The Pendant

Days pased quickly, and before they knew it, a week had already passed. Time sure flies well. Kyungmi, Zelo and Sungjae still stayed the same and the only ones who knew about their friend-relationship were no other than B.A.P. Since Zelo only acts "friendly" towards Kyungmi and Sungjae, he had to give updates about what was going on to his hyungs.

Everything that happened, every inch of it, B.A.P knew about it. They knew EVERYTHING going on. Every inch of information...

"I'm back." Zelo cried out, opening the dormitory's door where he is staying in. Of course, five blondes welcomed the young yet tall boy. All of them were on the sofa, watching some sports channel or either simply sitting there, playing games in their gadgets.

"Oh, welcome back, Junhong." Himchan greeted first, glancing behind his shoulder. "You're early."

"Yeah, I guess I am." Zelo nodded.

"Come sit here. Tell some new things that happened."

"Sure, after I get cherry tomatoes, is that okay, hyung?"

"Yeah, they're in the fridge. Just get 'em."


After getting a bowl of cherry tomatoes, Zelo hurried and carelessly threw his school jacket and polo-shirt in one side and sat down in the living room only wearing a white undershirt and his school's pants. His blonde hair was messily styled but did he care? No.

"Aish, fix yourself, will you, Junhong?" Daehyun began to nag.

"You aren't my mom." Zelo glared. "Just shut up and mind your damn business, hyung. Eat cheesecake or something!"

"I already did, at least ten of them!" Daehyun cried. "And Himchan-hyung won't let me take in another slice!!! Unfair!"

"You'll get sick of it, Dae." Himchan sighed. "I'm just bein' caring."

"Hyung's right. He's the umma one, right?" Youngjae asked. "And what does the writing say? Mothers know best."

"Aish, shut it." Daehyun hissed.

"Kids, keep it down, I'm trying to watch war movies." Yongguk said, his eyes glued at his Ipad. A specific American-war movie was being flashed and Yongguk was greatly focused. The leader loved only five things: B.A.P, rapping, breaking hearts, ramen and war movies. That's all.

"War movies again?" Jongup blinked. "Don't you get tired of 'em, hyung?"

"Never in my life." Yongguk replied, not bothering to look at the younger. Jongup simply coughed and turned his eyes back to the T.V, which he and Youngjae are watching. 

"So, how'd your day went, Junhong?" Himchan curiously asks.

"Like the other ones. It was pretty typical." Zelo answered before popping a cherry tomato in his mouth.

"That's it? Anything you did?"

"Well, we took a few walk around Seoul and ate in this little cafe." 

"Oh, really?"


"Ah, that's it?"


"You know..." Yongguk began, pausing his war movie. "You need to move faster. I see that your friendship is growing quickly so why waste time already? Go make a darn move already, Junhong."

"I still need to gain her trust, hyung." Zelo reminded.

"I think you already did, Junhong." Youngjae responded. "You already did gain her trust so maybe you can do the next step."

"Are you sure?" Zelo asked again.

"Yup." everyone nodded. Being the maknae, Zelo obeys his hyungs' words. He then heads to the kitchen, placing the empty bowl of cherry tomatoes before heading to his room, changing his school clothes into home clothes. Afterwards, he plops down the bed, staring at the ceiling.

One by one, his ideas come up in his mind and in minutes and a few more moments, an excellent, fail-proof idea pops in his head. "Good, that plan will occur tomorrow or any time this week!" Zelo smirked at himself and slowly closed his eyes.



The morning star rises once again, showering everyone with warm sun rays and giving natural warmth to them. Every individual soon rises up from their slumber and starts their day.

People began to buzz around busily. Another day for everyone starts again.

And as for students, another boring day in school.

Well, for almost all students to be exact.

Jung Kyungmi was happily walking to her school and, as early she always is, she only got to see a few students to come yet. Not much students had arrived, so concluding this fact, Kyungmi arrived WAY too early.

Minutes passed and soon, more and more students came. Kyungmi saw this since, well, she was simply there in the hallway, waiting for BtoB and B.A.P to arrive. Of course, they were always quite late to arrive, but to her surprise, BtoB arrived quite earlier than expected.

"Good morning." the young lady waved upon seeing her beloved seven oppas arrive.

"Hey! Early as usual?" Eunkwang asked.

"Yup. I didn't expect you guys to be arriving this early though." Kyungmi sneered, crossing her arms.

"What are you trying to say, huh, young lassie?" Changsub snickered, ruffling the younger's black hair, slightly messing it up.

"YAH! Not the hair, oppa!" Kyungmi whined.

"You still look cute with your hair messed up, Kyunggie." Peniel smiled.

"It doesn't." she pouted. "And please, of all names, not Kyunggie."

"Aw, I really don't get it why you hate that nickname, Kyungmi." Ilhoon sighed before looking straight at the female's eyes. "I mean, it sounds cute, right?" he asked, raising a brow at her.

"I agree with Ilhoon." Hyunsik frowned.

"Me too." Minhyuk nodded.

"Aish, hyungs, you know how much Kyungmi hates that nickname so stop." Sungjae growled. "Plus, despite the cute sound, it really doesn't match Kyungmi. She's a tough, tomboyish lassie!"

"I am NOT tomboyish." Kyungmi glared before hitting Sungjae's shoulder. "I am simply more comfortable with boy styles. I mean, skirts and dresses are too revealing for me!"

"But you're wearing a skirt now." Peniel said, pointing at Kyungmi's school skirt.

"Excluding this, idiot." 

"Yah, I'm your oppa! Don't idiot me like that!"

"You don't act like one."


Soon, the eight were busy chatting and watching time fly away. More students came here and there and usually, Melodies were secretly looking at BtoB. Of course, Kyungmi noticed it and to avoid getting more attention, she slowly hid herself behind her oppas, who were crowding her. She didn't want to gather attention, but with BtoB with her, she can't avoid it.

Soon, squeals filled the hall, and everyone knew why. If it wasn't BtoB to cause them, it would definitely be B.A.P. Six blonde men crossed the hall, Babys squealing their names and flailing their arms like crazy. Being playboys, they didn't think twice on giving them big fan services, making hearts, winking at them and giving flying kisses at girls, sending them squealing and fan girling over them!

And for BtoB and Kyungmi, it was disgusting. Yes, disgusting. 

So what if Kyungmi is friends with Zelo of B.A.P? It was disgusting and that is a big, big fact. Seeing the tall blonde wink, flick his tongue on purpose and his lips seductively made Kyungmi want to vomit. It was just disgusting and no matter how much Kyungmi tries to see, she can't understand why girls head over heels for them. Sure, they are good looking. 

Well, Kyungmi's point of view is unique so she can expect not everyone to understand. She's different and she is fully aware of that. 

As the six blondes pass, Zelo's eyes met Kyungmi's. He simply flashed a smirk while the young lass rolled her eyes. It was kind of their greeting. Zelo would act cool by smirking at her while Kyungmi will just "pretend" ignore it. But, it didn't mean that they are no longer friends.

They are friends. Close friends.

"I saw that, y'know." Sungjae whispered to Kyungmi.

"Psh, yeah right." Kyungmi snickered and gave Sungjae a light nudge on the shoulder. "Come on, let's go to class early so that Melodies won't be going crazy and blocking our way later."


Fifteen minutes before the bell rang, Kyungmi and Sungjae had headed to their classroom and so did the other BtoB members. For a change, the "hyungs" had to walk Sungjae and Kyungmi to their room and then to the next youngest member and so on. Having Eunkwang as the eldest, he had to walk alone to his class.

"Are you really sure about staying here fifteen minutes early before the bell rings?" Sungjae whined, placing his head on his desk, his black eyes staring at Kyungmi.

"Yes." Kyungmi nodded. "I mean, based on observation, I see you get into trouble with those crazy Melodies blocking your way! Are you aware that Eunkwang-oppa nearly got late in class due to the same case?"

"No way!" the male shouted.

"Yes way, dude. Yes way." she nodded, sighing. "And I don't want you to get hurt." she said, her eyes filled with worry upon looking straight at Sungjae. "I worry about you, you know."

"Me too." Sungjae smiled. "God, I'm really lucky to have you as a sister-like best friend."

"And so am I with you." Kyungmi giggled. "Geez, we're being cheesy!"

"I know, right?" Sungjae laughed.

Soon, before the two knew noticed it, fifteen minutes was gone and the bell rang. Students darted from outside in their specific rooms, hurrying to sit in their own respective seats and well, filling the room with noise.

And everything got louder when Zelo entered.

Babys in the same room Kyungmi, Sungjae and Zelo was began to squeal and shout Zelo's name, well, being fans they are. Zelo simply ignored them and gave them slightly looks before quietly sitting in his place. There, classes started, and Kyungmi thinks that everything will go normally.

Well, that is what she thinks, right?

Hours passed and soon, break came. Sungjae and Kyungmi stayed in the classroom while everyone went to their specific schedules. The two were the only ones left in the classroom and spent the next minutes eating and chatting. They have been like this since they first came to the said school. 

Best friends. They never leave each other. It was always Sungjae and Kyungmi together.

Time flew quickly. Before they knew it, classes resumed and then, lunch came. Together, Sungjae and Kyungmi walked out of the room and met up with the BtoB members. The eight hurried outside, heading to their normal lunch-spot where the sun rays wouldn't burn them. At this time, they'll be toast if they eat lunch somewhere the sun's rays fall directly.

The eight spent the whole lunch break eating and chatting. Kyungmi was used to this. This is how her day always go. Of course, slight teases weren't missed and laughter filled their air. "And Eunkwang-hyung was like 'NO!'" Changsub laughed.

"I didn't sound like that!" Eunkwang cried with an annoyed face put up.

"Yes you did, hyung." Hyunsik nodded.

"I agree." Miinhyuk said before turning around to the other members. "Don't you think too, guys?"

"YEAH!" everyone nodded happily.

"Aish, you kids-! Unbearable!" Eunkwang whined, crossing his arms and an annoyed face seen clearly. Everyone soon was sent laughing as they saw how the eldest was easily pissed. Kyungmi simply kept quiet and glared at the boys.

"You guys are something, doing that to your hyung!" Kyungmi scolded as she turned around to Eunkwang, who was annoyed still. "As for you, Eunkwang-oppa, try understanding them. They're men who lacked childhood." she joked, making the eldest smile.

"Ha, yeah. KIDS!" Eunkwang whined, sticking his tongue out.

"Talk about being childish." Ilhoon scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"I heard that, Jung Ilhoon!" 


Soon, the bell rang again. The boys had to do something else so Kyungmi had to go first in class. She had to head there alone, and to her surprise, she was first... again. 

She hurried to her table, and to her surprise, a white envelope was there. A white envelope, a plain white envelope. Kyungmi was filled with curiousness, thus, her hands found their way to the envelope's cover, slowly opening it and  finding a baby blue colored paper with black-inked writing scribbled in it.

"Oh, you actually read this, eh? Curious now, aren't we? You really are Jung Kyungmi. Well, maybe everyone who finds an envelope in their desk would REALLY act same as you did.
Moving on, what I wrote here is just an invitation... or wait, maybe I should consider it as an order. You can't say no to it. It's urgent, and I really want you to do this. Understand the following words well, Kyungmi. After school, don't bother going straight to your apartment. Head to the place you work at and wait for me. Do not bring anyone, not even Yook Sungjae. Come alone. I will be waiting for you to show up. I am not giving any specific time for you to come, just come

After reading the letter, Kyungmi knew the sender of the letter.


She tilted her head a bit. Words processed in her head as she slowly placed the letter back to the envelope. She simply sat down and wondered. 

She wondered why Zelo would send such letter to her. What did he wanted to show that only her should come? What was the reason? Is it an important thing? A greatly important information?


She had to go.

No matter what.

Even if it means only her should go.



School was finally dismissed. Kyungmi had to go to her destination, but was eventually stopped by Sungjae, who grabbed her by her shoulder. "You seem to be in a hurry, going somewhere?" Sungjae asks.

"Yeah, I need to... buy something." Kyungmi lied.




"... My dinner. I'm running out of food storage."

"Oh, that's okay. You can take dinner at our dorm, sounds good?"

"I feel like a burden whenever you ask me to have dinner at your dorm, Sungjae. I don't wanna."

"Wae? We treat you like a family."

"Even though..."

"Fine. I understand. Be careful though, okay?"

"I will. See you!"


With that, Kyungmi darts off to her and Zelo's meeting place. Her strong yet thin legs carried her quickly, as if she rode along with the wind. She hurried, worrying that Zelo was waiting there already.

Meanwhile, in Sungjae's point of view, he was kind of weirded out by Kyungmi's actions, but he didn't do anything. Ilhoon seemed to have seen this and looked at him, asking. "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing. I'm kinda not used into seeing Kyungmi like that." Sungjae answered.


"Yeah. It's not like her."

"Well, get used to it. Like us men, girls become ladies."

"I guess you're right- wait, is that her handkerchief?!"



"Oh, it is hers."

"... That clumsy lass-!"

"Go return it to her."

"I will."

Back at Kyungmi's place, she had finally arrived at the said place, and Zelo was waiting there, still in his school uniform. He was just standing there, looking around and when their eyes met, he flashed a small smile. "You really did come, huh?" Zelo smiled.

"You told me it wasn't an invitation, meaning, I can't answer no." Kyungmi snickered as she walked towards him. "I really didn't want to go since, well, we have loads of assignments."

"I know." Zelo laughed. "Man, aren't you a great student? No wonder you're the topnotcher."

"Hell yeah I am." 

As the young girl stood beside him, Zelo began to do his plan.

He's finally going to do it.

The first step of transforming Kyungmi into his toy.

His toy.

"So, are you angry or annoyed that I disturbed you from being a perfect student?" Zelo suddenly asked, making Kyungmi look at him, eyes widened.

"No, it's not like that, you didn't, okay?" Kyungmi said. "I'm okay. It's okay, you aren't disturbing."

"I thought I was. Sorry if I was though."

"Aish, stop. You don't deserve to ask forgiveness since you did... well, nothing."

"I understand."


"By the way, what do you like about guys?" Zelo asked.

"Huh?!" Kyungmi gasped, quite astonished by the blonde's question. "W-what in earth are you trying to ask, Zelo? Huh?!"

"I'm simply asking you a question."

".... Er..."

"Answer me."

"I don't desire guys. For now, I'm focusing in my studies, living a life with NO love issues."

"You dodged the question."

"Did not. I answered it fair and square. I DON'T desire guys."

"Not even an ideal type?"

"Not even an ideal type."

"Wow, I'm seriously starting to believe the tomboy issues."

"I'm a girl, damn it! I'm a straight girl inside and outside! I simply have... boyish styles when it comes to fashion, and have lots of guy friends... and you're one of them."

"... I'm your friend?"

"Yup. We are... aren't we?"

"Yeah, about that, how if you knew that one of your friends wanna take it to the next level?"

"Next level?"


"What in earth do you mean?"

"Like... couples and stuff."

"Ew, heck no!"

"No? You mean... dump 'em?"


"You're mean."

"You're meaner."


"Why are you asking these things by the way?!" Kyungmi finally bursts by the suspicion of Zelo's words. Zelo simply sighed and slowly turned around to face her directly, their eyes forcefully meeting one another's. Kyungmi felt a touch on her shoulder.

Zelo's hand was holding her shoulders and slowly, his face grew inches away from hers, making Kyungmi confused. She reacted differently from girls. She simply stood her, blinking multiple times and tilting her head. "What now? Zelo? You okay?" she asked.

But Zelo gave no reply and simply grew nearer and nearer to the other's face.  "Zelo?" Kyungmi repeatedly called out, trying to distance her face away from the blonde.

"Are you okay?"



"Not funny, hajima!"

"... Zelo?"

There, a familiar masculine voice boomed out. "KYUNGMI!"

The two suddenly froze, Zelo and Kyungmi looking at the source of the voice. Yook Sungjae, who was still in his school uniform, stood a few feet away from them, panting. To his surprise, the two were in an awkward position.

"What... are you two doing?" Sungjae asked.

"Dunno, ask Zelo." Kyungmi innocently answered as Zelo pulled away from her. Zelo was blushing red due to being interrupted, but he managed to hide it well as he lowered his head. 

"Aish, whatever." Sungjae sighed.

"Why are you here, by the way?" Kyungmi asked.

"You dropped this." Sungjae said, showing the lady's cream colored handkerchief. Kyungmi simply sighed before crossing her arms, raising a brow at the other.

"Sheesh, you could've given it to me later!" Kyungmi whined.

"I went to your apartment but remembered that you were off buying some things so I visited almost every place you could be, and finding you in none of those, I headed here. You got me worried, you know!"


"So, if you're done here, I'm taking you home. The other BtoB members are waiting in your apartment."

"They are?"

"Yeah. They cooked dinner for you."

"Aw, that's sweet." Kyungmi smiled, turning to Zelo. "Hey, sorry but I've gotta go. See you again?"

"Sure." the blonde answered. "Bye."

When the young girl was walking away, Sungjae changes into a cold person and faced Zelo, his eyes gleaming with anger. "Let's get things straight here, Zelo." he began. "Don't ever touch Kyungmi again. I am aware what you are trying to do, and I won't let that happen. You were trying to steal her kiss and failed miserably. I won't let that happen again for I am keepin' my eyes on her! Don't dare take a step nearer to Kyungmi or else-!"

"Pff, what can you do?" Zelo mocked, raising a brow at him.

"You just don't know, Zelo." Sungjae scoffed before turning around, chasing Kyungmi. Zelo simply scoffed before turning around, finally going back to his dorm. The two meanwhile, heads to the female's place, ending such day.

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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)