The Pendant

Days passed quickly. Zelo adapted well with BtoB and his personality gradually changed. He was no longer the "playboy" guy everyone knew. Now, he was the innocent, angelic, brother-like person towards everyone. He acted differently now. It seems that the new influence, BtoB, actually made Zelo this well. He treated others well, he was polite to everyone, he was innocent and kind, and if ever someone confesses to him and asks him out, he politely declines it, sure not to hurt the girl.

Kyungmi extremely liked the new Zelo. It's the real Zelo, and the same guy she knew years ago. Angelic and cute, inside and out. 

BtoB also found it great that the famous "playboy and heart breaker" turned out into a living angel. They got closer to the young man and spent lots of time with him, greatly trusting him and treating him as a brother as well.

As for Sungjae, he still can't force himself to change his view towards Zelo. He still can't remove that jealousy he feels whenever Kyungmi and Zelo are together, but for the sake of the young lady, he has to. He has to act all good towards him. Well, he can't upset Kyungmi now, can he?

"Kyungmi, palli, we're gonna be late." Zelo cried out as he grabbed his bag and headed to the door. 

"Argh, just give me a minute! I can't find my pendant!" Kyungmi panicked as she ran here and there, in search of her most prized possession.

"This one, you mean?" Zelo asked, holding up her pendant.

"There it is!" she laughed and headed towards Zelo. "Thanks, dude."

"No problem." the pink haired guy grinned. "Turn around, I'll put it on you."

And like an obedient girl she is, Kyungmi did so and turned around. The cold feeling of metal meeting her skin made chills run down to her spine but upon hearing Zelo's reassuring voice, as if by magic, it vanished. Her eyes saw how her pendant shone proudly around her neck, making her smile. "Thanks." she smiled before ruffling Zelo's hair and holding his hand. "Palli, let's go!"

"I was about to say that!" Zelo chuckled and followed the young girl out of her apartment room. Hand by hand, the two darted off the streets, heading to their school early in the morning. After days of doing the same thing, Kyungmi and Zelo had gotten quite used to holding each others hand unconsciously. It was now a normal habit and even if they do that already, they only replied it with an awkward look at each other and laughter.

Finally, the two arrives at school, just to be greeted by some students before making their way towards BtoB, who of course, welcomes them warmly as usual. "Good morning!" the two greeted.

"Hey there!" BtoB greets back upon seeing Zelo and Kyungmi arrive. "Good morning too!" 

"You two are late for five and a half minutes, eh?" Changsub laughed, jokingly looking at his wrist watch before eyeing the two.

"Eh, so what if we are?" Kyungmi pouted before sticking her tongue out.

"Cute!" Sungjae pretended to squeal before wrapping his arms around the young lady, earning a rather soft chuckle from her. "Do that again~"

"Shireoyo!" Kyungmi laughed.


"You two look cute together~" Zelo softly giggled upon seeing the two somewhat cuddling each other playfully. Of course, that only made Sungjae blush and Kyungmi... well, laugh. 

"Eh, of course we do!" Kyungmi chuckled, breaking free from Sungjae's hug and pinching Zelo's cheeks. "If we ever become couples, I bet we'll be the cutest one!" she laughed.

"Nae!" Zelo giggled as he held Kyungmi's hands, trying to break away from her pinching. Of course, BtoB simply laughed along with Zelo and Kyungmi's childish actions, but not for Sungjae. A streak of jealousy crossed his eyes upon seeing how close the two had gotten. In fact, he and her don't get to hang out that often as Kyungmi has been busy these days tending Zelo. 

Sure, Zelo had gotten a lot child-like and acts better now a days, but if that meant that Kyungmi's attention is more towards him, no thanks. 

Soon, the bell rings and Sungjae, Kyungmi and Zelo makes their way to their room. Of course, Zelo was as clingy as ever towards Kyungmi and it was slowly annoying Sungjae. He simply scoffs, making Kyungmi wonder a bit about Sungjae's actions.



Classes were over for quite a quick time and everyone was heading out of the school. BtoB meets up again with the trio and smiled upon their sight. "Okay, listen up everyone, our leader has something to say!" Minhyuk announced, clapping his hands a few times. 

"Jinjja? What is it?" Peniel asked.

"Something good, perhaps?" Ilhoon smiled.

"Yup." Eunkwang nodded. "We're going to have dinner in this restaurant! My treat!" he happily announced, just to be followed by happy cheers and so on.

"Are we going too?" Zelo asked as he nudged Kyungmi.

"Of course you're going!" Changsub laughed as he ruffled Zelo's pink hair. "How could we miss you, eh, giant man?"

"YAH!" Kyungmi cried out, swatting Changsub's hand away from Zelo. "Zelo's not a giant, oppa..."

"Gwenchana. I know how tall I am." Zelo laughed. "Kajja. Let's go eat already, I'm starving, Kyungmi!" he cried out cutely, making Kyungmi laugh and giggled.

"Arraseo, arraseo." she smiled and patted Zelo head and gave him a push to signal him to go ahead. Afterwards, she faced Sungjae and stretched her hand in front of her best friend. "Are you coming or what, eh, Yook Sungjae?" she asked, smiling. By the sight of Kyungmi angelically smiling at him, Sungjae took her hand and nodded.

"Of course I'm coming, idiot." Sungjae grinned and walked off with Kyungmi, following the group close behind. The group heads out of the school, heading to the said restaurant Eunkwang would treat them. As expected from a luxurious group, the restaurant was completely out of Kyungmi's league. Thankfully, it's Eunkwang's treat so she has nothing to worry at all.

The group happily had dinner in the said restaurant, laughing, chatting and even showering one another with little teases, still ending up to them laughing. They were all having fun, eating and talking to one another. The group got closer and closer by each second passing, much to Kyungmi's joy. She had always dreamed of Zelo and BtoB having this kind of relationship towards one another.

As friends.

As brother, perhaps...

"Kyungmi-ah~" Zelo cutely called out, leaning his head on Kyungmi's shoulder, sending chills down Sungjae by the sight. 

"Yes?" Kyungmi asked, blinking a few times upon seeing Zelo beside her.

"Cherry tomato..." Zelo softly said.

"What about it?"

"Can I have it?" he cutely asked as if he was a little kid as he pointed at the cherry tomatoes in Kyungmi's salad. Of course, that only made Kyungmi giggle and laugh as she transferred every piece on Zelo's plate.

"Aigoo, kyeopta. Of course you can have it, I don't like 'em anyways." Kyungmi nodded.


Of course, BtoB didn't mind the two, but Sungjae said. He sent death glares to the pink haired boy and seemingly wanted to strangle the other to death for acting like that beside Kyungmi. He hated it when guys flirt around naive Kyungmi, and worse, Kyungmi won't even do a thing, especially if her trust is earned. In this case, Zelo had successfully gained Kyungmi's trust and seeing his personality greatly improving, she thinks that Zelo's simply acting childish, which is true.

Only Sungjae sees things differently.

Hours passed and the group finished their dinner. They had more chats afterwards and discussed a few random things, and for some reason, it always ended up with them laughing terribly. 

"Omo, it's getting late!" Peniel cried out as he saw the time in his phone.

"Really?" Minhyuk blinked and leaned a bit to see the time. "Hey, yeah, it's getting late. Boy, time sure flies fast when you're having fun."

"Agreed." Hyunsik nodded.

"We should get going home." Eunkwang said as he stood up, followed by his group mates and of course, Zelo and Kyungmi. "Kyungmi-ah, we'll walk you home."

"I'll be okay, oppa. Zelo here can guard me." Kyungmi smiled. "You guys go to your dorm. I don't wanna be a bother."

"You are NOT  bother, y'know." Sungjae grinned as he wrapped his arm around Kyungmi's shoulder. "Plus, it's to ensure your safety so, yeah..."

"Aigoo, thanks but no thanks, Sungjae." Kyungmi laughed as she shook Sungjae's arm away. "Really, we can go home alone. Don't worry much, arraseo?"

With a frown, Sungjae sadly nodded. He had no trust towards Zelo and him taking his place in walking Kyungmi home was simply absurd. Well, for Kyungmi not to notice his somewhat "jealousy" he simply had to shrug that thought away and put up a fake smile. "Arraseo." he managed to say with a small smile. "Just be safe, okay?"

"Of course!" Kyungmi nodded, smiling.

"Okay. Zelo, make sure you two arrive home safely, okay?" Sungjae reminded him, glaring.

"N-nae." Zelo nervously answered. "W-we will."

With that, BtoB and the two parted ways, taking different ways in going home. They happily bid farewell to one another. As Kyungmi and Zelo walked off together, laughing, Sungjae's eyes were glued onto them. He just can't seem to calm himself down and with Ilhoon's call, he finally snapped out and followed the others on their way home.

After some walking, BtoB finally arrives at their dormitory, changing from their school uniform into their house clothes and doing random stuff. As for Sungjae, he did his homeworks while the others watched T.V, played games in their gadgets or simply did nothing but lie down on the couch. 

"Where's Sungjae?" Ilhoon asked as he saw their maknae's absence. 

"Studying and doing his school works." Changsub answered. 

"Someone's studious." Minhyuk smirked.

Soon, their room's door opened and came out Sungjae, who perhaps, finished his works in such quick time. All members saw how their maknae was not smiling that bright right before he plops beside Peniel, who was watching something something in the T.V while laying down on the couch. "Someone's grouchy." Peniel commented as he saw Sungjae.

"Am not." Sungjae answered.

"I didn't say it was you, dude." Peniel smirked, knowing that he caught Sungjae in his trap. "What's wrong? Something bothering you, dear maknae?"

"You can tell us anything, y'know." Changsub said.

"I'm okay. Leave me be." Sungjae sighed. 

"No you aren't." Ilhoon said, poking the younger's cheeks. "C'mon, spit it out, what's bothering you."

"I know what." Eunkwang smirked, making his group look at him quickly. "Lemme guess, it's Zelo, isn't it?"

Sungjae's eyes widened by the name of that pink haired giant. "H-how'd you-?!" he cried out in astonishment, making their leader simply laugh.

"Dude, we're brothers, remember? The seven of us? Of course, I'd know what's going on with one another." Eunkwang chuckled. "So, what's going on between you two?"

"I don't think anything is going on with them." Hyunsik butted in. "I mean, admit it, that Zelo dude changed already."

"Quit butting in!" Changsub yelled.

"Nothing's going in between us, it's just my point of view towards him." Sungjae sighed. "I'm... getting worried."

"For what?" Ilhoon asked.

"You know, no matter how much you cover a tiger's stripes, it can never gain spots. In simpler words, Zelo is Zelo and no matter how much we try to bring out his angelic side, he's still originally a devil. We must accept that fact. And what else, him being that close with Kyungmi is dangerous. How if he is just toying with her?" 

"Dude. Chill the fudge out." Minhyuk said, sighing. "Nobody's gettin' toyed or is toying. We know that."

"But... what if?" Sungjae worriedly asked. "I don't want Kyungmi getting hurt, you know. I can't endure the fact that she'll be hurt by a friend of hers! A close friend of hers to be specific!"

"... So, what do you intend to do then?" Eunkwang asked.

"... I don't know." Sungjae sighed. "I just... want to protect her. I want her by my side so she won't be hurt."

"I've got an idea." Eunkwang smirked as if a bright idea crossed his mind, making the other BtoB members wonder. Once their leader smirks like now, it's really something amazing.

















"Why not make her your girlfriend, eh?"



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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)