The Pendant

"Yah, Yook Sungjae, would you please stay still?" Minhyuk cried out in annoyance upon seeing their maknae walking back and forth eventually.

"Minhyuk-hyung's right. Why don't you sit down, eh, Sungjae?" Peniel sighed.

"I-I just can't, hyung." Sungjae said, walking back and forth again. "I don't feel right, hyung. NOT REALLY RIGHT."

"And by that, you mean...?" 

"Uncomfortable, perhaps?" Ilhoon asked, raising a brow at the younger before standing beside him, concerned of him greatly. "Is that the reason?"

"... Something like that." he answers upon feeling Ilhoon's touch on his shoulder. "I think so..."

"Why don't we talk about it to simmer the tension down?" Eunkwang suggested as he made a "come here" gesture to their dear maknae. 

"S-sure." he sighs before plopping down on the sofa, beside Hyunsik and Changsub. 

"So, what's in your mind?" their leader asks.


"Worry?" Changsub blinked.

"About what?" Hyunsik asked worriedly, his head a bit tilted to the right, cocking an eyebrow at the younger. "Is there something wrong?"


"Lemme guess, it's Kyungmi, isn't it?" Eunkwang smirked.

"Dang it, how in earth do you know what I'm always thinking, hyung?" Sungjae whined as he flailed his arms like a little kid, making the other members either squeal or simply smile along. Their reactions simply made Sungjae seem like a kid with older brothers, which is how his hyungs see him, and it only made him blush bright red.

"I'm the leader, remember? I must be aware on how my members act and think." Eunkwang explained with a smile carved on his face. "I know what's going on inside your minds. Now, am I right or am I wrong?"

"... You're right... as always." Sungjae sighs before brining his hands over his face. "I'm getting uneasy because of her."

"Aigoo, are you really sure of your decision of setting her free?" Changsub asks. "It's pretty hard for yourself and her, y'know. You two are inseparable! You two are made for each other."

"She likes an enemy, and I can't simply selfishly keep her." 

"But still, you two grew up together, then suddenly, you'll be separated?" Hyunsik sighed. "It didn't have to come to this, Sungjae."

"I know..." Sungjae sighed as he grabbed his phone, a picture of him and Kyungmi as his wallpaper greeting him. It felt as if his heart slowly broke into minute pieces. 

It pained him..

It felt as if he was stabbed by a hundred sharp blades... straight to the heart!

"Sungjae..." Ilhoon called out, grabbing Sungjae's attention in no time.

"Yes, hyung?"

"It ain't late yet. You can still make a change." he smiled. "So what if he likes an enemy? We can never control one's hearts... even our own! She can still be your friend, it's no problem, right, hyung?"

"Mhm!" everyone nodded happily.

"Besides, we can never bear to loose Kyungmi now, can we?" Minhyuk smirked. "Go ahead, kiddo, we'll get her back. Dress up, we're going to her apartment now."



"Thanks a lot, hyung!" Sungjae jumped as he ran towards his room to dress up. Oh, how excited were they to gain back their beloved kitten-er, sister-like friend...

Unknown of what was truly going on...



After some minutes of walking, BtoB finally arrives at Kyungmi's apartment. With fast beating hearts, the group approaches her room, their bodies trembling in nervousness as they imagined how the young girl would react once they see them!

"H-how should I act? What should I say, hyung?" Sungjae nervously asked as he turned to look at his hyungs, his eyes full of nervousness.

"How should we know? We aren't the ones doing the talking!" Peniel softly cried.

"Yah, yah, calm down." Hyunsik sighed. "Just say everything your heart wants to tell. Let 'em out and tell them to Kyungmi. Be honest. Be calm."

"... I don't think I can do it."

"Aish, too late for back outs! Do it! Do it!" Changsub softly cheered. 



"AISH! FINE! I'm doing it, I'm doing it." Sungjae hissed. "Just... just shut your mouths, got it?"

"Go it!"

There, Sungjae softly rings the doorbell and knocks on the door, softly calling Kyungmi's name in a gentle way of course. "Kyungmi? Kyungmi, I know you're there." he calls out. "C-can you open the door? It's Sungjae. I wanna talk to you... please."

No response.

"Are you sure she's in there?" Changsub asked as he tapped his chin. 

"Yeah, why'd you ask?" Sungjae asked back.

"It's just that... maybe she's out?"

"Bah, nonsense! It's nearly nine o' clock in the evening! She doesn't go out past eight!" 

"... Who knows?"

"Nonsense. Kyungmi. Kyungmi, please. Open the door, hey..." Sungjae continues, but still, no response. All the other members were having the same idea and suspicion as Changsub, but Sungjae still decides to continue his decision on calling the other from the other side of the room's door. His will was strong, him asking forgiveness was without a doubt, at full.

"Kyungmi, please. I know you're there... open up." Sungjae begged and was finally stopped by Eunkwang's suggestion.

"Yah, why not ask her ahjumma if she's in or out?" Eunkwang suggested.

"... That might work. C'mon, this way." Sungjae said as he led the way to the apartment's owner's room. Once there, he rang the room's doorbell and knocked thrice before the door was finally opened, just to be greeted by a rather sleepy middle aged woman. "G-good evening, ahjumma." Sungjae greeted.

"Ah, Sungjae-ah? It's late, what's wrong?" ahjumma asks before yawning. 

"Is Kyungmi in her room? We've been calling her for minutes and still, she won't reply. I'm getting worried that she won't open the door because... erm...-"

"Of a fight?"

"How did you...?-"

"I know that girl since she arrived in Seoul. That's how she acts whenever she enters a fight."

"... Okay, back to the topic, is she in?"

"I'm afraid I saw her go out at about six? She hasn't returned yet... and I thought she went at your place! Turns out not, eh?"

"S-she hasn't returned?! It's three hours already!" Sungjae cried out.

"I know." ahjumma said. "Here, the keys to her room. Who knows, she simply just refuses to open the door and had arrived home without me noticing!"

"Nae, gamsahamnida, ahjumma." Sungjae respectfully said before bowing and heading back to Kyungmi's room. After unlocking it, he finds the room pitched black and no signs of Kyungmi anywhere. BtoB then soon feels themselves panic by not seeing the young lass anywhere they look.

"No signs of her!" everyone reported to Sungjae.

"Aish, where in earth can that girl be?!" Sungjae irritatedly cried, scratching his head. 

"... I think I've got an idea... but you won't like it." Ilhoon said softly, but loud enough for Sungjae to hear. 

"What is it, hyung?"

"... Can she be... with them?"

With that one word, Sungjae felt the world stop. Without thinking twice, he darts out, heading to the said "place" where Ilhoon had thought Kyungmi might be.


She might be there...

Where else if it isn't them?

Hurriedly, Sungjae darts off, with the other members of BtoB following close behind, running as fast as they can to catch up with Sungjae. "Yah! Yook Sungjae!!!" Hyunsik calls out despite his heavy breathing. "Can't you slow down?!"

"We can barely breathe!" Changsub complained.

But as if they said nothing, Sungjae heard nothing. It was as if no one talked. All he can hear was his heart throbbing in fear, his footsteps, and the thousand thoughts running round his head. He can't accept that thought if ever it is true.

But more likely, it IS true.

Well, there were only two places Kyungmi can go to.

To him, a.k.a, BtoB's dormitory.

Or to Zelo, a.k.a, B.A.P's dormitory...

The place he fears the young lady is. 



Time check, 9:14 p.m.

Location: B.A.P's dorm.

The six were simply loafing around, watching T.V, playing games in their own gadgets or busy with their phones. Some were simply laying down the couch, staring at the ceiling. "Eh, there's nothing interesting to watch!" Daehyun whined before shoving a piece of biscuit in his mouth.

"All dramas..." Youngjae sighs. 

"Junhong-ah, can you give me a hand here?" Himchan calls out from his room, which Zelo quickly responds to. 

"Sure, hyung." he shouted back, and when he was about to stand up, his phone dropped on the carpet. He hurried and picked it up, just to be greeted by a particular picture.

Him and Kyungmi... together.

"Junhong, Himchan's calling you, why are you lazing around there?" Yongguk asks as he walked towards the younger, just to find out he was spacing after seeing THAT picture. "Junhong? You okay?"

"H-huh?" Zelo snapped out.

"You seem unwell. Are you good?"


"... Oh, that picture?"

"It's nothing..."

".... Accept the fact, Junhong. You can't go close to her ever again." Yongguk sighed as he stood up straight again. "Palli, help your hyung over."


Just as when he was making his way to Himchan, he heard the doorbell ring. Seeing that no one took the initiative to answer the door, he ran and opened it, surprised to see who was there.


"S-Sungjae?!" Zelo gasped, but was soon cut off as he felt his shirt be grabbed by Sungjae and a rather strong punch was felt, crossing his face and making him fall on the floor. By this sight, B.A.P stops their own works and defends their maknae, punching Sungjae back and finally, beginning a fight.

B.A.P V.S BtoB.

"What'd you do that for?!" Jongup cried as he punched Sungjae once again.

"Yah! Don't you lay a finger on him!" Eunkwang cried out, pushing Jongup away. 

Soon, every member of each group were getting physical and fighting with one another. Zelo and Sungjae were the ones on fire, punching each other hard for the reason of offence and defense.

"What's with you!?" Zelo yelled. "Why are you attacking us all of the sudden?!"

"Why?! YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER! Where have you hidden Kyungmi?!" Sungjae shouted back.

"How in earth are we to know the answer to that?! We don't have her!"

"Don't have?! Stop making things up! I don't believe a bit of the words you say!"

"Listen to me, will you, idiot?! We don't have Kyungmi!"


"I'M NOT!!!"



"Kyungmi's not in her apartment and the only place she may go to aside from our dorm is here! Where is she?! Bring her out now!!!"

"... Kyungmi's... gone?" Zelo gasped in disbelief, stopping the exchange of attacks from the two groups. His words echoed throughout the whole building.

"W-what? You don't know?" Peniel hissed.

"We know nothing about this!" Jongup hissed back. 

"... Then, where is she?" Changsub blinked as he let go of Youngjae's shirt upon snapping back to consciousness. "There are only two places she could've go to!"

"... W-why?" Zelo stuttered. "What going on?"

"She's not in her apartment room." Sungjae said. "We thought that if not in her apartment nor in our place, she'll head here to you."

"Me? How come?"

"... She... l-likes you."


"Well, yeah. That was kinda the reason we let go of her because I disliked seeing her hurt." Sungjae said honestly as he frowned a bit. "She told that to me... that's why... we broke up."

"YOU BROKE UP!? You hurt her?!" Zelo snapped.

"... Yeah. I... didn't want to make her feel as if she is trapped by our lo-"

But Sungjae's speech was soon interrupted as his phone, which had dropped on the carpet, began to ring loudly. Sungjae hurried and grabbed it, just to see Kyungmi's number calling him. Hurriedly, he accepts and puts it into loud speaker for everyone to hear the voice of Kyungmi.

But to their disappointment, it wasn't Kyungmi's voice they heard.

A deep, masculine voice, but not deeper than Yongguk's, answered the phone, much to everyone's surprise. As far as they know, the only males Kyungmi knew were them, namely BtoB and B.A.P, and her waiter oppas. Who on earth was this man using Kyungmi's phone.

"Yah, who the hell are you?" Sungjae coldly asks, his voice cold and firm. "What are you doing with Kyungmi's phone?"

"You must be the Sungjae guy in her contacts." the voice chuckled mischievously. 

"What. Have. You. Done. To. Her?"

"Relax, man. We haven't done anything to her... yet."

"Dare lay a hand on her and you're dead meat!" Zelo angrily shouts out to the phone, making the voice laugh louder.

"Hah, I'm so scared!" the voice mocked. 

"Seriously! What are you planning to do with her?!"

"None at the moment... Hey, how about this, a ransom in exchange of this young lassie?" 

"... No-!" Zelo cried out.

"How much?" Sungjae bravely asks.

"Y-you can't be serious!" Zelo exclaimed.

"I'm doing anything for her..." Sungjae said.

"A billion won would be nice."

"... Deal." 

"Good, meet me at the address I will send you via text. We'll be waiting, and so will this little Kyungmi. Oh, and remember, come alone. We don't like outsiders." With that, the call ended, leaving everyone in the scene astonished and dazed, well, almost.

"What the heck, man?! Are you serious about your decision?!" Zelo cried out, shocked and seemingly in a trance of disbelief as he grabbed Sungjae by his shirt. "Where are you going to get that money?!"

"... I don't know... but I'm doing everything for Kyungmi to be back home... safely." Sungjae managed to say softly, but still, audible to everyone.

"But still! A billion won?! Are you for real?!"

"... I am."

Silence broke. Everyone knew that they can't get such high amount of money to save Kyungmi. But, it was the only way, and as what Sungjae had said, it was the only way to do so and they'll do anything to get her back safely. Anything, even if it costs their own lives!

"... Kajja, let's get going." Eunkwang said, but was soon stopped by a rather deep voiced-call of Yongguk. Everyone stopped in their tracks to look backed, raising a brow at B.A.P. "What?" BtoB's leader asked in annoyance.

"You really are going to do it?" Yongguk asked.

"Yeah, what do you care?"

"Look, we might not know her much, but if she's someone special to one of the members, she is too for everyone. We'll help."

"Didn't you hear what the caller said? Sungjae's going alone." Minhyuk said.

"And you're leaving him behind then?" Himchan asks.

"Heck no!" Peniel exclaimed. "We're going along!"

"Then let us come along. We'll help in saving Kyungmi." Zelo said. "Please, Sungjae, she's special to me. She's special to you. She is special to us. We won't let anything happen to her!"

"... Fine." Sungjae smirks. "Kajja, we've got some saving to do."

Together, B.A.P and BtoB heads to the said place once the text was received. Heading there empty-handed, they prepare for the worse that may happen.

Meanwhile, in the said place the caller was, the environment was dimly lit, several men guarding the door and of course, a familiar sight of a young lass tied up on a pillar. A well built man, preferably years older than her, was standing beside her, her phone in his hands. "Done." the man smirked. "Your dear Sungjae would soon be heading here with our money."

"Heh, don't even expect." Kyungmi chuckled softly, confusing the man.


"Those guys don't give a damn about me anymore. I'm sure they won't even bother saving me." Kyungmi explained, a smirk forming on her face. "They won't come here with the money you desire, sick dude."

"Just wait. By the tones of their voices, they are sure to come."

"That's what you think."


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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)