soon, the two fell asleep and traveled their own dreamlands, waiting for tomorrow to arrive.



Geubi dalla, namdalla, tae tae tae taega dalla I like it~ I like it~ Mwonga dalla, neon dalla, tae tae tae taega dalla I like it~ I like it~

The music quickly filled the room. Kyungmi's eyes slowly opened and to her surprise, her eyes opened in front of a white-colored shirt with several black lines.

Sungjae's shirt to be exact.

"Curse this hugging habit of mine." Kyungmi mentally cursed to herself before pulling herself away to grab her phone and stop the alarm. Once she got hold of it, she saw the time and gave out a high-pitched scream and jolted up, making Sungjae jolt as well and worse, fall off the bed.

"WAE?! WAE?!" Sungjae cried out in astonishment.

"WE'RE FREAKING LATE, IDIOT! GET YOUR LAZY OFF THERE AND BEGIN PREPARING FOR SCHOOL!!!" Kyungmi cried out as she jumped off her bed. Sungjae, who was dazed, quickly followed her and did what she was told to do so.

"I'll prepare breakfast, you hurry and take a bath!" Sungjae ordered, not even bothering to face the young girl behind him now.

"Aniyo! I'm preparing breakfast this time!" Kyungmi cried out.

"You are taking a bath first! Heck, you take a bath for a long time, Kyungmi!"

"Fine.." Kyungmi sighed and hurried for her bath. Sungjae hurried to the kitchen, meanwhile, preparing their breakfast. It took solid twenty minutes before Kyungmi finished bathing and Sungjae finished cooking. Kyungmi came out of her room dressed in her school uniform. 

"Food's served, go eat already!" Sungjae cried out, dashing to the bathroom to take his turn to bathe. Kyungmi simply nodded and sat on the dining room, beginning to eat breakfast. She was hurrying to eat her meal when she heard a loud "bang" from the bathroom, making her shocked and nearly choke her food.

"What was that?!" Kyungmi exclaimed and ran to the source of the sound. To her surprise, she saw no other than Sungjae half , partially wet and wearing only his boxers and his white towel around his shoulder.

"KYAH! SUNGJAE! CLOTHES, NO!" Kyungmi cried out as she covered her eyes.

"Like you never saw me like this..." Sungjae groaned, rubbing his head. Kyungmi sighed and turned around, just to notice that something was on the other man's right brow, just to find out later on that it was crimson blood!

"Woah! What happened?!" she cried out and knelt beside the man, trying to touch the cut, earning a painful cry from Sungjae. "Omona, mianhe! A-are you okay?"

"No..." Sungjae growled. "It really hurts, Kyungmi."

"Oh no, also your arm?!" she cried, seeing blood clad Sungjae's right arm. A large open wound was seen and when she turned around, her bathroom's tiles were quite lined with faint red blood. "W-what exactly happened?"

"I was hurrying... and I kinda slipped."

"Aish, you little- Palli, I'll treat your wounds... well, put on a shirt or something first." Kyungmi said and helped Sungjae up to his feet, guiding him in walking. The two sat on the couch, Kyungmi hurrying to get a bandage and some first aid medicine. Carefully and gently, she treated Sungjae's small wound on his right eyebrow.

"OW! Gently..." Sungjae cried.

"Sorry, just bear with it." Kyungmi said. "Okay... done. You're arm, now."

"... No, we've got no time. I can bear it, don't worry."

"No. Arm. Now. I need to treat your wounds and put bandage around it or it'll be infected!"

"Aish, just some medicine, the bandages aren't necessary." 



"... Fine. But if it begins hurting like hell, it's your freaking fault!"

"I'll bear that in mind, don't worry." Sungjae smiled. Again, pain shot on his arm as he felt the medicine. Afterwards, the pain seemed to ease and he began to wear his uniform, of course, with Kyungmi's assistance for his right arm still hurt when it moved a bit.

"Good to go?" she asked, offering a hand to Sungjae.

"Yeah. Kajja." Sungjae smiled and held the young lady's hand with his left hand before grabbing his bag and darting off. 

Fifteen more minutes, and they really are late. The chances of them not being late was little.

And of course, as expected, they came late. The bell had already finished ringing and everyone were preparing for the start of their classes. Kyungmi and Sungjae had arrived when they were already starting, so yeah, their teacher were already there.

"Sheesh, where's that lassie?" Zelo thought as his eyes scanned the place, looking out for Kyungmi. Soon, his eyes caught a glimpse of the said girl...

... With Sungjae.

"Ms. Jung? Mr. Yook?" their teacher cried in shock upon seeing the class' number one student and one of the school's kindest kingka late for class. "I see.. you're late."

"Mianhe, sir." the two bowed.

"What's your excuse?"

"Er..." Kyungmi faltered. She can't actually say that the reason why they are late is that because Sungjae fell and slipped in her bathroom. HER bathroom, and what would her classmates think once they hear that? Bad thoughts. VERY bad thoughts. 

"Let me explain, sir. Kyungmi here is still quite shocked of things." Sungjae said. "You see, I slipped in our dorm's bathroom and I gained a wound above my right eyebrow and my right arm. I was temporarily paralyzed and my hyungs had already left, so I had to call Kyungmi for help. She was already a few blocks away from the school when she received my call so she had to go back and help me, causing the two of us tardiness."

"... Is that true, Ms. Jung?" their teacher asked.

"Y-yes, sir." she nodded before sending a reassured look to her best friend.

"I want proof." their teacher commanded.

"Aish, this..." Sungjae mumbled and began to remove his school jacket and show their teacher the large open wound on his right arm, which was swelling up and trails of crimson blood still flowing out. Everyone gasped at the sight and upon seeing the wound, their teacher also jumped in shock.

"Okay! Okay! Enough proof, given, Mr. Yook. Head to the clinic now and treat your wounds." their teacher told.

"It's okay, sir, I can bear it. I don't want to miss a lesson. I'll just go there at lunch." Sungjae smiled.

"If that's what you want, fine. On to your seats now, Mr. Yook, Ms. Jung."

"Nae." the two nodded and sat on their places, earning looks and mumbles from their fellow classmates. The class continued and went smoothly.

After a couple of hours, before they knew it, lunch came. BtoB were waiting out of them, and when they were dismissed, they were flocked by the other six members. "Omona, Sungjae! Are you okay!?" Minhyuk cried in worry.

"Are you hurt badly?" Hyunsik cried.

"Does it hurt?" Peniel asked.

"Where does it hurt?" Ilhoon asked.

"HYUNGS! HYUNGS! CALM DOWN!" Sungjae cried out. "I'm fine, I just need to treat my wounds at the clinic, okay? I ain't dying!"

"Even though, our dear maknae meeting such accident!" Eunkwang exclaimed. "Let's go to the clinic and Kyungmi, can you explain what happened to him later?"

"Nae, oppa." Kyungmi nodded as she and the guys headed to the clinic. There, Sungjae was treated by a nurse and had bandages around his right arm.

He was also given medication and was prescribed not to move his arm for the meantime. "So, that's what happened." the BtoB member nodded.

"Man, aren't you a klutz?" Ilhoon sighed, looking at Sungjae.

"We were in a hurry, hyung..." Sungjae pouted.

"Even still, you need to be careful at time to time." Eunkwang reminded. "What do you think would happen if your head was the one hit instead? Aish, that could be dangerous!"

"I know. Mianhe."

"You nearly gave me a heart attack." Kyungmi sighed, patting the taller guy's head. "Aigoo, you little troublemaker." she giggled.

"Mianhe." Sungjae smiled. "But, don't worry, I'm alright now. The nurse said I'll be okay soon."

"Yeah, you would." they smiled before nodding.

Soon, the bell rang again, and fortunately, they had finished lunch since they ate them in the clinic. The group hurried to their room, Kyungmi and Sungjae returning to their seats and continuing their lessons. The two did well, and for some reason, Kyungmi felt that Zelo's eyes were always on her.

After a few hours, before they knew it, school was over. The bell rang and everyone dashed out of their rooms. "Kyungmi-ah!" BtoB cried out, greeting their maknae and the young lass. 

"Hey!" the two smiled.

"Let's go and walk little Kyunggie here home, 'kay?" Changsub smiled before eye smiling at the young lass.

"Eh, don't you dare call me Kyunggie, oppa." Kyungmi glared. She hated that nickname BtoB gave her. Eversince Changsub invented that name, everyone used it to cutely, which actually turns out to be awfully disgusting! 

"Fine, fine, geez." Changsub sighed and walked the young girl home. As usual, the boys were around her, as if they were her body guards. The group passed by, unluckily, in front of B.A.P. Kyungmi's eyes secretly traveled and saw them, and unfortunately, she didn't see Zelo.

"Eh, must've left earlier than his darn hyungs." Kyungmi thought as she walked straight with her oppas.



Time check, 7:28 p.m.

Kyungmi finally got back to her apartment by BtoB and was treated for dinner by her oppas. Talk about being greatly loved by those seven kingkas. She was crazy full that she felt her stomach's bursting any moment now. "Thanks again for treating me, oppas." Kyungmi thanked politely.

"Stiff." they all said in unison before laughing out loud.

"Aigoo, still acting all goody towards us." Hyunsik chuckled. "Doesn't suit you, you know."

"I'm trying to be nice here." Kyungmi pouted. "Anyways, I'm going in, good night!"

"Sleep tight." they smiled before walking away. Once the group was no where to be seen, Kyungmi made her way to her apartment room, just to be dumbfounded by Zelo, who was sitting in front of her apartment door, waiting.

"Omona! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Kyungmi cried, jumping a back.

"Did I? Sorry." Zelo smirked. "I see you came home late."

"Aish, why do you care?" Kyungmi scoffed, shoving the taller blonde boy away and unlocking her room with the key she pulled out from her skirt's pocket.

"A girl shouldn't come home past six, y'know. It's inappropriate."

"My freedom, dude. My freedom."


After unlocking the door, Kyungmi welcomed Zelo inside and served some drinks to the blonde. The two were getting along pretty well, and despite their cold actions towards each other, they are really getting well and are starting to be great friends. 

"So, why're you here again?" Kyungmi asked, sitting beside Zelo. "I saw your hyungs lately in school and didn't see you there. By any chances, did you went ahead of them?"

"Wha? No. I was just in the CR by that time maybe." Zelo replied. "And on why I'm here, I have no particular reason. I just wanna stay here for a while, it's boring in our dorm."

"Disadvantage of being so darn rich." Kyungmi chuckled.

"Hah, right." Zelo scoffed. "So, what exactly happened to Sungjae? I believe that the reason he gave out lately is fake."

"Huh?" Kyungmi cried in shock. How can Zelo know that well? Sungjae barely moved a muscle when he gave such excuse! Was he really that keen to notice such? "N-no, it's the tru-"

"You're telling a lie, Kyungmi. Spill it out, what happened?" Zelo sighed.

"It really is the truth! The only wrong information about it is the setting, doofus." Kyungmi glared.

"It happened here, didn't it?" Zelo smirked.


"You two had a sleep over and you woke up late, then due to hurrying, Sungjae slipped and got wounded. Since there wasn't enough time, he had to bear the wound on his arm untended for you two not to be late, which failed, correct?" Zelo smirked.

To be honest, Kyungmi was shocked by Zelo's words. He was so darn correct in every part. "Wow, aren't you darn smart, eh, Zelo?" Kyungmi sighed. "Yeah, you're right, in everything."

"Knew it." Zelo smiled before standing up. "That's all I needed to know. See you."

"Seriously?!" she cried, but was too late as the tall blonde got out of her room. Kyungmi was simply left alone, dazed. "Geez, that guy." she hissed and headed to her bedroom to change her clothes. Zelo, meanwhile, was out of the building and was walking back to his dormitory.

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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)