Chapter 2

My Mr.Bodyguard
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 Chapter 2 : Qualification

Song : A-Pink - U You


After dressed into your 'gorgeous' school uniform, you tied your brown long hair. You can't stand watching your hair messed up because it could makes you get into bad mood for the whole day. Finally, you get out from your room after you satisfied enough with your appearances.

At the same time, there's someone who just got out from the room which across your room. Right when you turned back after closed your room's door, you startled when saw a person standing in front of you and that person was Luhan. But, you got double shock when scanned his body. He was in school uniform and much worst, it was your school uniform. "Why... why... are you wearing my school uniform?" you asked him with widened eyes.

"I'll be enrolled in your school." Luhan smiled while patting the uniform that he was wearing. He looks proud wearing that uniform which obviously not a good news to you.

"No! You can't! You gotta be kidding me." You took this as a joke before shook your head and running to downstairs finding your parents. They owed you an explanation. You agreed to have a bodyguard but you didn't expect that he will attend the same school as you.

Right when you saw your mom at the living room, you complained to her without realize the situation in front of your eyes. "Omma! Why must he entered my school too? I don't want!!" you stomped your feet. But then, you stopped talking when saw the luggage near the front door. You looked up to your parents with widened eyes. "Don't say... you're leaving today?"

"I'm sorry but we're leaving today." Your mom approached you and brushed your hair.

"Why you didn't tell me yesterday that it will be today?" you looked at your dad who was carrying the luggage into the car.

"You never ask." Just a short answer coming out from your dad's mouth.

"Appa!" you growled. You never have peaceful conversation with your dad since you turned into teenager. Not even once!


You followed your parents to the car with heavy heart and obviously with a frown too. This is so unexpected.

"Haneul-ah~ don't make face like that. You look so ugly." Your mom playfully pinched your cheek.

"Omma!" You frowned with her joke. You're not in the mood to accept joke now.

"Be good to Luhan okay." Your mom glanced at Luhan who was standing right behind you but not that close to you. You followed your mom eyes before frowned. "Why must I?" However, Luhan gave you a happy smile that really annoyed you. It's making you hated him more.

"Haneul-ah~" Your mom called your name. You knew she didn't like when you talked like that.

"Okay fine. I will be really goooooooooooood to him." You said in sarcastic tone before forced a smile to Luhan.

"Good girl." Your mom smiled to you.


"Are you two done?" Your dad word's caused you to stop chatting with your mom before you turned your head to your dad.

"Haneul-ah, take care of yourself. Treat Luhan like your own family." Your mom whispered to you when both of you were hugging each other for the last time before your parents left. 

Then, you approached your dad who was watching you

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Chapter 51: It has a really nice ending. My eyes bcone waterfall since 4 chaps back. Thank u for the amazing story author -nim.
AtifaJB #3
Chapter 51: I'm so sad it ended here....this is the first story that I felt should not end..maybe there can be a sequel with them being married?
Chapter 51: Kyaaaaa i feel really lonely right now after i read your story .. And I've read your story for like 7 times already
Chapter 51: this was such an adorable story. well minus the deaths.... but either way I loved it. Thank you author-nim ♡
xobabysky #6
Chapter 51: Hey author nim! i love your plot sooo much~ (/^o^)/♡ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ keep it up! Luhan was sooo romantic!
athirahim #7
Chapter 51: Just finish. I'm squealling. Too much sweet. Love it.
Chapter 51: I love your story! Probably one of the best plots I have ever read. Although the grammar is a bit off, the story line is never boring. Keep on writing! It will improve your skills. :)
Chapter 33: Had a hard time understanding your story :(
Riesta #10