The Pendant

Days passed...

The days replayed as if it would never even end.

The same things replayed and replayed...

And it was a living hell for some.

Especially to Kyungmi.

It's been almost 5 days since that incident happened. It never actually left Kyungmi's mind, and that incident had changed everything. It always pained her.

What that incident was?

Her not being a Melody any longer.

True. She was no longer a Melody. And yes, she isn't a Baby neither. 

A neutral. That's what she is as what others call her. A neutral, as the name suggests, has no side to take. She isn't in BtoB's side nor in B.A.P's side. She was alone in the campus, no one to hold onto and no one to go along with. No friends. No one to talk to. No one to share everything she has in mind. 

True. She is alone.

Eversince Sungjae had let her go, her life became a worse living hell than it was in the past. Her sufferings worsened. It was never better since she stopped going along with BtoB, who were her only friends.

Zelo? Well, eversince that incident as well, he came back with B.A.P for some reason, and happily, they accepted him back, not being able to endure life without their dear maknae. Things changed greatly. A sign of this was B.A.P's new hair color again. Yongguk now has chocolate brown-black colored hair, Himchan had retained his jet black hair, Youngjae had reddish brown hair, Daehyun had dark yellow colored hair, a color with the mix of brown, Jongup had brown hair, darker by a few tints than Yongguk and finally, Zelo had reverted back to light blonde hair with his front hair dyed with light blue. 

B.A.P was back.

BtoB? Their lives felt empty without Kyungmi. It felt different without their beloved sister-like Kyungmi by their side. It was quite empty and hell-like. It wasn't right without Kyungmi beside them, laughing at their lame jokes, teasing them and getting annoyed every time they would utter her dreaded nicknames.

It wasn't right eversince that incident.

And yes, Kyungmi and Sungjae broke up. After knowing Kyungmi's true feelings, Sungjae lets go of her to avoid her from getting any further hurt. It would hurt him as well if he sees his beloved girl hurt and prisoned.

A living hell.

They hated this life style.

"Oh, she's here again!"

"Eh, how sickening!"

"I hope she stops attending the same school as us!"


"She must've lots of guts to break Sungjae-oppa's heart!"

"Heartless monster..."

"How can she throw our beloved Sungjae just like that?!"

"Seeing her ruins my day."

"How rude!"

"Monster! Sickening monster!"

These were the typical mumbles Kyungmi would often hear whenever she passes by Melodies. Her being a neutral would take no side at all. She isn't a Melody nor a Baby, and neutrals are often seen as outcasts, and being a neutral must have a reason, right? For her, the reason was love. She likes Zelo, and Zelo does like her back. The problem is Sungjae, who likes her as well.

It's a big pain in the neck.

Soon, the dreaded sight welcomes her again. She comes across the school kingkas again, BtoB to be exact. Everyone were showing sad emotions through their eyes and not being able to see them, Kyungmi simply tried averting her eyes away to avoid seeing the pain of her oppas. Not wanting to see them hurt anymore, Kyungmi darted away from them, down the halls.

"She seems hurt." Ilhoon sadly stated.

"Indeed." Hyunsik sighed as his eyes followed Kyungmi.

"I miss her." Peniel softly said.

"We all do." Eunkwang said, frowning, as he patted Peniel's back before shifting his attention to Sungjae, who was the only member refusing to look at Kyungmi. He seems pained, confused, and in agony. "Sungjae, are you sure of your decision?" he asks.

"... It's for the best, hyung." Sungjae softly replies. "If I didn't let her go, she would continue to suffer. I love her, and seeing her in pain would make me drown in guilt."

"... But there are other ways, dude." Changsub frowned.

"He's right." Minhyuk frowned.

"I know what I did." Sungjae said. "Kajja, let's take lunch already, I'm starving."





Saturday, 4:56 p.m.

The sound of a broken plate echoes throughout the whole restaurant building, surprising a few customers and fellow workers.

"Ah, Kyungmi-ah! Gwenchana?" one of Kyungmi's worried unnies asked as she saw Kyungmi standing in front of the broken dish. 

"Kyungmi, are you okay? Were you wounded?" another asked.

"Kyungmi? What happened?"

"What's going on?"

"I-I'm okay, unnie." Kyungmi softly said as she shook her head and snapped herself back to reality, realizing what just happened as she saw the broken dish in front of her. "I'm okay, I wasn't wounded."

"Aigoo, what's with you today? You seem to be out of yourself." her unnie frowned.

"N-nothing! I'm all good." she lied.

"Not really. The Kyungmi we know doesn't commit these mistakes.."

"... Psh, nonsense. Everyone does, and so do I!" Kyungmi pouted as she slowly stood up. "I simply dropped it accidentally and yes, I am okay, unnie. Quit worrying too much."

"Kyungmi, you're pale, are you okay?"

"Me? Pale? No way."

"No really, you are."

"Am not..."

"Seriously, you're pale head to toe! Are you sick? Are you okay? Were you cut by the dish?"

"UNNIE! I said I'm okay!" Kyungmi finally cries out in annoyance, making the other jump back in shock upon hearing Kyungmi's thundering voice. It wasn't a typical thing to hear Kyungmi shout at others, especially to them who are older than her by years! She is a respectful young lass who won't even lay a finger on anyone older than her and so on. She respects everyone, young and old.

But now, it wasn't like her.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" Kyungmi quickly apologized upon realizing what she had just done. 

"N-no, I understand. I should get going. Sorry for bothering you, Kyungmi. I won't repeat that ever again." her unnie said before turning her back to her.


Not again.

Not her unnies as well!

A few moments later, Kyungmi's attention was soon caught by their manager. Being an obedient girl she is, Kyungmi hurries to the manager's office and slowly enters. "You called, sir?" Kyungmi asked as she slowly opened the door.

"Ah, yes, dear. Please have a sit." the manager said, which Kyungmi does so. "I've been recognizing how you are acting this day. Are you okay? Are you suffering some sort of sickness?"

"N-no, sir. I'm completely fine." she smiles.

"Are you sure? Your fellow co-workers are also noticing this action of yours and it's upsetting us. We''re getting worried for you."

"My deepest apologies."

"Indeed. Kyungmi, based on your actions, you've broke almost one third of our dishes this day. For that, it would greatly decrease your salary... but knowing your status in life, doing that is against my will. In that case, I'm deciding on putting you to rest for a week. I don't want a worker of mine acting like this."

"B-but sir! I-if I don't work, where'll I get money to purchase my daily needs?"

"Well, solve that yourself, dear. That's the least I can do. I'm sorry."

"You can't do this to me, sir!"

"I'm sorry, I have no choice."

Silence broke. Kyungmi can't accept that she was put in working suspension because of her state! She can't accept this horrible reality! "N-no..." she said softly, falling into another pit of trance.

"You may leave from work now, Kyungmi. Go home." she heard her manager say. Her head nods and she does so. She goes to the dressing room and dresses up, grabs her bag and heads off. She saw how sad her unnies and oppas were, and it pained her by this sight. To avoid pain, she has no choice but to avoid eye contact and walk off, holding her tears in.

She was tearing apart.

But for the sake of not letting any more get worried for her.

She had enough...

Finally arriving home, Kyungmi comes across her ahjumma, who, upon seeing her, showed a rather worried look, and finally, asks her. "Kyungmi-ah, are you okay?" her ahjumma worriedly asked. "You look... er, not well."

"... Honestly speaking, I'm not, ahjumma." Kyungmi frowned as she tried hiding her tear-filled eyes. 

"Aw, why? What happened?"

"N-nothing serious. I'll be on my room for today, ahjumma. S-see you."

"Okay, dear. Just knock on my door if you need anything, arraseo?"

"Arraseo, ahjumma." 

With that, Kyungmi runs to her apartment room, plopping down her bed, not even bothering to change her clothes. Tears spilled down her eyes after one harsh day.

To be honesty, Kyungmi can't take anymore of this hell. 

It was piercing and breaking her heart... PIECE BY PIECE. A living torture... it was a living torture indeed. It felt as if the sharpest among the sharpest knifes cut her, the hottest flames burnt her, everything. She felt every single kind of pain..

"No more.. please." she begged as her tears refused to stop. "No more... I had enough. I can't take it anymore! J-just kill me if you need to! I can't remain like this!!!"

Suddenly, as if fate heard her, an idea popped in her mind as she saw her laptop seemingly waiting for her. She slowly rose from her bed and blinked a few times, wiping her tears away. She then stands up and heads to open her laptop before looking at the time. A faint smile curled up her face as she began typing something.

"She must be online by this time. I know it." she said to herself. The screen of her laptop turned black as a "loading" symbol popped out the screen. The next second, a slightly blurry but visible scene surprises her as a woman, her physical appearance, young, shows itself to the camera.

"Umma." Kyungmi called out.

That's right.

The woman she was talking to was no other than her mother. A young-looking lass, yes, that's her mother. Surprising, isn't it? Her mother, whom she hasn't seen in personal for years, there in front of her, wearing care-giving clothes. "Hello~" her mother greets in perfect English dialect.

"It's been a while, umma." she greets back in English before talking in Korean again. "How's life over there?"

"Tiring, but fun. How about you, dear?"

"Living hell."

"Aw, what's wrong?"

"Lots of bad things are falling down on me, umma. LOTS." she emphasized.

"Can you tell?"

"Do you have time?"

"My mistress permitted me to go online to at least talk to you. It's been a while since I've chatted with you, so, yes, I've got time." her mother smiled angelically.

"Umma, life's been hard on me these days." Kyungmi began.

"How come?"

"You see, me and Sungjae became a couple."


"Nae. And.. I let a boy named Zelo stay here for some time as well."


"Nae, and to be honest... I fell in love with him, and soon, he was revealed to be in love with me too."

"So... what might the problem be then?"

"I was in a relationship with Sungjae that time, and liking another guy would be considered cheating, right? I disliked that, but when Sungjae soon found out, he let go of me. He broke up with me."

"Then.. you still have that Zelo guy, right?"


"What in earth do you mean?"

"He toyed with me. He wanted nothing but to treat me as a toy. That's what is the problem. And eversince then, I've become a neutral, not taking B.A.P nor BtoB's side any longer. In other words, I'm now alone."

"I'm sure Sungjae won't do such horrible thing such as leaving you!"

"He did, umma. He just did."

"... Honey, are you tired?"


"Don't be. Remember, you still have one strength left."


"Um... me? I'm still here and I'll never go, right? I'll forever be by your side, dear. Though not physically, I am beside you.. for eternity."

"Thanks, umma."

"No problem, Kyungmi-ah~"


"... Dear, umma has to go now. My mistress needs some help, if I can, I'll talk with you again later or sooner. Take care of yourself and remember what umma said, arraseo?"

"Nae. Arraseo, umma. Sarangheyo."

"I love you too, dear."

WIth that, the end calls. Kyungmi, strengthened a bit, stands up from her place and begins to prepare dinner. To her disappointment, she had ran out of food supplies. And now, she has limited amount of money, meaning that she can't buy much of the said food she desires. But still, she can't go and endure hunger, right?

Putting up a plain tee-shirt and jeans, partnered with rubber shoes and a black jacket, Kyungmi heads out of her apartment and goes to buy some food.



"Please come again, ma'am."

Kyungmi, finally done buying her needed food supplies, heads back home, carrying a plastic-bag filled with supplies she needed. The cold, night breeze touched her skin, sending slight shivers down her spine.

As she walked the dimly lit alley, she felt a different aura behind her. Scared, she still faces her back, confused to see nothing behind her. Slowly, she increases her walking speed, scared for what fate has in store for her.

And that's where things actioned.

A tight grip held her left arm and something cloth-like was wrapped around and nose, making her inhale some sort of aroma that made her want to black out. Gripping hard on the situation, poor Kyungmi struggles, but eventually, fails.

Her vision soon blackens.

She knows what things are about to happen... on how they'll go....

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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)