Before Encounter

Welcome to America! {HIATUS}

Onew's POV

      Why was that girl so cute? She looks too much like Taehee, though. How old is Taehee anyways? I feel bad for not trying to connect with her and the rest of her group, Twisted Fate. I look back at the picture with the Taehee-look-alike and the blonde girl. The blonde is pretty, with a lot of freckles. The more I look at her, the more she looks like she's not All American. Her eyes are big and a nice shade of blue green too. Taehee-look-alike has long black hair with side bangs slightly covering her left eye. She's definitely Chinese, but I can tell that if she had make up on, she would look beautiful. 

      "Onew hyung, what are you thinking about. And stop staring at that picture." Key says. He grabs the phone out of my hand and gives it to Taemin, who puts it in his pocket.

     "I still can't shake off the feeling that that is Taehee hoobae. We know nothing about her, so she could've had friends in America. It's not like we don't."

    "We don't have friends in America," Jonghyun bluntly says. "We haven't been abroad enough to make that many friends. Besides seeing fans, we haven't had that much time to socialize with other people."

     "True, true," Minho says. He's still quieter than the rest of us, but he has definitely gotten more crazy. 

     I look out through the taxi's window, watching the view go by. There are so many buildings here, it's amazing. I think about our home and start comparing them. They're so similar and different. "Where are we staying at again?" Key asks. 

    "We're staying at a host home, Key." Minho says.

    "Mwo???" Key exclaims. "I stayed at a guest house before. I don't ever want to do that again!!!"

    "Stop complaining, hyung," Taemin says. "This isn't like a guest house. I think we just live in a normal American family's home. It's like living in a hotel that only cares for your needs and you don't have to pay either, I think."

    "Oh . . . I guess that isn't so bad. What house is it?"

    "Hmm . . . 2324 Turnpike Drive," I say. I see it out the window gape. Wow. It's a big house. This is a normal American house? Even though it's only two stories, it's very wide and has a lot of windows. It must cost a lot of money, but I can't wait to see everything inside. I think we'll have a lot of fun.


Bec's POV

     I spit out my drink. "What did you just say? You'll be housing who?"

     Anna just hands me a napkin with a huge grin on her face. "I SAID I'm hosting SHINee!!!!! Can you believe it, because I can't. This is like a dream come true!"

     I can only nod because I can't think of anything to say. Out of all the boy groups out there, it had to be SHINee. Nothing's wrong with them, I just don't know them that well even though I've been in the same agency with them for five years now. It's a sad thought, but the best I've ever done having a conversation with them is saying "hi" to them in the hallways. Our schedules are different so we don't see each other that often too. I'm also a die hard fan of theirs, but I've met plenty of other idols by now, so they just seem like other people to me. But WHY them? 

    "Hello? Anyone in there"

    "Mwo? Oh . . . Sorry. I was just thinking."

    "What were you thinking of?? Huh? Getting it on with one of the SHINee boys? Or maybe all of them?"

    "Ugh, what are you saying? Are you crazy dongsaeng?"

     Anna just smiles and eventually we both bust out in laughter because this is so like us. Making bad jokes just like old times. We met in middle school. It was such a glorious few years, but then I left to South Korea to become a star and I left everyone I loved behind. Sometimes I regret my decision, but for now, it feels like I'm a teenager again, laughing over the stupidest things with my best friend. 

    "So . . ." Anna begins. "Which idols have you met?"

     Oh boy. The question I've been dreading. Before I can open my mouth, the doorbell rings. Oh no. SHINee is here.



Author's Note:

Two chapters in one day? That means this chapter is bad too XD I might fix them later, so they're much better, but maybe I should keep them like this so you can see how my writing improves a the story goes along. Anyways, THANKS for subscribing if you did. 



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I'm sorry if you guys are mad at me for stopping. I might pick this story back up later, but for now, I've just lost all of my inspiration. I hope you understand and can wait patiently for my return. . . I won't be gone obviously....but yea, you know what i mean! I hope you check out my Onew fanfic that i will be starting soon!!!!

Chapter 36: Update. Soon
Chapter 35: Update soon
KimSuJa #4
Chapter 2: new reader heree!! i really likee itt!! good job author-nim hwaiting!!
Chapter 33: Update soon plz :)
Chapter 31: YAY IM SPECIAL :3 hehe
Chapter 29: Maybe at the end you should twist the story so she ends up with like someone from EXO haha...
Egg-yeols0911 #8
Chapter 23: HAHAH I love this chapter >.< Keep up the good work *thumbs up*
Chapter 25: Omg what is Minho going to do plz update soon