The Pendant

The morning rays soon entered the curtains in Kyungmi's dorm, gently touching the fair skin of Zelo and Kyungmi. As soon as Zelo felt the warm rays of the morning sun, his eyes soon opened and looks around, quite astonished to see not his room, but rather, a familiar setting of the place.

Kyungmi's apartment room.

"Where am I?" he asks himself before spinning his head around, making sure that the place was the young lass's room. To his surprise, something heavy on his chest area was felt, just to be revealed that it was Kyungmi. No other than Kyungmi. "Kyungmi?" he softly calls out, shaking the young lass.  Soon, Kyungmi opens her eyes, looks around and jolts up upon seeing Zelo's face a few inches away from hers.

"Oh, you're awake!" she smiled as she placed her right hand on Zelo's forehead. "Are you okay now? Are you feeling better, Zelo?"

"... W-what happened?" Zelo innocently asked.

"You went here last night about 2 or 3 in the morning. You collapsed so I had to take you in, and you were soaking wet! Plus, you had such high fever! Thank goodness that it's gone though." she said.

"I had fever?"

"Yeah. A very high one."

"I didn't cause any troubles on you, did I?"

"No, no, it's okay. I don't mind." she sweetly smiled before averting her eyes to the wall clock. Upon that action, her eyes widened and a dolphin scream fills the building, shocking the blonde. "Ah!!! I'm late! I'm late!" she cries out in panic as she darted in her room.

"... Oh right, there's school today." Zelo blinked. "Better move fast, Kyungmi!"

"I AM!" she exclaimed. She quickly locks her room and heads to the bathroom, takes a bath and hurries in dressing up. Afterwards, she darted out of her room again, toasts some bread, spreads some jelly on it and eats. 

"I should start preparing too." Zelo said as he tried standing up, but eventually, fell down as tried doing so. Upon seeing that, Kyungmi ran towards Zelo and insists him to rest and not move.

"Zelo, you aren't that healed yet. I suggest you don't attend school for today and rest." Kyungmi said, worried. "If you force yourself too much, your fever might return and worse, come back somewhat higher! I don't want that to happen to you, you know."

"You don't?" Zelo asked, eyes widened.

"Of course not! I care about you, you know!" she pouted, earning a smile from Zelo. 

"Arraseo, I'll rest here in your apartment room for today. I'll not attend school and simply rest as what you told me to do but I will keep in touch with you, is that okay?"


With that, Kyungmi grabs her bag and heads to the door, but before that, she turns around to see Zelo. "Zelo-ah! If you want, there are some snacks and other food in the refrigerator! Feel free to eat 'em and watch T.V or something! Don't use my laptop, arraseo?" she said strictly.

"Yes, ma'am." Zelo joked, earning a soft chuckle from Kyungmi as she shut the door close. Zelo simply smiles before placing his arms above his eyes, drifting off to dreamland again. 



Meanwhile, in another building, five men were preparing to go to school already. 

Five blonde boys to be exact and, yes, they are B.A.P. They were dressed in their school uniform already and were preparing to set off, but with Himchan running late, they were pulled back. "YAH! Just how long are you going to take in there, Kim Himchan?!" Yongguk exclaimed, knocking hundreds of times on their room.

"Just a minute!" Himchan replies.

"Just a minute?! You've been in there for solid twenty minutes already, dude!"

"I swear, just one more minute!"

"Thats's it, I'm kicking this door open!" Yongguk announced and forcefully opens the door, just to find Himchan sitting on his bed, dazed. Of course, Yongguk and the others were quite annoyed to see Himchan just there and telling them to wait for twenty minutes but he was done already!

"What on earth is up with you, hyung?" Youngjae worriedly asked as he sat beside the older guy. "Everything okay?"

"Look, we all know that you're worried that Junhong suddenly vanishes out of the thin air this morning, and we understand that you can't believe it." Daehyun said. "It's okay, hyung."

"No, that's not it." Himchan sighs as he stood up. "I am NOT surprised that Junhong vanished... because I know why and that he did."

"You do, hyung?!" Jongup gasped.

"Yeah." he nods and pulls out a piece of folded paper from his pants' pocket. "Take a look for yourselves."

Yongguk quickly grabs it and along with the other three members, they began to read every word written in black ink. The letter was probably read already by Himchan, disobeying Zelo's words, as the paper was folded roughly already. 

"Dear hyungs,
I bet you are shocked that you can no longer find me there in the dormitory this morning. I know, that's because there's one reason. I've ran away. I am not coming back. Great news, right? Especially for Yongguk-hyung. I hope you do well without me. Have fun with your hectic lives. I can accept the fact that I am no longer a B.A.P member, and I'm sorry that I broke our vow. I don't care anymore. Why? I can't stand your ways any longer. I can't stand you acting like that. Acting like spoiled little brats. No offense, okay? I'm simply saying the truth. Sorry, hyungs. I really am. I am sorry that I can't stay with you any longer. I won't bother you from now on and chances that we would get along is less that 20%. Have fun living your lives, and please... forget that a Choi Junhong even existed in that darn group of yours. I'm out.
Yours truly,
Choi Junhong, a.k.a, Zelo."

Upon reading the letter, Jongup gasped while Youngjae and Daehyun's jaws fell down. Yongguk, meanwhile, snaps and crumples the paper, and soon, tears it. "Yah!" Himchan cried out in shock upon seeing the pieces of torn paper fall on the ground.

"If he wants to get outta our group, fine. I respect that darn decision of his!" Yongguk hissed and grabs Himchan forcefully and drags him out of the dorm, with the other members following close behind. The five then heads to school, with their leader's head burning.



In school, Kyungmi luckily arrives in time, thus, she wasn't late. She was greeted by BtoB, who, according to them themselves, are hiding from the fans. After their win, their popularity took a large increase in the campus, and that was a greater bother! Not only is their freedom now limited, they need to hide from time to time! Annoying isn't it?

"Yah, what caused you to be late anyways, Kyungmi?" Changsub asked curiously, cocking a brow at the younger lady.

"Er... I woke up late." she lied, smiling innocently, keeping her act up. "I, um, I slept late yesterday night, oppa. Mianhe. I won't repeat it again."

"You better not." Hyunsik nodded before bringing his right index finger on Kyungmi's lower eye lids. "You'll have eye bags, you know! And as far as you know, girls having eye bags is... er..."

"Improper? I know." she pouted. "I'm not having that, arraseo?!"

"Even though. If people stay up late, they get 'em." Eunkwang sighed, crossing his arms. "Don't over work yourself.  Have some time to take enough rest and sleep. I know you're pressured with your academics and other stuff, but don't push yourself to the limit."

"I won't, oppa." she smiled. "Don't stress yourself too much in worrying about me."

"Aish, fine." the leader sighed. Soon, the rival kingka group enters the scene, but unlike before BtoB didn't mind even if Babys were greeting them wildly, shouting loudly and so on. They acted normally, not even minding them. Why? Well, after their win, would they still even mind? They are in fact, the best kingka group already, and everyone knows that.

"Oh look, one member of them is missing." Minhyuk said as he noticed that the group was only consisting of five members. 

"The talest is missing." Ilhoon said. "Their maknae."

"Come to think of it, I just noticed it!" Hyunsik cried. "I barely noticed."

"Somewhat a weird incident, hm?" Peniel said.

"Yup." the other members nodded. 

"Usually, they're always together." Sungjae said, whispering to Kyungmi. "What do you think happened to that guy, hm, Kyungmi?"

"No idea." Kyungmi lied. "Maybe he got sick or simply wanted to skip class?"

"... Fair point. You never know what that guy is thinking." Sungjae chuckled.

"Yeah." she laughs along. Unknown to the boys, and even to B.A.P, she knows the real reason why Zelo is absent. It's because she told him to do so, to rest in case the fever comes back again. Besides, he probably didn't sleep well yet, so he needs to regain those energy he spent. She didn't want the other to attend school despite feeling weak and what's worse, he might collapse!

Though the real reason on why Zelo came to her place that late in night remains unknown, she can somewhat conclude something in her mind that might actually have some relations to Zelo's reason. Whatever that is, she must ignore that information for now and focus in school. The bell rings loudly and everyone hurried to their rooms. 

Not only did B.A.P's position got affected by the contest they themselves built, but also BtoB's and Kyungmi's.

Eversince then, BtoB got more popular and so did Kyungmi. She was still known as the "Emotionless Tomboy" but this time, she was also known for her heavenly, honey voice. She was now seen differently by people because of her amazing vocal power. For some reason, she still felt uncomfortable with that fact as she wants people to view her as who she is, not by her talents or physical appearance! 

But still, at least people treated her better this time. She was no longer envied when she hanged around BtoB since people viewed them in the same level. She isn't a queenka, yet people tend to see her as one since the contest. She hated it and at the same time, liked it. 

Confusing, right?

Well, it might be, but it's just the fact that Kyungmi can't express nor understand her feelings! She can't just... understand herself! She can't see through herself. Funny, right?

Meanwhile, in B.A.P's case, they were still not used about Zelo's absence. The maknae meant so much to them. Everyone meant so much to them. When one leaves, it's a great issue around them. "Do you think Junhong went back to Mokpo for real?" Jongup worriedly asked.

"Who knows?" Daehyun asked. "That kid can do anything!"

"He can even live on his own here in Seoul with ease!" Youngjae added. "Who knows what Junhong can possibly do?"

"Yah, I'll stop talking about him if I were you." Himchan reminded as he said such softly before pointing at Yongguk. "You are well aware that the most affected here is him, right?"

"Mianhe, hyung." the three apologized.

"Yah, you four, what in bloody hell are you talking about?" Yongguk hissed as he turned around to see the other members. "Hurry up and go to class!"

"Y-yes sir!" they nodded nervously before sprinting off in fear.



Classes were finally over. Kyungmi had to hurry off and buy some dinner for her and Zelo before heading home when BtoB blocked her way. "What's with the hurry, Kyungmi?" Sungjae asked, seeing that the young lass was darting down the hallway. "Are you up to something?"

Kyungmi gulped. She can't possibly tell the seven that Zelo's temporarily staying in her apartment room for now. Plus, he's a B.A.P member and her, a Melody, keeping him home for now is definitely not proper, especially at the eyes of fellow Melodies and of course, BtoB. "Er, n-no! I just... um, was heading off home quickly. You know... assignments here and there and quizzes here and there. I barely have time to rest." she lied, making the lamest excuse she can ever think of.

And to her surprise, they fell for it. "I know that feeling! Our sir just doesn't give a rest in giving homeworks and projects! He's gonna kill us!" Ilhoon whined. 

"So does ours!" Minhyuk and Hyunsik cried at the same time.

"Okay, we understand you." Eunkwang smiled before ruffling the younger's hair. "Do you want us to walk you home, Kyungmi?"

"Aniyo, I'll be okay, oppa." she smiled sweetly. 

"You sure?" Sungjae worriedly asked as he walked towards his best friend. "I worry about you, you know."

"I swear, I'll be okay, Sungjae." she sighed before smiling again. "I'll be okay, I promise. Don't worry about me, okay?"

"Fine, fine." he smiled before ruffling the female's hair. "Be safe."

"I will and thanks!" she grinned before continuing in her tracks, off the building. She then makes her way out of the school building, onwards to the buzzing square of Seoul. There, people were still buzzing around, busy doing their own concerns. Of course, Kyungmi won't bother knowing them though, so she just has to put her mind straight into her musts.

Must buy food.

Must get home.

With those two "musts", Kyungmi enters a grocery shop and picked up the things she needs. Afterwards, she headed to the counter and payed everything before setting off, back to her apartment. Once there, she hurried in her room, just to be greeted by a neatly fixed room and Zelo sitting on the couch, reading one of her books. "Woah, did you do this?" she asked in amazement, referring to her room.

"Oh, welcome back." Zelo sweetly smiled as he saw the young lass in front of him. "And yes, I did."

"Aish, you didn't have to." she laughed before plopping down beside him. "I can clean this room of mine some time during the weekend, y'know!" 

"It's nothing. I'm quite used to these chores already, and besides, it was better to clean than to do nothing." Zelo chuckled.

"Can't argue with that! So, were you okay here alone?"

"Mhm. I was."

"Good to hear."

"Did I miss anything important in school today?"

"Just some school works and new lectures. I'll lend you my notebooks and notes some time, so don't worry, okay?" she smiled.

"Ah, just boring works, eh? Okay." Zelo joked.

"Yah! They might be boring but they have lots of functions in our lives!" Kyungmi defended.

"Whatever, smarty pants." Zelo teased.

After fixing the bought stuff, Kyungmi makes her way to her room to change her clothes and fix herself, and afterwards, she walked back towards Zelo, sitting beside him, who was busy reading the same book. "So, mind telling me what exactly happened that you came here early that morning soaked wet?" she asked, raising a brow at the blonde.

"It's a long story. I suggest you not to know." Zelo sighed, not wanting to look directly at her. 

"I don't care if it's long. If you want, you can summarize it up into a few narrations." Kyungmi insisted as she hit Zelo's shoulder lightly, sure that he won't get hurt but still, feel it. "Please? I hate being unaware of reasons, especially if it has concerns with a friend of mine!"

"Fine." Zelo sighed. "I ran off from my hyungs."

"Mwo?!" the lass nearly jumped. "W-waeyo?! What happened between you guys?"

"Remember the competition? They can't show sportsmanship towards it and can't accept defeat from BtoB. I mean, yes, we are rivals but we must accept the fact that at some point, we win and loose, and B.A.P-hyungs can't seem to accept the fact they lost! It just annoys the heck outta me, so, yeah." Zelo sighed, bringing his hands on his face. "I just can't stand that attitude of theirs any longer."

"So... you finally see your hyungs' true nature?" Kyungmi asked.

"Yes." Zelo nodded. "I finally saw them, and how they changed me. If I were to be blinded more, I might've turned like them! And plus, I can't accept nor stand them anymore! I just... I just can't."

"So you ran off?" 

"Obviously, yes."

"And where to you tend to stay? I remember that you are from Mokpo and Seoul isn't really your hometown, so, where are you spending the next days?"

"No idea. I guess I'll go and find now so I can find one as early as now." Zelo said as he closed the book he was busy reading and sat up straight. As soon as he was about to stand up, he heard Kyungmi call out his name, making him turn around and tilt his head.

"Y-you know, you can stay here for a while." Kyungmi suggested. "I really don't mind, I mean, Sungjae stayed here for some time before so I got used to it."

"Aniyo, I think I won't be used to sharing a room with a girl." Zelo said.

"Really, I don't mind. Besides, the thought of you wandering around Seoul homeless would haunt me! It'll give me nightmares!"

"... But the question is... is that okay with you?"

"Well, why not?"

"... I just think it's... bothersome."

"It's not, okay? Snap out of it!" she cried out, hitting Zelo's head a bit harder this time. "I told you, it won't be and will never be! I'm openly asking you an offer to stay here temporarily while you can't find a place to stay yet, okay?"

"You're an angel." Zelo smiled as he bowed. "Thanks."

"No problem." she smiled back. 

With that settled, Zelo places his bag inside Kyungmi's room and sits down on the couch again, continuing with his reading of the same book he held lately. Slowly, he notices that something was still not right and stops reading, his eyes averted to stare at the ceiling. Soon, he snaps out as soon as Kyungmi calls him for dinner. Simple yet extremely mouth watering dishes were served and Zelo had to admit, Kyungmi IS a great cook. 

A great cook... just like Himchan.

"I'll do the dishes, is that fine?" Zelo asked. "At least... I can help."

"You've done enough, you should rest. I mean, cleaning the house while I was gone IS a big help already." Kyungmi grinned.

"Aniyo, I insist."

"Fine, fine, it's up to you." Kyungmi smiled as she walked to the couch and the T.V. Zelo simply went on with washing the dishes and finished quickly, surprising Kyungmi. With that, Zelo sits down beside the young lass and watches along with her. Together, the watched the said program, but to Kyungmi's worry, Zelo was quite dazed from time to time.

"Dude, are you okay?" Kyungmi worriedly asked.

"Wha?" Zelo blinked before facing to Kyungmi.

"You seem dazed."

"Ah, nothing. I'm just... thinking of something."


"... What?"

"Like what are you thinking? Lemme guess, your hyungs?"

"... For some reason, I can't get them out of my mind."

Kyungmi sighed upon hearing his words. "That's normal, dude. Once you grow close to someone, it's really difficult to remove them out of your mind. In your case, you grew close with your hyungs so it's really hard to erase them." she said.

"I know, I know." Zelo sighed, scratching his blonde hair. There, he noticed that Kyungmi was looking at him, thus, making him anxious. "W-what?"

"I think I know one step for you to make your not to remember them from time to time." Kyungmi smirked.

"Really? What?"

"Your hair color." she said, pointing at Zelo's blonde hair. "Let's change its hair color. Y'know, since you are all blonde, it is something that can remind you of them."

"Hm... fair point. Sure, let's change my hair color!" Zelo nodded happily.

"Yeah, but we'll do that tomorrow." the female yawned. "Agreed? I'm really sleepy, y'know."

"Of course!" the blonde happily nodded. 

"... Aren't you coming along?" Kyungmi asked as she saw Zelo lie down on the couch.

"What? You expect me to sleep with you? In your room?" Zelo blinked multiple times. 

"Well, what else? I can't let a visitor sleep in the living room!"

"I'll be fine here, geez. Just go to sleep." Zelo sighed.

"Fine, fine. Good night." 

"Good night."



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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)