Why Would You Do This?

Welcome to America! {HIATUS}

Taemin's POV

     I stared at Bec in the hospital bed. She was having a bad dream. Her face was set in a frown and I could see tears at the corners of her eyes. Why would she do this to herself? Was Devon that important to her? I turned away from the sight of her in that bed. She just looked way too small for it. I exit her room and let Jonghyun take his turn in there since the nurse said only one could go in at a time.

    When I found in her bathroom and her arm cleanly cut, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Even though I don't know her that well, I don't want anything bad happening to her. Her physical and emotional scars seem to be too deep for any of us to heal. That thought makes me even sadder because I hate seeing others in pain. 

     I walk over to where Anna is and take the seat next to hers. I carefully wrap my arms around her as she tries to hold back her tears. I hate to ask an unstable person a question like this, but I have to know if she knew. "Anna," I start. "Did you know that Bec was like that?" I felt Anna shake even harder than she already was.

     She looked up into my eyes and said with tearful eyes, "No . . . I had no idea. But I have a feeling when it started. I just didn't think she would go this far . . ." I can barely hear the last few words, but my heart breaks for Anna. She just discovered that her friends used to and just recently cut herself. I hold Anna longer and she grabs on to the front of my shirt and cries into it. I try to hold back my tears as well, but eventually I start crying like a baby as well. I feel my members hugging us as we all think about Bec.


Jonghyun POV

     I had no idea she was like this. I regret anything mean I've ever said to her. I should have been more considerate and kinder to her. How could we have known she had done something like this before? She is such a pathetic sad person. I feel like I should protect her from all evils now. She's had too many already in her life. Can I be someone who heals the wounds she's endured and put on herself? 

     We break away from our group hug and exit the hospital, leaving Bec behind. When Taemin started yelling and screaming I thought he did something to himself, but it was much worse. By the time I got to Bec's bathroom, most of the bathroom floor was covered in blood. Anna fainted as soon as she saw it, but Minho was calm enough to call the ambulance. 

     I think about what could make her do this. I'm pretty sure Devon is the main reason, but is there anything else that could make her this way? She seemed too normal to be like this. She's good at hiding her emotions. Now I wish she didn't hide her emotions so well. We could've helped her before she did this. When I reach my room, I can't seem to fall asleep. Bec lying in that hospital bed with tubes stuck in her skin makes me sick to my stomach. 

   What can I do to help her?


Minho's POV

     Weirdly enough, I'm not surprised. She seemed too careful and cautious around us. I saw the sadness she showed when she thought no one saw. Whenever I saw her drop her mask, her face was so full of sadness and remorse. I wanted to find a way to make her smile, but I didn't know how. 

     I stare at my bedroom ceiling thinking about everything that's happened since SHINee came here. Everything was good until now. What did Devon do that caused Bec to be like this? Is it actually Devon's fault though? Ugh, I can't find an answer! I don't have enough information!!!! Why did Bec have to be so mysterious from the start??? 

     Instead of falling asleep like I should, I took a cold shower. The water helped me clear my head, but I couldn't stop thinking about Bec and how I could help her.


Anna's POV

     Why did you do it Bec? I know one reason is because of Devon, but this can't just be it. It can't be because of . . . No that can't be it. She said it didn't bother her. No matter how much I try to think of another reason, it seems like that's the most obvious and the most effective one. Why didn't she tell me. I thought we were best friends. I thought she told me everything about herself. I told her everything about me. Even the bad parts.

     Anger boils inside of me for no reason. I shouldn't be mad at her, but I can't help it. We were best friends!!! How could she not tell me that that still bothered her? Why keep the burden to herself? Did she tell Devon? Ugh, why am I even thinking of the b@stard? I can't take it anymore.

     She's always been too careful around me. She never knew that guys liked her even though they always paid attention to her. She's always been so horribly oblivious to everything!!! Why does she do things that get her so much attention?

     Why can't people do that for me . . . . .



Author's Note:

Ooooh I smell jealousy!!!!! Sorry, I did three SHINee POVs with them worrying about Bec, but you can see why Anna gets jealous now, right? I feel a cat fight coming on, but I don't think that'll happen quite yet, but I think it will happen. I don't know. Do you guys want a cat fight? Poor Anna though. People only look at Bec. It seems like she's been Bec's shadow for a while now. 

Thanks subscribers and readers!!! You guys rock for reading my story!!!!! Sorry if you're hating on me and my story because I'm making so many bad feelings invade. It might be like for a while, but not for too long . . . I hope. Anyways, keep waiting and have fun!!! PM if you want to know anything specific about my story or if you have any suggestions!!!


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I'm sorry if you guys are mad at me for stopping. I might pick this story back up later, but for now, I've just lost all of my inspiration. I hope you understand and can wait patiently for my return. . . I won't be gone obviously....but yea, you know what i mean! I hope you check out my Onew fanfic that i will be starting soon!!!!

Chapter 36: Update. Soon
Chapter 35: Update soon
KimSuJa #4
Chapter 2: new reader heree!! i really likee itt!! good job author-nim hwaiting!!
Chapter 33: Update soon plz :)
Chapter 31: YAY IM SPECIAL :3 hehe
Chapter 29: Maybe at the end you should twist the story so she ends up with like someone from EXO haha...
Egg-yeols0911 #8
Chapter 23: HAHAH I love this chapter >.< Keep up the good work *thumbs up*
Chapter 25: Omg what is Minho going to do plz update soon