The Pendant

".. I ... I never knew that you had such painful past, Zelo." Kyungmi frowned after hearing Zelo's story. She covered her ajar mouth with her two small hands as her eyes saw how teary eyed Zelo is now. It was painful to see the so called "strong boy" Zelo hold his tears while telling his past. "I'm sorry I even asked, Zelo. I really am." Kyungmi apologized as she patted Zelo's back.

"A-aniyo, it's okay. I barely forgot that incident already anyways." Zelo tried to smile as he wiped his eyes. "I'm good, don't worry too much."

"But still...-"

"I said it's okay." Zelo smiled as he held Kyungmi's hand. "It's okay."


"Nae. Jinjja."

"Good. I.. I really am sorry though."

"Aigoo, it's okay! Gwenchana!" Zelo laughed as he ruffled the female's hair. "It's okay. It's okay."

"... Okay. Let's go back to sleep then, arraseo? We still have a busy day tomorrow. Classes aren't gonna stop and wait us take enough sleep."


Kyungmi was about to go to sleep when she heard Zelo call her name softly, like a little kid. Of course, she quickly turned around to see why Zelo called her and asked through her tilting gesture. "Can you say good night first?" Zelo shyly asked.


"I... I get nightmares if I don't hear a good night from someone."

"... OH! So that must be why you got a nightmare just now, right?"


"Aigoo, mianhe!"

"Gwenchana. At least now, you know."

"Why didn't you ask me to tell you though earlier?"

"You were sleeping so peacefully so I didn't wanna disturb you."

"Sweet. Okay, good night, Zelo." she sweetly smiled before patting the male's head. "Good night and sleep well." she said in a very sweet tone.

"Good night." Zelo smiled as he laid down on the bed. Kyungmi motherly watched the young boy fall to sleep before she herself went drifted to her dream land, things now clear to her. On how Zelo's past was... and how B.A.P can be all family-like as well.

The reason why leaving B.A.P was a painful thing to Zelo.

Together, the two drifted off to sleep peacefully.



Weeks passed quickly and somewhat, Zelo still can't accept the fact that Kyungmi and Sungjae were together now. He still can't accept it. It was still painful for him but as long as he can see Kyungmi smile, he somewhat found happiness as well. It made him feel a bit of joy as he heard Kyungmi's laugh and soft giggles whenever Sungjae would try.

But still, it would be better if he made it himself. If Zelo made his beloved Kyungmi laugh sweetly like that. It would be like heaven to him.

But no, he knows he can't do that anymore.

Since it's Kyungmi and Sungjae now..

So he has no other choice.

But forcefully get her.

And that is what he would do exactly. Who cares if Sungjae gets hurt? He needs to get Kyungmi now, and by now, it meant NOW.

Not later, not tomorrow.


"Kyungmi-ah!" Zelo called out as he headed towards Kyungmi and Sungjae, who were at the moment, in between their conversation. Zelo still remembered how Kyungmi was smiling the whole time when she was talking to the other, laughing in between words, making Zelo stop in his tracks and speech.

"So, are you free then? Tomorrow?" Sungjae asked as he showed a angelic smile full of hopes and joy. "We can go visit that place you always wanted to go since we arrived here in Seoul."

"Jinjja? Then it's settled then! After my shift!" Kyungmi happily clapped while jumping up and down a bit. "You better make sure we'll really go there!"

"Of course. My treat?"

"For real?!"


"Goodness, you're the best!" 

"Am not. Anyways, tomorrow, I'll be waiting at this place. See you." he said, handing her a small paper before walking off, waving happily to the young lass, who managed to wave back at him. Afterwards, Kyungmi senses Zelo behind her, a few feet away from him, quite confused on what just happened.

"Oh, hey there, Zelo." she greeted. "Were you waiting for me?"

"Mhm." Zelo nodded.

"Aigoo, sorry, was I taking too long?"

"Aniyo, you weren't. It's okay. I just wanted to find you, that's why."

"Ah, okay. I see."

"... What were you and Sungjae talking about?"

"Hm? Oh, he asked me for a date tomorrow, after my shift. He promised that he'll take me to this place I've wanted to go eversince we arrived here in Seoul. Would you like to come? I guess he won't mind~"

"Me? Don't bother, it's your date, have fun with you two alone. I might come in between you anyways."

"You? Come in between? Don't be ridiculous! You won't!" she laughed as she patted Zelo's head. "Really, you aren't gonna come in between. What made you think you'll be, huh?"

"I feel like I'll be a burden since, well, it's your date." Zelo frowned.

"Aigoo, even if it's our date, I'm sure you won't be a burden. I know you won't, right? Besides, you won't." Kyungmi giggled.

"... Even though. It's okay. I'm glad for you two anyways." Zelo lied, showing his signature smile. 

"If you say so. Say, you wanna stop by tomorrow at the place I'm working at? I'll feel terrible if ever I leave you alone in my apartment room." 

"Up to you. I'm good anywhere anyways."

"Okay. We'll leave for work tomorrow together, sounds good?"


"Aigoo, kyeopta! Kajja, let's get going already." she said, holding Zelo's hand as they headed home together. The sun was beginning to set anyways and soon, the place would grow dark. The moon would rule the sky soon as the sun takes its rest. Along with millions, or even billions, of stars, the inky black sky would somewhat still be lit up by these heavenly bodies.

But instead of heading straight home, Zelo had other plans.


"Yah, I thought we're going straight home?" Kyungmi asked as she noticed that she and Zelo were heading towards a clothes department store. "Yah, Zelo!"

"Well, we are, but something crossed my mind." Zelo angelically smiled. "Since tomorrow's a special date, we should make you look your best now, right?"

"W-wah? No! I-I'm good with my clothes!" Kyungmi cried out. "Besides, I don't have any money, Zelo-ah..."

"Who said anything about you using your money? I'm buying clothes for you, y'know."



"Eh... no need! I'm good with my clothes!"

"Have you seen your clothes?! None of those would suit a date!"


"You'll look like a tomboy."

"But... I like my clothes."

"Even still! We're getting you more appropriate ones!"

"... I hate you."

"I don't care." Zelo laughed.

Inside, lots of stunning clothes greeted the two. Kyungmi's jaws fell. The clothes were all good looking, and despite being all eye-catching and stuff, none were really Kyungmi's style. They were all too girly for her, and she hated those clothes.

"None of them are my likes." Kyungmi pouted upon seeing the clothes.

"Eh? Jinjja?" Zelo gasped.


"What a waste. Whether you like it or not, we're buying one for you."

"W-what?! No! I dislike these kinds of clothes!!!"

"Nope, not an excuse. Let's go." Zelo laughed as he grabbed and dragged Kyungmi behind him as they began to scan some clothes, well, correction, as Zelo began to scan the clothes with Kyungmi struggling behind him. Finally, he found a white top paired with light blue colored jacket with long sleeves. Happily, he took them out and showed it to Kyungmi. "How about this? I bet they suit your style!"

"Hm... not girly, not boyish. I think it's perfect!" Kyungmi clapped and happily received the clothes. "Thanks, you've got good tastes in fashion."

"Hm, I guess I have." Zelo laughed.

"Where'd you get it?"


"He's a diva?"

"Something like that."

"That's priceless!"

"I know, right?" 

"Anyways, I think this is enough. I remember I've got some jeans to pair with these." Kyungmi smiled as she began to walk away.

"Hold on, we still don't have any foot wear to partner with your clothes." Zelo said, holding Kyungmi by her arm again.

"Wha? I've got lots of rubber shoes at home! I even have sandals." Kyungmi said.

"None of those would suit you."



"Well then, what should I wear as footwear?"

"Let's pick something over there. I remember seeing something like some boots or doll shoes." Zelo said, pointing at the shoe corner.

"Okay, you're the boss."

It didn't take a while before Zelo spotted some stylish pair of boots. Leather boots to be exact. Black leather boots that would totally suit Kyungmi's style. As expected, she happily agreed and afterwards, purchased them. Then, the two headed home for real and took a rest after one tiring day.



The next day finally came. Birds chirped happily and the warmth of the morning sun showered upon everyone. The sun rose brightly, a new day arriving at last. A warm morning breeze found its way inside every building and everyone woke up from their own slumbers.

"Hurry up, Zelo! I'll be late for work!" Kyungmi cried out from the living room.

"Just a minute!" Zelo shouted back.

"You've been taking 10 minutes fixing your hair, dude!" Kyungmi sighed as she walked towards him, fixing his hair and afterwards, putting a beanie of his liking on his head. "There, done, let's go."

"... Arraseo. Kajja."

Together, the two ran out of the dormitory and to the restaurant Kyungmi works. The other workers, especially her fellow waitresses, were all squealing to see Zelo once again and as always, tried to flirt with him. Of course, not being the old Zelo anymore, he politely talked and explained things to the girls. No one was hurt, instead, his actions were found cute and gentlemanly. They loved it when Zelo was like that.

Kyungmi, meanwhile, smiled upon seeing Zelo mingling normally with her co-workers. Her oppas and unnies found Zelo nice and fun. 

"My gosh, Kyungmi, you're lucky to have Zelo." one of her unnies said, grinning.

"Nae. I'm lucky." Kyungmi smiled.

"I bet when he confessed to you and became your boyfriend, you were jumpin up and down non-stop." 

"Wha-?! Boy- No! He's not my boyfriend!" Kyungmi blushed. "He's simply one of my closest friends."

"Really? You two aren't together?! But I thought you have a boyfriend already?"

"Yeah... and that's Yook Sungjae, not Zelo." Kyungmi pouted.

"Sungjae? You mean that guy with the black hair a few inches taller than you?"

"Yup. Him."

"Woah! Chukae!"

"Nae, gamsahamnida." 

"So... what are you two? Friends or something?"

"I already told you, close friends!"

"Arraseo, arraseo, chill." her unnie teased before poking her cheeks and heading out to continue working. Kyungmi finally got Zelo's order and happily gave it to him, just to be thanked by Zelo with a sweet and innocent smile. "Here's your order, sir" Kyungmi teased before giving him the tray of his order.

"Thank you." Zelo innocently grinned. "Are you doing well? Aren't you tired?"

"This lassie never gets tired, dude." Kyungmi giggled. "I'm okay, quit worrying."

"Hey, how 'bout I help?"

"Um... you aren't a worker here, Zelo."

"So? I'm sure your manager won't mind? He knows me and I know him. We can hold a special event of this place where a customer can be a worker for a day. You know, something like that?"

"I disagree with that plan of yours, Zelo."

"C'mon, like it'll hurt anybody."

"... Fine, do it your way." Kyungmi sighed and headed back to the "employee-only" room where she had to get another order. 

Minutes later, when she came out, a shocking sight greets her. Zelo was wearing the restaurant's waiter's uniform and was holding a pen and a small notebook as he stood beside a female customer. He was talking to her, smiling and nodding time to time. After scribbling things on his notebook, he bows a bit and heads off the the counter, where he comes across with Kyungmi. "... You can't be serious." Kyungmi said in shock.

"I told you it'll be a good idea." Zelo winked before giving the orders to the cooks. Afterwards, he passed Kyungmi, who was still astonished, and tended another set of female customers, who squealed by the sight of Zelo. Kyungmi soon snapped out and sighed, focusing back on her job.

"Are you sure this is okay with you?" she asked upon tapping Zelo's shoulder.

"Yup. Never knew it was THIS fun." Zelo smiled.

"Aish, you little-!"

But Zelo simply smiled, making Kyungmi cut her speech and focus her head back to giving orders to the customers. She must admit, it was seemingly natural to Zelo. Probably because he had some experiences in the past. Yup, that would explain things surely.

Soon, Zelo enters the manager room once again and comes out, smiling, making chills run up and down Kyungmi's spine. "I don't like that smile of yours." Kyungmi glared.

"Psh, why not?"

"Something tells me you're up to something again."



"Well, you aren't wrong."

"I knew it... What's your great plan now?"

"Just watch." Zelo smirked as a waiter brought him a microphone. Confused, Kyungmi just let herself get dragged by a fellow waitress and join them in watching what the pink-haired has in store. Once he had tested the mic, he gave a nod to the same waiter who gave him the said object. There, a heavenly melody aroused and grabbed everyone's attention quickly.

"Ahem, um, yeah, hello." Zelo greeted shyly. "As you can see, my name is Zelo, a member once of B.A.P. Babys here, this song is from our Warrior Album, Secret Love." he smiled before beginning the song with a rap, originally Yongguk's part.

"Amudo mollae saranghae
Amudo mollae saenggakhae
Sesange neowa naman algo inneun sarang

Haru jongil neol gieokhae
Haru jongil neol saranghae
Gamogirado joha neo hana neoman isseumyeon sara"

Upon hearing Zelo's voice, as if time stopped, Kyungmi's jaw fell and her eyes widened. The honey-like voice of Zelo seemingly caught her.

Often times, back at her apartment, she can only hear Zelo's rapping skills, but never his vocal skills. Sure, he heard his singing voice once during that B.A.P-BtoB battle once, but only that time. Eversince then, never. Now, he was actually singing and rapping!

"Jeonhwa hantonghagi eoryeowo maeil mollae
Talk Talk haedae nunchireul bone
Urin saranghaeran malboda
Bogo sipdaneun mari deo
Iksukhaejin geot gata geuraeseo gaseumapeo
Onjongil kkeungkkeung neol arheo
Eodil bwado niga boyeoseo
Deo bogo sipeun mameul areo
Yeope isseodo puk nulleosseun moja ttaemune
Nundo mot majuchineun imameul nuga areo" 

Those words hit Kyungmi. It was as if it was describing Zelo and her, but, well, it can't be. Like Zelo likes her, right? And besides, if he does, then why was he supporting the SuMi couple? 


Soon, everyone was screaming as the song ended with Zelo's honey-voice. It was wonderful. "Thank you for listening, everyone." Zelo bowed.

For some reason, when Zelo smiled at Kyungmi, her heart skipped a beat. 

No way....

Finally, after a few more hours, Kyungmi's shift finally ended. She hurried and dressed back to her normal clothes and headed off with Zelo. "We'll be going now!" Kyungmi said as she waved good bye to her unnies and oppas.

"Sure, be safe!" one of her unnies said. "Zelo-ah! Take care of lil' Kyungmi there, okay?"

"Zelo-ah, don't let that lil' kitty wander off around Seoul or else I'll punish you!" one of her oppas warned.

"Hold her hand if you need to!"

"Don't let other guys flirt nor talk with her!"

"YAH! UNNIE! OPPA!" Kyungmi cried out in embarrassment, and brighter when he heard Zelo's soft laughter.

"Nae, nae, I'll remember all of that." Zelo smiled. "See you then, noonas, hyungs!"

"Until then!"

With that, the two left the place and made their way back to the apartment. Of course, the two also stopped by to buy some sweets and snacks such as ice cream, smoothies and some street foods. They had fun wasting a few minutes outside but upon recognizing that time was running short, they hurried back home, running with food in their mouth.

Once there, Kyungmi hurried and took a quick shower and dressed up. Zelo, meanwhile, was busy with his phone, doing something he only knows. Soon, he jolts upon hearing a shriek.

"Yah! Yah! What happened?" Zelo cried in panic.

"I can't find my beanie!!!" Kyungmi exclaimed.

"... Aish, I thought something important..."


"... Is this it?" Zelo asked as he brought up an ash-gray colored beanie.

"... er."

"Aish, you're too blind to see this." Zelo sighed as he threw the said beanie to the young lass and headed back to the living room. After some minutes passed, Kyungmi finally walks out of her room, dressed on the said clothes they bought yesterday. Upon seeing her, Zelo's eyes went big and his jaw dropped.

"I look ridiculous, don't I?" Kyungmi chuckled.

"N-no! You look wonderful!" Zelo complimented before standing up.

"You're just saying that."

"No, really. You look great."



"... Thanks."

"No problem. Just fix your hair." Zelo said as he began fixing the young lass's bangs, making her blush a bit when Zelo got closer to her. "There, better."

"Thank you!" Kyungmi smiled.

"So, shall we get going?"


Outside, the two were greeted by a rather new-looking motorcycle in the tint of black and navy blue. "Woah! Who could've left this thing here? Such a waste..." Kyungmi said.

"Idiot, it's mine."


"Yup. I bought it years ago but being unable to use it much, I kept it in storage. I think now's the time for me to use it. I'm using it to drive you to your date place."

"You mean it?!"

"Yup. Hop in."

"Woah! Zelo jjang!"

"I know." Zelo smiled as he started the engine. Soon, he hands a helmet to Kyungmi before wearing his and finally, driving off.


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Chapter 39: This was awesome TT^TT
Poor Sungjae TT^TT
melotics91 #2
Chapter 39: Hi! New reader here! Author-nim, you such a great writer! Jjang! ^^ i think this is 'the best'bestfriend story ever! I cry a lot when sungjae died :'( but i love when he never break his promise to still by her side. Well i like little sungjae character! :D thank you for the great story! Author-nim jjang jjang!! ^^
Chapter 39: *sob* That is amazing great ending *sob* I love this story *sob*
naznew #4
Chapter 39: great drama story ever..
i'm crying when sungjae died..
sungjae keep his promise to never leave kyungmi..
but i wonder what happen to the other members..how they life after sungjae gone..
piratess #5
Chapter 39: its daebak..waaaaa...make me cry nonstop authornim...the best..love it..
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: Amazing story!!!!! I'm glad that sungjae kept his promise. :D
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 38: -sobs uncontrollably-
But great story author - nim!!!
Panda_FooFoo #8
Chapter 22: Please please update
Sadlifeforeva #9
Chapter 20: I was scrolling rapidly down when I say "The Winner" "Is..." and the chapter ended T_T NOOOOO~ D: T_T~
Chapter 15: I love the story..~~ Keep writing~!! (^_^)