The Pendant

"What? Are you serious, hyung?!" Sungjae cried out in surprise, his eyes widened as he jumped off the couch. He can't believe the leader's words. 



She and him?


For real?!

"A-aniyo! I-I can't.. w-we can't! We're sibling-like and we can't be a couple! It's taboo! I can't.. e-er, we, er, she would, er..." the poor astonished Sungjae blabbered.

"Dude. It's just a suggestion, chill." Eunkwang sighed as he saw their maknae panicking. "It's just a suggestion, it's still up to you if you'll pursue it or not."

"Even though! That suggestion is crazy scary!" Sungjae cried out, stomping his feet a few times.

"Eh, someone's blushing!" Peniel teased.

"I am NOT blushing!!!" Sungjae shouted.

"I never said it was you."


With Sungjae's yelling, they were all sent laughing but was soon silenced after Sungjae let out some words they never expected. "But... if we were to be a couple... it's not such a bad idea." Sungjae said, blushing.

"Woah, you're really doing it?!" Changsub jolted.

"I said nothing that I was! If, hyung, if!!!" Sungjae cried out. "... Well... it's for the sake of protecting her now, right? N-nothing wrong, right?"

"Dude, if you want her to be your girlfriend, just say it." Hyunsik said.

"Yeah. I mean, you two fit each other. Just do it." Minhyuk encouraged.

"But... siblings...-"

"I explained that part already, didn't I?" Eunkwang smiled before patting the maknae's shoulders. "C'mon, if you really like her, wait, love her, you'll pursue this without hesitation. You can protect her and be with her at the same time, think about it."

"... I-I guess there's nothing wrong about that." Sungjae nodded.

"Of course nothing is wrong about that!" Changsub cried out. "You can do it, maknae. HWAITING!"

"If you want, we can help you!" Ilhoon smiled. Of course, Sungjae smiled and nodded, agreeing with Ilhoon's suggestion. In a quick time, the seven began building up a plan on how to make Kyungmi as Sungjae's girlfriend, and what their maknae will do to do so. 

And by the looks of it...

Things are about to go good...



The next day came quickly. Of course, BtoB was running behind time again, and with their "plan" going on, they were moving quickly. Running here, running there...

Walking here and there...

Voices here and there...

Yup, the typical day of BtoB all right...

"Yah! Jung Ilhoon!" Minhyuk called out from his room, making Ilhoon dash towards him, just to be greeted by his socks and garments. "What are your darn stuff doing at my side of the room?!"

"Aish! You can just simply hand them over to me, hyung." Ilhoon pouted as he picked everything up and threw them at the laundry bin.

"Peniel-ah!!! Hurry up and get out of the bathroom already! I forgot something in there!!" Changsub cried out, repeatedly knocking at the bathroom's door.

"WAIT!!" Peniel yelled.

"Hyung!!!" Sungjae cried out in panic. "Have you seen them?!"

"Wha?" Eunkwang blinked cluelessly.

"THEM!!!" Sungjae yelled louder.

"Oh... them. They're in the couch as far as I remember. Check there."

"Okay, thanks!"

After a few more yelling and panicking, BtoB finally finishes with their preparations and heads out of their dormitory. The seven ran off to their school, chasing time that they had wasted in useless yelling and running in their dormitory. If they come late, they'll be bad examples...

And they're supposed to set a good examples despite being kingkas.

And as if luck heard them, they arrived a minute before the bell rang. Kyungmi and Zelo were already in their seats when Sungjae arrived, panting heavily as he headed to his seat. "What happened? You're almost late." Kyungmi softly asked.

"Er... woke up late." Sungjae lied. "Were you worried for me?"

"Heck yes I was! Aish." Kyungmi pouted cutely. "I thought you were going to leave school."

"... You didn't want me to?"

"Of course not! Who would want to?!"

For some reason, Sungjae smiled by hearing those words from Kyungmi personally. He still felt that he was on top of Zelo in Kyungmi's heart. Well, he is seen as her brother and best friend now, right, so he has the advantage. Zelo is simply a close friend..

He must remember that.

He's still having the upper hand.



The day passed quickly. Before they knew it, the day was coming to an end. It was finally their last subject and finally, they can go home.

Kyungmi didn't really mind the time. She enjoyed studying unlike other fellow students. She enjoyed listening to the teachers' boring lectures no matter how long and non-interesting it is. She loved listening to their monotonous voices...

Weird, right?

Soon, her attention was grabbed with a tap behind her. The student behind her was handing her a folded paper and when the teacher shifted his attention away, she grabbed it quickly and began unfolding it, just to find out who the sender was.

"School's ending quick! Are you getting bored from sir's lecture?"

Kyungmi simply sighed and curled up a small smile after reading the short message. She grabbed her pen and wrote her message below Zelo's and sent it back. 

"Ey, you lil' lazy , try paying attention to the teacher, okay? -_- I wonder how you even got in this class, idiot."

"Mean. VERY mean."

"Heck yes I am! >:( You naughty, naughty boy, not paying attention nor seeing education's importance!!!"

"How can you say such to me?! TT^TT"

"Just concentrate with the class, understood?! OR ELSE-! NO CHERRY TOMATOES!!!"

"No. No. NO!! OAO"
-Z ​ 

Soon, with Kyungmi and Zelo busy passing their messages through the paper, time flew quickly before hand. The next thing the two knew was that the bell rang loudly, signing everyone that classes was over. Kyungmi stood up from her seat and headed towards Sungjae's seat and smiled at him, making Sungjae wonder. "Yes?" Sungjae blinked multiple times.

"You promised you'd treat me ice cream today, remember?" Kyungmi grinned.

"Eh, do I have to?"

"You yourself said that promises aren't meant to be broken~"

"... Aish, fine. Give me a moment and wait for me outside, okay?"


With that, Kyungmi dashes off the room. Zelo? Well, he's a cleaner for today and Kyungmi wanted to wait for both her best guy friends to finish things they are concerned of. She patiently waited outside the room and waited for her guys to finish things.

Unknown to her, the reason Sungjae was taking too long was that he prepared something special for the young lass. He headed to where he and his BtoB hyungs agreed to meet, and that was simply round the corner. A small surprise awaits Kyungmi and surely, it'll go well. "Hwaiting, maknae-ah!" Eunkwang cheered.

"Do your best and spill everything your heart wants to say!" Ilhoon added before Sungjae turns his back around.

"Go for it!" the other members cheered.

"Of course." 

With that, Sungjae makes his way towards Kyungmi and seeing the young lass made his heart flutter. As he took every step he takes, everything seemed to get heavier. It made every step he takes harder. Heavier. "Yah, where have you been?" Kyungmi asked, crossing her arms. "I thought you were inside the room?"

"Uh.. I was." Sungjae smiled idiotically, making Kyungmi suspect a little. "Er... sorry."

"Aish, you little-!" she sighed as she hit Sungjae's head lightly. "So, what were you doing? Is everything okay now? Can we go already?"

"Uh... yeah, but before that, I have to tell you something." Sungjae said in a soft, quivering tone, making Kyungmi tilt her head a bit. "Something important."

"Eh? What might that something be, hm?"  

Instead of words, Sungjae replied through actions. He knelt in front of Kyungmi and brought out a bouquet of flowers hidden behind his back the whole time. Of course, seeing how the other acted made Kyungmi gasp in surprise and bring her hands over . Who wouldn't be shocked upon seeing a boy kneel down in front of you and bring a bouquet of flowers in front of your face?!

"Y-yah!" Kyungmi cried out as she tried making Sungjae stand up. "W-what in earth has gotten into you?! Stand up, you're embarrassing yourself!!!" she continued crying out as she sensed that her fellow school mates, and some, classmates, were staring at them, surprised. A kingka, kneeling down the school tomboy IS really unpredictable. "YAH! Stand up already, will you, Yook Sungjae?! It's embarrassing!!!" she cried out continuously.

"I am not being embarrassed, arraseo?" Sungjae smiled, slightly chuckling by the sight of the young lass blushing bright red already. 

"Then stand up already! Geez, what's gotten into you?!"

"... Oh, isn't this how you confess to the person you like?" Sungjae blinked innocently.

"C-confess?! What?! Mwo?! Me?!" Kyungmi blurted out, making no total sense as she was taken over by surprise upon seeing Sungjae kneel in front of her with a bouquet of flowers. "YAH! If this is a prank, hajima! Not funny!"

"Do I look like I'm joking around, Jung Kyungmi?" Sungjae sighed as he presented  his bouquet gift to the young lass before standing up. "I'm dead serious, Kyungmi."

"I doubt that! You? Confessing to me? Get outta here!" Kyungmi pouted, nearly annoyed and embarrassed of what Sungjae was doing.

"I ain't joking this time." Sungjae firmly said.


"I am serious. I'm confessing to you for real this time. That's right, I like you. I love you!" Sungjae bravely confessed. Of course, everyone gasped in shock, especially Kyungmi. She never thought this moment would arrive ever in her life! Especially, with Sungjae doing it! 

"... You can't be for real, dude." Kyungmi frowned as she slowly closed her ajar mouth, grasping hold of the situation again after getting back her senses. "Stop it, now."

"I won't because I'm serious, Kyungmi."

"Heck yeah, like you are!"

"But... I am."


"I told you, I love you, Kyungmi..."

Unknown to the two, who were busy with their own stuff, a tall figure watched beneath the shadows, his whole body quivering upon hearing Sungjae's words. It felt painful upon hearing the other male's words, and what else, in front of Kyungmi! He felt his heart break into pieces as he turned around, trying to grasp hold of the situation he just saw. 

"No way..." Zelo kept telling himself as he brought his hands on his face. It felt as if the whole world stopped in front of his eyes. The words Sungjae uttered made his time freeze. There, he heard another set of words come out of Sungjae's mouth.

"Please... I want you to be my girlfriend, Kyungmi." Sungjae bravely said, surprising everyone more, but most of all, Zelo.  Those words echoed inside Zelo's head that he wasn't able to hear the two's conversation any longer, but the next sentence made him snap out of his trance and worse, shock him greatly...

"Fine. I'll be your girlfriend." Kyungmi said, slightly smiling as her hands were held tightly by Sungjae before pulling her into a tight hug, making Zelo's heart shatter into pieces. The girl he loves, around someone else's arms, smiling and being his girlfriend.

"No way..." Zelo mumbled to himself as he backed off, soon running away, dropping something from his hands. A single rose, with a ribbon tied around it, letters written. 

"I like you," those were the words written on the ribbon, written by Zelo himself. A rose he wanted to give to the girl he likes.

The girl he loved truly,


But, unknown to him, he wasn't able to hear the words that had really the explanation on what was truly happening. To get a better view, time rewinds and shows what EXACTLY happened.



"I told you, I love you, Kyungmi." Sungjae said, in a serious tone, making Kyungmi's jaw fall and her eyes grow wider, doubting what the male was saying.

"Dude, are you sick?" Kyungmi tried asking, touching Sungjae's forehead.

"Aish, how am I going to let you believe that I like you?!" he cried out in an annoyed matter, stomping his feet like a little kid. "I said it loud and clear, right? I like you! I like you! I LIKE YOU!!!"

"... Omona." 


"... I don't even know what to say. I mean, you, suddenly confessing to me in front of many people out of the blue?! You, my best friend and brother?!" she cries out in annoyance.

"... Is that how you see me alone? A best friend and brother?"

"Well, we grew up like that so, yes."

"... Ouch. I can't... er."

"N-no! I didn't mean it that way, Sungjae! I-I accept your feelings but me returning is... er.... hard. I actually, um, er, how do you even say it..." 

"... You don't like me?"

"Of course I like you!"

"Then why do you say you can't return your feelings to me?"

"No! I meant to say was... er-"

"... Are you dumping me?"


"Then give me an answer. A yes or a no?"

".... Um... or?"

"No jokes, I'm serious."

Kyungmi's head was blank. How could she reply to Sungjae now that he purposely confessed in front of a large crowd! She wasn't sure, but she senses that he is doing such in purpose! She can clearly hear all the mumblings of the crowd surrounding them. Some were silently squealing as they saw how sweet Sungjae proposed to her, and some were even softly cheering Kyungmi to say "yes". Well, it's not THEIR choice, it was HER choice. She was about to give her answer when she heard Sungjae speak up.

"Kyungmi... I promise I won't hurt you if you say yes." Sungjae said.


"I'm asking you to be my girlfriend."

"MWO?!" Kyungmi cried out, more shocked than before. "A-are you serious?!"

"I've been liking you since we were kids. I promise, I won't hurt you nor toy with you. You'll be my only girl forever and ever, to infinity and beyond." Sungjae said, his honesty heard clearly by everyone, making the squeals gradually get louder, and Kyungmi, a bit redder.

"... er." Kyungmi thought, slightly confused on what to answer. She didn't want to be his girlfriend but she can't bear to see Sungaje get dumped by herself in front of almost the whole school! She can't bear to see Sungjae pained... because of her.

"What's your answer?" Sungjae asked again, making Kyungmi panic more and more. 

"Um... er..." Kyungmi thought, turning her head a few times as she was already panicking. "I... er."

"I won't hurt you, I swear. Well, I can't hurt the girl I love the most now, right?" Sungjae smiled, making every word sound loud and clear.

Kyungmi can't really dump Sungjae.

Not because he was confessing in front of everyone.

But because his honest feelings would go to a waste... because of her.

"A-arraseo." she blushed, softly raising her voice. "I... I accept your feelings."

"Really? For real?"


"And being my... you know?"

"... Fine. I'll be your girlfriend."

As if those words were heaven to Sungjae, his reflex actions made him pull Kyungmi into a tight hug, repeatedly crying out "thank you" to the young lass. Of course, Kyungmi felt happy upon seeing her best friend, and now boyfriend, smiling and happy. It brought her joy.

Her brother...

Her best friend..

And now..













Her boyfriend.


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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)