The Pendant

"Say what now?" Zelo said, his eyes slowly widening by the words Kyungmi let out of her lips. The words echoed in his head over and over again, not being able to process the words well. It only left Zelo's mouth ajar, his eyes widened and his mind, blank.

"I said I am her, Zelo." Kyungmi repeated. "I am that girl."

"... Are you serious as heck, Kyungmi?"

"Yes. Why on earth am I going to joke at this rate, hm?"

"It's just that... it's unbelievable."


"... You ain't nothing like her. I mean, your physical appearance is.. er, nothing like that girl I met's!"

"Aish, annoying." Kyungmi growled and tied her hair in a ponytail style, making her somewhat look like eleven years ago. The same girl Zelo met the same time. "Now, believable enough?"

"Oh~ Yeah. Yeah, you look like her now." Zelo nodded. "But still, who knew, you were her?!"

"Yeah. Never knew you were him neither. All this time, searching and that guy was just in front of me! And I was just there, in front of you all this time. Amazing, isn't it?" Kyungmi laughed.

"Tell me about it." Zelo smiled.

Silence. The whole atmosphere was struck in to one dead silence as Kyungmi and Zelo finally found out who each other really is. That person they were looking for all this time, in front of them. 

And knowing who they are made things awkward.

"Man... now what?" Zelo asked, rubbing his nape.

"Um... y-you can start by letting go of my hand?" Kyungmi suggested, raising her and Zelo's intertwined hands. Upon noticing, Zelo's eyes widened and his face flushed a light shade of pink as he hurriedly let go of the lady's soft hand. 

"O-oh, sorry. I didn't notice I was still holding your hand." Zelo blushed. "Er.. I, um, uh..-"

"Aigoo, it's okay! Don't mind it." Kyungmi laughed. "Your hand's really soft... but rough at some parts. And your hand if FREAKING big."

"Well, my hand is big for it to match my out of this world height." Zelo softly chuckled.

"Pff, yeah right." Kyungmi smiled. "So, anyways... now what?"

"... Dunno." the taller blonde shrugged.

"Hey, I just wanna tell you something, i-if you don't mind, that is."

"I don't mind, so tell me."

"Well... eleven years and I searched for you." Kyungmi began, her eyes not wanting to meet direct contact with Zelo's eyes. "I never stopped looking for you and I had one reason in why. I never got a chance to ask your name so I vowed that when I see you again, I'll shower you with thousands, no millions or maybe even billions of thanks. And now, I'm saying to you, now, that I am very much grateful that that day came and we met." 

Her smile somewhat made Zelo's heart skip a beat. It was angelic, and never had he considered her small smile angelic. It was too small that he can't barely make up if she was smiling or her cheek muscles stopped working. She was emotionless, as everyone knew, but now, it was different.

A bright smile crossed her face.

"Ah, jinjja? I'm touched." Zelo smiled. "And, if you don't mind either, can I say something too?"

"Of course." Kyungmi nodded happily.

"So, how do I start?" Zelo coughed. "Er... eleven years, right? So, yeah, all those years, eversince I met you, I never actually stopped thinking about you. I always thought about you all these times, every hour, every minute, every second, and not knowing your name just made me pursue that will to find you. And now that I did, I guess my search's over. I expect that... we continue to mend our friendship, eh, Kyungmi?"

"Of course. You can expect that to happen, Zelo." Kyungmi giggled and smiled again. "We'll be friends, great friends, Zelo. I promise."

"I'll be looking forward to that, then?"

"You should."

"Good. So.. since it's getting late, do you perhaps want me to walk you home? It's late, and walking alone to your apartment would be quite... dangerous." 

"Aniyo, it's okay. I can do it."

"Well, based on past events, you almost got harassed by an idiot years older than you, and the possibility of that happening again is big, especially these days."

"I know, but I'll be careful this time. I'll be okay, trust me, Zelo."

"Can I?"


"... Fine. I trust you. Be safe in your way home, okay?"

"I will. See you~"

"Sure. See you around, Kyungmi."

As the young lass walks off, Zelo's eyes were glued on her as she vanished and merges with the shadows. She soon vanishes from his sight. Still, her angelic smile was imprinted in Zelo's mind, unable to forget that expression of hers. It was precious.

But Zelo's smile soon fades as he turns his back and walks away. The more he recalls her angelic smile, the more his smile fades away.









"Yup, right on time, Junhong." Youngjae smirked as he heard the dormitory door slam close and a tall blonde enter the building. It was no other than Zelo, looking as emotionless and brusque as ever. He garnered attention as he entered the room and plopped down beside his closest member, Jongup, who was busy listening to his MP3.

"Oh, hey, welcome back." Jongup greeted upon noticing the younger was beside him. "So, how'd your night go?"

"Well as ever." Zelo lied. "Fangirls were crowding on me again. They even chased me around the block."

"Oh, that sounds horrible." Daehyun mockingly said. "Well, that's the life of being popular ones, right? B.A.P ain't just popular in our own school but outside as well."

"I bet if we were given a chance to be idols, we'd gather lots of attention and support from Babys." Youngjae smiled.

"Ha, right. We will." Daehyun nodded, smirking.

"Aish, why on earth do we need to be so freaking popular?" Zelo whined as he stripped his black leather jacket off. "I really have to admit, I'm loosing my freedom 'cause of those darn fans!"

"Well, blame Yongguk here." Himchan answered, pointing at their leader. "Before B.A.P was even known, he was working as an underground rapper going by the name Jepp Blackman and he was pretty popular back then. So, when we were formed, we quickly gathered attention."

"Yah, it's not only me, idiot." Yongguk glared. "You were an ulzzang before, remember? Girls swooned down on you too!"

"Pff, right." Himchan sighed, rolling his eyes.

"And you." Yongguk said, looking at Daehyun. "You were popular too before we, B.A.P became this popular, Jung Daehyun. You were swooned by girls because of your voice and you were pretty good looking too."

"I wasn't!" Daehyun tried defending, but eventually failed as everyone agreed with the eldest's words. "Aish, fine, but not that popular as you think, hyung."

"Whatever. I hope that answers your question though, Junhong." Yongguk said, facing at the maknae.

"Whatever." Zelo scoffed before standing up and entering his room, locking it. 

"Geez, what's his problem now?" Youngjae asked, raising a brow at the other members.

"Dunno, go ask him." Jongup answered. 

"Are there still cherry tomatoes in the fridge?" Daehyun asked.

"I didn't see any." Himchan replied.

"Eh, so that's why. He's grumpy 'cause there's zero cherry tomatoes."

"Yoo Youngjae!" Yongguk called out. "Cherry tomatoes. Now!"

"Shireoyo, hyung! It's dark already!"

"Aish, get your outta there and buy cherry tomatoes or else-!"

"Aish, fine, fine. Geez..."

Meanwhile, while the other five were panicking on how to cheer the youngest up, Zelo plopped down his bed and buried his face in his pillows, frowning and occasionally punching the cushion. His face was different. He was scowling, a frown crossing his face. His face was truly different from his original one.

Anger showed.

Or maybe frustration...

"Why? Of all people, why her?" Zelo hissed as he clenched his fist on the pillows. "Why her?! Why?!"


Frustration and confusion. That's what bothered and filled Zelo's mind.

"Jung Kyungmi... why did it had to be you of all people?" Zelo groaned. "Why did it had to be you?!"

There, Zelo repeatedly banged his head on the pillows, filled with frustration upon knowing who Kyungmi is. No, it's not that he's not happy to find that girl he was looking for all these time, but because it was Jung Kyungmi.

A Melody.

An emotionless tomboy.

A toy.

Especially a toy.

"Why?" Zelo sighed as he slowly raised his head from the pillow, looking straight at the ceiling. He only placed his long slender arm above his eyes, sighing deeply. He truly can't believe the things happening now.

"I can't do this..." Zelo sighed. "Not to her..."



Meanwhile, Kyungmi had arrived in her apartment, bumping over her ahjumma. "Oh dear heavens, Kyungmi-ah, are you okay?" her ahjumma worriedly asked.

"Ah, nae. You?" Kyungmi asked.

"Aigoo, I'm okay. What's wrong? You seem... happy today?"

"Ah, nae! I'm just happy for some reasons~"

"Can you share?"

"Eh~ Shireoyo~"

"Ah, wae?"


"Aigoo, fine, fine, I understand." her ahjumma laughed. "Anyways, I should go now. Good night, dear Kyungmi."

"Nae, you too, ahjumma!" Kyungmi waved as she ran towards her room, unlocking it and entering inside. She hurried and changed her clothes and afterwards, she grabbed her phone as she sat near her studying table where her laptop is located. 

"Sungjae! Video chat. Now! :D"

There, she hurried and turned her laptop on, logging in her account and waited for her best friend to go online. Soon, she sees Sungjae was online and hurried to click the "video chat" button, waiting for Sungjae to receive and answer the call.

"What?" Sungjae asked as his face popped out of the screen. His background wasn't the living room of BtoB's dormitory, rather, their room. He was in their room, laying down his bed and probably, his laptop on his lap.

"Hey!" Kyungmi waved. "I've got some wonderful news, Sungjae!"

"What? You're finally wearing dresses and skirts out of the school?" the male joked.

"Heck no!" Kyungmi cried, putting up an annoyed face on. 

"Well, spit it out, what in the great wide world is that wonderful news, hm?"

"Well, you do remember that guy I told you years ago, right?"

"Er... who and what now?"

"That guy who freaking returned my pendant eleven years ago!"

"Oh, him. So, what about him now?"

"I found him~"

"Jinjja? Are you serious? How? Where? Why and what? Seriously?! You're not sick aren't you? Where did you meet and found him, Kyungmi? Where in earth-"

"Dude. Calm the fudge down."

"... Okay, I'm calmed down."

"Good. Now, to answer you questions one by one. I met him near the block lately and I knew it was him because of his touch. He held my hand, dude!"


"Yeah. And guess what, that guy is in the same school as we are!"


"Heck yes! I even know him before I knew it was him! You, me, oppas and everyone know him!"

"Really? Is he a classmate of ours or just an acquaintance?"

"Hm... he's a classmate of ours and a friend."

"Jinjja? Who is he then?"


"Come on! Don't leave me hanging! Tell me, Jung Kyungmi!"

"You really wanna know?"


"Arraseo. His name..."





"Spit it out now or I'm going offline. Now."

"Fine, fine! It's Zelo!"

Upon hearing the name, Sungjae froze. "Zelo? That guy you've been searching for all this time.... was Zelo?" he asked, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Yeah! Unbelievable, right?" Kyungmi smiled. "All this time, he was there, in front of me, and I never knew! God, now that I know him, our friendship will surely work out, right?"

"Er... uh-"

"Aish, of course it will, what am I even saying? Anyways, he's him and as far as I remember, you wanted to know who he really is, right? Well, here it is, dude. Zelo's that guy."


"That's all I've gotta say. Bye~!"

There, Kyungmi's laptop video chat screen was gone, thus, ending her video call with Sungjae. She simply smiled and plopped down on the couch, smiling like an idiot. She was filled with joy upon finally finding the boy she was looking for. 

But in Sungjae's place, he was astonished, dazed. 

Zelo? Him?

Why? Of all people, why did it had to be him?

"Watch out, Zelo." Sungjae mumbled to himself, scowling. "Not because you're him means I'm letting you near Kyungmi. You'll see... I'll reveal who you truly are to her. Just watch..."


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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)