
The Pendant

Days passed and before they knew it, it was weekend, finally.

For students, it was the best day! Classes finally were done for the week and now, they can waste their times shopping, indulging themselves with their modern gadgets and so on. 

So much useless things...

Too bad for some, they had to waste the only time to rest, the only day where they can be free from school work and responsibilities, in some things to survive.

And in someone's case, it's to make a living despite being a student. 

And that someone is no other than a girl named Jung Kyungmi. That's right, her. She has to work to support herself, despite her mother giving her enough money to live in Seoul while she's away, but it's not enough. She has to buy her needs, and the only thing her mother covers is her education. The apartment she is renting, her food, her clothes, everything, they are all by Kyungmi.

She needs to learn how to be independent, and after some months of experience, she finally gets the hang of having a job well. Being a student and a part-time worker is quite tough, but she managed to handle them both well. She gains money and excels in school. Amazing, right?

Even she is amazed of herself on how she managed things like this.

So, skipping those, somewhere in Seoul runs a little restaurant. A cute, little cafe-like restaurant that Kyungmi works to in weekends and when she is really broke, in weekdays as well.

"Kyungmi-ah! Order at Table 10!" one of the cooks called out, making Kyungmi dash towards them. 

"Nae, ahjussi, coming!" she cried out, running towards them to get the order. She carefully picked the tray up on one hand and walked to the table, giving them their order. "Here's your order, ma'am."

"Thank you." she smiled. 

"Kyungmi-ah! Order at Table 13 now! Palli!"


That same words echoed in Kyungmi's ears. She did the same things over and over again. Well, what can she say? She's a waitress anyway. That's right, waitress. She serves them their food and gets their orders. The restaurant was newly opened a few months ago, but it quickly gained popularity for some reason. Maybe it was their unique theme?

Or the food?

And sometimes, since it's often visited by teenage boys and a girls, maybe the waiters and waitresses?

Who knows? Maybe all of them was the reason.

"Here's your order, sir." Kyungmi brightly smiled as she handed the older man his order. He was obviously older than her, and probably, already a father. He looked quite... well, old?

"Ah, thank you, miss." he said, happily. "Aren't you a little bit too young to be working around here?"


"Well, look at the other waitresses and waiters, they're approximately in their twenties already, aren't they?"

"Y-yes, they are, waeyo?"

"You are clearly a teen and as far as I know, teens are still high-school students."

"Gwenchana, sir, I can manage my life. Thank you for the concern though."

"Of course, do well, arraseo?"

"Yes, sir." Kyungmi bowed before returning back upon hearing another call from the cooks. She always received those comments, that she was too young to work, and often times, she'd get the same advices. Do well. That's typical. It's very normal to her. For a day in work, she'd hear those words at least 20 times.

Same words for days.

"You doing good, Kyungmi-ah?" one of the waitresses, specifically one of Kyungmi's unnies there, asked. 

"Nae, unnie." Kyungmi nodded. "Waeyo?"

"You look tired already." one of the waiters, her oppa, asked. "Are you okay?"

"I am, oppa. Gwenchana." she smiled before heading to the waitress' ward. She had to fix herself, since she looked really haggard already, and well, she didn't want the customers to think that the waitresses were like her.

There, she combed her black hair and tied it up again in a ponytail style with a pink ribbon and looked herself at the mirror. Long sleeved, black top with white collars and a black skirt. She also wore below-knee length black socks and black doll shoes.

She also has a white neck tie around her and her name tag on the right. 

Jung Kyungmi.

"Right. I should get going." Kyungmi said to herself before heading out, the exact time her name was called out again not by the cook, but by the manager.

"Kyungmi-ah." he called out.

"Yes, sir?" she asked, gulping a bit. Never was she called by the manager. She didn't do anything wrong this time, right? She did things well, as far as she remembers.

"See that man?" he asks, pointing secretly to the guy wearing a black hat with the word "Breaker" on it, written in red text. "Go serve him."

"Mwo?" Kyungmi gasped in shock. "W-why me, sir?"

"You interact with everyone well, he's a normal customer and I want to see how you interact with him."

"Why? Is something weird about him?"

"Something like that."

"Hwaiting, Kyungmi!" her unnie and oppa cheered. Of course, Kyungmi can't do anything else but obey them. She grabbed her notebook and pen and headed to the man their manager pointed at. He seems approachable, why not? And, what's so weird about him that it has to be her to take his order?

"Good day sir, may I take your order?" Kyungmi asked as she stood beside her customer, and to her surprise, she soon knew who the face beneath the hat was.

Blonde hair? Innocent-like face? No doubt.

It was Zelo.

"You?!" Kyungmi gasped before stepping back in surprise. Never did she expect to see a familiar face in their restaurant, especially a school kingka.

Especially Zelo.

"Oh, so this is where you work, eh, Kyungmi." Zelo smirked. "Nice. You look well in a waitress' outfit, Jung Kyungmi."

"Aish, why does it have to be you?!" she hissed.

"Is this how you treat the customers, eh?"


"What bad image."

"... Mianhe. May I take your order?"

"Only bubble tea."

"... That's it?"

"Are you questioning the customer's desires?"

"... Damn you. I took your order sir, thank you. Your order will be served at exactly... fifteen minutes."

"I expect that to be precise?"

"Exactly, sir."

With that, Kyungmi hurried and gave Zelo's order to the cook. "Bubble tea alone?" the cook asked in doubt. No one actually ordered drinks alone for their months of running. Usually, Zelo would order food too, but this time, it's different.

Like what Kyungmi said, fifteen minutes was all it took. She gave Zelo's order precisely at fifteen minutes. "Your bubble tea, sir." she said softly, handing the tea to him.

"Thank you." Zelo smiled and sipped at it. "Mhm, as delicious as ever."

"... Right. I'm going now."

"Oh? Now? I though hyung assigned you to be my personal waitress in my stay here?" Zelo asked, raising a brow at her.

"I think you got the wrong idea, dude. I am not-"

"Of course she is!" the manager suddenly blurted out.


"Aw, don't be such a toughie, girl. Let him be. As far as I know, Zelo-ssi here is good with ladies, right?"

"Truly." Zelo smiled innocently.

"Hah, you don't know half of it, old man." Kyungmi thought. "Arraseo. But you'll give me a raise, deal?" she smirked, crossing her arms together.

"Arraseo." the manager nodded. With that, poor little Kyungmi had to only serve Zelo, and only Zelo. Annoyance began to build up in her but what can she possibly do still? It's her job, and she has to do it or else, no salary. And without her salary, she can't buy her needs and support her life anymore!

Well, look in the bright side, she is still having a raise, right?

"Sit down here." Zelo said, patting the seat next to him. 

"... Shireoyo."

"Fine. I'll take my leave the-"

"Arraseo! Arraseo, I'll do it." Kyungmi pouted before sitting next to Zelo. She was really annoyed. Not only was she going to be a waitress of Zelo, it seems that Zelo will treat her as something else.

Girlfriend for a day. Great.

"So, it seems that I don't get to see you here often, are you sure this is the only place you work?" Zelo suddenly asked before taking a sip of his bubble tea.

"Mwo? Why? When do you often visit this place?" Kyungmi asked, refusing to look directly at Zelo's eyes, who she senses to be staring at her directly.

"Every single day."


"Yeah. And I am sure I never saw your face here."

"... You're a regular customer?"

"Yeah. Every staff here knows me."

"... Well, maybe because I only work on weekends, since I have classes in weekdays."

"That explains it then." Zelo smiled, an angelic smile.

And there it is again. Zelo's oh-so angelic smile and his darn dimple! Argh, why of all people, this bad boy gets a dimple?! It's making his outer image cuter and better in covering his messed up personality!

"Your smile doesn't fit you, you know." Kyungmi sarcastically said, smirking a bit.

"Say what now?" Zelo asked, raising a brow at the other. 

"Your smile. It says nothing like you."

"Further explanation please?"

"Your smile's angelic, and you?... You're a devil. A devil with an angelic smile."

"I know that. But, c'mon, can't devils smile?"

"Not that. If you're gonna smile, reflect it on who you are."

"Talk about someone who's emotionless but still smiles secretly."

"... Point taken."

With a few minutes passing, Zelo finally finishes his bubble tea and heads off. "See you soon again. I expect I'll see you again tomorrow?" Zelo teased before charismatically wiping his lips with a blue handkerchief.

"Heck yeah you will, but I'll no longer be your personal waitress, idiot." Kyungmi hissed, glaring at the taller blonde. She hated him, and having to serve him for a couple of minutes made her feel hell. 

"Sheesh, much of a good day I almost had." Kyungmi sighed as she stood up, her eyes averting away from Zelo. To her surprise, the same handkerchief was left by him accidentally, or maybe by purpose?

"Did Mr. Choi leave already?" their manager asked.

"Yes, sir. He, um, left this though." Kyungmi answered as she showed the blue handkerchief.

"Aigoo, that boy. Can you be so kind and return it to him later?"

"MWO?! Me again!?"



"... I'll give you another raise?"

"... You better." Kyungmi glared as she placed the handkerchief in her skirt's pocket before heading and doing her job again. She plans on giving it back to Zelo later, well, or maybe on Monday. Who knows? He always bump onto her for some reason since he returned her pendant. So much of her pendant's great mysterious forces and ways...

Hours passed and finally, her shift was over. The time showed that it was already late in the afternoon, and Kyungmi still  has things to do. Buy stuff and such, and do her homework if she still can. Hurriedly, after dressing up in a simple printed lilac-colored shirt, dark blue jeans, black rubber shoes and her favorite navy blue beanie, she headed off, carrying her small black back pack behind.

"Kyungmi-ah, wait!" her unnie cried out. 

"Waeyo, unnie?" she asked, raising a brow at her. "Something wrong?"

"You can't go home alone! You heard news of girls being and such, right?"

"Yeah... and?"

"Hello? You're a girl?"

"Unnie, I can handle myself. I told you once how I beat a guy back then when I was younger, right? And he was years older than me! I was only thirteen that time and he was in his twenties, but he was no match for me. Surely I won't get into trouble."

"Kyungmi, that attitude of yours'll get you into trouble. Just wait for me and oppa to finish dressing up, then we'll head home, okay?"

"Unnie, I'm really in a hurry. Can't I go off myself?"

"Aniyo. You'll get into trouble."

"I won't..."

"... Still no. You're seventeen for Pete's sake, you can't just wander off out there alone, especially at this time. There's lots of bad guys out there-"

"I really appreciate you caring for me, unnie, but I can handle myself. I know my limits. Now, excuse me, I'm going off ahead, see you!" Kyungmi cried as she ran off the restaurant before her unnie can even call her name. She just vanished.

"Aish, that kid is such a hard-headed lassie." 



Lights filled the place. It wasn't that late yet, but the whole Seoul was already lit up by thousands of colorful lights. People were no longer buzzing busily compared to that of the day, but enjoying the coldness of the coming dusk. It was getting colder as every minute passes. The sun had finally set a couple of moments later.

The day was nearing to end.

"Do come again!" a voice cried.

Kyungmi finally finished buying all her needs, specifically, her food. Her food storage was running short these days and having a raise for what she did lately on serving Zelo, it helped her greatly. "I can finally enjoy some samgyupsal later!" she giggled to herself. "I should invite the oppas sometime... wait, nah, that only means more expenses. It's better to be alone for now at home. Those seven have appetites of thousands of men!" she mumbled to herself.

Soon, she passes by a specific store. Fancy clothes. Nah, she's not interested in wearing revealing clothes. Skirts? No thanks, she had enough of wearing them in school. Dress? Doesn't match her aura. Somewhat, she was born not to match things specifically for her gender. Funny, right?

Girly clothes don't match her. Boys' outfit do. She's a tomboy, like what the others see, but not "that" tomboy, just, a girl with boyish styles.

The way she gets close to boys easily.

The way she sees people of the same gender as her.

It's quite confusing.

Was it because after her miserable past, she lived her life exposed to those of her different gender? Sungjae's family was mostly composed of males, only having Sungjae's mom and her as the females.

"Eight o'clock already?" Kyungmi gasped as she saw the time in her phone. "Wow, just bought some food and merchandises for a minute and two hours already passed. Seriously?"

Soon, just before she returns her phone in her jeans' pocket, it began vibrating again. A text message.

"Yah! Noona told me that you left the restaurant alone! Are you home yet? Other than that, what were you thinking? Have you been listening to news? There's lots of bad guys out there! Look, if you're not home by now, I'm grounding you as your somewhat-brother! Aish... D<"

"Geez, talk about a worry-bout." Kyungmi sighed as she read Sungjae's message. 

"Darn worrying ahjussi (-_-)"

"That should do it." Kyungmi snickered to herself. She then headed home finally, but first, she had to walk down a rather dim alley to her apartment. Only a few light posts lit the place up and what's worse, majority of them tend to shut down whenever she passes by. Great, even light posts hate her now.

There, she gathered the courage and walked the alley. Her apartment is located at the very end, and she still has a long way of walking. The same scary aura hit her, making her legs shiver.

But that's nothing she should mind. Get home, eat dinner and go to sleep. That's it.

"Curse the government for not fixing these damn lamp posts." she mentally said to herself. Soon, faint footsteps began to be heard by herself. Kyungmi turned around, but found nobody but a rather older hooded guy. Probably, a twenty or above years old guy?

"Eh, creepy." she mumbled to herself and walked away. Soon, she sensed that the same guy was following him. She didn't know anyone else that's male aside from her schoolmates, BtoB, B.A.P and those waiters she works along with and never did she see that guy!

Turning around, she sees the guy, pretending not to follow her when in reality, he is. She continues walking, increasing her speed a little bit and before she knew it, she was running. She was being chased. 

"Yah! What do you want from me?!" she cried out, turning to the guy. Being quite aware of self defense, she stood in a defense stance and when the guy tried to attack her, she easily dodged it and blocked the attack.

But unfortunately, that guy was stronger than she thought and before she knew it, she was pinned on the wall. Struggles were useless as the other was stronger.

"Let go." she mumbled softly.

She got too full of herself.


And this is what happens.

"Let me go...."

Trouble strikes.


Trouble comes when you aren't ready.


And before you know it...

"Please, anyone..."

You'll face your real nightmares.

"Zelo..." she mumbled under her voice.

And as if something heard her soft voice, another set of footsteps was heard. A tall man came out of the shadows after Kyungmi mumbled the name "Zelo". 

A blonde, tall man.

Kyungmi's savior, Zelo, was there.

"Yah." Zelo called out, his voice loud and firm as he walked to their direction. There, he grabbed Kyungmi's wrist and pulled her close to him. "Don't touch her. If you want a fight, pick someone your own size, punk."

"Z-Zelo?!" the other man cried in shock. "A-are you her-"

"No. Just don't touch someone I know or I'll tear you limb from limb, arraseo?!"

"Nae! Mianhe!" 

And with that, the mysterious hooded person runs off and vanishes in the dark. Zelo's once glaring eyes reverted into those soft ones and looked down at Kyungmi. "Gwenchana?" he worriedly asked. To his surprise, Kyungmi was clutching his chest, sobbing quietly. "Y-yah? Waeyo? Gwenchana?" Zelo asked again.


"... Mianhe. I was just... just, sorry." 


"He didn't hurt you, right?"

"He didn't. He just... pinned me hard on the wall and scared me, that's it."

"Good. I'd be dying in worry if he, you know, ually harassed you or something."

"He didn't."

"Nae. So, why are you walking down the streets at such a late hour? And alone? Haven't you heard the news of girls being and abducted by those kind of men?"

"I have, but, I really was in a hurry that I can't wait for my unnie and oppa to finish dressing up, so, I went ahead of them."

"Big, big mistake. Imagine what could've happened if I didn't come!"

"... Scary."


After regaining consciousness of things, Kyungmi hurriedly pulled away from the taller blonde and dusted herself, her head lowered. "S-so, how'd you know I was here?" Kyungmi softly asked. "Did you, er, hear me say your name?"

"Me? Aniyo, I just... well, happened to pass by. That's it." Zelo answered, rubbing his nape. "Wait, you said my name?"

"Unconsciously, yes."

"... Wow. Never saw that coming."

"Neither did I!"

"So, you're house is nearby, right?"


"I'll walk you there, if you don't mind. Can I?"

"... Up to you."

With that, the two walked down the dim alley together, Kyungmi walking close to Zelo, fearing that someone would suddenly repeat the same thing that happened a few moments ago. She began to fear that. But with Zelo accompanying her, she felt better, ignoring the fact that, well, she hates him.

"Here we are." Zelo said, arriving at Kyungmi's apartment. "Don't walk down that alley again alone especially at this hour, arraseo?"

"Nae. Gomawo." Kyungmi smiled slightly. "Oh! By the way, here."

A blue handkerchief on her hands. Zelo's handkerchief to be exact. She shyly handed it to its owner, her head lowered. "Ah, my handkerchief. I must've left it back at the restaurant, huh?" Zelo chuckled softly.

"Yeah. You did." Kyungmi nodded.

"Thanks. Its really special to me."


"It's just... somewhat special. No special back story and what so ever." Zelo laughed before patting the other's head. "Anyways, thanks. You did well."

With that, the blonde walks away, vanishing in the darkness. Kyungmi can simply look at Zelo vanish and when he was truly gone, a faint smile crossed her face. A slight blush colored her fair colored cheeks. She felt... different.

Zelo was always there, saving her. He saved her thrice already. From falling down the gate, from slipping in the stairs and now, from that bastard hooded guy, he was there. He came at the right time, and despite their sides having some bad vibes, he ignores that fact and saves her. 

And how does she repay him? Calls him an idiot, heart breaker, playboy and bastard giant blondie. She hated him, down to the core!

"Heh." Kyungmi giggled. "He's not so bad after all." 

With that, she skipped to her room happily, reminiscing how that boy saved her thrice. A special feeling rose in her. A feeling of great joy and appreciation.

Maybe, just maybe, despite being a well known play boy and heart breaker of B.A.P, he might have a secret good side. A side that only a few can see.

Or maybe... Kyungmi can see.


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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)