The Pendant

Silence filled the room. The tension was greatly raising up. 

The words that left Sungjae's words were unbearable.

And with those words, B.A.P knew what was going on...

"Dude, don't tell me you're... suffering some illness?" Zelo asked, his voice trembling. The words he heard were seemingly painful to him for some reason...

"Are you?" Himchan worriedly asked, just to be answered by a nod. The same time, Kyungmi sobbed louder and buried her face on Sungjae's chest. Sungjae simply patted her head and tried calming her down, just as when he was about to begin his explanation.

"Yeah. I am." Sungjae nodded.  "I'm suffering a heart disease that well, makes my heart function slower and slower each day. I've been suffering it since I was a kid... and unluckily, I inherited it from my father. All of us, me and my noona, were the ones to inherit it... and that brought many problems."

"Heart disease... and you didn't tell me!" Kyungmi cried.

"Kyungmi, calm down." Changsub said, patting Kyungmi's back.

"HOW IN EARTH AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN?!" Kyungmi exclaimed in anger. Soon, a faint coughing was heard, making her stop in her speech, just to find out Sungjae was beginning to violently cough once again. "S-Sungjae-!" she cried out.

"I'm okay... I'm okay." Sungjae panted. Daehyun quickly hands him a glass of water, which he gladly drank and afterwards, he fell on his bed, panting heavily. "I'm okay, I'm okay... don't worry."

"... Why didn't you tell me?" Kyungmi asked softly, a bit calmer this time.

"I didn't want you to get worried. Now, I guess it's time for you to know." Sungjae smiled. "You see... I've been suffering this illness since the beginning of my life.... even before we met. This situation isn't the first. I had this already in the past... and quite often too."

"But, I never saw you have!"

"It's because I made sure it's hidden from your knowledge. I never wanted you to know. Eversince we were little, I have been suffering. I was always in the hospital, but I made sure it won't be obvious... which led me not completing my treatment. Appa was healed from this when I was 3... it's because he completed his medications. I and noona never healed."

"Unnie? How about her?"

"Remember that time when I told you that the reason why noona can't be with us anymore?" Sungjae asks.

"Yeah." Kyungmi nodded slightly.

"What the reason I told you?"

"That she had to go college... and now, she has a family."

"Yeah... and sadly... that's a lie."


"Yeah. A lie. You see... that truth is that..... noona's dead."



"S-since when did she die?!"

"S-since we were... thirteen."


"... I'm sorry. I just... I just didn't want to tell you. I know that you'll realize quickly if ever you knew so me, umma and appa hid it from you. Because... I know that you'll realize that if noona died with the same sickness I have, I will too... which is true."

"You.... you idiot..." Kyungmi sobbed.

"I know. Also, I'm sorry for ever saying lies to you. When I told you that I would just visit my friend and go on a field trip for three days, I was really put to the hospital that time. When I would fall onto my knees and make an excuse that I tripped, I was actually having a heart burn that time. Whenever I cringe, I simply say that I am okay when in fact, my chest was growing heavy. I always tried to seem strong for you not to notice... when inside, I'm slowly fading. I'm slowly tearing apart due to the pain. I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Jung Kyungmi."


"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I feel bad for hiding this information from you. It's so important and still, I refused to say it. I regret that decision, can you ever forgive me?"

"Of course I can!" Kyungmi smiled despite her sobbing. "I can't bear to hold a grudge on you now, can I? You are the best brother and best friend a girl can have..."

"But... I lied to you."

"I know you did that to me for the better. I understand."

"... Thank you." And with that, Sungjae hugged Kyungmi and faced Zelo, and for the first time, he smiled. "Zelo, promise me one thing. You won't let her go no matter what, arraseo?"

"You don't need to tell me that." Zelo smiled as he nodded. "I'll take good care of her and anyone who hurts her is assured to cease existence."

"Pff, you don't need to do that." Sungjae laughed.

For the first time, this two rival groups were seemingly like a family. They were laughing and for the first time as well, had a heart to heart talk. They weren't as bad as they thought one another was. They felt as if they were one... as if they were a family.

This feeling returned again and made Kyungmi feel complete... and so did the BtoB and B.A.P groups. They felt whole again now that their Kyungmi is here.

They felt like a family...

A family that they won't break this time.



Days passed quickly and since then, everything changed but in a good way. Since the incident with Kyungmi, B.A.P and BtoB refused to see each other as enemies.

Nor as rivals.

But as friends. Family, to be exact. They never fought and whenever they would come across each other, they'll happily greet them and smile, bowing slightly and sometimes, even giving one another some high five! This situation gave a big reaction from Babys and Melodies, seeing the two kingka groups acting so well these days. What else, B.A.P, once again, changed their hair colors! Everyone now had their hair dyed with black, brownish black or dark brown to make them look a bit normal. 

It was... unexpected.

But still, something was not right.

The absence of Sungjae was greatly noticed. Eversince Sungjae was taken to the hospital, he wasn't allowed by the doctors to leave the said place for them to monitor his health and treat them quickly if ever it becomes unstable. Being guarded by his doctors and nurses is, the possibility of him being cured is high.

But Sungjae knows himself. He knows his days are counted.

He'll leave anytime... though he doesn't want to accept that.

It was always this thought of his, but still, he had to keep on holding. He wouldn't want to leave everyone now, right? He still needs to stay.


Finally, school was over. Zelo quickly walked towards Kyungmi's seat and tapped her shoulder, greeting her with the brightest of his smiles. Another thing that was noticeable is B.A.P's sudden personality changes. From total jerks and bad boys, they suddenly turned all angelic! 

But still, there were some instances that their original selves would try to come out, but with BtoB and Kyungmi's help, they can control it. For the better, they avoid girls and rarely open up on them anymore. True, some of the fans hated it, but other seemingly preferred this side of them.

"Kyungmi, shall we get going?" Zelo asked.

"Sure." she happily nods and takes Zelo's hand. "Kajja!"

Upon standing up, Kyungmi's eyes found their way to Sungjae's empty seat. It made her smile fade and upon noticing that, Zelo patted her head, smiling. "It's for the best, Kyungmi." he softly whispers, earning a slight nod and a faint smile from the younger girl. "He'll be here in no time, trust me."

"Mhm. He will." Kyungmi smiles. "Palli, the oppas must be waiting for us already! Let's get going!"

"... Hey, wanna visit Sungjae this afternoon? I guess me and the hyungs are free." Zelo smiled, nudging the young girl by the shoulder.

"D-don't we have exams tomorrow? Aren't you gonna study?"

"Psh, I think visiting that guy is more important. So, what do you say?"

"... Sure. I'd love to!" Kyungmi happily nodded and ran out of the classroom, dragging the taller guy along. Outside, BtoB and B.A.P were patiently waiting for the two to get out of their room. Just as when Kyungmi was about to propose her idea of visiting Sungjae, Eunkwang spoke up.

"Since we're all free, why don't we visit our dear maknae and buy him some fruits?" Eunkwang suggested, earning nods and smiles from everyone.

"Funny, I was about to say the same thing!" Kyungmi softly giggled.

"Jinjja? Well, let's go for us to arrive at the hospital early! Kajja!" Eunkwang laughed before he sets off, followed by BtoB and B.A.P. They were all excited to see their beloved maknae once again, to tell him stories and make him laugh like there's no end.

In that way, they could forget the pain...

And the possibilities of Sungjae ceasing to exist.

After some moments, they finally finished buying the said fruits and arrives at the hospital Sungjae is confined in. Hurrying, they headed towards Sungjae's room, happily greeting him which eventually surprised him to see the group arrive. "H-hyungs? Don't you have things to do?" Sungjae asked, raising a brow at them.

"Well, we are free, and if ever we do, it's not much so stop worrying." Hyunsik laughed before patting the younger by the head. 

"Look what we've got for you~" Minhyuk sang, giving a gesture to Youngjae, who was carrying a basket full of different fruits, much to Sungjae' joy.

"Woah~! Did you by any chances bought it for me?" Sungjae asked, smiling widely.

"Yup!" Youngjae nods. "We want you to heal fast now, right?"


"Yah! Idiot!" Daehyun cries out, hitting Youngjae by his head, earning a soft "ouch" from the other. "You and your stupid words!"

"What?! What did I do this time?!" Youngjae cried out in annoyance, making Sungjae and the others laugh by their comedic act. Soon, Kyungmi and Zelo makes their way towards Sungjae, smiling. 

"How are you feeling these days?" Kyungmi asked as she sat beside her beloved best friend. "Are you feeling any chest pains?"

"Nope. I'm monitored by my doctors and nurses. I guess the medications really did the job." Sungjae answered, smiling brightly despite the pain he feels emotionally. He knows how dead worried Kyungmi and the others are, and by that thought, it only pains him more. "How's school?"

"You're missing lots." Zelo frowned, but still, his voice contradicted his facial expression. 

"Ah, jinjja?" Sungjae blinked. "I guess you two would have to tutor me once I get outta this place soon, eh?"

"We would gladly do so!" Zelo chuckled. "You take lots of rest so you can get back into schooling in no time, okay, Sungjae?"

"Way ahead of you." 

Soon, everyone was laughing and teasing one another continuously. The atmosphere of rivalry was no where to be seen, and that made Sungjae smile. "You guys are getting along well, huh?" he happily asked, grinning.

"Yup. BtoB-oppas and B.A.P-oppas sure are getting along." Kyungmi smiles back. "Isn't that great? Who knew bitter rivals can be best friends?"

"I know, right? Fate really has some weird taste!" Sungjae laughed.

The night grew later but the group refused to mind that. They were too busy enjoying this moment with Sungjae. They were happy being together like this, acting like one big family they are.

A moment they would miss...

When Sungjae leaves.


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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)