The Pendant

The next day came.

The warm sun rays has yet came but Kyungmi had already woke up, as early as ever. She hurried and prepared for school, quickly showering and afterwards, dressing up on her school uniform, excluding her school jacket. She prepared her breakfast, and finished quite fast and ate it.

A few minutes passed and she was done with eating and only had to wash the dishes. Afterwards, she headed back to her room, wearing her school jacket and grabbing her bag and phone before setting off.

Upon her way, she stumbled across her ahjumma again, who was this time, seemingly had just woken up. "Good morning, ahjumma!" Kyungmi happily greeted, smiling and waving. "My, aren't you an early riser?"

"Oh, good day, Kyungmi dear." her ahjumma greeted, smiling. "Off to school this early?"

"Yes. How about you? Where are you off to at this time?"

"Oh, you see, I was about to go to your room before stumbling to you. I made some extra dinner yesterday night and I was wondering if you'd like some. I really can't consumed them, even if I gave them to the others." her ahjumma chuckled.

"Aigoo, talk about great timing, ahjumma!" Kyungmi clapped before receiving the food in a lunch box, prepared neatly. "I really didn't bring any lunch so this'll do the trick. I'll savor it well since you're the one to make it!"

"Aw, you're being cheesy again, young lassie." 

"Am not!"

"Fine, you aren't. Anyway, can you do me a favor?"

"Mhm. What is it, ahjumma?"

"Here. I still have lots so mind giving this to Sungjae?" her ahjumma asked, handing another lunch box to the young lass. "I know how much he likes these dishes. Remember when he asked me to cook this once?"

"Never would I forget about that time!" Kyungmi laughed, recalling that said memory. "Anyways, I'll give this to him. I'm off now, ahjumma! See you~"

"Do well, dear!"

There, the young lass sprints off to school, carrying the lunch boxes as she ran with the wind. Her strong yet thin legs carried her easily and before she knew it, she was outside the school gates. She calmly walked further in, regaining her normal breathing pace.

As expected, only a few students were there, but she didn't expect BtoB to come there that early. They were even earlier than her, which never happened in history! "Oh, I see you guys are early." Kyungmi smiled as she walked towards her seven oppas.

"Good morning." the seven greeted in unison.

"Good morning." the young lass greeted back, a smile painted on her face. "Why so early?"

"We woke up early, ate early, did our other morning rituals ahead of time so we came to school early." Changsub explained, a smile curling up.

"I see. Quite a new thing, hm?" Kyungmi teased.

"What are you trying to say, huh?" Hyunsik glared.

"Nothing, oppa~" she cutely replied, laughing. "Say, Sungjae, ahjumma wanted to give this to you by the way." she said, handing a cutely prepared lunch box to the taller guy, which was accepted.

"Ah, she did? Send my thanks to her, will you?" Sungjae smiled upon receiving the lunch box.

"Sure thing, dude."

Soon, minutes passed. The eight were still in the hallway when B.A.P finally arrived. Of course, all blonde were walking coolly, passing by BtoB and glaring at them on purpose. Of course, Kyungmi wasn't able to ignore Zelo's eyes, and when they met, she unconsciously flashed a small smile, enough for the blonde to see.

Of course, not only him was the one to notice her expression, but also Sungjae, who was standing beside her. Of course, a frown crossed Sungjae face when he saw Kyungmi smiling at Zelo.

"Kyungmi-ah, let's go to classes early." Sungjae suggested.

"Wae? It's still twenty minutes before the bell rings." Kyungmi countered.

"I don't want Melodies flooding over me and causing us to be late."

"... Fair point. Fine, let's go."

Together, the two made their way to their classroom, and as expected, no one was there. Every student was in the hallway. Sungjae and Kyungmi sat on their own respective seats, and there, Sungjae's smile faded. "Hey, are you really sure that it's Zelo who is the guy you are looking for?" Sungjae asked, raising a brow at his best friend.

"Yeah." Kyungmi nodded. "I'm sure."

"How sure?"

"A hundred percent sure. His answers perfectly matches the answers I have in my mind, Sungjae. It's him, and he said that he does remember me from his past."



"But... how if you're just mistaken?"

"I'm sure I'm not."

"... Arraseo, as long as you are, I'm cool with it. Just... don't trust him too much. We know who exactly Zelo and B.A.P are. Heart breakers and playboys."

"I know that, but I'm sure Zelo can still change. Trust me."

"I do trust you, Kyungmi. I do."

Soon, time had flown and the bell rang, shocking the two. Students dashed towards their own classes and hurried to their seats, not wanting to be late. Kyungmi's class was soon struck into a squealing-moment with Zelo enters the room, cool and silent as ever. He didn't wink nor smiled and headed straight to his seat. For some reason, a small smile curled up when he met Kyungmi's eyes. Their teacher soon enters and that's where classes starts.




Finally, class was over. Students hurried out of their classes, greeting their friends and walking off together. Kyungmi was hurrying to fix her things and as soon as she was done, she grabbed her bag and looked for Sungjae, who turns out to just have entered the room, carrying the board erasers. "Cleaning today, aren't we?" Kyungmi smiled.

"Yeah." Sungjae nodded. 

"So, are the oppas gonna wait for you?"

"They said so. Wanna have dinner in our dormitory? Eunkwang-hyung's the one cooking tonight, along with Hyunsik-hyung."

"Nah, I'm good. I can handle myself with dinner. Besides, ahjumma said to return early, so I can't."

"Aw, too bad."

"I know. I'll make up to you next time, arraseo?"

"Cool. See you then?"

"Mhm. I'm going ahead. Tell the oppas I can't make it, okay?"

"Sure. See you!"


Soon, Kyungmi dashes out of the school building, towards her apartment. To her surprise, a tall, blonde guy was approaching the same building, and was wearing the same uniform she is.

The same school uniform.

"Zelo!" Kyungmi called out, waving her hand, grabbing Zelo's attention quick. The tall blonde turned around and flashed a small smile upon seeing the girl.

"Hey." Zelo greeted with a smile. "You just arrived?"

"Yup. What're you doing here? Need anything?"

"Nah. I just don't know what to do, I'm bored. Plus, my hyungs won't tend on me and I barely have any friends in school. It's always B.A.P, so yeah, you get what I mean, right?"

"Yup. C'mon, I'll prepare some snacks, let's go." she said, leading the way to her room. Unknown to her, they were about to bump to someone. Her ahjumma to be exact.

"My, you're home?" her ahjumma greeted.

"Ah, hello, ahjumma!" Kyungmi greeted.

"Oh, you're with him this time, eh? You little player~"

"AHJUMMA! I'm single!!! Plus, Zelo is a friend, and so is Sungjae and BtoB-oppas!"



"Fine, fine. Zelo-goon, take care of little Kyungmi here for me, okay? I'm not living long enough so you have to keep an eye out for me, okay?"

"I will, ahjumma." Zelo nodded and tapped Kyungmi's shoulder. "Kyungmi, kajja?"

"Mhm. See you around again, ahjumma!"


"See you, dears!"

Inside Kyungmi's room, she hurried and prepared some snacks and served them to herself and Zelo. Of course, being a man he is, he happily accepted them and smiled by the flavor. "Woah, you cook well. Never knew." Zelo smiled.

"Of course I do. You should taste my dishes, they really are something!" Kyungmi winked, sitting beside the tall blonde. "So, do you cook too?"

"No. Hyungs won't let me."

"Ah, jinjja? Too bad. If you want, I can secretly teach you cooking~"

"I'm interested in that. Sure, let's take some time and you teach me."

"Glad to!"

Time flew, and the two were still busy chatting and doing random stuff. Kyungmi and Zelo watched T.V, played games, and so on. Not long, the two didn't recognize that the night was growing late and that it was already 5 minutes before 9! Not only that, Kyungmi's phone rang loudly, shocking her herself.

"Bwoya?" Zelo asked as his eyes trailed Kyungmi, who was looking at her phone immensely.

"Sungjae's calling me." Kyungmi answered, signing Zelo to silence. "I'm answering it and don't, I repeat, DON'T make a single noise! Not even a little, understood?"

"Understood." Zelo nodded, pulling the mask he was wearing to his mouth, shutting himself into a deep silence. Hesitantly, Kyungmi pressed "answer" and spoke. 

"Yeoboseyo?" Kyungmi answered.

"Hey. Are you home?" Sungjae asked, his voice sounding greatly worried for his best friend. 

"Yeah, I am. Why?" she asks again.

"I'm coming over. I'm near there, just two blocks away. Wait for me, okay? I brought dinner! See you!"

"What?! No! Wait, Sungjae-!"

But it was too late. The male had ended their call, thus leaving Kyungmi dumbfounded. "So? What did he say?" Zelo asks, raising a brow at him.

"He's coming over. Now." Kyungmi answered, still dazed.

"MWO?! Are you serious?!"


"Ah!!! What do we do?! He can't see me here!"

"Hide! Palli!"


"So-somewhere! In my room! Now!"

"Mwo?! Of all places, why your room?!"

"There's an enormous closet there! Fit you darn big body inside there and hide!"

"I am not hiding inside your closet filled with girl clothes! I am not, and never hiding inside there!" 

"Yah, though I am a female, I don't have any girly clothes! They're all blouses and shirts and jeans!"

"Aish, even still! I am not going in there!"

"Aish, go there now, Zelo! Palli!"




Of course, seeing no other ways to force the blonde to hide in her closet, Kyungmi had to forcefully drag him inside her room and throw him inside her closet, ordering him to shut his mouth. At the exact time, the doorbell rang, a sign that Sungjae has arrived.

"Oh god, he's here!" Kyungmi gasped before hurrying to the door, opening it quick to greet her best friend on the other side. "H-hey!"

"Hey. 'Sup?" Sungjae greeted with a smile.

"Nothing. Just... stuff."

"You look quite... haggard. Something wrong?"

"Of course not! Um... wanna come in? I've prepared some snacks and so on."

"Ah, aniyo. I'm good."

As the two sat on the couch, they were emerged in a deep chat, talking about these and those. Unknown to them, Zelo has quite a keen hearing sense, thus, despite being locked inside Kyungmi's closet, he hears whatever they were talking about in the living room. "So, why'd you drop by here again?" Kyungmi asked, raising a brow at Sungjae.

"What? Can't I visit you with no valid reason, Kyungmi?" Sungjae asked.

"No. No you can't. How if I was busy and you suddenly visited?"

"Well, that never happened, did it?"

"It didn't, but how if?"

"Then I'll simply drop by to say hi and leave."

"... I'm confused if you are one genius or a darn dumb-."

"That... is sarcastic."

"Heck yeah. I'm sarcastic, and deal with it, dude."

Sungjae simply sighs deeply, seeing that he lost to the young lass. Soon, he puts up a small smile and stands up, making Kyungmi wonder a bit. "Hey, you still have that small phone case, right?" Sungjae suddenly asks.

"Huh? Which one, the one we customized with BtoB's symbol?"


"The black one?"


"Yeah, why?"

"Can I borrow it?"

"Yup. It's in my roo-"

"Oh, okay. I'll go get it."

"What? No-! Wait!" she cried out, jumping on her feet. If Sungjae enters the room, he'll see Zelo and he'll go bonkers if he does! Kyungmi is sure about it, though it never happen.

And it musn't. 

A few more feet and Sungjae will definitely reach the doorknob, which shouldn't happen! 

"Think fast, what to do?!" Kyungmi thought to herself as she looked around. Words wanted to come out of her lips, but how? And what? 

She has no choice.

She needs to make a scene.

"Appayo!" she cried out, purposely hitting a porcelain dish nearby, containing her hard worked snacks. They were spilled on the floor and the dish was shattered into pieces. She had to wound herself to bring up the act that she accidentally wounded herself to grab Sungjae's attention and to bring him away from her room.

Which eventually succeeded. 

"KYUNGMI!" Sungjae cried out, worried and shocked upon hearing the young girl's cry and the shattered dish's sound. Hurriedly, he ran towards the young lass, kneeling in front of her. "Oh my- are you okay? What happened?"

"I-I think I hit the dish and cut myself." she softly said, bearing the sharp pain on her hand. A three inch cut was seen, and it was bleeding severely.

"God, that's the big wound! Come on, I'll put some medicine on it." Sungjae said.

"I'm okay. I'll be okay, I can bear it." she smiled, trying to reassure Sungjae. "I can put medicine on it myself, babo."

"It's bleeding bad. C'mon, let's heal i-"

"I said I'll be okay."

Hearing the female raise her voice, Sungjae backed off and replied with a smile. "Arraseo. I know you, and I know you can. I trust you." he smiled standing up and began to pick up the broken dish pieces and throwing them on the garbage can. "I should go. Go take some rest already. You must be tired."

"I am not, but, yeah, I should." Kyungmi smiled, holding her wounded hand.

"Heal that, got it?"

"I will, umma."

"Aish." Sungjae snickered and exited the room of the female. When he was gone, Zelo came out of Kyungmi's closet, out of her room and dashed towards Kyungmi.

"What happened?" the blonde asked as he saw the three-inched wound on Kyungmi's hand. "What did you do, to be exact?"

"I had to keep Sungjae away from my room, idiot." Kyungmi answered.

"And in that way, you had to hurt yourself?"

"That was the first thing that came to my mind! Don't blame me!"

".... Idiotic."


Hurriedly, Zelo looked for a first aid kit and helped Kyungmi clean her wound and put a sterilized bandage over it. Though Kyungmi really insisted that she can handle it, Zelo pursued in helping her with it. Of course, not being able to do anything, she simply watched the tall blonde do so. "Thank you." Kyungmi said in a soft manner as Zelo finished wrapping her wound with bandage.

"You're welcome. Be careful next time, arraseo? And if you're ever doing a plan of the same situation you had earlier, try something that wouldn't hurt you physically." Zelo reminded.

"I will. Thanks again."

"Sure. I'll be heading home now, it's getting pretty late. Bye."

"See you~"

With that, Kyungmi was left alone in her dorm, preparing for bed as she has classes tomorrow. Zelo exists the scene, heading back to his dorm, bravely walking the dim-lit alley. 

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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)