The Pendant

The next morning came and as usual, Kyungmi woke up early. She makes her bed and fixes herself before heading out of her room, just to be greeted by a still sleeping Zelo. She simply smiled by the sight and knelt down to take a better view of Zelo. He was actually really angelic even in his sleep and due to her reflex actions, she patted the blonde's head, and good thing, he didn't wake up by her touch. With that settled, she begins to prepare for school. Taking a bath, dressing up, having breakfast and doing the dishes before heading off.

As she was about to turn the door knob around, she takes a last glance at Zelo's sleeping face and smiles. She heads back to her room and grabs a sticky note and a pen before sticking it at the refrigerator. With that, she then heads off to school, leaving the still sleeping Zelo alone in her apartment room.

A few more moments that Kyungmi had left, Zelo finally felt the touch of the warm sun, thus, waking him up from his slumber. He then heads to Kyungmi's room, whose door was open, thus, he decides to take a look if the young lass is still sleeping but to his surprise, she's gone!

"Where in earth is that lassie?" Zelo mumbled to himself as he walked the whole apartment room. To his curiousness, he saw a pink colored sticky note stuck on the refrigerator, thus, he grabs it and reads the message.

"Good morning! Haha, wondering why I'm gone, yes? I'm off to school already~ I didn't wake you up since, well, you seem tired. Spend the day resting for now! I'll be back early!

"Aish, that girl..." Zelo laughed before plopping down the couch again. "Another boring day for me, I guess." he smiled to himself as he tried returning back to sleep. But even so, he failed since he had woken up. He then heads to the shower, deciding to have a morning wash up first before having breakfast. 

His fair skin shone with the sun as Zelo removed his loose shirt. He then enters the shower and the sound of water dropping filled the atmosphere. Afterwards, he dries himself and dresses up, heads to the dining room and heats up the breakfast Kyungmi left for him. 

"Yup, as delicious as ever." Zelo smiled to himself upon tasting the said dish. He finished quickly and washes the dishes and utensils he used before heading back to the living room to watch some shows. He clicked the remote buttons randomly, trying to find something that would actually interest him.

A few hours was spent by Zelo on the T.V, and when he averted his eyes to the wall clock, he sees the time. 11:49 a.m. "Time sure flies." Zelo smiled and stood up, wanting to get some snacks to silence his rumbling stomach. There, he comes across a picture frame of young Kyungmi and Sungjae, BtoB and a picture of the female's family. Mother, father, and her.

"Aw, she's cute as a kid." Zelo smiled as he saw the young Kyungmi. She was as cute as ever and the only thing that probably changed was her hair length. She looked as angelic and cute as ever. She was still and will be pretty. There, Zelo spots another picture frame and grabs it, taking a closer look at it.

It was Kyungmi's family. Her mother, her father and of course, her.

"Woah, she looks a lot like her mother." Zelo gasped. "And, this must be her dad. Too bad he's dead, they would've been a happy family."

Next, he spots Kyungmi's pictures with Sungjae. From their childhood, up 'till now, and one was even with the whole BtoB! She really looked happy.

And that's what made Zelo happy as well. 

The smile of the girl he loves makes him forget of his worries. Of his troubles with no other than his own "family".




Meanwhile students were just dismissed from class to have lunch. Every student has their own group to go with to have lunch. Everyone laughed and teased each other playfully.

Well, almost everyone to be exact.

B.A.P is still having troubles with Zelo's absence. Today is the second day Zelo didn't attend school and worry slowly filled the other members up, even Yongguk. They were not themselves without their dear maknae by their side.

They missed his cuteness.

They missed his laugh.

They missed his smile.

They missed him back-hugging them.

They miss his voice.

The way he talks to them...

Their maknae... Choi Junhong, a.k.a, Zelo. They miss his presence. 

"What do you think happened to Junhong?" Daehyun worriedly asked the other members. "Do you think he really went back to Mokpo and stayed there?"

"Impossible. Like he ever wants to go back there!" Youngjae countered. "And besides, you know Junhong can't travel such distance alone! He always sleeps in the vehicle and such!"

"We know that, but what if something bad has happened to him?" 

"... Sorry, this is all my fault." Yongguk emoted, lowering his head in shame. Never had the group seen Yongguk lower his pride, and with Zelo gone, they saw this side of his. "I shouldn't have shouted at Junhong. I should have listened to him... it's all my fault."

"It's not only your fault, Yongguk." Himchan said. "It's all our fault. We never listened to him because he's the youngest and we always treated him as a kid. We never had time to listen to his opinions and if ever we did, we only payed 5% of our attention. Poor kid."

"I miss him." Jongup sighed as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. "He hasn't been replying to my text messages since he left... he's really makin' me worry."

"He didn't answer any of my text messages neither!" Daehyun said.

"Same here." Youngjae sighed.

"Here too." Himchan said.

"... Here too." Yongguk sighed. "I sent him hundreds of 'sorry' messages but he just won't reply nor call. I tried calling him via mobile but he won't pick up."

"Maybe he really went back to Mokpo and changed his phone number." Youngjae thought.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Himchan cried. "He'd never do that!"

Everyone was simply quiet, all feeling guilty of their maknae's absence. They were all aware of the real reason why Zelo left.. and that was because of their god-darn attitude. Not only that, they never listened to him. It must've offended the poor boy. 

If they can, they would fix everything. If only they can bring back time... they would cherish Zelo more. They'll listen to him more and will never look down on him just because he's the maknae.

But time can never be brought back...

What's done... is done.

And nothing can revert the spent time again.

Meanwhile, BtoB and Kyungmi were not that far from B.A.P's place. They can clearly see how B.A.P is worried for the absence of Zelo, but did they care? No? Well, almost.

"What's the update? B.A.P still out of themselves?" Changsub asked as he eyed their rival group from the corner of his eye.

"Seems like it." Hyunsik nodded. "They are still out of themselves all right."

"Aish, we should stop worrying about those five." Peniel scoffed, trying to remove the other members' attention from them. "Let 'em solve their own problems, will you? They are none of our business!"

"Peniel's right." Eunkwang sighed as he turned around. "Don't mind them. It's their business. That is theirs and this is ours so, yeah."

"Right." the other members agreed. Meanwhile, Sungjae notices that Kyungmi has been eyeing the other group constantly, making him wonder a bit. 

"What's wrong? You concerned too?" Sungjae asked as he nudged the female beside him.

"N-no, not that!" Kyungmi whispered. "I am just... um... watching B.A.P's actions." 

"... Sure?"


"... Fine, fine, but stop it or else Eunkwang-hyung and the other hyungs'll notice you!"

"Arraseo." she sighed and turned around, averting her attention away from the rival group. She can't just help not to worry and feel guilty. Well, she can't speak that she knows where their maknae is... and more importantly, where he is staying.

She just needs to stay quiet for now...

To keep shut from her knowledge... for the best of everything. For the safety of everyone... for now, she needs to shut up.



Soon, classes were dismissed and of course, Kyungmi had to go back home. She asked permission for BtoB not to walk her anymore since she told them that she will be heading somewhere else... Of course, BtoB respected that and agreed. Kyungmi hurried to buy that one thing she needed to buy.

Hair dye.

Yup, hair dye for Zelo.

"Aish, which color might suit him?" Kyungmi thought as her eyes saw lots of attracting hair colors. It was hard to pick. She can give him black hair color, or maybe chocolate brown, or maybe golden brown color or brownish black...

"Oh! That looks nice!" Kyungmi smiled upon seeing a rather attracting hair color. "This'll suit him! I'll get this!" she happily said to herself and darted to the cashier. She happily purchased the said hair dye and heads back to her apartment hurriedly. She runs along with the wind and arrives back at her apartment in no time.

"Zelo!" she calls out as she entered her apartment room, her eyes looking for Zelo. "Hello? Are you in here, Zelo?" she calls out again.

"Here!" Zelo replied as he came out of Kyungmi's room. "Welcome back!"

"Thanks. I've brought the hair dye!" she happily announced and gave the plastic bag to Zelo. "I'll just dress up then we'll proceed coloring your hair, okay?"

"Sure." Zelo happily nodded.

With Kyungmi busy dressing up, Zelo decides to take a look on what color Kyungmi picked for him. To his surprise, it was a color he never planned in dyeing his hair! It made his jaw fall and his eyes widen and as soon Kyungmi exits her room, Zelo showered her with numerous questions. "Yah, what's with this color?! Why did you pick this one? Of all colors?! Are you for real?! Kyungmi, this is not funny! I don't want my hair dyed in this color! I'd prefer white, but not this!!!" Zelo complained.

"Woah, chill." Kyungmi said, bringing her hands forward. "Look, that color will suit you, trust me. Plus, boys having that color is quite unique."

"Even though!" Zelo continued whining. "I don't want my hair dyed in this color! I don't want my hair dyed PINK!" 

"Aish, quit being such a baby and accept that fact! And for your information, it's cotton candy pink, not simply pink!" Kyungmi defended.

"It's still darn pink!"

"Look, do you want that blonde hair of yours gone or what?"

Feeling defeat, Zelo silences himself and simply pouted, much to Kyungmi's joy as she got a towel and an eye shield to protect Zelo's eyes while she dyes his hair. She also gets an barber-shop apron and wraps it around Zelo before she begins to dye Zelo's hair.

"Are you sure this'll come out well?" Zelo asked.

"Definitely." Kyungmi smiled.

"Wait.. do you even have any experiences in dyeing someone's hair?"

"Dude... I dyed Eunkwang-oppa's hair!"

"Close enough. You may proceed."

With that, Kyungmi gives Zelo a light smack on the head first before carefully dyeing his hair in cotton candy pink color. Carefully, she tried to make every part evenly put with dye. Afterwards, she asked Zelo to dry it first before rinsing the color.

"Are you done yet?" Kyungmi called out from the living room.

"No!" Zelo replied in a shouting manner.

"Aish, palli! I wanna see how it looks already!"

"I bet it doesn't suit me."

"How'd you know?!"

"Just a feeling."

"Aish, just get outta here, Zelo!"

"Where's the hair dryer?!"

"It's in my bed! Somewhere there!"

"Ah, okay!"

After a few more minutes, Zelo finally comes out with his new hair color. By the sight of it, Kyungmi's eyes widened and her jaw hanged low in amazement. "What? What's with that reaction?" Zelo asked in a curious matter. "It doesn't suit me, doesn't it?"

"No! No! It suits you for real!" she said in amazement.

"Psh, you're just saying tha-"

"No really! I'm saying the truth! You look awesome!" she insisted before grabbing Zelo's hand and dragging the pink-haired giant towards a mirror. "Look, look at yourself! You look... daebak!"

To be honest, Zelo was as well shocked by the sight of his new hair style. Not only did the hair color change, it was now less curly than last time. It still had the curly style, but not that much that it was comparable to ramen. It was in between straight and curly and it suited him. He actually liked it and the result was far beyond his expectations. "Hey yeah, I look great!" Zelo happily said, amazed.

"Told you so~" Kyungmi winked. "I've got an eye for fashion and style."

"Never expected that from a tomboy." Zelo teased.

"Yah! Take that back!" Kyungmi playfully said, hitting Zelo's shoulder lightly yet constantly, only earning a few soft laughs from the taller guy. The building was then filled with playful laughs and giggles, as well as teases by the two and so on. For remembrance, Kyungmi decided to take a picture of her and Zelo's new style using her phone.

"Stretch your arm a bit more." Zelo said, guiding the female's arm to stretch a bit more above.

"Is this angle okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah. On count of three. 1..."





Meanwhile, in another building, five people were doing the same actions as Kyungmi and Zelo. Dyeing their hair into a different color for the same reason. Yongguk was busy dyeing his hair dark purple, Himchan with black, Daehyun with pale gold color and Jongup with chocolate-brown. As for Youngjae, he maintained his blonde hair but changed its style. This time, it was spikier. 

"This oughta do the trick." Youngjae smiled as he finished fixing his hair. "Hyung! Does my new hair style look well?"

"Suits you, dude." Himchan smiled while drying his wet, black hair. "I like how you styled your hair this time, it's better."

"Black seems to suit you, Himchan-hyung." Jongup commented.

"And dark purple suits Yongguk-hyung too!" Daehyun added, grabbing the leader's attention.

"You think it does?" Yongguk smiled. "I was about to dye my hair black like Himchan's but, yeah, I guess dark purple suits me more."

"It sure does." Himchan smirked. 

"I love our new hair style!" Daehyun clapped. "We finally have our own hair styles and we can finally show our real style! I prefer this than our all around blonde hair."

"Agreed." Jongup and Youngjae quickly nodded. 

"Fix your hair, aish." Himchan sighed as he went to fix Jongup's messy chocolate-brown hair. "Your style does rocks, but your hair style doesn't."

"Mianhe, hyung." Jongup laughed.

While the others were busy fixing themselves, Yongguk simply remained in his place. He was somewhat dazed, looking out of their dormitory's window, out at the night sky. Unknown to the other members, Yongguk can never remove the thought of their dearest maknae in his mind. It will always be there... 

"No matter how much we try remove all hints of you, we can never completely forget you..." Yongguk thought to himself. "Junhong... where in earth are you exactly?"



"It's gettin' late, we should rest already." Kyungmi suggested as she saw the time.

"Agreed." Zelo nodded. "Say, should I attend school already tomorrow? I've been out for two solid days already and I bet I've missed a lot."

"You should. I suggest you should already." Kyungmi nodded.

"Okay. Just wake me up, okay?" Zelo smiled.

"Leave it to me." she smiled back. "Good night."

"Good night too." Zelo grinned before laying down on the couch, drifting off the sleep. Seeing that, Kyungmi turns off the lights yet leaves a small night-light before entering her room to slumber. Tomorrow will surely be a very tiring day.

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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)