The Pendant

"Are you sure about this plan of yours, Kyungmi?" Zelo asked, fixing his now pink colored hair and uniform before looking at Kyungmi. "What if this works out differently?"

"Aish, you're being too worried." Kyungmi chuckled. "Relax, I'm sure this will work out perfectly."

"... And how if it doesn't?"

"It will, sheesh. You're being too worried, Zelo. I promise, things'll go according to plan." she said, smiling at Zelo, who managed to return the very same smile to Kyungmi.

"Fine, fine. I trust you. " Zelo smiled.

"Good. Now, let's go or else we'll be late! Any more wasting time in here would lead us to being late!" she cried out before grabbing her bag and throwing Zelo's bag towards him. "C'mon."

"Right behind you." he smiled and caught his bag. "Kajja." With that, Kyungmi and Zelo made their way to the door and dashes out, heading to their school together. A new day awaits for them.



"OMONA, Is that...?!"

"IT IS!"

"He's finally back!!!"

"Woah, he looks cooler this time!"



These are the mumbles Kyungmi and Zelo heard as they walked down the hallway. Babys were whispering about Zelo's new look and that was, well, annoying towards Zelo. "Aish, can't they just... shut up?" Zelo mumbled to himself. "Annoying."

"Aish, calm down!" Kyungmi softly scolded to Zelo. "Fans are like that, so bear with it. You're a kingka so deal with it, dude. Plus, remember what I told you? Act good, and remove that god-damn jerk side of yours."

"I am not being a jerk." Zelo pouted.

"Yes you are." Kyungmi sighed. "Look, just act like yourself and don't try looking cool, arraseo?"

"Arraseo, arraseo."

With that, Kyungmi finally spots BtoB a few feet away from them. "Oppa! Oppa~ Good morning!" she cried out, grabbing BtoB's attention.

Upon hearing Kyungmi's honey voice, the seven turns around in hopes of greeting her warmly as well. "Good morni-!" they said in unison but were cut off by the sight of Zelo beside Kyungmi. Shock filled them up and hurriedly, they pulled Kyungmi away from him. "Kyungmi, what the heck?!" Changsub cried out as he pulled Kyungmi away from the pink-haired giant.

"What the heck are you doing with our Kyungmi?!" Minhyuk hissed to Zelo.

"Yah! You stay away from her if you don't want trouble, understood?!" Hyunsik cried out.

"Oppa-! No! It's not that way!" Kyungmi cried out while trying to break free from Changsub's grip. "Yah! Yook Sungjae, do something, you idiot! Tell them!!!"

"Tell us what?" Eunkwang asked as he looked at their maknae. "Sungjae? Are you aware of anything happening here?" 

"... yes, hyung." Sungjae softly answers. "I, Kyungmi and him are... friends. We're secret friends for some time already. We didn't want to tell that to you since, well, me and Kyungmi are in BtoB's side while Zelo's in our rival group's side."

"... And no one told us?" Ilhoon cried out in disbelief. But that doesn't exlplain why Kyungmi is hanging out with... with him!"

"I can explain! I-!" 

"Let me do the explaining, Kyungmi." Zelo interrupted as he gathered his courage to speak up. "I'll tell these guys the real reasons."

"... We're looking forward to that." Peniel glared. 

"Listen carefully. I am no longer a B.A.P member, y'hear?" Zelo said. "I have turned my back away from that group and with my own lips, I am saying the truth. My change of appearance and running away from them is a proof. I am no longer in their side."

And as if like spears, Zelo's words pierced BtoB's chest. They were all shocked by the words Zelo uttered. "So... that's it, isn't it?" a low voice said. Everyone then turned their eyes to the source of the voice and to their surprise, it belonged to B.A.P's leader , Yongguk. Their hair were dyed differently now, just like Zelo, and upon seeing the maknae, their eyes widened. "I see you're finally back." Yongguk smirked.

"Thought I went back to Mokpo, didn't 'cha?" Zelo smirked. "Yes, I'm finally back." 

"Is it true, Junhong? You're turning against us?" Himchan asked.

"Yes, hyung." he nodded before walking beside BtoB's side. "I am no longer at your side, hyung. I've made up my mind. I've made up a decision."

"... Whatever your decision is, we respect that, Junhong." Yongguk spoke up before walking off. "We hope you'll be happy with this decision of yours." 

With that, the now five members walked off, away from Zelo. Of course, Zelo simply watched his "family" walk away from him. It hurts, but he needs to endure the pain for this is for the better. Kyungmi saw Zelo's hurt feelings as the other group left and vanished in the crowd. "See? He's out of B.A.P now, which means, he's not a foe anymore." Kyungmi said as she finally got out of Changsub's grip and ran beside Zelo. "He's a friend now and we can finally trust him! Can't you see?" 

"He was still a part of B.A.P, Kyungmi!" Peniel insisted.

"Sungjae! You understand us, right?" Kyungmi cried out.

"Of course." Sungjae nodded and walked beside Kyungmi. "Hyung, I agree with her. I guess we can trust Zelo now that he's out of B.A.P. He can be in our side, what do you think? The more, the better."

"... Fine." Eunkwang nodded. "I'm giving him one chance to prove himself worthy of our trust. Just one chance, got it?"

"That's enough for me." Zelo smiled. At the same time, the bell rang and everyone hurried to their classrooms. Sungjae, Zelo and Kyungmi hurried to their own rooms. 




"C'mon, let's have lunch together, Kyungmi." Sungjae smiled, holding his hand out in front of Kyungmi. 

"Sure! Kajja!" Kyungmi grinned and held Sungjae's hand. "Zelo! Kajja, join us for lunch!"

"Coming!" Zelo cried out before standing up and running towards the two. "Let's go."

"Sure!" she happily nodded before snaking both her arms around Zelo and Sungjae's arms. The three then skipped out of the room happily, meeting with the other BtoB members. The group then goes out of the building to have their lunch there, under the sun.

"Algebras really killing me these days!!!" Ilhoon whined as he plopped down. "I can't take it any longer, my head's bleeding!"

"Mine too..." Peniel sighed.

"Well, just wait when you get into calculus." Changsub cried out. "It'll give you some nosebleed!"

"Heck yeah!" Hyunsik greatly agreed.

"That's only because you kids don't spend any of your time studying." Eunkwang sighed before shoving some food in his mouth. "Kids these days."

"Just admit that you're the smart guy, dude." Minhyuk laughed.

"Yah, Sungjae's smart too! He's in the Honors' Class with Kyungmi, y'know!" Eunkwang whined. 

"Say, Zelo." Changsub called out, grabbing Zelo's attention quickly. "Which class do you belong to, eh?"

"Same class with Sungjae and Kyungmi." Zelo answered. 

"Honors' Class too?! Jinjja?" Peniel gasped. "Woah, who ever knew? Amazing! You must be super smart like these two too, huh?"

"I guess so." Zelo laughed. To be honest, he was actually feeling a lot comfortable around the group than B.A.P. They were nothing like them, and were much more easier to hang out with. He felt happy with them. Who ever knew that his former rival group would be the best persons to be with? 

Kyungmi saw how happy Zelo was. He was definitely feeling a lot better around the seven. "Told you you'd get along." Kyungmi whispered to Zelo.

"I know. Thanks." Zelo smiled. 

But despite the light atmosphere, a hint of jealousy would still be seen. Sungjae was glaring at Zelo. He was the only one who can't seem to accept that Zelo would be in their side now. Most importantly, beside Kyungmi! True, he was one who asked Zelo to be part of their group, but he only did that for Kyungmi. He is one of Kyungmi's friends, and it would definitely make her happier if Zelo were to be in the same group she is. 

Ignoring the fact that Sungjae's jealous, everyone was actually happy. Zelo easily adapted with BtoB and unknown to them, B.A.P was watching them. "Traitor!" Daehyun hissed as he saw Zelo laughing with BtoB. 

"Who ever knew...?" Youngjae sighed.

"Guys, it's his decision, let's respect that." Jongup said softly. "Besides, he won't be like that if we treated him better beforre. We're the ones at fault here."

"Jonguppie's right." Himchan nodded. "As for you Yongguk, the way you acted lately was extremely unexpected. I was expecting that you'd explode lately!"

"Aish, I won't." Yongguk said softly. "I can see how Junhong is happy with his decision, so yeah, let him be."

"I'm proud of the way you see things now." Himchan smiled.

"Yeah." Yongguk nodded. "Kajja, let's get outta here."

"Yes, sir." everyone obeyed and followed Yongguk. 

Hours passed and classes were resumed. They returned to their own classes and hurried to go back to studying. Hours flew quickly and before they knew it, it was dismissal time. Together, Kyungmi and Zelo went back to BtoB and were invited to walk along with them home. Of course, the two happily agreed and walked with them.

"So, Zelo, where are you staying?" Minhyuk asked due to curiousness.

"Um.. " Zelo thought. "I'm... staying temporarily with Kyungmi."

"MWO!?" everyone gasped in surprise. "You're staying in one room?!"

"Yes." Kyungmi nodded. "C'mon, Zelo's from Mokpo and the only place he can probably stay in is in my apartment or back there at B.A.P's dorm. Please understand, oppas."

"We do, it's just too shocking." Ilhoon softly said. 

"Yah, don't take advantage of our kitty, arraseo, Zelo?" Eunkwang threatened. "We'll approve your stay with her if you promise to take good care of her."

"Of course I will." Zelo grinned. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of Kyungmi."

"Thanks." they all smiled. While walking, they were all busy chatting with one another. Sungjae had to pretend that he was actually okay with Zelo along with them, but in reality, he isn't. 

The group soon arrives at Kyungmi's apartment and bids farewell to the group. They all bidded farewell to one another and went off. Kyungmi and Zelo did their homeworks together and afterwards, did random things already. Watching T.V, playing video games and so on.

Hours passed and soon, Kyungmi and Zelo had to prepare their dinner. They ate well, did the dishes and relaxed first before going to bed. They shared a few stories together, a few laughter and a few light teases. For some reason, Zelo felt happy being around the love of his life, and him telling how he sees the female is far to be seen. 

"Oh, it's gettin' late, let's go to sleep." Kyungmi said as she stood up from the couch. 

"I'm not yet sleepy." Zelo pouted cutely.

"Yah, we have classes tomorrow, c'mon. Let's go." 


"Aish, you're like a kid!" Kyungmi pouted, crossing her arms. "Fine, stay up late, I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow."

"Good night." Zelo smiled as he watched Kyungmi go to her room.

"Oh, and Zelo, you're sleeping in here. The weather's getting low, so it's best to stay in my room instead of there in the living room. It's chillier there."

"Arraseo. I'll do."

"Okay." Kyungmi smiled before entering her room, closing the door while Zelo stays up late while watching some random shows. Their day ends up well, much to Zelo's expectations.

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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)