
The Pendant

As if days passed quickly, it was Monday again. The same routine repeated and Kyungmi had to go to school again. She woke up earlier than her alarm as usual, took a bathe, dressed up, took her breakfast and looked her reflection.

An emotionless lady. Yup, that's her alright.

Well, that's her "outer" self, very much different from who she really is. If people tend to be interested on who she really is, they'll see that she's really different. Emotionless? Nope. She's actually a childish lassie who's warm and hyper like the others. She really isn't that emotionless, it's only her face.

Never judge a book by its cover, right?

Well, unluckily for her, those students are judging people based on their looks? B.A.P? They don't know how ugly they are inside! Sure, they look cute, especially Zelo with his dimples, but are they too inside? Definitely not.

"Okay. I'm ready to go!" she smiled and ran off her apartment room. She ran along with the wind. She was fast, truly excited for school and of course, seeing her BtoB-oppas again. Two days. That's the time she can't get a chance to see her oppas due to her busy schedules in working and so on.

Now, it's them again.

BtoB and her again.

Finally arriving at her school, she begins to search for her oppas. Well, it was quite easy as they were often surrounded by a crowd of Melodies. She easily detected their place and headed there, thanks to the source of squeals and the girls screaming out their names. 

"Oppa!" Kyungmi called out, raising her right arm as high as possible. She tried to grab her oppas' attention from the Melodies' screams but with their volume, it was quite impossible. 

But, that's what she thought.

Sungjae easily heard her and saw her raising her arm, and soon, saw her. "Kyungmi!" he called out, trying to squeeze his way towards his best friend. "Ah-! Excuse me- ah, sorry! Excuse me, coming through... ouch! Excuse me..."

"Hey!" Kyungmi greeted with a very bright smile. "Having fan problems again?"

"Yeah." Sungjae sighed. "HYUNGS! NOW!"

With that, BtoB hurried out of their fans' sight and pulled Kyungmi along with them, running away from the Melodies. They soon took a turn in a nearby corner, finally loosing the fans. They were panting hard early in the morning, and were already having troubles first day!

"Goodness, I don't think I can do this for five days!" Minhyuk panted.

"Well, too bad, we have to." Eunkwang sighed, clutching his chest.

"Geez, those girls get worse everyday!" Peniel cried.

"Hah, tell me about it." Changsub panted heavily. "Oh, wait, Kyungmi!"

"Kyungmi, are you alright?" Ilhoon asked, patting the girl's shoulder. Kyungmi was clutching her chest, panting heavily and having a hard time breathing. "Oh no, I think we ran too fast that we pushed Kyungmi to her limits."

"Ah! Mianhe!!!" Sungjae wailed as he hugged Kyungmi.

"Y-yah! I'm alright, geez. Just give me time to catch my breath." Kyungmi panted, trying to shove Sungjae away from her to breathe a bit more properly.

"Ah, mianhe..." Sungjae chuckled. "So, are you okay?"

"Soon, I will. Gwenchana." Kyungmi smiled as she placed her hand on Sungjae's shoulder. "So, how's your weekend?"

"Very much the same." Changsub answered. "We really didn't do anything special. Just stayed in the dorm and once went out for some strolls and shopping."

"You?" Ilhoon asked.

"Hm, same as always. Working and so on." Kyungmi laughed. Soon, the hall was filled with another sound of girls' scream and giggles. As expected, B.A.P has arrived.

Babys were going crazy for them, trying to grab their attention and even gave them gifts they made themselves like lunch and such. Of course, the six blondes simply acted cool and ignored them, waving and winking once in a while. Of course, their little fan service was very well appreciated and even made some girls squeal louder and faint jokingly.

"Ew, those six will never change." Hyunsik grumbled.

"Tell me about it." Eunkwang sighed. "Disgusting. They're using their looks as an advantage to gain girls and attention."

"Pff, attention ." Peniel laughed softly.

Soon, those six passed by in front of them, of course, the two groups simply ignoring one another... well, almost. Kyungmi's eyes accidentally met Zelo's. The two of them looked at each other and exchanged faint smiles, which of course, no one noticed. Unlike before, Kyungmi's hatred seemed to have ceased now. She saw Zelo's true colors. He has this secret good side a few only sees. He's not as bad as he imagined.

"Tch, those six are just... gr!" Sungjae growled before turning around to Kyungmi. "Don't you think so too, huh, Kyungmi?"

"Hu-huh?!" Kyungmi snapped. "Ah, y-yeah."

"Something wrong, girl?" Minhyuk worriedly asked.

"Ani, gwenchana, oppa." Kyungmi smiled. "Their disgusting faces just made me loose grip of reality."

"Hah, priceless." Ilhoon chuckled. "C'mon, the bell will ring any minute now. It's best to be earlier than the others."

"Wae? Melodies going to flood you again?" she asked, smirking before nudging the older guy.

"Something like that." Ilhoon sighed. "Palli, before those girls see us again."

And so was it. The whole group then made their way to their own rooms, of course, Sungjae and Kyungmi walking together to the same room. The two sat on their own seats and waited for the bell to ring, and afterwards, watch the other students dart in the same room they are. Soon, Kyungmi sees the familiar blonde who often saves her, Zelo, enter the said room, sitting on his specific seat. Her eyes simply followed the blonde, and soon averted them away and glued them on Sungjae.

"Something wrong?" Sungjae asked, quite backing off.

"Can't I stare at you for no reason?" Kyungmi cutely asked, doing a small aegyo.


"You stare at me for no reason all the time! That's unfair!!!"

"It's different if I do it. But if it's you, ew..."

"You take that back!"



"Arraseo, arraseo. Mianhe." Sungjae laughed. Soon, their first teacher come in and greeted them, marking the start  of classes. Their day began to run busy and seriously, for Kyungmi, as she listened carefully to the teacher's words, taking down notes.

Scribble here.

Scribble there.

Yeah, that's how the day usually passes by. Soon, a faint voice called out Kyungmi's name, loud enough for her to hear and make her turn her head around to the source.

So much of her expectation, it was only the girl behind her. She was handing out a white, folded paper to her. "Someone wants to give this for you." she said.

"Who?" Kyungmi asked.

"I dunno. Just get it before sir sees us!"

Kyungmi scoffed before grabbing it from the girl behind her, turning around. "Sheesh, annoying." she grumbled to herself before unfolding the paper carefully, avoiding to get any attention from her teacher, who is busily teaching his lesson.

Black ink. 

Everything was written in black ink.

"Before you jump up your seat and shout out who in this big and wide world sent you this, read it for a while. Don't burst yet, it'll be embarrassing, seriously. So, can we meet later at the rooftop by the end of classes? I really wanna see you. If not, by that restaurant maybe? Haha. Well, that's it. Thanks for wasting thirty seconds reading this. ;)"

With that, Kyungmi finished reading the letter from the anonymous writer, or was it even anonymous? At the bottom of the paper was a cursive "Z" written.

And at that moment, Kyungmi realized who wrote it.

Choi Junhong, a.k.a, ZELO.

Slowly, Kyungmi turned around to Zelo, who was acting as if he wasn't the one to send the letter. Her eyes met his, and afterwards, she turned around and shifted her attention back to the lesson.

Soon, hours passed and break came. It quickly ended and everyone returned to their classes. Before they knew it, lunch came and everyone darted out of their rooms again. Kyungmi and Sungjae walked out of the room together and were greeted by lots of Melodies!

"Oh great God, not again." Sungjae gasped as he grabbed Kyungmi by the wrist and dragged her away, passing the other BtoB members' rooms.

"Sungjae-ah!" Ilhoon and Peniel greeted with a wave. But Sungjae simply grabbed them by their wrists and dragged them along with him.

"YAH! YAH! WAEYO!?" Peniel cried out.

"That might explain things, oppa." Kyungmi calmly said, pointing back at the Melodies chasing them. Peniel's eyes grew wide and ran faster than the three.

"YAH!!! PALLI!!!" he cried out. Soon, Eunkwang, Hyunsik, Minhyuk and Changsub were seen and luckily got out of the room the exact time the other four passed and were quickly dragged by them away from the fans. The group then went out and hid in their hiding spot.

"Are they gone?" Changsub asked.

"Dunno. Somebody scope the place." Minhyuk said.

"Yah, leader, do it." Hyunsik said.

"Arraseo, arraseo." Eunkwang nodded and carefully stuck his head out, looking left and right, alert if ever someone comes out of no where and attacks them. "Coast's clear."

"God, those girls are gettin' worse." Ilhoon pouted. "This isn't fun anymore."

"It never was." Eunkwang glared.

"Exactly." Peniel panted.

"You okay, Kyungmi?" Sungjae asked as he faced Kyungmi, who was heavily panting and clutching her chest again. "Sorry if we suddenly ran that fast. Are you good?"

"I will, gwenchana." Kyungmi smiled in between her heavy breathing. "I'll be okay."

"Hey, let's take lunch already, I'm starving." Hyunsik pouted. "C'mon, can we take lunch already, guys? My stomach's starting to digest myself."

"Arraseo, arraseo." Eunkwang sighed, crossing his arms. "Kajja."

There, the group sat on their typical spot and ate their lunch in peace. "Woah, how on earth do you manage to prepare your lunch, Kyungmi?" Changsub gasped. 

"Hm, maybe it's because I'm a girl?" Kyungmi giggled. "It's in our DNA."

"Ew, heck no!" Hyunsik exclaimed. "Not all girls can cook well. One girl gave me this lunch and when I tasted it, it tasted like hell!"

"I remember that time." Minhyuk laughed.

"Yeah. You even made Eunkwang-hyung taste that crap and he got sick for a day!" Changsub laughed loudly, remembering that thought.

"Yah!" Eunkwang pouted. "Aish, you kids just eat before I kick you to the moon and back."

"Yes, hyung." the four whimpered. Meanwhile, the maknae line were just watching them, eating silently and minding their own topics and business. 

"Aish, are they really the hyungs?" Peniel sighed. "They sure don't act like one."

"Tell me about it, hyung." Sungjae sighed before shoving a piece of food in his mouth. Then, he notices Kyungmi about to shove a piece of her lunch in , but moving quickly, Sungjae steals it.

"YAH!" Kyungmi cried before hitting Sungjae's head, making him nearly choke on the food he stole from the young girl. "That was freakin' mine, Sungjae!"

"It is mine now." Sungjae winked, still coughing.

"Aish, piss off." 

"Fine, fine, aish, calm down." 

"YOU JUST FREAKING STOLE MY LUNCH, I WON'T CALM THE FUDGE DOWN!" Kyungmi whined, flailing her arms and hitting Sungjae's shoulder hard.

"Appayo! Hajima!" Sungjae cried. 

Everyone soon bursts into laughing upon seeing the two fight like kids, hitting one another either on one's forehead, head or shoulder. Seeing that the other six boys were smirking and smiling like idiots, Sungjae and Kyungmi stopped and glared at them. "What?" the two asked in unison, their brows raised.

"SungMi." they chuckled, saying the two's "fake" couples' name. Soon, they just received death glares from the two, making them gasp in shock and stop their laughing. 



Soon, classes were over. Everyone hurried to their own destinations, and of course, Kyungmi and Sungjae were walking with BtoB. The group were walking away from the school building.

"So, how about we stop by at Kyungmi's apartment this time?" Changsub suggested, a smile crossing his face. "Sounds good, guys?"

"Like I can afford seven guys' appetite!" Kyungmi scoffed, crossing her arms before flipping her black hair like a diva. "Sheesh, you can provide food for yourselves, why do you have to stop at my place just for food?"

"Because you cook good?" Peniel smiled.

"Aish, you guys are just annoying! Thank destiny that you are my oppas or else I could've flipped you over and threw you miles away!"

"Aigoo, you're scary!" Minhyuk whimpered, playfully hiding behind Hyunsik.

"You darn right I am." Kyungmi smirked. Then, to BtoB's confusion, the young lass stopped in her tracks, her eyes looking at the school building's rooftop. 

"Something wrong, Kyungmi?" Sungjae asked, tapping the young girl's shoulder, making her turn around to him, smiling.

"Aniyo, I just think I forgot something." Kyungmi smiled. "I'll just go get it, is that okay?"

"Sure. We'll wait here." Sungjae smiled back.

"Aniyo, you guys go ahead. I don't wanna hold you back. Besides, some are hungry and tired too. I don't want to be a burden to you and the oppas."

"Will you be okay?"

"Of course."


"I promise."

"... Fine. We're going ahead. If something happens, text me quickly, okay? Better, call me."

"Yeah, I'll do that." Kyungmi smiled before running back in the school building. BtoB made their way home, as told by Kyungmi. 

Well, the young lassie actually lied. She actually forgot about Zelo's letter and had to go back and meet up with him in the rooftop. She was panting, but her lean legs easily carried her there. But all of that was payed off as she arrived there within minutes.

But there was one problem.

Zelo was no where to be seen.

"Zelo?" she softly called out as her eyes scanned the whole place. Soon, she heard faint footsteps, just to be revealed to belong to no other but a tall blonde man.

"There you are." Zelo smiled upon seeing Kyungmi. "I thought you weren't coming."

"I almost didn't. I clumsily forgot." she chuckled softly. "So, why did you want to meet up with me here, anyways? Do you have something to discuss with me or what?"

"I do have." Zelo smiled. "You see, I'm growing tired of being no one else in your eyes but a darn runt, heart breaker, playboy and other names you called me. You always hated me because I'm in B.A.P, but I know you already saw that side I have once. I don't want you to hate me anymore because of my hyungs."

"... So, what are you saying?" Kyungmi asked, crossing her arms.

"Er, can we be friends or something?"

With those words, Kyungmi's eyes grew wide and her jaw fell. Did she heard the words correctly? Is Zelo, who is fully aware who she is and who she is connected with, asking her to be her friend? Is he serious? "Are you joking?" she asked.

"Do I look like I am?" Zelo seriously asked, copying the way she crossed her arms like a diva. "I'm asking this 100% seriously."

"You do know who I am connected with and whose side I am, right?"

"I don't think being in whose side affects friendship, do they?" 

Kyungmi smiled. The Zelo she thought is merely an illusion. This is the real Zelo. He really isn't that bad as she thought and in fact, he was the person she never thought he is!

He might act like a total jerk all the times, but at those rare moments, this is how he acts. This is who he is, and maybe, just maybe, being a jerk is just his mask.

"Look, I'm not forcing you to be a friend of mine, so feel free to make any choice you desire." Zelo reminded before looking straight into her eyes. "So, what's your choice, Jung Kyungmi?"

"... Just bear in mind, if we get caught and my oppas and your darn hyungs find out about our friendship, you'll bear the consequences." Kyungmi glared before flashing a smile. 

"Is that a yes then?" Zelo smiled.

"What do you think?" Kyungmi chuckled before tapping Zelo's shoulder and heading off. "See you."

As the young girl vanished, Zelo simply watched her and when she was gone, that angelic smile of his, it turned into something "different".

"I never really knew that Junhong can act that well." Daehyun smirked, his arms crossed.

"Neither did I!" Youngjae chuckled before patting their maknae's shoulder. "Great job you did there, Junhong."

"Impressive." Yongguk smiled. "You did well."

"Of course I did." Zelo proudly said, smirking. "I want her, and she's going to be. She'll be my toy sooner than you guys think."

"I can't wait to see." Himchan smiled before clinging onto Zelo.

"Nice work, maknae." Jongup laughed.

Soon, as the sun set, B.A.P headed home, leaving the school building at last. Not only is Zelo a heart breaker, a playboy, and a jerk, but a two-faced bastard. Kyungmi thinks that Zelo is innocent, but in truth, her first impression of him was correct. He's nothing but a bastard. A jerk.

"The plan's going well." Zelo said to himself, smirking. "You're soon going to be mine, Jung Kyungmi."

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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)