The Pendant

Days passed quickly. 

Like what people say, time flies especially when you are enjoying things. And in their case, it's nearly been two months since Kyungmi, Sungjae and Zelo found out the truth. The truth on who each other are, and how long their friendship has been lasting already. That was, according to Kyungmi though. The other two saw things differently. Very differently, and Kyungmi can't see that.

Nearly two months of being secretive to Kyungmi in terms of feelings, that's what Sungjae thinks.

Nearly two months of toying with her, according to Zelo. 

But still, for some reason, Kyungmi held them together, not wanting to let either of the two go. She wanted the three of them to be the best of friends despite being in two rival groups. She believes in this, but hidden to her, despite the two's acts of "seemingly" trying to get well with each other, they really want to kill each other deep inside!

And due to Kyungmi's extreme naivety, she can't see this side of her two friends. She just sees their good side and goes blind with their real sides. What's worst, the good side is a FAKE, and the two are simply putting these sides up for Kyungmi's sake. Neither of the boys wanted to hurt her now, right?

Sungjae likes Kyungmi, and Zelo sees Kyungmi as something more than a friend, or something like that. Something more than a toy.

And this time, another trouble was coming up.

"Hey, days are getting bored these days, isn't it?" Jongup whined, flailing his arms like an idiot. "Ah!!! Someone make the days going by interesting!!!"

"Aish, Moon Jongup, shut up!" Daehyun cried from the kitchen as he turned his head away from the laptop. "Someone's making his report works here! Show some respect!"

"Well, if you want me to shut up, make the days interesting, hyung!" Jongup exclaimed.

"Aish, just shut up!" Youngjae added, scowling. "Now, where was I? ... Argh! Look what you did, Moon Jongup! You made me lose track of where I was!!!"

"Not my fault!" Jongup answered in a loud manner.

"Can you three shut your darn mouths?!" Himchan scolded as he got out of his room, his blonde hair messed up. "Show some respect to the sleeping persons!"

"It was Jongup's fault, hyung!" Daehyun and Youngjae cried out.

"I don't care whose fault it is! Do you want Yongguk to storm out there and kick your asses outta here?"


"THEN SHUT UP! AISH!"  With that, Himchan slams the door close, his aura still in the atmosphere. Just as when he slammed their room close, Zelo exits his room, wearing a loose, navy blue colored shirt and trousers. 

"What's with the noise?" he innocently asked, rubbing his eyes like a child.

"Aish, how can you be so cute the moment you woke up?" Daehyun asked as he walked towards Zelo, trying to fix his messed up blonde hair. "Comb your hair, damn it."

"Wha?" Zelo blinked before looking around. "W-where's Himchan-hyung and Yongguk-hyung?"

"Still sleeping." Youngjae answered, his eyes glued on his laptop's screen. "So, keep it down or leader Yongguk will kick our asses outta here." he said, imitating Himchan's voice, earning a laughter from Daehyun.

"What's with him?" Zelo asked, pointing at Jongup, who was acting like a brat.

"He's bored." Daehyun answered.

"The days are too boring these days, you know what I mean?" Jongup said.

"Yup. Nothing's happening anymore." Zelo nodded, sighing before plopping beside Jongup. "Any ideas on how to make 'em interesting though?"

"Nope." the three replied. There, Zelo began to process things in his mind, trying to come up with ideas to make days quite "interesting" in some ways, not only for whiny Jongup, but for the whole B.A.P. Being someone given the title "15-years old Genius", he easily got an idea.

"I know that smile on Junhong's face." Jongup smirked. "What's your new idea, maknae?"

"Ooh, have a plan already? Mind telling us?" Daehyun asked, smiling, as he walked towards the two. 

"Hey, hey, share some ideas to me too!" Youngjae cried, getting off his laptop and walking towards Zelo and the other two.

"I'm sure you'll like this plan of mine." Zelo smiled. "Even the hyungs will, since everyone will be included."

"Oh, interesting." Youngjae and Daehyun smirked.

"Tell it already!" Jongup cried, making Zelo's smirk have a rather mischievous aura, which the other three rather noticed. They all smirked, knowing that what Zelo had in mind will really change their boring days into interesting ones.



The next day came quickly and of course, students had to hurry to their own rooms. Usually, Kyungmi would often come early in school, but this time, she went there late and so did BtoB. To their surprise, the halls were flooded with girls, mostly girls, and some boys too. Of course, this scenario wasn't really that normal to the eight, making them wonder what in earth was going on.

"Aish, what's with everyone today?" Sungjae asked as he blinked a few times.

"Must be something important or interesting." Ilhoon said.

"I'll go look." Kyungmi volunteered as she ran towards the crowd, squeezing in it to see the reason of all the ruckus. It took a few minutes before Kyungmi finally got out, fixing her wrinkled uniform due to all the squeezing and so on. Her long, straight, black hair was now messy, thanks to the crowd.

"Whoa, what happened to you?" Peniel cried in shock. "You look like you had World War Three alone versus everyone!"

"Well, if you would squeeze in a bunch of girls, you'd definitely get this style." Kyungmi answered, rather uninterested. "Aish, those girls are something."

"So, what was the reason of all the ruckus?" Hyunsik asked.

"This." she answered, showing a flyer of a competition of some sort.

"What the heck is that?" Minhyuk asked, his hand grabbing the paper as his eyes, or to be correct, their eyes, scan the whole paper. "Contest? Group-talent contest?"

"Yup. It seems like it." Kyungmi nodded. "And what else, it's run by B.A.P"


"Yeah. It says under there, see." she said, pointing at the small text written below, showing B.A.P's symbol there. Btob grunted by the sight, wanting to crumple the piece of paper, that was, when Eunkwang stops for them to pursue such action.

"Lemme see." Eunkwang said, asking for the paper Minhyuk was holding. Of course, Minhyuk obeys and hands out the paper to the blonde-haired leader for him to see. Eunkwang's eyes scanned the whole paper, just to find out what message it wanted to convey. "I see, it's a group-talent battle open for everyone." 

"Really? B.A.P? Making that kind of competition? Wow, are they out of their minds?" Ilhoon cried, rolling his eyes like a diva.

"How in earth did they manage to arrange such event? Are kingkas that powerful that they can make events that will ruin school schedules?" Kyungmi asked, raising a brow before crossing her arms.

"Well, as kingkas ourselves, I don't think so." Sungjae answered. "They're just taking  their positions over the line. We aren't, that's the difference."

"Honestly speaking, guys, I think this contest is interesting me." Peniel said, earning a shocked expression from Sungjae, Kyungmi and half of the group."

"Are you serious?" Minhyuk blinked.

"I think it's gonna be fun! It does sounds interesting." Changsub said, smiling.

"Me too." Hyunsik nodded.

"We don't." Minhyuk and Ilhoon said in unison, scowling together.

"C'mon, hyungs, this is built by B.A.P, our rival group. Rival. We are not taking part on that crappy event." Sungjae announced, which was soon replied with a punch from Kyungmi. "Ow, what was that for?"

"Language, Sungjae." Kyungmi glared. Her glare conveyed messages, making Sungaje dead silent. Since Zelo, who is their "friend", a member of B.A.P, Kyungmi has 5% respect over them, but the fact that they are bastards and jerks? Well,  that's still 95% hatred for them.

Kyungmi still gives a bit respect for them, with Zelo being her reason. She simply sighed when Sungjae somewhat "mocked" B.A.P and her eyes conveyed that message to her best friend, which he probably understood.

"We're joining this contest." Eunkwang announced, surprising everyone. 

"MWO? Seriously?" Sungjae cried.

"Yup. We're a rival group of B.A.P, so we need to prove ourselves as better than them. This school ain't that big for two kingka groups now, right?"

"Agreed." Ilhoon nodded. "Fine, I'm in!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

"Fine, I'm in too."

"Kyungmi, you're joining too, right?" Changsub eye-smiled, shocking the lady. 

"Me? Hey, I'm just a Melody, not a BtoB member, lemme remind you guys about that!" Kyungmi pouted as she crossed her arms.

"C'mon, you're like a sister to us, therefore, you are a BtoB member." Minhyuk smiled. "BtoB's only female member!"

"A queenka!" Ilhoon clapped.

"Heck not!" Kyungmi cried. "Queenka? Psh, get outta here. And no, I'm a Melody and I'm not joining!"

"Why not?" Eunkwang asked.

"I just don't wanna. I can't sing or dance or whatever, I can only write." 

"... Aw, you sing well!" Sungjae protested. "You sang well once in the bathroom, remember?"


"... Mianhe..."

"So, you're not joining?" Hyunsik cleared.

"Nah, I'm good watching. Plus, if I ever share a stage with you guys, haters are growing more and more!" Kyungmi smiled. "I'm good watching you guys put on a show, so, yeah..."

"Fine... but you can help." Eunkwang smiled.

"I will be glad to!"

"Hey! She can write the lyrics!" Peniel cried in happiness upon having an idea struck on him. "Oh, and aren't you writing that new song of ours entitled.. er...-"

"Second Confession?"

"Yup! We can use that!" 

"Sure. That sounds great!"

"We'll have an open forum later, sounds cool?" Eunkwang smiled

"YES!" everyone nodded happily.

"Okay, I'll be expecting ideas later. For now, hurry to your classes before Melodies crowd over you again, especially on you two."

"Nae..." Kyungmi and Sungjae smiled, nodding happily, similar to little kids receiving orders from their beloved parents.

"Good. Palli, off you kids go."

Everyone hurries to their own rooms, though there were still five minutes left before the bell rings. They all hurry to their classes, watching time fly slowly, waiting for the bell to ring to signal the start of classes already. 

Hours passed. Classes began finally, came and went and so on. Teachers came, taught them lessons, gave them activities and went. That was the normal routine for every student during weekdays, and soon, break comes. It only lasted for a few moments and classes resumed. Classes went quickly and before they knew it, it was lunch. The bell rang and every student ran out of the room, grabbing their lunch.

In Kyungmi and Sungjae's class, the two were about to exit the room when they saw the other BtoB members waiting for them outside, with some Melodies behind them. They hurried and met up with them and walked to their lunch-spot outside the school building.

"Okay, any plans?" Eunkwang asked as he sat down.

"Can we eat lunch first, oppa? I'm starving." Kyungmi pouted.

"... Aish, fine. Eat and discuss, better?" Eunkwang sighed.

"What happened to 'don't talk when your mouth is full' rule, hyung?" Peniel asked, smirking playfully.

"... This is an exemption, arraseo? Now, as I was saying-" Eunkwang continued.

"Talking while eating lunch is improper. You should know better, hyung." Ilhoon teased.

"Aish! Can we just discuss and eat?! Forget the house rules for now, understood?!" the leader bursts, making the other six members silent and nod in agreement. "Good." he sighed. 

"I have an idea for the performance, hyung." Hyunsik said, gaining all the other members' attention quickly. 

"Really? Spit it out." Eunkwang smiled.

"I have too! I wanna share some ideas!" Changsub cried.

"Me too." Sungjae smiled.

"Ah, fine, fine. One by one, kids." Eunkwang laughed as he listened to everyone's suggestions, one by one. He heard lots of interesting suggestions and saw his group's creativity on how their performance will go. He smiled by this moment, making Kyungmi smile as well, knowing and assuring that BtoB will give an extravagant performance on the day of the battle.



School ended just like that. BtoB had decided to stop by at the restaurant Kyungmi works for to have dinner there together. Of course, it was Eunkwang's treat for he was the eldest, and according to their "rules", the eldest should be the one to pay for every expenses that the group has.

And Eunkwang disliked this rule.

"Ah, this place is just so home-like." Minhyuk smiled. "No wonder I always liked this place!"

"And having Kyungmi working in those uniforms just looks so adorable." Changsub laughed. "Don't you guys think?"

"She looks pretty normal in those clothes, y'know." Sungjae sighed. "Don't make such a fuss about her in uniforms, hyung. You seem like a ."


"Aish, you two, simmer down." Kyungmi sighed, face-palming herself. "Aigoo, you're humiliating me-"

"Kyungmi-ah!" a familiar feminine voice called out. Kyungmi hurried and turned around to see who was calling her, just to find that it was her unnie. Of course, how can she forget that her "unnie" works there everyday? Afternoon for weekdays, morning in weekends. "Over here!" 

"Ah, unnie! Hello!" Kyungmi waved. 

"I see you're with some... boys?" her unnie slyly smiled. "You seven, no wait, eight-timer!"

"Heck not! They're my oppas. Sungjae's group to be exact."

"A kingka group?"


"You are hanging out with a kingka group?! Then that means you're a queenka?!"

"What?! No!! They're simply my oppas. That's all. Period."

"Oh... well, since you're here for food-reasons maybe, there's a table for eight over there. Go sit there."

"Sure." Kyungmi nodded happily and led her oppas to a table for eight. There, a waiter tended on them, taking their orders, bringing their food and so on.

"Enjoy your meal." the waiter bowed before walking away. Of course, everyone soon digs in, savoring the taste of the dishes they ordered. The atmosphere was suiting too, thus, that made their dinner more family-like and happy. Not always were the eight like this, especially with Kyungmi. It was only Sungjae that brought her to be with the whole group, being his best friend and everything.

And as far as they know, a loner has loads of problems when it comes to socializing. That, too, is Kyungmi's number one problem so far.

"Mhm! Tastes good!" Hyunsik smiled upon taking in some pasta in. "This place is just the best!"

"Tell me about it!" Peniel nodded happily. "You're lucky to work here, Kyungmi."

"I guess I am." Kyungmi giggled. "I mean, great atmosphere, great food servings, well customers, well view and friendly oppas and unnies! God, I don't wanna loose this job anymore!"

"Psh, like you'll get fired." Changsub chuckled. "Firing you would be the biggest mistake of this restaurant's manager!"

"Agreed." Ilhoon nodded. "You're one of the best workers, or waitresses, a place can get. Pretty inside and out and can get along with almost anyone!"

"Now, stop flattering me, oppa." Kyungmi blushed, lowering her head to hide her bright red face.

Everyone soon bursts into laughter as they saw the young lady blush. They loved these moments. Moments where they felt as a family. Moments where they can savor being with each other alone. 

Where they felt as one. As siblings. As a family.

A big family that is really inseparable. A family that will always be there for one another in ups and downs.

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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)