The Pendant

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sound of footsteps. The sound of running. 

Sungjae made his way through the thick crowd of people walking here and there, heading here and there under the nightlife of Seoul. His eyes and mind were only fixed into finding that girl.

Jung Kyungmi.

"Of all people, why him?" Sungjae mentally cursed to himself. "Why Zelo of all damn people?! WHY?!"

Meanwhile, while Sungjae was busy looking for Kyungmi in some place she isn't, the young lass and Zelo were just finishing a light meal from one of Seoul's best food servers. It was quite expensive for Kyungmi, no, VERY expensive but for Zelo, it was like paying a small amount of money to them. It was nothing for him. 

Good thing it's his treat.

"Woah, the food here is daebak, Zelo!" Kyungmi cried after tasting the food served. "Do you eat here often, hm?"

"Not really, like I said, I often eat at your restaurant." Zelo answered. "This place is nothing compared to your place's. It's crap around here."

"Aish, you little-! Just thank that you're being served with, you little runt. By the time you know it, you won't be able to eat these kind of things any longer."

"Like that'll happen."

"It CAN happen, idiot."

"Whatever, eat already before I leave you behind."

"Aish, talk about impatience."

After a few couple of moments, the two finishes eating and heads out. The cold breeze touched their skin. They often take strolls around Seoul at days like this, chatting about things here and there. The dark sky was painted with millions of twinkling stars and the cold breeze made the atmosphere better.

"So, how long have you been working again?" Zelo suddenly asked.

"A year and um... five months." Kyungmi answered. "Waeyo?"

"Nothing, just curious." Zelo smiled. "You've been working quite some time already, huh?"

"Yeah. Back in my younger days, I'd often help my umma in her work, so me working independently isn't much of a burden. I've got experiences already."

"Ah, so that explains things." 


"You appear so light-minded and happy doing your job, as if you aren't being exhausted from it... or aren't you?"

"I am getting exhausted too, idiot. I'm just... I just remember what my umma told me once. Do what you like and love what you do, and that makes me do things with a smile."

"... Amazing." Zelo snickered. Soon, his eyes caught sight of a bench nearby and pulled Kyungmi towards it to sit and chat there. The night sky soon shone thanks to the stars and moon. 

"So, you once told me that you and that Sungjae guy grew up together for years, right?" Zelo asked again. "How come? What happened?"

"Well, remember when I told you that my appa died?" Kyungmi asked.


"Well, since then, umma had to support the family. Good thing I'm an only child so the burdens weren't that heavy. Unable to support us that well, she had to go abroad and leave me with the Yook family, which is Sungjae's family."

"So... you entirely spent your life with that dude?"

"Mhm. We're like siblings to be honest. We have an older sister, but she is years older than us and was college already when I moved in, so I didn't have much moments with her. I don't even know her that much."

"So... if she was college back then, she has a family now?"

"Hm.. something like that."




That's what came after their simple chat. "How about you?" Kyungmi suddenly asks, making Zelo turn around and look at her.


"What's your story?"

"I prefer to keep it hidden. I don't like telling my past to others."

"Eh? Why?"

"I... just don't want to."

"Do your hyungs know?"


"How long have you been living with them anyways?"




"No reply? Fine." Kyungmi pouted.

"Mianhe, I really don't like telling much." Zelo laughed.

"Ani, gwenchana, Zelo. Gwenchana." Kyungmi smiled before averting her eyes around, looking here and there. "Man, it's cold, isn't it?" she suddenly said.

"Yeah." Zelo nodded. "It is."

"Seoul's getting cold these days."

"Hey, let's go somewhere warm. I don't really like cold atmospheres. I know a warm cafe nearby, we can hang out there for the time being, nae?" Zelo suggested, flashing a sweet smile on his face.

"Sounds good. Let's go!" Kyungmi happily nodded before jumping back on her feet. "Palli! Kajja!"

"Aish, calm down, will you? Aigoo, talk about being over excited."

"Haha, funny. Now, up you go and let's go!!!"

"Fine, fine, calm down, girl." 

Together, the two walked to the place Zelo has in mind. A cafe. A warm atmosphered cafe, enough to give a small amount of warmth to the two freezing individuals. The crowd, compared to lately, it was a bit less this time. A few people were there now, since it was slowly getting late. 

"Is it far still?" Kyungmi began to complain. "My legs hurt already, Zelo!"

"If I'm not mistaken, it's near already, so stop your whining and just walk, geez." Zelo sighed. "I never knew you were such a..."


"A pain. A big, no, enormous pain in the neck!"


Soon, the two gets stranded in a crowd. They were actually lost, and Zelo actually forgot where the cafe is located. The two walked together in circles, trying to find the said cafe, but alas, no luck. They were really lost...

For real. 

"Where now?" Kyungmi pouted.

"As far as I remember, it's just here!" Zelo exclaimed, pointing his index finger in front of him.

"You've been saying that for a total of ten or fifteen minutes already, Zelo."

"... I am?"


"Oh... sorry."

"Yah, gwenchana. I just wanna escape the cold."

"I know. Me too."

Soon, the two began walking again and to their surprise, a familiar figure bursts in front them. Black hair, tall figure and average build of body. A familiar face, covered in sweat despite the low temperature.

"Sungjae?!" Kyungmi gasped upon seeing her best friend in front of her and Zelo. Yes, it was Yook Sungjae, the person she knows will act the worst upon knowing what was happening.

Sungjae was sweating greatly and is panting heavily. Obviously, one can see how tired the tall man was. His black eyes were glued on his best friend and the blonde next to her.


The person he and her used to despise. Now? It was only BtoB and him who only despised him. With Kyungmi with him, the idea of her hatred vanished comes up. It is true.

She is with him. He is with her. And one more thing..

They act as if they are getting along well, which is a fact. A BIG fact.

"Uh... I-I can explain..." Kyungmi stuttered.

"So... it is true." Sungjae panted. "You are with him."

"No, not that point with him, Sungjae. I am just friends with him and-"

"And what? Secretly being in this relationship with him? Jung Kyungmi... I can't believe you." Sungjae frowned, seeing his best friend keep such important information to him. "Amn't I your best friend? Aren't you supposed to tell me various things about yourself?"

"Sungjae, it's not-"

"Not what?"

Silence broke. Her best friend, her new friend and herself there in one place. Kyungmi felt a cold wind touch her face as she saw the "sparks" flying off Sungjae and Zelo's eyes when their eyes met. She knew that something bad will emerge a few minutes later. 

Something horrible.

Something she knows she would hate to see.

She really isn't sure, but once she gets these feelings, it always comes true.

"Kyungmi, why?" Sungjae asked, glaring at the young lady.

"I.. didn't want you to know for I know that you and Zelo's sides are in... bad terms."


"Me befriending a B.A.P member would anger you."

"You are definitely right, so stay off from that jerk from this day forward, arraseo?" Sungjae commanded, grabbing Kyungmi's wrist.

"Mwo? NO!"

Seeing that the young lady was forced to step beside the other male, Zelo finally snapped and took a step. Of course, since everything he does is an act, this is too. "Yah, you're not respecting the lady's choice, dude. Stop." Zelo said in a serious matter.

"Hah, respecting a lady? Who are you to say such?" Sungjae mocked.

"A man. A man who knows."

"Know? All you know is break heart and play with them as if they are your toys which you'll throw after playing with! You're a darn heart breaker and player, that's what it is!"

"... You darn-!" Zelo cried before attacking Sungjae.

"YAH!" Sungjae exclaimed back and pushed Zelo away.

With that, the two got physical after Zelo pushed Sungjae. They exchanged punches and were didn't give a care about people looking at them. Kyungmi stepped back upon seeing the two charge and was greatly astonished by their actions.

Two men.


In front of her.

"Of all people, why did it had to be her?! WHY?!" Sungjae loudly cried out and grabbed Zelo by his shirt's neckline, his eyes glaring at him.

"Hah, me? I simply wanted to befriend her! Just because we're in different parties means that friendship can't exist? Get outta here!" Zelo exclaimed angrily.

"I'm asking... why her!?"

"Can't it be?!"



Kyungmi, meanwhile, was simply standing there, watching her two friends fighting for her. Fighting for her friendship. Dictating this and that...

Can't they be both her friends?

Is being in this side and that side really have to matter?

Is that it?

Zelo and her and Sungjae can't be friends because of the sides and groups they are in?

It's unfair...





Really unfair.

"Stop. Now." Kyungmi mumbled, soft enough for no one to hear. 

The punches and attacks continued. They were fired non-stop. "Hajima." she said again, but still, didn't do a thing. The two boys' clash didn't stop.

For the last time, Kyungmi gathered up her strength and cried out.

"I said stop it, god-damn it!" she exclaimed, grabbing the two boys' attention quickly. Their eyes shifted to her, shocked by her thundering voice. Her face was serious, and tears were threatening to come out of her small eyes. "Stop. Now." she repeated.

"Kyungmi..." the two mumbled down their breaths.

"Stop this nonsense now, guys. I'm annoyed greatly." she glared, trying to remain strong, holding her tears that are about to come out. "It's annoying. Do sides really matter to have a friendship started? No, right?"


"I don't care if our sides have a big rivalry, does it have to come in between blooming friendships? No. I want me, Sungjae and Zelo as friends despite the groups and rivalry. Who knows, we might erase that darn rivalry!" Kyungmi added. 

Silence yet again.

"Can't we try?" Kyungmi repeated, her eyes changing from something burning with anger and fierceness, into something pleading and filled with honesty and will. "Can't we, Sungjae? Zelo? Are we going to let this stupid rivalry and stay as what we are? Bitter rivals who will hate each other 'till the end of time? Will we let such terrible future exist?" 

"No." the two answered in unison.

"Then, what do we do?" Kyungmi asked yet again, this time, in verge of tears.

"Can we settle this somewhere else?" Sungjae suggested, letting go of his grip of Zelo. "I don't wanna cause an issue around here."

"Nae." Kyungmi nodded. Sungjae took his best friend by the hand and leaded the two to somewhere a few people go at this time. The three escaped judging eyes quickly and vanished in the darkness. To only one place is their mind set in going.

A park.



The moon shone bright with the accompaniment of a million, or billion, of twinkling stars. The cold breeze met their fair skins as they settled their unsettled business there.

"Okay, let's talk about things here." Sungjae said, letting go of the young lady's hand. Kyungmi nodded and slowly lifted her head up, wiping some tears that managed to escape her eyes.

"Nae." she nodded. 

"What is it we have to settle again?" Zelo asked, rubbing his nape. 

"Aish, stupid!" Sungjae blurted out boldly. "We were settling the friendship thing, idiot."

"I'm no idiot, idiot!"



"Guys!" Kyungmi called out again, grabbing the two male's attention.

"It was his fault!" the two said in unison, pointing at one another. Of course, Kyungmi simply scowled and crossed her arms.

"Aish, I don't care whose fault it is! Just, quit acting like spoiled kids and pay attention, will you?!" she scolded, earning a soft whimper from the two tall men. "As I was saying." she coughed. "I don't want our sides to affect our friendship. I want me, Sungjae and Zelo to be friends despite being in BtoB's side or B.A.P's side. It's not something that will judge our destinies. It's not something that's supposed to hinder our decisions. If we wanna be friends, then, why not? Can't we?"

"Kyungmi, you need to see that our sides affects our friendship." Sungjae explained, tapping the lady's shoulder. "BtoB and B.A.P are rivals, and we can't change that... for now. You need to understand that."

"But... I wanna be friends with both of you." she frowned.

"Well, we can't. It's either you be a Melody or be a Baby."

"... I am... a Meloby."

"Meloby?" the two men blinked.

"Yeah. Melody AND Baby." she replied, nodding, raising her voice in the "and" part. Of course, the two males simply sighed and either crossed their arms or placed their hands in their pants' pockets. 

"Look, you can't be both." Sungjae said again, sighing deeply. "You can't possibly be a part of both sides, Kyungmi. It only means trouble. Either be a Melody or be a Ba-"

"But I am not one of them! I am BOTH of them!" 

"Listen, you CAN'T."

"Why can't I?!"

"Because we're of different sides! We'll only fight if we did force ourselves to hang around and stay beside each other's sides!"

With that, Kyungmi remains silent, slowly realizing things. She then backs off by the sound of her best friend's voice raise. It scared her.

It actually scared her.

And she feared nothing of Sungjae. 

"I-I'm sorry." she softly said, backing off. "I didn't mean to push my desire that much. I understand what you're saying, Sungjae. I'll stop." she frowned and faced Zelo. 

"I'm sorry if we can't be friends." she said, showing a reassuring smile before replacing it with a frown and teary eyes. Her black eyes were slowly pooled with tears before facing the other male. "I-I'm going home." she said, walking away.

The two males simply stared at the young lady walk away. They were confused and guilty.

Guilty, actually.

"Look what you've done, babo." Zelo glared.

"What?! Me?! You were the one who began all of this!" Sungjae softly exclaimed. "If you didn't offer her a friendship thing, she won't be like this! She won't grow close to you!"

"Hah, now I'm the bad guy?"

"You always were!"

"That is NOT the case here, Yook Sungjae. This is her decision, and all I simply did was offered something to her, which she can reply with a yes or no. She picked yes, so it's mainly her decision. Plus, we are getting along, admit it or not."

"I don't care. She deserves you not."

"I'm actually ashamed. You and her are best friends yet you can't respect the girl's decision? What a pity..."


"If I were you, I'll-" Zelo began again

"I know, so shut it!" Sungjae cried out, cutting Zelo's speech before chasing Kyungmi, who isn't getting away that much yet. "KYUNGMI! JUNG KYUNGMI!" he called out, repeatedly. Luckily, thanks to the female's keen hearing senses, she quickly turned around, just to reveal her tear-filled eyes.

"Sungjae?" she mumbled in a soft voice. "Wae?"

"I... changed my mind." he smiled. "I think we can actually try things. We might be friends, the three of us. Sounds good?"

Upon that suggestion, Kyungmi's eyes grew big. 

Did she heard the right words...?

For real?

"Are... you serious about that, Sungjae?" she asked.

"Yup." he smiled before signing the blonde to come near them, which Zelo did understand. He quickly ran towards them, flashing a small smile in his face. "Right, dude?"

"We've come up with a decision, yes. We'll try..." Zelo smiled.

"Thank you!" she cried out happily before hugging the two. 

But little did she know about the truth. 

"Thank you, you two!" she happily cried out and broke the hug. "I'm glad... you two are sharing the same idea. Don't worry, the three of us will strive together to be great friends. I promise!"

"Aigoo, we will." Sungjae nodded. "Right?"

"Yeah." Zelo nodded. "Go home now, you need to sleep early. Girls don't sleep late and stay up late, remember?"

"Pff, right." she laughed before heading off. "I'm going now, you two should too."

"We will." the two nodded.

"See you!"


Upon seeing the girl vanish, the two's sudden warm sides dissolved and was replaced with a cold aura. Their soft eyes were replaced with cold, glaring ones. 

"You are aware that this is an act for the sake of her, right?" Zelo glared.

"Heck yeah I am." Sungjae scoffed. "I've never wanted to get even a feet near you, jerk. Disgusting."

"Back at you. Now, if you excuse me, I'm leaving. I don't wanna breathe the same air as you are, idiot." he scoffed and walked away. Sungjae scowled and curled his hands into two balls of fist before walking the opposite direction Zelo took, walking back to his dorm.

Everything IS a lie, indeed.

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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)