The Pendant

Sixteen years had passed since Sungjae's death. Everyone had graduated and a new generation is springing. BtoB and B.A.P now have their own lives, even Kyungmi!

Lots had changed. Things went and came. 


Memories remained as new ones were formed.

The sweet memories of those two groups.

In the middle of those years, B.A.P and BtoB stayed as two individual kingka groups and after graduating, news of two new kingka groups were formed along with individual queenkas and kingkas. According to them,  there were a few small queenka groups as well. They followed the two's footsteps and saw one another as sisters and brothers... as friends instead of foes.

They were all united, thanks to them.

Friendship always existed. Despite having their own lives, they still found ways to communicate and bond like their salad days. Nothing really changed between their bonds. It grew stronger and firmer among those years.

Amazing, right?

Now, Kyungmi is aging 33 years old but her beauty nor radiant personality faded. They all retained. She was still that somewhat boyish yet pure-hearted Jung Kyungmi everyone once judged. The same lassie that would get into trouble and the same Kyungmi everyone knew.

Nothing actually changed for her.

She was still the same after sixteen years.

Her point of judging others is still the same. She never looked nor based things according to their exterior looks but what the heart speaks of. She was still that same lady.

After sixteen years, her life has been really easy and light. No problems actually bloomed for the past years until now, much to her joy. She HAD experienced enough trouble to be honest.

The warm rays of the sun kissed her fair skin as she sat down on the couch in the living room. Her surrounding is rather calm and light, just the way she liked it. 

Not far from her, a tall black-haired man stood, slowly approaching Kyungmi. His body was clad in a baby blue apron before he taps Kyungmi by her shoulder. "Y-yah! You nearly shocked me!" Kyungmi jolted upon feeling the male's touch.

"I did? Sorry." he laughed.

"Aish, you never changed, Zelo!" she cried out in annoyance.

Yes, this towering man is no other than 33 years old Choi Junhong or as others still know him as, Zelo. He was as attractive as ever, as expected. Like Kyungmi, he didn't actually changed... MUCH. He was still the same Zelo sixteen years ago.

"I never did and never will." Zelo chuckled before sitting beside Kyungmi and wrapping his arms around the female. "This is what attracted you about me, right?"

"Eh, shut up." Kyungmi laughed.

"What? I'm telling the truth! Because of this attitude of mine, you became Choi Kyungmi." he smiled before placing a peck on Kyungmi's cheek, making the other blush bright red.

Choi Kyungmi.

Her new name.

Yes, Zelo and her are finally married. They were married seven years ago and had been living quite a steady life since then. Happy, simple, yeah, the typical type of family.

"So, what're you doing, dear angel of mine?" Zelo asked, a smile carving his face.

"Aish, stop the cheesiness." Kyungmi laughed before flicking Zelo's bare forehead softly. "You don't fit that character anymore."

"Don't? Don't be silly!" Zelo laughed before cuddling his wife tightly. 

"Pff, yeah right."

Noticing the album on her hands, Zelo fixes his position and leans a bit closer to the said object, his brow raised a bit. He saw pictures, him, Kyungmi, BtoB and B.A.P smiling and posing like idiots.

And of course, one can't miss his picture either.

Yook Sungjae.

Sixteen years ago, his last memories were pinned in the said album. All fun memories they had were there, remaining in the said album. Sure, Sungjae had passed years ago, but that doesn't mean he'll be forgotten, right?

"I miss the ol' guy." Zelo pouted as he saw Sungjae's teen pictures. "Too bad he had to leave in such an early age."

"Everything has their own ends, Zelo." Kyungmi said as she closed the album. 

"Really?" Zelo asked, tilting his head. "I can remember that we vowed when we got married that our relationship will NEVER end."

"... Fair point." Kyungmi smiled as she ruffled her husband's black hair. Soon, faint footsteps filled the once quiet area. A small figure, specifically a boy, ran towards the couple, his tiny body clad in a small uniform with a navy blue colored bag bouncing behind. 

With his small voice, he happily called out. "Umma! Umma!" while waving his short arms up in the air, catching the two's attention quickly.

"Aw, look who's back!" Kyungmi laughed as he caught the small boy and carried him up. "Our little angel is finally back~ How was your day?"

"Fine!" he cried out happily. "I made lots of friends!"

"Jinjja? That's good then!" she nodded proudly.

"As expected from your son." Zelo smiled as he ruffled the boy's black hair. 

"Correction, our son." Kyungmi grinned. 

Yes. This boy is Kyungmi and Zelo's offspring. A healthy seven-years old boy who got his father's looks and his mother's out-of-this world knowledge. Surprisingly, for a boy his age, he knows further beyond things. He was smart like Jung- er, Choi Kyungmi.

"Umma, appa! I got a perfect score in our quiz today!" the little boy happily said as he brought out a white paper and shoved it in front of his parents.

"Woah, amazing!" Zelo clapped proudly. "As expected of a Choi!"

"You do know he got his intelligence from the Jungs, right?" Kyungmi smirked.

"Yeah right. His looks are from the Chois!"

"All yours."

"Umma, appa, you promise to take me out today, right? Where do we go?" he excitedly asked.

"Hm, me and your appa decided to have a family dinner tonight. That means your BtoB and B.A.P uncles are coming here. After, we'll go out and play, sounds good?"

"In Lotte World?" 

"In Lotte World, dear."

"Yay! Umma is the best!" he happily jumped before jumping on his mother's arms. 

"Yah, what about me?" Zelo pouted.

"Appa does nothing. He only looks in the mirror and winks and smirks... ew." their son commented, making a similar disgusted face like Kyungmi.

"YAH! I cook too, y'know!"

Everyone was soon sent laughing. Kyungmi took her son by the hand and helped him dress up to go out. Zelo had contacted everyone that they were preparing for the family dinner and to come soon. He knew they had seen his message, so, he went on to dress up as well and prepare the place.



Hours later, the family dinner came to an end. Kyungmi hurried to dress up once again in a winter-like jacket wrapped around her body. Zelo was busy fixing himself and their son as well, and upon the sight of Kyungmi, his jaw fell. "Wow, never changed." Zelo commented on how radiant Kyungmi's beauty is. "Sixteen years, and you didn't changed a bit!"

"Psh, you're being greasy again." Kyungmi scoffed as she shoved Zelo away and fixed their son herself before carrying him on her arms. "Palli, let's get going already."

"Just a second." Zelo cried out.

"Aish, always taking your time." Kyungmi sighed.

"Slow poke~" Zelo heard their son cry out loudly, seemingly teasing him.

"See?! You're teaching our son your cold persona ways!" Zelo pretended to cry as he stood up, fixing his clothes. "You big meanie..."

"What can I say, he has the Jung's genes." Kyungmi winked before turning her back playfully to her beloved husband, simply earning a small laugh from Zelo.

"Ah, you never changed." Zelo smiled as his eyes watched his wife walk to the door.

"Say, what does our little boy wanna do first?" Kyungmi cutely asked as she poked her son's nose.


"Again? Man, you've got one big appetite, eh, Sungjae?"


The word echoes.

Their son.

Zelo and Kyungmi's only offspring...

Was named after him, yes.

Choi Sungjae, the name of the seven-years old boy Kyungmi has on her arms. A boy named after a worthy of remembering guy.

Yook Sungjae.

Choi Sungjae.

The young boy is seemingly the reincarnation of Kyungmi's brother-like best friend. A person no one would dare to forget nor leave behind.

"Sungjae, if only you can see this." Zelo thought as a smile slowly crept up his face. "If only you can see Kyungmi and our son, you'd be so happy. You'll know how I feel. I never broke my promise, see? I didn't let her go, I didn't hurt her nor will hurt her. I never let anyone hurt her... nor offend her. Sixteen years, and I never thought of breaking my promise. I know you never did too, you're still beside her, right?" he smiled.

"Yes, Zelo, I am." Sungjae smiled as he stood beside Zelo. He knew that no one can sense his existence, well, most of them. Little Sungjae can sense him and probably see him as he would smile at his way. Existing as a spirit keeping his promise, he stays close to his sister-like best friend since his own death. Seeing everything that occurred the last sixteen years...

"I never actually left. I never left you two... and I witnessed your child's birth. These years, I saw how well you took care of Kyungmi, and thank you. You might not hear me... but thank you, Choi Junhong. Take care of your child, Sungjae, which you obviously named after me, and Kyungmi as well. Thank you." 

"Yah, Choi Junhong, are we going or what?" Kyungmi cried out in annoyance.

"Coming!" Zelo laughed as he sprinted towards Kyungmi and Sungjae, holding his wife's soft and warm hands and took off. Unknown to them, the dwelling spirit of Sungjae followed them, walking beside Kyungmi as promised by him himself.

"So, where's our first destination?" Zelo asked. 

"Lotte World!" Kyungmi and little Sungjae exclaimed in unison.

"Aigoo, my two most beloved person wants to go have some fun, eh? Arraseo, we'll go there in a jippie~"

"Appa is the best!"

"Of course I am, y'little boy." 

"Aw, Zelo's being a total softie again~" Kyungmi giggled as she looked at her husband's black eyes. "I like that side of yours the most."

"Who wouldn't?"

"No one."

"Glad you know." Zelo laughed.

Beside them, Sungjae walked beside Kyungmi, smiling as he saw how happy Kyungmi is. He was glad she is finally with the guy she truly loves... and finally, has a family she always dreamed of.

A happy family.

It was recognizable that little Choi Sungjae saw Yook Sungjae. He smiled as he saw Sungjae and wouldn't let his parents know that he can see him. He simply smiled and grinned whenever his eyes met the wandering spirit.

"Take care of your umma and appa, okay? Be the Sungjae they once lost... okay?" Sungjae smiled.

"Nae, ahjusshi." little Sungjae happily nodded.

"Said something, Sungjae?" Kyungmi asked as she heard her son utter a faint word.

"No, nothing, umma." he smiled. 

A pendant.

The reason and the one to make a strong friendship bloom.

Because of that pendant, thousands of crazy things happened.

Troubles were met.

And solved...

Some were gone...

And he came.

A family was born.

A Sungjae was lost.

And a Sungjae came. 
















The pendant responsible for this wonderful story of life. 
Kyungmi's Pendant.


















The story is now over /insert ugly sobbing here/ 

Thanks to those who subscribed this story of mine, how I hope you guys liked it!

Now, I've got some good and bad news~

Good news first, FTW! A new story would come up!

Bad news...

It'll take a while because of the exams. Mianheyo! :'<


Anyways, this is BlackAngel18, thanking you guys again! :D

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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)