Chapter 9

My Mr.Bodyguard
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 Chapter 9: The Tears

Song : Ladies' Code - I'm Fine Thank You


"Why?" you asked Luhan and your uncle.

"Your mom is in the ward. She still in coma." Luhan answered caused you to stand up with widened eyes.

"Om... Om.. Omma still alive? Where is she? I want to see her" you begged Luhan desperately.



You quickly stormed into the room when both of you arrived in front of your mom's ward. Your eyes become teary again when you saw your mom's condition. There were many wires connecting to her body.

"Omma!~" you hold your mom's hand tightly. "I'm here. Your daughter, Haneul is here." You kissed your mom's hand continuously even her hand already wet because of your tears. You couldn't believe the situation in front of you. You just met her yesterday and she still can joking and scolding you at that time but now she can't do that or maybe she won't able anymore.

Luhan who was waiting outside the room let out a very long sigh. He couldn't bear to watch anymore your reaction. "Why must I feel this pain again?" Luhan buried his face in his palm.


"How is it your mom?" Luhan stood up when saw you coming out from the room. 

You gave him a weakly smile before plopped yourself beside him. "Miserable" you answered slowly. Both of you sat on the bench in front of your mother's ward silently when your uncle and aunt visited your mom.

"We have to do... funeral for your dad tomorrow. Will you be fine?" Luhan asked cautiously.

You nodded slowly. No matter what happened, you have to accept the fact that your dad is no longer with you and move on because your mom still need you. Suddenly, you remembered back the last words from your dad before he left causing you started to cry. It only been one day living without him but you already missed him so much. The rough hand that used to pat your head and the cold words that always in your everyday life will no longer exist. There'll

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Chapter 51: It has a really nice ending. My eyes bcone waterfall since 4 chaps back. Thank u for the amazing story author -nim.
AtifaJB #3
Chapter 51: I'm so sad it ended here....this is the first story that I felt should not end..maybe there can be a sequel with them being married?
Chapter 51: Kyaaaaa i feel really lonely right now after i read your story .. And I've read your story for like 7 times already
Chapter 51: this was such an adorable story. well minus the deaths.... but either way I loved it. Thank you author-nim ♡
xobabysky #6
Chapter 51: Hey author nim! i love your plot sooo much~ (/^o^)/♡ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ keep it up! Luhan was sooo romantic!
athirahim #7
Chapter 51: Just finish. I'm squealling. Too much sweet. Love it.
Chapter 51: I love your story! Probably one of the best plots I have ever read. Although the grammar is a bit off, the story line is never boring. Keep on writing! It will improve your skills. :)
Chapter 33: Had a hard time understanding your story :(
Riesta #10