The Pendant

Weeks after that incident, Zelo slowly distanced himself from the young lass but still remained his "fake" friendship with Kyungmi. As told, Sungjae watched him closely, not letting him get at least two or three feet near Kyungmi, which the young lass rather didn't noticed for some reason.

Talk about naivety...

The past days went like that. Kyungmi still secretly hanged out with Zelo with Sungjae alone, and eversince Sungjae caught Zelo trying to take advantage of naive Kyungmi, he never left the young girl. He always stayed by her side, fearing that something he doesn't like would happen.

He just needs to be with her while the blonde is with her.

And to never leave her again...

"Kyungmi-ah!" Sungjae called out from the door, grabbing his best friend's attention quickly. 

"Nae?" Kyungmi answered, tilting her head a bit, blinking multiple times. "What's up, dude?"

"Let's have lunch together, palli~" 

"Psh, we always do, idiot." 

"Oh.. right."

"Idiot Sungjae!"


"Aish, c'mon, the oppas might be waiting already!" the young lass smiled, grabbing the male by his hand and running to the hallways. For them, holding hands isn't that awkward as thought by others. They are best friends and treat each other as beloved sibling-like something, and they had held each other's hands for years already for crying out loud!

So, even if everyone looks at them as if they killed a million people, they gave no damn care.

Haters gonna hate, as what some say.

"There they are!" Kyungmi said, pulling her best friend along as she spotted some familiar faces. "Oppa! Oppa!!!"

"Oh, there they are." Changsub smiled as he saw the two rushing towards them. "Hey, over here! Kyungmi-ah! Sungjae!" he cried out, waving his right arm high in the air.

"I think those two saw you already." Minhyuk said, crossing his arms. "Stop waving your arm like an idiot, dude."

"Yah..." Changsub pouted.

"Minhyuk's right, hajima." the blonde leader, Eunkwang, said.


Upon the arrival of the two, the other six warmly greeted them and together, they headed to their usual lunch spot: outside the school building under a shade in the cemented bleachers. That way, the sun would still shine down on them, but not THAT much, to avoid skin burning and so on.

The eight happily ate their own lunches. Of course, being a girl she is, Kyungmi had a simple yet cute and healthy designed lunch. "Are you sure you're the one to make 'em, Kyungmi?" Hyunsik asked, his eyes widened while pointing at the female's cutely designed lunch.

"Yes, why?" Kyungmi asked, raising a brow at the male.

"It looks... like you didn't do so." Peniel said.

"Psh, I did it!" Kyungmi insisted.

"How?" Ilhoon asked.

"I'm a girl, it's in my DNA." she winked.

"Ew!" Sungjae cried, a face of disgust flashing clearly before he brought his large hands on the female's face, blocking his sight of her. "Don't do that, please, it doesn't suit your nature!"

"You're no one to tell me what to do and what not to do, Yook Sungjae." she glared.

"Still, don't wink. It's gross if you do it."

"... You big fat bully."

"I'm not a bully!... And I'm not fat."


Soon, the bell rings and school resumed. Classes began again and hours of "boredom" started again, well, according to others. Kyungmi actually enjoyed being in school, well, actually, only her. No one actually appreciated education these days...

And her oppas and Sungjae weren't an exception. They also hated school and won't go there if possible. Though Sungjae kept an active-like aura, he's bored down deep in him.

"These people don't know that this is the foundation of their future." Kyungmi said to herself as she saw some of her classmates, especially males, taking a nap while their teacher was teaching a rather important yet boring lesson. She simply shifted her eyes to Sungjae, who was taking down notes and to her other classmates.

There, her eyes fell on Zelo, who was taking a cat nap as well. "That boy..." she hissed and turned around. "Never changed." she sighed.



Soon, school was over. Students hurry and darted off the school building, hurrying to their own schedules and meeting up with friends of different classes. Kyungmi and Sungjae simply remained there, calmly fixing their school things and coolly walking off together. BtoB was there, waiting for them, and of course, a large crowd of Melodies along. 

"Kajja?" Eunkwang asked, a smile flashing on his face. The two nodded and followed the eldest off, shooing the Melodies in a right way and politely saying to "move" so they can have some way. Of course, being understanding fan girls, they did so and waved good bye to the seven boys.

"So, you wanna have dinner in our house today, Kyungmi?" Changsub asked.

"Nah, I can prepare my own dinner, oppa." Kyungmi smiled, shaking her head a bit.

"I have a good idea, let's have dinner at Kyungmi's!" Minhyuk proposed.

"No! Shireoyo, oppa! I have no enough dinner and food for the eight of us!"

"That's no problem, we'll bring food and we eat there, simple." Peniel smirked.

"Don't wanna~ Can't you give me some time for myself? I've been spending almost every second of my life with you guys!" Kyungmi whined.

"Kyungmi's right, hyungs. Let's give her some private time." Sungjae agreed. "C'mon, respect the lady's decision, arraseo?"

"Arraseo." the other six nodded and sighed. They really were TOO close to the lass that, according to Kyungmi herself, spend every second with her! 

Privacy and time for herself is quite rare these days, eversince Sungjae saw what Zelo almost did to her. Being naive, she really didn't understand this.

Soon, they finally get into Kyungmi's apartment. Upon arriving, she bid farewell to her oppas and watched them go off. She headed to her room and dressed up, did her homework and finished early as usual. She the radio and had some music accompany her as she studied when her stomach began to rumble loudly.

"Aish, of all times, why now?" she growled and headed back to her room, dressing up into some outside clothes. She wore some jeans, replacing her shorts and putting on a gray-striped jacket before heading off. She had to buy some ready-to-eat meals since she was too lazy to prepare some snacks and had to take something light for her dinner not to be affected.

She headed down to the square and began to buy some ready-to-eat foods like ramen. She hurried and bought one and ate it there in the said store. The taste of the slightly salty noddle food made her stomach rumble louder, thus, she hurried and ate it. She sipped some warm soup too and smiled by the taste.

Perfect for her hunger.

Kyungmi then looked at her cellphone for the time. 

7:10 p.m.

"Meh, it's still early." she smiled and calmly ate her ramen. She savored the delicious taste of noodles and smiled. The ramen was light for her and it won't ruin her dinner, plus, it was perfect for her hunger. It somewhat stopped the rumbling of her stomach.

Soon, Kyungmi felt a presence near her as an individual sat beside her. The figure was clad in a jacket, a somewhat hipster-themed type of clothing and a black-red colored cap with the words "Crash" imprinted on it. The cap covered the person's face but the strands of blonde hair stuck out.

And there, Kyungmi noticed who it was.

"Zelo?" she gasped. 

True. The capped man was no other than a tall blonde guy named Zelo. The same Zelo she knows, beside her! Of course, upon hearing his name, Zelo spun around and saw Kyungmi. "You're here too?" Zelo blinked.

"Yes." Kyungmi nodded, her eyes falling on the "thing" Zelo was holding. "I thought you hated ramen?" she smirked.

"I had to eat something, you know." Zelo glared, scoffing a bit. "And ramen was the first thing that came up in my mind, thanks to that incident you made me experience!" 

"Oh, so now it's my fault?"


"...Dang you."

"Shut up and eat before I steal that ramen of yours from you, Jung Kyungmi!"

"No!" she cried out, pulling the instant ramen near her chest. "Don't get it!"

"I won't, calm down." Zelo snickered before opening his ramen. "Go eat already, will you?"

"I was about to when you popped out of no where, Zelo!" Kyungmi scoffed.

Together, the two ate their own ramen and filled their rumbling stomachs. It was growing quite dark already, so Kyungmi had to hurry up already for her not to go back to her apartment late. She still has to cook her own dinner back there, and if she goes a bit later, she'll be cramming!

"Aish, it's growing late!" Kyungmi said to herself as she saw the time in her phone. Zelo saw this and simply ignored that he did. He simply continued eating his ramen and soon, the place changed.

One by one, girls came closer to the store, slowly flocking the place. Since Zelo and Kyungmi were seated near a transparent glass window, people can easily see them. When the girls were slowly getting more and more, Zelo slowly pulled his cap down, trying to seal his face. 

The screams were too loud for the two to hear. Kyungmi clearly heard. "Zelo-ah! Zelo-ah!" the girls outside repeatedly called out. It confused Kyungmi. They didn't look like the schoolmates she know, so how did they know Zelo for goodness' sake?

Oh, wait.

B.A.P... right...

"Oh geez, not again..." Zelo mumbled to himself, turning his face around the window to avoid them seeing him. Kyungmi simply tilted her head and faced Zelo.

"Lemme guess, outside school Babys?" Kyungmi sighed, earning a shy nod from Zelo. "Oh geez, just how popular are you and your darn hyungs here in Seoul?!"

"Very." Zelo answered.

"Aish... now what. They've got the whole place covered." Kyungmi sighed, crossing her arms, raising a brow at the blonde. Just then, one -or maybe two or three- noticed how Kyungmi and Zelo interacted. Their voices were too loud, so Kyungmi easily heard what they were saying.

"Zelo-ah! Who is she?!"

"Oh no, don't tell me she's your that!"

"Zelo-ah! She's not your girlfriend, isn't she?!"


Did she hear those words right?

Zelo's girlfriend?!


No way... anyone could easily see that they aren't.

But well, that's life. Hang out and be close with a super duper popular guy, you'll easily get mistaken as his girlfriend or something. That's how everyone judges one another, especially those close with popular ones, female or male.

"These gals are something." Kyungmi scowled.

"... Kyungmi, when I give a signal, stand up and run as fast as you can, understood?" Zelo suddenly announced.

"W-what? Run? Wae?"

"Just do it. Trust me."

"Wait, wait, I don't understand a single thing, Zelo! I demand an explanation right here right now and I ain't moving till you explain everything to me no-"


With that, Zelo jolts up and grabs Kyungmi by her wrist and darted off the store. Kyungmi, who was astonished by the sudden movements, was dragged by force and was out of the store before she knew it. Zelo led the way and to be honest, she had no idea where she and him were heading to, on where Zelo and her legs would carry them this time...

"Zelo-! Wait! Wait!!!" Kyungmi repeatedly cried out.

"No time, run!!!" Zelo exclaimed.

"You don't understand! My ramen-!!!"

With that, the girls, who were flocking the window store, had falcon eyes and chased them as if their prey was getting away. They were the predators and the prey was Zelo, and probably, Kyungmi as well. They chased them, screaming and squealing, trying to run as fast as they can. 

Of course, the other two were running ahead of them, and thanks to Zelo being quite an athlete of himself, he ran with the wind. Running was no problem for him, but Kyungmi is. Due to the sudden actions, she wasn't able to prepare herself and ran off by surprise. Her legs weren't ready yet, so they were still weak and didn't carry her as agile as they did the past times.

Running is a problem for her for now.

"Wait, wait, my legs can't take anymore, Zelo!" Kyungmi panted, still not being able to stop for Zelo was dragging her behind by force.

"And...?" Zelo cried out.


"We can't! Those lassies are heck of a danger! Just run and endure that for now!"

"I can't anymore!! Let me catch my breath and stop for now!"

"I can't!"

"Please! ZELO!!!"

Finally, Kyungmi broke free from Zelo's tight grip and caught her breath, panting heavily, crouching a bit. Her right hand, which Zelo was holding lately, was now on her chest, clutching it.

"Kyungmi, what the heck-?!" Zelo cried as he lost grip of Kyungmi's hand. "Run! Don't stop, it's dangerous! RUN!!! PALLI!"

"Wait-! I can't... I need to breathe for now." Kyungmi panted.

Zelo had to run back to her and force her to run, but with the young lass panting heavily, he can't. "Please, run!" Zelo insisted.

"I can't..." Kyungmi panted.

Seeing that the flock of girls, who were chasing them, were getting nearer and nearer, Zelo had no choice but to drag her again, and this time not by wrist.

But by hand.

The tall blonde's big hands successfully grabbed Kyungmi's soft and warm left hand and dragged her behind again, running again.

But for some reason, something was weird.

For Kyungmi, the touch of Zelo's hand was... weird. It felt somewhat different as she touched it directly, and this is her first time to touch Zelo's hand! It was soft, a bit rough at some parts, but still bearable. It was warm and soft... like a plushie, but that's not what weirded her out.

The touch was...


The two ran hand by hand, escaping the girls chasing them behind. The squeals soon faded away as they ran faster and faster, thanks to Zelo's strong legs. They soon took a turn by the block and vanished in thin air. The flock of girls ran away, looking for the two, wondering how they vanished like that. 

"Where'd Zelo-ah go?" one asked.

"He went this way, right?"

"He did! I saw him!"

"He probably went straight, c'mon, let's search for him!"

The footsteps soon vanished and the flock of rabid fan girls was gone. Everything was silent once again. 

And unknown to them, Zelo and Kyungmi were simply hiding in a corner in that same block. It was quite little so Kyungmi and Zelo had to squeeze in to escape the crowd. They were panting heavily due to the extreme strength they exerted in all the running.

And still, they were holding hands, as if they didn't want to let go.

"I think they're gone." Zelo panted as he stuck his head out a bit. He carefully looked at the place and found that no girls were there anymore. "Yup, coast's clear, we lost them."

Seeing that the younger and shorter lady was dead silent, Zelo tilted his head. "Something wrong? Hey, Kyungmi. Look, sorry if we lost your ramen, I'll buy you one, c'mon. ... Kyungmi?"

There, Zelo noticed that he was still holding the lady's hand and upon realization, he hurriedly let go of it, though in him, it was simply a part of his act. "Oh, sorry, didn't notice that I was still holding your hand, Kyungmi. Sorry, didn't mean to." Zelo lied, chuckling a bit.

"... Zelo, can I ask you a few questions?" Kyungmi suddenly asked.

To Zelo, something was heading to these "questions". He simply smirked in secret, and since the female had her head ducked down, she probably didn't see his smirk.

"Sure, bring it on... after we get outta this cramp space." he said, getting out from their hiding spot and helping Kyungmi out too. "So, what was it you wanna ask?"

"These are serious questions, so I expect you to answer them seriously, can I trust you to do so?" Kyungmi asked again.

"Yeah, yeah, I will." Zelo nodded. "What're the questions?"

"Where is your hometown? You said you weren't from Seoul, right? You grew up and was born somewhere else."

"Yeah. I'm from Mokpo."

"And by any chances, have you visited Busan?"

"Hm... as far as I remember, I think I did."

"For some reasons perhaps? Anniversary or something?"

"Yeah. Anniversary."

"And... by any chances, did you meet someone there in Busan? A girl perhaps?"

"... Why are you even asking these things, Jung Kyung-"

"I told you to just answer, didn't I? No questions."

"... Fine, fine, geez. I did, as far as I remember. I think I did meet a girl back there."

"And was she of the same age as you were?"

"Yah, my memory isn't that fresh anymore so I don't know. All I know was that she is a girl and..."


"She was crying and such because she lost something. She was somewhat sad, and I think yeah, she was crying."

"She lost something? Like?"

"I can't remember, but funny to say, I think it was something that starts with 'p'. P...ocket watch? P..en? P...aper? Wait, why on earth would she look for a paper in the first place? Let's see... p...late? Aish, no. P...astry? No... P-"


"Yeah! Yeah, pendant!"

"Do you remember what it looks like, Zelo?"

"Hm.. nope. Not really. It was dark that time when that event happened so I wasn't able to see much on how that pendant looked like."

Hearing that all answers matched the ones in her head for her questions, Kyungmi's eyes widened and her lips quivered, much to Zelo's curiousness. "Something wrong?" Zelo asked.

"... Do you remember her name?" Kyungmi asked again, and this time, it was the last... or so was it.

"Nah, I didn't get a chance to ask her name. But she's bright faced and so on... and her smile is really angelic so maybe I can't forget her face. But, it's been some time so maybe, her facial appearance had changed already."

"... How if I told you that I know who she is, hm?"

"You do?"

"Hm... maybe?"

"What do you mean? You know her, don't you?"

"I think I do."

"Tell me who she is!"

A smile.

A smile, a visible smile crossed Kyungmi's face. She was smiling at Zelo and let out a small chuckle before trying to grab hold of the words she wants to say.

"You're looking at her right now, Zelo." Kyungmi giggled.

"Eh? But you're the only one here." Zelo said, raising a brow at her.

Again, a laugh, confusing Zelo more and more. "W-what?" Zelo asked.

"I am HER, idiot. I'm that girl."


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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)