
The Pendant




The rather loud scream made the tall boy jolt, making his head bump at the upper bunk bed. As predicted, it was from Himchan, who was acting his "mother-role" early in the morning.

And by early, it is early.

5:30 a.m.

"JUNHONG!!!" Himchan called out again.

"I heard it! I'm coming!!!" Zelo cried as he jumped off the bed, rubbing his head in hopes of wiping off the pain. His hyungs were already awake too, and were either busy with their phones or watching T.V, drinking hot chocolate. Himchan was preparing breakfast and Yongguk was sipping his coffee. 

"What time did you guys actually wake up?" Zelo asked, rubbing his eyes.

"A minute before you did." everyone replied.

"When Himchan here woke up." Yongguk answered. "He was rolling in the bed occasionally so I barely slept!"

"It wasn't my fault." Himchan whistled as he prepared breakfast. Zelo made his way to the kitchen and went to the coffee maker, which of course, some of his hyungs noticed.

"Yah, Junhong, what did we say about you drinking coffee?" Youngjae cried out.

"For heaven's sake, hyung, I'm seventeen!" Zelo cried. "I am already allowed to drink coffee!"

"Not until you're twenty!" Daehyun added. "And until then, you're only allowed to drink juice, tea, milk and water!"

"Unfair! Jongup-hyung gets to drink coffee!" Zelo stomped.

"That's laws, bro." Jongup smirked. "I drink coffee, you don't. I'm a year older."

"But you aren't twenty even! And isn't the drink we aren't allowed to drink 'till twenty soju?! I can drink coffee anytime! It has no age limits!"

"Still, you aren't allowed to." Himchan sighed. "You're not drinking coffee, young man."

"Aish..." Zelo sighed. "This is the exact reason why I keep on growing taller and taller! It's ruining my maknae image! I'm supposed to be shorter than my hyungs!!!"

"I can't bear to imagine you getting shorter than Jongup." Yongguk laughed.

"YAH! THAT'S OFFENSIVE!" Jongup exclaimed. "I am not that short, you know!"

"Yes you are." everyone laughed. "You are."


With screams filling the house, Zelo knew his day would start of normally like any other day. He can easily predict how the day would go. There isn't anything special with the days that come. With that in his mind, Zelo headed to the window where he can see the whole city.


B.A.P are luxurious men that they live in a five-star dormitory.

That's right. Five-star. Luxurious, aren't they?

"Junhong's being emotional again." Jongup sighed.

"Seriously, Junhong, it doesn't match your image." Youngjae cried. "Hajima."

"I'm not trying to be emotional, arraseo?" Zelo glared. "Just leave me be."

"Yah, yah, can you kids begin dressing up? You'll be late if you don't start moving quickly!" Himchan hissed, making the other four dash to their own bathrooms and begin dressing up. Seeing that the leader isn't moving, Himchan gave him a strong hit on the head.

"What was that about?!" Yongguk cried, rubbing his head.

"You're included." Himchan said.

"Can't I do it later?"

"Now, Yongguk."


With that, the leader wobbled to prepare himself for school as well while Himchan busily made breakfast. Time flew quickly and everyone was prepared, well, almost all of them.

"Junhong! Are you done yet?!" Daehyun cried out, knocking violently on the maknae's room's door. "The food's getting cold!"

"I told you to go ahead, didn't I?" Zelo exclaimed.

"Himchan-hyung wants us six to have breakfast together!"

"Tell him I'm not yet ready!" 

"Aish, fine!"

Time passed again, and before they knew it, they were running late.

"Where's Junhong?" Youngjae asked.

And by magic, Zelo bursts out of his room, hurrying to eat breakfast. "Someone's running late." Jongup scowled. "How long are you gonna eat, huh?"

"Don't know." Zelo shrugged. 

"Move quick. We're running late." Himchan said.

"You guys go ahead." Zelo said. "I'll follow up."

"You sure?" Yongguk worriedly asked. If there's a member everyone is greatly worried for, that's Zelo and of course, it's because he's the maknae. "Are you sure about that?"

"Nae! Just go already!" Zelo exclaimed. Of course, everyone nodded and hurried out of the dormitory, leaving the youngest alone, eating breakfast. Moving as fast as possible, Zelo put on his school jacket, washed his plate and the other dishes, brushed his teeth and darted out.

As expected, he was running late.

He expected something new today, but not to run late! Anything but running late!

Minutes passed and thanks to his strong legs, Zelo arrived at school but unfortunately, the gates were closed. As expected, he's late!

"Damn!" Zelo cried as he saw the gates closed. Being late is something he hated. "I hate myself..." he mumbled, hitting his head repeatedly at the metal bars. To his surprise, a faint sound of footsteps got nearer...

... And nearer...

... And nearer...

"ANIYO!!!" a feminine voice cried out. That voice was familiar, making Zelo turn his head around, just to see nobody but her.

Jung Kyungmi.

"I see you're late too, huh?" Zelo smirked.

Upon the sight of the tall blonde, Kyungmi frowned. Oh, heavens, of all people why him?! Why did it had to be Zelo?! "Heh, right. You too?" Kyungmi scoffed.

"Let's see, I'm out of the school building and the gates are closed. Yup, I am."

"What's wrong? Woke up late?"

"Slow movements." 


"I bet you woke up late?"

"Something like that. I slept late yesterday." 

"Because of me?"

"Heck no!" Kyungmi cried in disgust as she shoved Zelo away. "Move aside. I'm not skipping a day in school just because I'm running late!" she exclaimed as she climbed the gates, surprising Zelo. 

For a girl, she doesn't act like one. She acts like a guy. She really is tomboyish.

She climbed the gates without thinking twice.

And quickly too.

"Yah. Are you just gonna stand there?" Kyungmi called out to Zelo, who was dazed at her as she climbed. "You're not getting in school if you just stand there!"

"I know that, geez!" Zelo hissed and climbed the gates as well. He easily got up and went down, as if it was natural to him. Now, it was Kyungmi, except there was one problem.

She can't get down.

"What's wrong?" Zelo teased. "Kitty can't get down the gates?"

"Of course I can get down!" Kyungmi cried, trying to hide her shivers. "I can get down from here, you'll see!"

"I'd like to see you do so, Jung Kyungmi."

Slowly, the young girl climbed down the high gates and unluckily, missed a step. That leaded to other bad things. She lost balanced and didn't grip too tight on the bars and fell. 

She knew she'd get in an accident.

Except... she didn't.

"You can open your eyes now."

To her astonishment, Zelo's face were only inches away from her! She found herself carried by the blonde! By any chances, did he caught her?!

"Let go of me!" Kyungmi struggled.

"Wow, what a nice way of saying thank you." Zelo sighed. "Rude. Really rude."

"Just let me go!" she cried, running off. Zelo can just watch the young girl run off, following her calmly and coolly.

Kyungmi hurried to the building, bumping into a few people. Soon, she bumps into a familiar group... BtoB.

"Why are you late?" Ilhoon asked, raising a brow at her. "It's like you aren't the Kyungmi we know! What's happening, girl?"

"I just woke late, that's all. It happens to everyone, right?" Kyungmi smiled. "What, can't I wake late?"

"No, it's just weird... and rare to occur." Eunkwang replied. "It's not bad to wake late."

"Good." Kyungmi nodded before facing at Sungjae. "I forgot my clothes."

"MWO?!" Sungjae cried, his eyes widened. "Aish, I told you bring them yesterday, didn't I?!"

"Oh well, I guess I'll use your shirts again, eh?" Kyungmi laughed, poking the taller guy's marshmallow cheeks. "I like them anyway~ And there's Ilhoon-oppa's shirts too. I can use them."

"Fine by me." Ilhoon smiled. "I mean, she likes wearing my shirts, and it's fine."

"And besides, she looks cute when she wears those over-sized shirts of yours, Sungjae-ah." Peniel smiled. "She looks so cute and innocent, like a kitty."

"I'm not a kitty!" she pouted. 

"Yes, you aren't. They're obviously messing up with you, Kyungmi-ah." Hyunsik laughed. "C'mon, a few minutes more of delay, we'll run real late!"

"Nae." everyone nodded and headed to their rooms.



Hours passed.

In the Star Section, the whole class were busy having a pair's activity. As usual, Kyungmi and Sungjae were the ones who made each other their partners, and Zelo? He had to pair himself with a guy Himchan's friend is close to. He could only watch the young girl do their activity with Sungjae.

"Dude, you okay?" Zelo's partner asks.

"I am. Just do your damn job, arraseo?" Zelo scoffed, glaring at the other.

"Geez, you could say please, dude. It won't hurt."

"I don't do that."

"VERY like Himchan-hyung alright." 

Minutes passed and finally, everyone was done. Sungjae and Kyungmi had to report first, together. The two did an excellent job explaining their topic and work, and of course, being great students, they received the teacher's compliments and claps from their classmates. 

Well, that stopped when a hand was raised, and that hand was Zelo's.

"Yes, Mr. Choi? Any questions?" the teacher asked.

"I can clearly understand the report, sir." Zelo said.

"Then, why did you raise your hand?" 

"I know that this class is not art class, yet my eyes are not supposedly fooling me, but I see a little scribble just on the side of the report paper." Zelo said, pointing at the little cat drawing. It was visible to everyone, but before Zelo pointed it out, nobody noticed it. Now, they did.

Everyone began to laugh, and Sungjae curled his hands into a ball of fist. Kyungmi lowered her head, blushing bright red due to embarrassment. 

The two then moved back to their seats, finishing their almost perfect report, no thanks to Choi god-damn Junhong, also known as crappy playboy-heartbreaker Zelo.

"Don't mind him. He's just playing with you." Sungjae whispered to Kyungmi.

"I know." Kyungmi whispered back. "I know, don't worry."

"I really am gonna punch that mother-"

"Sungjae, language. And, chill, arraseo?"

"Arraseo." Sungjae sighed before laying down his head on his desk, his eyes still glued to any changes in the young girl's face. Unfortunately, he got none, thus, averting his eyes away and looking at some other things.

Behind her emotionless face, Kyungmi was actually boiling in anger already! She wanted to punch Zelo. He embarrassed her intentionally, and she hated that. She wanted nothing but a perfect presentation, but what happened? God-damn Zelo ruined it. No thanks to him...

Having to put up an emotionless face was normal for Kyungmi. Well, she won't be called as "Emotionless Tomboy" for nothing, right? She looks emotionless, and the tomboy part was just given to her for she was closer to guys than those with the same gender as her... 

Well, girls for her are too dramatic and sensitive. She's a girl, and she's aware that she isn't any of those, right? Annoying. And they get to believe things easily! 

After two hours of anger building up in her, the bell rang finally. It was break time, and for some reason, it ran short. Back to hours of studying again and soon, the bell rang again. Time sure flies quickly...

"Kajja." Sungjae said, grabbing Kyungmi's hand and leading her off their classroom and began their search for the other BtoB members. Of course, they noticed how several girls tailed them.

Melodies. Sungjae's Melodies to be exact.

"Aish... they're tailing us again..." Kyungmi whispered to Sungjae, who of course, refused to look back at them.

"I know." Sungjae sighed. "We need to find the hyungs fast, Kyungmi. These girls are creeping me."

"Right... you know, they're just so darn- oh look, Ilhoon-oppa and Peniel-oppa!" Kyungmi cried, pointing at the two BtoB members. Sungjae quickly saw them and hurried to them, making the Melodies tailing them back off and move away from them. Ilhoon and Peniel quickly saw them and warmly greeted them with a wave... and a pat for Kyungmi.

"You won't guess how our class went." Kyungmi sighed.

"Wae? What happened?" Peniel asked. "Wait, save that for later, let's find the others first. It's best if everyone hears what you have in store."

"... Fine."

With that, the four hurried to their hyungs' classes and fetched them. The group then headed to their normal spot, outside the school building, to take their lunch. Once there, a flock of girls watched them and squealed, and even growled in jealousy towards Kyungmi. How come the school's tomboy gets to hang out with the school kingkas?

Simple. Her best friend is a part of kingka group BtoB and BtoB are her only friends.

Wouldn't it be cruel to separate her to her only friends? Everyone in the campus is afraid of her, so making friends is quite troublesome. No, not quite, REALLY troublesome and difficult.

"So, what was it you wanted to tell again, Kyungmi-ah?" Peniel asked, shoving a meat in his mouth.

"Ah, right. My class was super terrible!" Kyungmi sighed before nudging Sungjae, signaling him to do the explaining, but the taller guy simply shook his head and shrugged. "Ugh, fine, I'll do it."

"Thanks." Sungjae laughed.

"So, you know that Zelo dude, right?" Kyungmi asked.

"That giant maknae of darn B.A.P?" Minhyuk asked.

"What about him?" Hyunsik asked, raising a brow at the younger girl. "Did he do something wrong to you or Sungjae?"

"He did." Kyungmi sighed. "He ruined our presentation."

"How?" Ilhoon asked.

"He pointed out a childish mistake I got that no one in class nearly didn't notice, and that was a minus for our presentation! Our near-perfection report was ruined..."

"... Man, aren't you a grade-conscious lassie." Eunkwang laughed.

"MWO?! He did that on purpose!" Kyungmi cried, flailing her arms like a kid. "You're just gonna accept that me and Sungjae's report got ruined by that darn giant?!"

"Kyungmi, it's just a report. We nearly got nervous! We thought you were hurt or something by that runt." Peniel sighed before flashing a small smile at the young girl.

"Even though..." she sighed, shoving a piece of food in . "That mother...-" she grumbled.

"Language." Sungjae smirked.

"Shut up." 

Soon, squeals filled the air again. As expected, another kingka group appeared, and everyone can guess who they are.








BtoB and Kyungmi just sat there, trying to ignore the screams and the arrival of their most dreaded persons, as if they weren't there and didn't exist there. Of all people, why does it have to be them to sit along with them?!

What's worse, they sat only a few distance away from them! 

Talk about bad lucks.

And as usual, girls soon flooded over them, and they began flirting with them. They are playboys and heart breakers, and total flirts. Best. Absolute. Perfect? More like Best and Absolute Playboys!

"Let's get outta here." Kyungmi whispered to her oppas. "The air here's not good with them around us."

"Agreed." the seven guys nodded before standing up. The group then made their way away from them. Any place's better than them being around. 

B.A.P, meanwhile, noticed how their rival group left and simply snickered softly. "Cowards." Yongguk said before snickering again, this time, alone.

"Those guys are really somethin', right, hyung?" Daehyun smirked.

"Yup. Complete chickens." Himchan nodded.

Soon, Jongup sees their maknae's eyes glued at something, or someone. Kyungmi specifically. "You okay?" Jongup asked, snapping a finger right in front of Zelo.

"Yeah, waeyo?" Zelo asks.

"You're staring at her, obviously."

"It's nothing."

"Sure? If you're too impatient to wait for her be your toy, move quickly, Junhong-ah." 

"I know, and I will, just watch." Zelo smirked at his hyung before opening a lollipop and shoving it in his mouth, his eyes averting to look at the clear blue sky. 

Hours passed. The day quickly passed by and Kyungmi was ordered to stay in school to clean. Of course, having to leave the young girl alone in school made the whole BtoB worried. "You sure you're okay alone here?" Sungjae worriedly asked, his hand on the young girl's shoulder.

"Nae. Don't worry, I'll be fine." Kyungmi smiled. "Go ahead already, I'll go home as soon as possible."

"Arraseo. See you then." the whole group smiled before heading off. Kyungmi hurried to her room again and began to help with the cleaning. She and another student just came so they finally begun. Some swept, some wiped, some dusted the chalk or the eraser, and so on. They also fixed the chairs and aligned them again. Everything has to be perfect before they head home.

"Okay, everything's nearly done." one student said. "Someone has to close the windows though and lock the room."

"It's nearly 6, my mom'll scold me if I go home any later." one girl frowned. "Mianhe."

"Me too." another said.

"I have to run errands and buy stuff for my sister. Can I be exempted?" a boy asked.

"I have to do something quick!" one girl whined.

"I can't stay, my family's having a dinner with some friends."

"I can't!"

"Neither can I-"

"I'll do it." Kyungmi said in a soft matter. Everyone's eyes turned to her, quite shocked. The tomboy volunteered herself, and that was quite unlike her. "You go home and do your concerns already. I'll stay."

"You sure? Are you good about it?" one of them asked, pretending to be worried.

"I have no choice, do I? Palli, go already."

"Thanks Kyungmi!" they cried before dashing off the classroom. Once they were gone, Kyungmi hissed and curled her hands into balls of fist due to annoyance. 

"Those guys..." she hissed as she walked towards the windows. The outside was dark already. Like what they said, it was nearly six in the evening, and at this rate, BtoB's worried sick for her already. She had to work fast or else, she's dead meat and will have to suffer nagging from the guys, especially Sungjae's.

Carefully picking out a chair, she hurried and stood up it and reached for the windows. She successfully closed them and locked the room, running down the halls to go home already. 


"I am so dead!!!" Kyungmi cried as she hurried down the stairs. Too much hurrying that she tripped and slipped, and soon, fell down the stairs.

Fear struck her and made her close her eyes. She knew what would happen next. Pain and then she'll see bruises on her body. Great.

Well, that's how it actually seemed before she knew what was happening.

As far as she can remember, the floor is cold, but why did she feel warmth? Slowly opening her eyes, she saw herself on someone's chest and she and that person were laying down the floor, as if that specific person caught her, or bumped onto her by accident.

And as if destiny was trolling her, that guy was no other than a blonde guy. That's right, it was Zelo.

"Ow..." Zelo mumbled as he squirmed in pain.

"Z-Zelo?!" Kyungmi cried in shock.

"Hey." he greeted. "Are you okay? Did you hurt anything?"

Due to shock, Kyungmi was temporarily paralyzed. She didn't know what to do, and for some reason, she forgot how to move her body. She was still, still on Zelo's chest. "I'm okay." she softly answered. "Did you by any chance...-"

"Came by and had you fall on me? Aniyo, I saw you running down and trip, so, yeah, I caught you. Sorry if the landing was kinda rough, I didn't get the time to stand right and such." Zelo apologized.

"Ani, it's okay. A-are you okay?"

"My head hurts, it hit the floor." Zelo said. "Other than that, I'm okay."

With that, the blonde stood up and supported Kyungmi stand as well. To her surprise, something was not right. Her body suddenly fell and her hands landed on Zelo's shoulders, and the blonde managed to catch her and help her stand again. Something was wet behind Zelo, particularly in the head.

Blood. Crimson blood.

"Omona, you're bleeding!" Kyungmi cried out, astonished. "A-are you seriously okay?!"

"I'm fine." Zelo answered calmly. His right hand trailed the back of his head and when he retrieved it, a bit of blood was seen. His head was obviously bleeding, not that much, but it still was.

"I'm sorry." Kyungmi softly apologized, bowing a bit. She really didn't like him, and didn't want to say sorry, but having him get hurt because of her? She had to, no doubt. If she didn't, she'll appear heartless, and being called "emotionless" and "tomboy" was enough. How if she gains the nickname "heartless", that's just a big no-no.

"It's okay, arraseo? I'm fine. It's just a little blood, it won't kill me, so quit worrying. I'll be fine, the wound would close eventually."

"But.. I-"

"Go home." Zelo said, patting the young girl's head. "I'm getting something back upstairs. See ya."

With that, the blonde left and Kyungmi simply obeyed, running off back home as soon as she realizes that she was running late. But the fact that Zelo saved her twice this day was something that confused her, but soon, forgot about it and ran off. It's just coincidence.

Having Zelo save her twice this day. That he's always there for her, to save her.

But that's none of her business. What's more important is to get home and quickly, and as if nature was against her, rain poured heavily. What else? She has no umbrella.




Upon hearing that voice, everyone rushed to the door, just to find a wet Kyungmi outside their dormitory door. To their surprise, she was still smiling despite her being wet from head to toe!

"Whoa! Kyungmi?! What on earth happened to you!?" Eunkwang cried in surprise, seeing the young girl dripping wet.

"I got caught in the rain." she laughed.

"You've got no umbrella?" Ilhoon asked.

"None. I left it at home."

"Geez, clumsy girl. I'll get you some clothes. Dry yourself up first." Hyunsik said as he fetched Kyungmi a towel and clothes. The young girl soon went in the dorm and was soon given a towel and once she did, she began drying herself.

"Oppa, I want those over-sized shirts of Sungjae please~" Kyungmi cutely asked after drying her hair. 

"Eh? Why those? They don't fit you!" Peniel cried.

"I want them."

"No." Sungjae pouted. "You're wearing Ilhoon-hyung's clothes for now."

"Shireoyo! I want those shirts of yours! If I don't get them, I'm stripping right here, right now!"

"Sungjae!" Minhyuk cried. "Give her those shirts already!!!"

"I'm on it!!!" Eunkwang cried, dashing inside Sungjae's room and trying to find the maknae's over-sized shirts and threw them on Kyungmi. "There! Don't strip!"

"Gomawo~" Kyungmi giggled.

"Aish, like something's to be seen on Kyungmi." Sungjae sighed, earning a strong hit on the head from Kyungmi, making the poor boy cry in pain. "Appayo! What was that for?!"

"Nothing." Kyungmi smirked as she stood up. "I'm using Sungjae's room to dress up. Would you mind?"

"Nope." they replied, all except Sungjae.

"How about you?" she asked again, looking at Sungjae.

"It's fine with me." Sungjae smiled, his eyes averting to the young girl as he rubbed his pained head from the girl's strong hit. "Take your time."

Kyungmi then entered the young boy's room and dressed herself up. Minutes later, she came out, dressed in Sungjae's over-sized sky blue colored shirt with the words "Melody of Seoul" on it. It was above her knee-length and the sleeves were kind of long for her. She looked like a little kid in her dad's clothes.

"Kyeopta~" Ilhoon squealed.

"Told you so, I look good in everything." Kyungmi giggled before sitting beside Sungjae. "What's for dinner?"

"You're eating here?" Sungjae gasped.


"Haha, just joking. Of course. The hyungs'll prepare dinner tonight, so just rest, 'kay? Not everyday you get to stay in our dorm for a while."

"Yeah, yeah." she giggled, placing her head on Sungjae's lap and closing her eyes. Still, the thought of Zelo echoed continuously in her mind, for some reason. She simply buried her head on Sungjae's lap and tried ignoring it.

But no.

It replayed.

For some reason...


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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)