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Welcome to America! {HIATUS}


     Bec and Devon were walking in the park swinging their intertwined hands. They were so happy to be together after a long hard week of school. Bec let go of Devon's hand and skips ahead of him. They both start laughing happily and Devon starts chasing Bec. They were like this until Devon finally caught up with Bec and picked her up and spun her.

     "Yah," Bec said while laughing. "Put me down!" Devon put her down and kisses the top of her head. 

     "I was only playing," he said. He gave Bec a wicked smile and swung an arm around her shoulders. Bec reached up and grabs ahold of his hand and held onto it. "Thanks for being with me, Dev," she said. 

     "No problem. I'll always be here for you."



Bec's POV

     I woke up suddenly and put a hand to my head. I look around at where I'm at and see that I'm in a hospital room. Dang. Why can't I just die my way? Why do I have to keep living? I look at the clock on my phone, but while I was reaching over I see my bandages arm. My whole entire arm is wrapped . . . why? Then I remember. I sigh and check the time. 1:06AM. Great, what am I supposed to do now? I definitely don't want to go back to sleep.

     I climb out of bed and walk out of my room, to find a sleeping Minho outside, slumped against the wall. I shake him lightly and he startles awake. When he sees me his face fills with relief. He hugs me for a long time before talking. 

     "Wae?" He asks. "Why would you do that? Do you want to die?"

     "Yes," I whisper. He freezes and slowly pulls me back. He looks into my eyes and sees that I'm telling the truth. Tears start forming in his eyes and he starts shouting.

     "You shouldn't want to die!! You're stronger than that. You can't let a stupid guy get to you! You can't die! Too many people care for you! How do you think Anna feels right now? Think about me and the others!" His yelling attracts some nurses and I tell him to quiet down. They ask me what he was saying since he was yelling in Korean, and I just tell them that he was just upset. 

     "Minho-ssi," I say. "If I'm always around people, how am I supposed to die how I want? They'll always keep trying to help me . . . even if I don't want it."


Minho's POV

     I look at Bec and see the vulnerable girl she's tried to hide from us. I pull her in for another hug and she starts to silently cry into my shoulder. I try to calm her and ask her to tell me more so I can understand, but she just shakes her head. I sigh and tell her stories that will make her feel better. After some time she stops and wipes her eyes.

     "I probably look like a mess right now," she says as she steps back. I look her up and down and give her a sympathetic smile. She's been out for three days but I don't want to tell her that. 

     "You look fine for someone who just woke up," I say with a smile. She smiles back and asks me if I've been staying here long. "No," I lie. The others were here with me, but they decided to leave because it was getting late. The nurses also tried to talk me into leaving, but I did my best in telling them that I wanted to stay here. Are you not allowed to stay overnight at a hospital?"

      She laughs and says, "I don't know, but I'm tired of being in this hospital already. Let me go change and get me out of this hospital." Before i can stop here she enters her room. She comes out later with a red long-sleeved turtle neck on and black jeans. Where did those come from? "They were in my bag I carry around," she says, as if reading my mind.

     We check out of the hospital and start walking home, since it's not far away. "So," I begin. "Would you like to tell me anything?" She stops walking and her eyes become distant. "No," she says. "I don't, but I need to tell someone, but the time isn't now." I just nod my head in understanding and we continue walking. 


Onew's POV

     I walk downstairs this morning and stop in my tracks. Is that . . . Bec? She turns around and sure enough it's Bec. I stand there frozen as I watch her move around the kitchen. I notice that she's wearing long sleeves now, even in the hot weather. It makes me uncomfortable knowing why, but I try to play cool.

     "Good morning," I say brightly. 

     "Good morning, Onew-ssi!," She says with a smile. "I made some eggs. I see that Anna tried cooking again. You guys ate out yesterday didn't you?"

     "Not just yesterday, but-" I get cut off by Minho. "But we missed your cooking." Huh? I give Minho a questioning look and he moves his head telling me to come to the living room.

     "She doesn't know she was in the hospital for three days, hyung," he says. Now it makes sense, but why does knowing how much time she spent in the hospital matter?

     "I already know Minho." We whirl around seeing Bec in the doorway. "It's not a surprise to me. The last time I was in the hospital I was in a coma for a week." She says it so nonchalantly. I look at Minho and he seems just as disturbed as I am.

     "Come on guys," she says. "It's time to e-"

     "NOONA!!!" Taemin yells. He runs over to her and envelops her in a big hug. When did he start calling her noona? Bec seems surprised, but hugs him back too. While he follows Bec into the kitchen he looks over his shoulder and mouths, "Come on. I don't think she would want our sympathy, so just act cool."



Author's Note:

Wow, Taemin knows Bec pretty well. He knows that she would hate getting sympathy from others. Smart boy. :) Sorry for the boring chapter btw. Since I slept, my creative juices went away, so it's taking me some time to think of good ways to continue. 

Thank you any new subscribers and thank you readers!!! I hope you enjoyed that chapter even though it was boring, and I hope you continue you reading. I think I'll be putting up a lot of hapters today, since it's memorial day, so be ready!!!!


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I'm sorry if you guys are mad at me for stopping. I might pick this story back up later, but for now, I've just lost all of my inspiration. I hope you understand and can wait patiently for my return. . . I won't be gone obviously....but yea, you know what i mean! I hope you check out my Onew fanfic that i will be starting soon!!!!

Chapter 36: Update. Soon
Chapter 35: Update soon
KimSuJa #4
Chapter 2: new reader heree!! i really likee itt!! good job author-nim hwaiting!!
Chapter 33: Update soon plz :)
Chapter 31: YAY IM SPECIAL :3 hehe
Chapter 29: Maybe at the end you should twist the story so she ends up with like someone from EXO haha...
Egg-yeols0911 #8
Chapter 23: HAHAH I love this chapter >.< Keep up the good work *thumbs up*
Chapter 25: Omg what is Minho going to do plz update soon