The Pendant

"Kyungmi~" several male voices called out sweetly, making Kyungmi turn her head around from Sungjae to the hospital door. Twelve guys were standing there, smiling and waving at her with some food for her and Sungjae on the paper bags they were carrying.

"Oh, heya!" Kyungmi waved back. "You guys are quite early today, hm? How was school?"

"Fine!" everyone laughed.

"Man, Kyungmi, you sound like a mom!" Jongup teased.

"Me? Mom? I do?" Kyungmi innocently blinked.

"Well, yeah. You do sound motherly with those questions you ask and your tone of voice!" Daehyun chuckled. "Like Himchan-hyung."

"I must correct that for I do not act like a mom!" Himchan growled.

"Pff, says the guy who is actually the mom of the group." Yongguk snickered secretly.

"You said something, Bang Yongguk?"

"... No?"


"Yah, yah, stop it already." Kyungmi laughed softly. "Anyways, Zelo, what did I miss?" she asked, averting her eyes to the black haired giant. "Did I miss much?"

"Not really. You barely missed anything since most teachers were... well, busy giving us out activities alone." Zelo answered.


"Yeah. Boring ones."

"I see." the female chuckled. "Activities, eh?"

"How about Sungjae?" Changsub asked worriedly. "How is he?"


"I'm fine, hyung." Sungjae smiled sweetly, his signature eye visibly seen. "My status is stable, so don't worry much about me, okay?"

"... Fine, fine. We're just checking you out." Minhyuk laughed before patting the younger's head. "Good to hear that you're okay now though."

"Nae." Sungjae smiled. "Me too."

"So, we're you okay here, Kyungmi?" Hyunsik asked.

"Of course." Kyungmi happily nodded. "I am okay here."

"Aigoo, your friendship is just so beautiful." Youngjae acted out.

"They aren't just friends." Peniel snickered. "They are siblings. Best friends AND siblings, y'know." he corrected, making sure to emphasize the "and" part. "They would definitely be like that."

"Come to think of it, we barely know things about you two." Yongguk said. "Mind telling me HOW you two managed to get that close?"

"Well~" Kyungmi smiled, sitting up straight. "I am always glad to share my stories with everyone, so, might as well tell it." she smiled sweetly.



Time check:  7:54 p.m

Hospital, room 45.

Everyone decided to spend the night in Sungjae's hospital room. Well, it is spacious, enough for fourteen, not including Sungjae of course, to fit in. Sungjae was actually glad that he was able to have his hyungs to keep him company. Thank goodness that it was Friday!

"Hey, I invented this new horror story, wanna hear?" Daehyun smirked, an evil presence easily felt by everyone in the room.

"Nae~" everyone nodded.

"No." Kyungmi softly whispered, but was loud enough for Sungjae to hear. Thus, he turns his head to her, his worried look flashing before he averts his attention to Daehyun. "Um, hyung, I... er...-"

"Anything wrong?" Ilhoon asked.

"Um.. I don't like horror." Sungjae lied for the sake of Kyungmi.

"You? Dislike horror? Nonsense!" Minhyuk laughed. "You are even the one to tell the best horror stories among the seven of us and is the hardest to scare and now you're saying you dislike 'em?"


"I see what's going on here." Zelo smirked before shifting his attention to Kyungmi, who was just beside Sungjae's bed. "Kyungmi can't handle horror, can she?"

"... Y-yeah." Kyungmi blushed. "I hate horror... mianhe."

"Yah, don't say sorry, it's nothing to be sorry about." Yongguk said, a caring tone heard. "Everyone of us has their own fear. Even I have one."

"... I know." Kyungmi smiled faintly. "B-but still..."

"Aigoo, that's just so cute of you!" Youngjae squealed as he pinched Kyungmi's marshmallow-like cheeks. "I never knew you were THIS cute! You look like a kitten!"

"I-I'm no kitten!" Kyungmi blushed harder, making the others laugh and giggle.

"So, am I still saying the horror story I invented?" Daehyun asking, ruining the atmosphere.

"JUNG DAEHYUN!" everyone cried in annoyance.

"I get it, I get it, geez." Daehyun pouted.

Everyone was soon sent laughing their hearts out. This kind of moment was the one Sungjae missed and WOULD miss. Who knows when God will take him? It's unpredictable, but he knows it's getting nearer and nearer as every second passed. It was just a matter of time... and no once can tell when.

Well, he is glad that he can witness this heart-melting moment again... even for the last time.

Minutes passed quickly. Everyone was now busy placing their mattresses on the floor and was preparing to sleep when Kyungmi suddenly let out a small whine as she opened her bag.

"Anything wrong?" Zelo asked as he walked towards Kyungmi.

"I forgot Haengbog." Kyungmi frowned.

"Haengbog?" Jongup blinked before tilting his head a bit. "What and who is Haengbog?"

"Her teddy bear." Sungjae answered. "Kyungmi can't sleep without her... it's been with her for 17 years already, so it's hard to sleep without her."

"Yeah.. what he said." Kyungmi sighed. "I'll only not be able to sleep, I might get nightmares!" she cried out in worry.

"Kajja, we'll get it." Zelo said, offering his hand to Kyungmi for her to hold. "We'll get there faster if we ride the motorcycle."

"... No, you stay here. I can go there myself." Kyungmi giggled before patting Zelo's head. "I know how tired you guys are, so, go get some rest."

"But, you might get into trou-"

"I won't. After all those incidents, I've learned how to be EXTRA careful." 

"... Are you sure?"


"... Fine, fine. Just be careful, okay? Call me quickly if you get into trouble or if you suspect things, okay?"




"Okay. Be careful on your way." Zelo smiled.

"I'll go along with her. I can't let Kyungmi down the streets alone." Sungjae cried, trying to get up.

"Yah, yah, what are you saying, Yook Sungjae?" Eunkwang cried out as he pushed Sungjae back down. "Remember, doctors said that you are prohibited to leave the hospital and stand up!"

"B-but... Kyungmi..." Sungjae pouted.

"She'll be okay. You heard her, right? She said she'll be good off alone."

"E-even still... how if she gets kidnapped again? I cannot bear that to happen once more!"

"Sungjae, stop being a worry-bout." Hyunsik sighed. "She can do it, right, Kyungmi?"

"Yup!" Kyungmi happily nodded. "I promise, Sungjae, I'll be okay on my own, so, don't worry much, okay? I want that when I come back, you're asleep already."

"... I can't sleep without assuring that you had gotten home!" Sungjae cried out.

"Aigoo..." Kyungmi sighed as she walked towards her best friend, caressing his forehead. "Be thankful that you're sick or else I would've smacked you back to your senses. You know me, right? I was just so naive back then but I'm capable of defending myself. Remember? You were even the one to teach me those defending moves!"

"... I know." Sungjae frowned.

"I'll be back as soon as possible. Is that okay?"


"Good. I'll be going now. Go get some rest already, that means you too, oppas, Zelo." she smiled before heading off. "I'll be back as soon as possible, see you~"

With that, she exits the scene. The others were aware how dead worried Sungjae is. His facial expressions showed everything. His eyes were nearly tear-filled due to extreme worry. "Sungjae..." Zelo called out.

"I'm worried for her..." Sungjae softly said, frowning. "C-can you follow her for me?"

"Yah, you know my task when she's not around, right?" Zelo scowled. "I'm taking her place in looking out for you whenever she's away." 

"I know.. but still-"

"Aish, just get some rest. It's bad for your health if you stay late."

"It's freaking 8:15, how is this supposed to be late?!"

"For those who are sick, this is late."

"... No."

"C'mon, you don't wanna disappoint Kyungmi now, do you?"

"... Fine! I'm sleeping, good night!" he cried out before pulling the blanket over his head, making Zelo simply sighed. Zelo simply averted his eyes away from Sungjae and sat beside the fellow male, his eyes slowly closing due to drowsiness...



Meanwhile, Kyungmi had safely arrived at her apartment. She hurries and searches for her beloved teddy bear in her room. To her disappointment, she saw not the object she desires.

"Aish, Haengbog-ah, where are you?" she called out, though she knows that a non-living object won't respond. If it does, well, won't that be creepy?

She searches in her room...

In the living room...

In the kitchen and dining area...

And even in the bathroom for some reason but still, no teddy bear seen.

"Aish, where did I put her?" she thought to her self, scratching her head in annoyance. Soon, she feels a different aura behind her and in terror, she prepares to grab her phone and to call Zelo. With all her courage, she turns around, just to find out who was behind her.

"S-Sungjae?! W-what are you doing here?!" she cried out in astonishment upon seeing her best friend in front of her, standing. He was still wearing the hospital gown given to him to wear. What's more shocking? He was supposed to stay in the hospital! 

"W-what in earth are you doing here?! Aish, did you escape from the hospital?! Don't tell me you walked down the streets like that?!"

"I... I was worried for you." Sungjae defended.

"That's not an excuse! How if you collapsed in the middle of the streets, who'll help you?! Aish, you and your reckless ways!"

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to."

"... Whatever. I can't find Haengbog.." she sighed.

"Did you try searching under your bed?" 

"... Come to think of it... no?" she blinked before darting to her room, kneeling down to take a look under her bed. To her joy, her teddy bear was there, as if it was waiting for her to find it. "Haengbog!" she cried out in joy as she hugged the said object. "Oh, thanks for helping me, Sungjae."

"You always leave her under your bed." Sungjae laughed softly. "And, it's an honor to help."

"Kajja, let's go back to the hospital."

"... K-Kyungmi, about that.."


"I don't wanna go back there. I cannot go back there."

"Eh? Are you insane? You need to for you to heal!"

"You don't understand...-"

"I perfectly understand, Sungjae. You feel lonely, and I know that, that's why I accompany you! C'mon, let's go-"

To her surprise, she was cut off when Sungjae pulls her for a tight hug. Her eyes widened as she saw the other's sudden actions. His hug... was tight... as if he didn't want to let her go any longer. "S-Sungjae? Waeyo? Gwenchana?"

"... Listen carefully to whatever I'll say, okay?" Sungjae whispered.

"... Wh-what are you saying?"

"Jung Kyungmi, you've been me for as long as I can remember... as a sister and as my best friend. You were always there for me, standing by my side and so on. To be honest, I cannot thank you enough. So, hear me out, I want to say how much I love you... to infinity and beyond."

"W-what are you saying-?"

"I'm going to miss you, Jung Kyungmi... my dear best friend and sister. I love you."


"Do you feel the same towards me?"


"Honest answer, please."

"O-of course I love you back... as my dear best friend and brother. I am going to miss you if ever you leave, and I will forever love you, to infinity and beyond."

With those words, Kyungmi's phone began to ring. She then breaks the hug to answer the caller, who turns out to be Zelo. "Y-yebeoseyo?" she answered. To her surprise, Zelo was weeping. He was weeping! Zelo was actually crying in the line. "Z-Zelo? Waeyo? What's wrong?"

"F-forgive me. I only took my eyes off him and then.. h-he..-" Zelo sobbed.

"Make some sense! What are you trying to say?" Kyungmi cried out as she felt her heart beat faster and faster as every second passed.




























"S-Sungjae's...... Sungjae's dead, Kyungmi."


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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)