Minho's Ex-Girlfriend

Welcome to America! {HIATUS}


     Minho was starting to get nervous because he was going to meet SNSD for the first time. He's seen pictures of them and thought they were all beautiful. There was one girl, though, that caught his attention first. It was Yuri. Minho felt like it was love at first site . . . but he's only seen pictures. Today was his chance to meet everyone, especially her, for the first time.

     He kept fidgeting and Key kept telling him to stop and started nagging him. Minho didn't pay attention because he was too busy thinking about Yuri. He suddenly remembered something and went to exit the room. Before he reached the door though, it flew open smacking him in the head. He fell on his back with his eyes closed. He heard gasps and small surprised squeals around him.

     When he opened his eyes, Yuri's face was looking at him with concern. "Are you alright?" She asked. Minho couldn't say anything. Her beauty was just too much for him. He nodded slowly with wide eyes. Yuri stood up and held out her hand to help him up. He grabbed her hand, surprised at how soft it was, and stood up. Yuri bowed and said, "I'm sorry for hitting you in the head with the door. It was a lot lighter than i thought it was." She let out a small laugh and Minho laughed quietly with her.

     The atmosphere turned a little awkward, but by then everybody was introducing themselves. All of SNSD knew SHINee's names, but they all smiled when they introduced themselves. 

     "Hello, I'm Onew, the leader!"

     "Hey, what's up? I'm Key!" He said with some attitude. The girls laughed silently to themselves at that.

     "I'm the awesome singer Jonghyun!" Jonghyun said with a y wink. Some of SNSD looked like they were going to swoon.

     "I'm Minho." He says quietly and curtly.

     "AND I'M THE MAKNAE TAEMIN!" He did an aegyo and all the girls squealed at the cuteness.

     The girls introduced themselves one by one and shaking SHINee's hands. They all commented and complimented each SHINee member, some of their comments making them blush. They all got to know each other very well, except for Minho. He sat on the couch watching everybody getting along.

     Yuri noticed and sat next to him. "Why aren't you talking? Do you hate us?" Minho's eyes widen as he denies that he would hate them. Yuri laughs and teases him. "Oh, now you can talk normally?" Minho blushes.

     "I'm just not good at socializing with people . . . especially girls." Minho bites his lip, embarrassed that he admitted that, but Yuri just shrugs.

     "I used to be like that, but I realized that it's harder to make friends that way, so I made myself be more cheerful and friendier. It's hard at first, but it gets easier. I'll make it easier by being your first friend from SNSD, okay?" Minho nods his head.

     Yuri suddenly hugs Minho making him tense up, but then he relaxes and hugs her back. When they pull apart they see everyone looking at them. Then Jonghyun says, "You two like each other don't you?" Both of them blush and say no at the same time. Everyone starts smiling at them and teasing them.

* * *

     It's been a year now, and Minho and Yuri had made it official. They were together. Everyone was really happy for them and congratulated them. Minho and Yuri went on many dates, with disguises sometimes and really enjoyed themselves. They were happy that they weren't too busy with their schedules, so they were able to see each other at least once a week.

     Soon, SHINee and SNSD got more popular and busier. It was getting harder and harder for Minho and Yuri to make up, but they were determined to stay together. At least . . . that was until Yuri met someone else. Minho never knew who it was, but he could tell the he was losing Yuri. She got more distant and didn't want to go on dates anymore, which was a rare thing. 

     Eventually, she broke up with him. Minho blamed himself because he thought he wasn't good enough, until one day, he say the headlines on the internet. "Yuri dumped the 'Flaming Charisma' for another man?" "Yuri and her new boyfriend spotted at the pool!" "Minho heartbroken while Yuri's in love?" 

      Minho finally understood why she broke up with him, but it still made him really sad. Time seemed to move really slowly for him and everyday he got more tired and skinnier. Nothing seemed to help him. Finally, after months of depression, Minho suddenly got out of it. It was like he was a brand new person.



Author's Note: xKimchix

I would like to thank ^ that person for suggesting that I bring SNSD into this story. I don't know how much they will be in it, so don't get mad at me, please! I'm sorry if this was a boring chapter. It was all about Minho and his EX. I was going to write something else, but I didn't know how to write it, so I'm glad that I was able to write this. 

Readers and Subscribers, thank you so much!!!! Truthfully, you could've skipped this chapter because it's not that relevant to the story. Don't forget to comment!!!! I hope you don't lose hope in me yet. My creativity has been lacking a lot lately, so that's why my story has probably seemed like it's going no where and is really boring, lately. Anyways thank you again!


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I'm sorry if you guys are mad at me for stopping. I might pick this story back up later, but for now, I've just lost all of my inspiration. I hope you understand and can wait patiently for my return. . . I won't be gone obviously....but yea, you know what i mean! I hope you check out my Onew fanfic that i will be starting soon!!!!

Chapter 36: Update. Soon
Chapter 35: Update soon
KimSuJa #4
Chapter 2: new reader heree!! i really likee itt!! good job author-nim hwaiting!!
Chapter 33: Update soon plz :)
Chapter 31: YAY IM SPECIAL :3 hehe
Chapter 29: Maybe at the end you should twist the story so she ends up with like someone from EXO haha...
Egg-yeols0911 #8
Chapter 23: HAHAH I love this chapter >.< Keep up the good work *thumbs up*
Chapter 25: Omg what is Minho going to do plz update soon