The Pendant

The wind rode along with Zelo and Kyungmi as they were driving fast, going here and there as they looked for the place Kyungmi and Sungjae's date would take place.

"So, where was it again?" Zelo asked Kyungmi.

"It musn't be that far! I know it's somewhere here." Kyungmi answered as she spun her head here and there in search of a familiar land mark. 

"Aish, this is tough. Anything you can describe the place?"

"N-no. All I remember is that it's full of ferns and lights."

"Aish, what kind of description is that?! Almost all places here have those!!!"

"Okay, it's big, okay? A big, big building! It's kinda similar to those five-star restaurants and... erm... most times, people dressed fancy head there."

"... That's no help."

"... That's all I remember!"

"Whatever, I'll find the place myself."

There, Kyungmi simply kept silent and leaned on Zelo's back, her eyes slowly closing due to drowsiness she had from working almost more than half a day! Soon, she drifted to a light sleep as her arms were s around Zelo. Zelo, meanwhile, felt the young lass falling asleep behind him, and he simply smiled faintly. 

After a few more minutes of roaming the whole place, Zelo finally finds the said place. Herbs-filled, brightly lit, somewhat five-star like and full of fancy dressed people. Fancy, not in the point they are wearing gown and tuxedos, but yeah, they were fashionable, just to Zelo's liking.

And to his annoyance, this is the place he and his B.A.P-hyungs often visit! 

"Brings back memories." Zelo smiled to himself as he removed his helmet and nudged Kyungmi a bit. "Kyungmi~ Wake up, we're here."

"Nrgh... wha-?" Kyungmi yawned as she removed her helmet before stretching her arms out. "Where are we, Zelo?" she cutely asked.

"At the place you asked." Zelo sighed.


"Yeah... and somewhat, this is the SAME place me and the hyungs often used to go to." Zelo laughed.

"Talk about being luxurious!"

"Yeah... but it was always Yongguk-hyung's treat... or sometimes, Himchan-hyung's."

"Your hyungs are darn rich."

"Yeah they are. So, shall I stay while you wait for Sungjae?"

"Mhm. I might get into trouble if I stay alone. You should stay."

"Arraseo, arraseo. I'll stay." Zelo chuckled and stood beside Kyungmi outside the meeting place. The place slowly grew darker and colder as the wind kissed Kyungmi's skin, making her shiver a bit. "Br, it's getting cold out here."

"Are you cold?" Zelo worriedly asked.

"A bit, but I'm okay. No worries!" Kyungmi smiled.

"... Are you sure?"

"Yes. I am. Don't worry, gwenchana."

But Zelo tended not to listen. In a split second, he removed his jacket and wrapped it around Kyungmi to at least, give her a bit of warmth. To Kyungmi's surprise, she felt the warmth but seeing Zelo in plain white shirt was kind of making her guilty. "Yah, you didn't have to risk your jacket." Kyungmi pouted, trying to remove the jacket Zelo wrapped around her.

"Aish, it's okay. I'm good, plus, I can't stand here seeing you freeze to death!" Zelo chuckled. "I promise, I'm really okay."



"... I feel bad."

"Aw, don't be. I'm okay for real, honestly!" Zelo laughed before patting Kyungmi's head. "I'm okay, quit worrying too much."

"... Arraseo."

Minutes passed and finally, the clock strikes seven, the time for Sungjae to arrive. Unluckily, Sungjae has yet to arrive, and Kyungmi was getting impatient. Seeing that, Zelo decides to rid her boredom by talking nonsense to her and somewhat annoying her at the same time. "So, how do you see Sungjae?" he suddenly asks, making Kyungmi jolt a bit. 

"Wh-what?" Kyungmi blinked as she slowly flushed into a light shade of pink.

"How do you see Yook Sungjae... well, aside from being your boyfriend."

"... Well, someone I am very close to. Someone similar to a brother and a best friend. But now, he's my boyfriend, so I guess it's just that I see him now."

"Oh... do you like him back too?"

"Yah, what's with the sudden questions? Well, yes, yes I do like him."

"As a boyfriend?"

"... Y-yeah. A boyfriend, someone as a brother and a best friend."

"... If ever he hurts you, what'll your reaction be?"

"Why are you even asking these questions, eh, Zelo?"

"I'm keeping you away from boredom. Now, answer my questions or get bored to death."

"Aish! ... Well, if he ever hurts me... of course I'd tear up. I mean, being hurt by a person you like is indeed painful. I can't possibly bear if he ever hurts me. But.. I know he wouldn't, so I won't even think about it." she smiled.

"But... how if?"

"He won't."



"Everyone CAN hurt, y'know."

"He won't, okay? I know Sungjae, he won't do such thing."

"Okay. Another question-"

"Okay, stop right there. I don't want anymore questions."

"I promise, this'll be the last."

"... Fine." 

"If ever... just if, if you find out that someone actually likes you and confesses to you despite knowing that you're taken, what'll you do? Will you accept and return their feelings... or dump them?"

"... Well, neither of the two is a good action. I am taken and if ever I do the first option, it's cheating. If I dump him, well, it'll be painful for the poor guy and it'll haunt me forever... me hurting a guy that is."

"So... what'll your action be then?"

"I may or would accept his feelings and ask forgiveness since I can't return his feelings."

"... That concludes...?"

"Well, I have to stay loyal to Sungjae now, right? He's my boyfriend, and as his girlfriend, I musn't cheat on him. It would be so wrong. By the way, why are you asking these things anyway?!"

"... Nothing. I'm simply asking."

"Aish, fishy. Something's not right here." Kyungmi glared as she crossed her arms and looked away. Zelo simply snickered and continued annoying her by poking her cheeks, shoulders and nudging her time to time as minutes passed.

And true, something wasn't really right.

The reason why Zelo asked such questions was because he was indirectly asking Kyungmi what if HE would do those, and based on his answers, he snatching Kyungmi away from Sungjae easily won't be hard. Kyungmi's too angelic to be angry at him, and she promised never to burst her anger to him again, so, yeah.

"Yah~" Zelo continued annoying in a cute matter.

"Hajima. It's getting annoying." Kyungmi sighed deeply, a sign she was greatly pissed already.

"Kyungie~" he called out, using one of Kyungmi's most dreaded nicknames.





"Zelo! I said stop! GEEZ!" she scoffed as she turned around, swatting Zelo's hand away, shocking the other. Of course, he knew that he'd gone across the line, which he had planned. With one swift move, he wraps his arms around Kyungmi for a tight back hug as he buried his head on her shoulder.

"Mianhe. I was just trying to kill time by annoying you. I thought it'd would've be fun." he apologized honestly. "I am really sorry."

"... Pfft." Kyungmi scoffed.

"Really, I really am. I'm sorry." Zelo apologized again.

"... Do you swear you won't repeat it again, eh, Zelo?" she asked, her eyes gleaming.


"... Good."

"Am I forgiven?"


"Jinjja? For real?"


"Eh~ Kyeopta~"


But her speech was soon cut when Zelo placed a kiss on her forehead. An honest kiss. True, her BtoB-oppas often give her forehead kisses, especially her now boyfriend Sungjae, but for some reason, it felt different when Zelo did it. For some reason, it made her heart race fast. It was no doubt, it felt really different and somewhat... weird.

Her heart was racing fast.

Non stop.

"W-what was that for?" Kyungmi blushed.

"Nothing~" Zelo winked cutely before bursting into laughter upon seeing Kyungmi blush bright red. Of course, soon, Kyungmi laughs as well, quite loudly too, and that's when it happens.


That voice.

No doubt.

It was him.

"S-Sungjae?!" she cried in shock upon seeing Sungjae, neatly dressed and carrying a bouquet of the prettiest flowers in Seoul. The sight of Kyungmi around Zelo must be shocking for Sungjae.

Poor him.

A misunderstanding then makes the flower of jealousy bloom.

"YAH! What are you doing with Kyungmi, Zelo?!" Sungjae bursts as he pulled Kyungmi away from him forcefully by the hand. "You are aware that she's with me already, aren't you?!"

"Pff, I was simply accompanying her to wait for you, dude. Chill." Zelo coolly answered, his hands placed inside his pants' pockets. 

"Like I don't know what you're up to, Choi Zelo." Sungjae glared.

"Yeah? Then what am I in fact up to?"

"You're trying to steal Kyungmi from me. That simple."



Away from Sungjae?


Zelo can't do such a thing!

"Pff, me? Steal her away? She's only like a best friend to me. Why on earth would I do such-?"

"Stripes can never be overlapped with spots. A playboy's forever one. They can't be angelic. A demon's a demon. An angel's an angel. And you, Zelo, are a demon. You'll never be an angel no matter how much you try cover yourself."

"Sungjae! Watch your language, will you?" Kyungmi scolded.

"Why? I am simply stating the truth, Kyungmi. I am stating what Zelo really is! Why can't you see that he's only toying with you?! He's simply manipulating you! Can't you see? The gaining of trust, befriending you, doing all good stuff for you, it's all for that reason!"

"Not true!"

"Open your eyes, darn it!" Sungjae bursts as he shook Kyungmi, trying to snap her back to her senses. "This guy's just playing with you! He's treating you like a toy!"

"He isn't!"

"Why won't you believe me?!"

"Because I never saw him do so!"

"Never saw?! Jung Kyungmi, aren't you seeing this?! He's been toying with you all this time even before you two got this close! He wanted nothing but you to be his toy that he'll toy around and throw once he grows tired of you! He chose you to be his toy since everyone knows that once your trust is gained, and even if they hurt you, you'll never resist them and still come back! That's the Kyungmi every play boy knows!"

"He won't do that! I know Zelo and he won't do that!" Kyungmi insisted as her eyes were visibly in the verge of tearing up. "Zelo won't do that to me!"

"Aish! Yah, Zelo!" Sungjae cried out. "Why don't you just tell her so she won't expect things from you? Tell her the truth already, darn it!"

"You aren't toying with me, aren't you? You are really my friend, and friends won't hurt each other, right? Sungjae's wrong... right?"

"I...-" Zelo softly said, his eyes refusing to make contact with neither Sungjae' anger-filled eyes or Kyungmi's tear-filled ones.


"Zelo... please... just tell me." 
















"Heh, I thought you'd never notice, Yook Sungjae." the words escaped from Zelo's lips, making Sungjae scowl more and Kyungmi, gasp in astonishment. "You are indeed pretty clever." Zelo smirked, finally meeting with Sungjae's eyes and soon, shifting them over to look at Kyungmi's. "Your dear boyfriend is right, Jung Kyungmi. I was simply toying with you."

"... N-no way..." Kyungmi said as tears finally rolled down her red-flushed cheeks.

"I knew it." Sungjae hissed.

"Sure, I am toying with her, problem? I want her to be my toy... a special one. A toy the player has fallen in love with."

"W-what did you say?" Kyungmi managed to ask in between sobs.

"You heard me, I like you, dear toy of mine. You've caught my heart.. and you don't seem to notice that, naive lass. I like you. You never noticed it, and seeing that, I simply remained silent. I liked you and did everything for you, even helping you with that idiot beside you. I befriended him, which was against my will. I hanged out and got close with darn BtoB and so on. I acted like an angel despite not being one. Can't you see? I did everything of that for you, not because I changed."

"S-so... everything was a lie?"

"Exactly. Everything was a lie. A big lie I did for you." 

"... No... No!"

"Accept it, Kyungmi." Sungjae said as he stood beside Kyungmi closer and held her hand. "Now, scram. I don't wanna see you hurt Kyungmi more. I don't want to see you ever again, Choi Zelo! Get outta here!" Sungjae cried out angrily.

"No need to tell me." Zelo sighed as he walked towards his motorcycle. "I'll be going already anyways. I won't endure being around you again."

"Goodbye, Jung Kyungmi." those were the last words Kyungmi heard from Zelo before he drove off and slowly vanished to the horizon. She felt her warm tears flow down her eyes, down her cheeks then to her chin and finally, dripping down to meet the ground. She can't accept the words that she just had heard from a close friend she was actually trusting.

"No! Zelo!" she cried out as she tried running after him but was stopped as soon as Sungjae grabs her by her wrist, not wanting her to go further away.

"Accept it, Kyungmi. He's not the guy you thought." Sungjae said as he tried snapping Kyungmi back to her senses once again. "He's not the Zelo you knew."

"No! I know Zelo! He's the same Zelo that dates back years ago! An angelic Zelo whom I actually trust! He's just fooling around, he's not serious!" Kyungmi wailed.

"Kyungmi... he's not that guy. Why can't you see that? He's not that Zelo you think."

"NO! You're wrong, Sungjae... you're wrong!!!"

"Kyungmi, open your eyes! ... Why are you even chasing for him? He's not worth to be with you! He's not worthy to even be someone to you! Not even a friend! Stay away from him!"

"I will never stay away from the guy I love, Sungjae!"

"... What?"

"I like Zelo, okay? I LIKE HIM! I feel the same towards him, Sungjae!" Kyungmi cried out as tears flowed immensely down her cheeks. "I've always like Zelo since the day we met! Since we were little, I was love-struck by him! I searched for him not only to thank him but to see him as well! I like him! I LOVE HIM, SUNGJAE!"

"... You... like him?"


"... H-how about me?"

"Sungjae, can't you see? I only saw you as a brother and a best friend and that alone! I never saw you as someone special! The reason why I accepted your feelings and returned them back is because I don't want you to get hurt! I stayed away from Zelo and B.A.P for you! I obeyed you because I don't want you to get hurt! I never wanted to see you in pain! I did all those things for you, similar on how Zelo did those things for me! I endured everything for you!"

"... A-are you serious?"

"I AM!"

"... So... are you even a Melody?"

"To be honest.. I don't know. If I ever be a Melody, I am separated from the guy I truly love, but if I become a Baby, I would have to risk my friendship with you and BtoB-oppas! I can't choose only one! I need both of you guys! I need both B.A.P and BtoB but because of this darn rivalry of yours, I can't!"

"... Are you hurt because Zelo's away?"

"... yes."

"Kyungmi..." Sungjae frowned as he stepped closer to Kyungmi before pulling her for a tight hug, which of course, made Kyungmi a bit dumbfounded. She felt Sungjae's warm touch and it somewhat made her a bit calm down. "I'm sorry if I ever did hurt you. I never wanted you to be though, and I do hope you may forgive me... it's okay if you can't, I understand. With such horrible thing I had done to you, it is true that one can't quickly forgive me for such action. I really am sorry." he softly said.

"Sungjae, I-"

"Don't say anything. For the last time, please, let me savor the moment of hugging you like this. A hug we've given each other eversince we met."

"L-last time?" Kyungmi blinked as she saw Sungjae let go of her and break their hug. It seemingly pained her to see Sungjae back off though she can't seem to know why he did so. Usually, he'd refuse to let go of her...

"S-Sungjae?" Kyungmi softly called out, tilting her head in confusion.

"I'm sorry." Sungjae apologized whole heartedly before patting her head. "I really am."


"Shh, don't cry, okay? I know I hurt you, but before I leave, stop crying."

"Leave? Why?"


















"I am setting you free. You are no longer a Melody, Kyungmi. I'm freeing you from this prison."


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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)