The Pendant

The night grew later and later.

The stars were soon gone as the black clouds covered their twinkling sight. Only the bright full moon ruled the inky black sky... alone.

Howls of dogs filled the atmosphere.

The cold breeze blew non-stop.

The place was dead.

Seemingly a ghost town.

Faint footsteps soon ruled the place, slowly getting louder and louder as the owners of those footsteps ran closer and closer. Thirteen men, running down the dead streets of Seoul, sharing the same goal they need to achieve.

Save Kyungmi.

"Where is the damn place?!" Jongup cries in frustration, panting heavily as he and two other B.A.P members stopped in their tracks to catch their breathing.

"It has to be near!" Sungjae cries out in response.

"And by near... you mean?" Minhyuk panted.

"Just be patient! I know where we are going!"

Trusting the young man, everyone soon continues running down the streets in search of the destination. Hurrying to go and save the young lass.

Their precious pearl.

Their precious girl.

Their everything...



The dimly lit building was filled with mocking laughter of men. Kyungmi, who remained still and bravely answered rudely to the men, was simply disgusted by the way they acted. She knew well that she won't get out of this situation she brought herself to.

She wants to end her stupid life.

Kill her?

Torture her?

Take advantage of her?

All kinds of suffering, she would happily accept it.

She wants everything to come to an end. She had enough. She would gladly die in any way... she didn't care anymore. All she wanted was for the suffering to stop.

"Man, isn't your guy taking his time!" the same man smirked as he grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up, straight to his eyes.

"Like I said, they aren't coming." she hissed before spitting at the man, making him let go of her. "They don't give a darn about me anymore, so, deal with it!"

"What's wrong? Little kitty loosing hope of its savior?"

"Let's get one thing straight here, I'm no kitten. Second, they are NOT coming!"

Finally snapping out, the man gives Kyungmi one crispy slap, making her slightly fall and loose consciousness. Luckily, she stayed strong and took a grip in reality. She refuses to loose consciousness.

She wants to see herself suffer.

She wants to feel pain.

She wants to die already.

End everything...

That's her wish.

That's what she desires for.

When she was ready to drift off to the dark abyss, she hears a loud sound of doors opening. Her head raised in reflex, just to see who was there.


"Sungjae?!" she gasps, enough for the men to hear, and of course, knowing who the man was, they all smirked.

"Ah, so you're that Sungjae guy." one of the men smirked. "Quite good looking and well built. No wonder you fell for him."

"What in earth are you doing here!? GET OUTTA HERE!!!!" Kyungmi yelled to the taller guy, who was starting to walk inside the building, surrounded by the men who kidnapped her, glaring at him, trying to intimidate the teenager.

"And what, leave you?" Sungjae scoffed. "I am not, I repeat, NOT letting that happen to you, Jung Kyungmi! You are someone dear to me and I promised not to leave you, right?"

"And risk your wealth and life?!"

"Who said anything about wealth?" he smirked. "I, I mean we, are getting you outta here without loosing anything."

"What? You didn't bring the money?!" one of the men cried out.

"And what do you mean by 'we'?!" another asked.

"By we, he ain't alone." Zelo said as he appeared out of the darkness, standing beside Sungjae now, a smirk sketched on his face. "We aren't that stupid to let Sungjae go here alone. It's too predictable to see how this play would go, y'know."

"Why you little-!" one cried as he stood beside Kyungmi, pulling her by the hair, forcing the girl to shout in pain by the sudden force. "For that, she'll suffer!"

"Ah-ah, I won't do that if I were you, old man." Zelo laughed as he snapped his fingers. There, eleven more guys appeared out of the darkness, their aura, fierce and intimidating. They walked out of the black space coolly, either their arms crossed or their hands were on their pockets. 


These guys were BtoB and B.A.P.

Combining their strength for that one person...

"Give us back our Kyungmi, now!" everyone cried out in unison.

"Try." one of the men smirked.

Of course, upon hearing that, the two forces began to clash. They exchanged physical attacks such as punching and kicking. Due to their number, B.A.P and BtoB were having the lower hand. Some members were having trouble defending themselves and firing attacks. Some had fallen, but thanks to their solid cooperation, they were able to help one another and get each other out of their sticky situations. 

"Sungjae!" Peniel softly said as he and Sungjae fought back to back. "Go and untie Kyungmi! We'll keep 'em busy!"

"Nae! Thanks, hyung!" Sungjae nodded and "punched" his way to the young lass. Unfortunately, he came across with the man guarding Kyungmi. He was about to get hit when he felt Zelo block it and easily throw the said individual away. "Z-Zelo?!" Sungjae gasped in shock.

"Hurry! I'll keep 'em away from you! Go and free Kyungmi!" Zelo commanded, just to be replied with a nod from Sungjae. Sungjae hurried to Kyungmi and knelt behind her, hurrying to untie the ropes binding the poor girl.

"S-Sungjae...-" Kyungmi softly calls out, her voice trembling greatly.

"Stay calm, we'll get you outta here in no time, I promise." Sungjae said as he tried calming the young lass down. "I promise."

"T-thank you..."

"Save that for later." Sungjae says as he finally untied Kyungmi and held her hand, letting her stand up on her feet and dash off, hand by hand. Upon seeing the two making their escape, every B.A.P and BtoB member tried to cover their ways.

But unknown to them, they failed as few men still followed them and attacked them, pinning Sungjae on the ground and grabbing Kyungmi by her arm, seemingly wanting to separate the two. 

But Kyungmi is a quick thinker. She acted upon reflexes and kicked the man grabbing her by the crotch, making him let go of her quickly due to the sharp pain. Afterwards, she twisted and locked his arms before kicking him away, running towards Sungjae and hitting the guy punching him by the head with one strong hit. "Thanks, I owe you big time." Sungjae smiled.

"I guess we're even now." Kyungmi smiled back as she offered her hand to Sungjae. "Shall we tango?"

"... Why not?" Sungjae smirks and ran towards the other members and helps them, defending them by attacking the foes. For a girl, it truly shocked B.A.P on how well she fought with the men. It seemed so natural to her, but if she was this great, how come she got kidnapped?

Oh well.

Back to the fight, Sungjae, Kyungmi and Zelo fought side by side. The trio's cooperation was vulnerable. They acted well together, fought together and defended one another, majority was protecting the only girl in the scene. Despite being female, she fought with her best.

And all of those payed off.

They defeated them.

Well, almost all of them...

"Kyungmi! Watch out! Behind you!" Ilhoon cried out as a man was about to hit her with a metal pipe. Luckily, Yongguk grabbed her and pushed her aside, avoiding the attack. Himchan and Jongup then defeats this guy easily by using two or three punches and kicks.

"Are you okay?" Yongguk worriedly asked as he looked at Kyungmi's eyes. To her surprise, they were like Zelo's eyes. They were gentle...

"Y-yeah. Thank you." she managed to say while nodding. Soon, the sight of their victory brought her strength to stand up and hug Zelo and her other oppas, thanking them continuously, shedding some tears of joy too. 

While they were busy rejoicing, the gang finds their way out of the scene, escaping and leaving the group alone. "Yah!" Youngjae and Daehyun cried out, wanting to chase the gang and teach them a lesson but was stopped.

"Leave 'em be, we have no affiliations with them anymore." Hyunsik sighed. "They've learned enough lessons. We'll give them the second part if ever we come across with them again!"

"Hah, serves them right!" Minhyuk laughed.

Soon, a loud thud fills the scene, grabbing everyone's attention. Their eyes grew wide upon seeing what caused such loud sound. Their jaws fell and they began to panic.




These filled the air.

"Sungjae!" Kyungmi cried out as she saw her best friend on the floor. Everyone began panicking as they saw Sungjae on the floor.

"Wake up!"


"Yah! Yook Sungjae!"


"Wake up!"

"Yah, what's wrong?!"

Sungjae has collapsed. 



"... Is he awake?"

"Doc, how is he?"

"Oh my- is he gonna be okay?!"

"Please wake up..."

"Ssh! Ssh! He's waking up!"

"He is?!"

Slowly, Sungjae's eyes begin to open, just to be greeted by the bright lights and the sight of the white hospital room. Looking around a bit more, he noticed his clothes were changed into a white hospital gown and that he was laying down on a white bed. His BtoB hyungs and B.A.P were around him, looking rather worried for him. "Hyungs..?" he managed to say, his voice shaky and unsteady. Just as when he was about to get up when he felt something heavy on his torso.

Somone... to be exact.

A weeping Kyungmi refuses to get up, and upon hearing Sungjae's voice, her teary face was raised. "You're... you're awake!" she cried out as she wrapped her arms around her best friend, relieved that he had woke up, finally. "Thank goodness, I... we were so worried for you!!!"

"K-Kyungmi? I... what happened?" Sungjae asked.

"Let me explain." Eunkwang said as he made his way beside their dear maknae. "We were fighting with these guys who kidnapped Kyungmi, and won. Unfortunately, after the clash, you out..."

"Me? out...?"

"Why'd you never tell me, huh?" Kyungmi asked in between tears. As if those words were the sharpest knives, it pierced in Sungjae's heart, straight. Those words were the words he never wanted to hear... especially not from Kyungmi.

"... Kyungmi, I-"

"Why did you never tell me?" Kyungmi sobbed harder. Everyone was in complete silence, well, B.A.P was clueless of things, and they simply decided to stay silent, sure not to break the atmosphere. "Answer me, please. Why?"

".... W-who told you?" Sungjae asked in a faltering way. His eyes turned to look at the other BtoB members, who managed to avoid his piercing gaze. 

"... Just answer me." Kyungmi sobbed.

"Who told her?" Sungjae continued asking, but was soon stopped by a tearing pain shooting on his chest. He quickly fell on the bed, enough to surprise the others, but out of them, Kyungmi reacted the most. 

"... I'm sorry, but I just had to." Ilhoon confessed. "I was thinking that she needed to know the truth, Sungjae. I can't stand it seeing her crying and asking us what happened to you... and us pretending that we don't know when in fact we do. I'm sorry..."

"Hyung... you promised..." Sungjae coughed.

"I'm so sorry, Sungjae."

"Why did you never tell me?" Kyungmi cried, tears flowing down her burning cheeks down to her chin. "Why, Sungjae? I thought we were best friends... that we won't keep a single secret to each other!"

"... I'm sorry. I just... I didn't want you to know..."

















"That my time is running out. That I'm dying..."

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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)