In the Snakes Den

One Shot at Love ---(HIATUS)---

"Yongguk hyung? Shes getting off at a bar, is that where you guys are?" Zelo said through the mic.

"Ani-we're no where near a bar" he said sounding confused.

"Did we get the wrong women?" Jongup asked beside Zelo.

"I doubt it hyung. I mean shes wearing the same clothes as the men from before, and she has a suitcase, nothing more suspicious then that?" Zelo said thinking hard.

"One shot of Deadly Zins" a female voice said from the bar. She couldn't help but notice the two boys that appeared searching wildely in the bar.

"Keep an eye on her don't leave her out of her sights" Himchan said through his mic.

"Don't worry hyung we'll- hey where'd she go?" Jongup said searching the area.

"Ah-uh oh" Zelo said. Suddently they saw a black haired women in the back move.

"Is that her" Zelo said moving before Jongup could answer. They went to the back where they followed the women to a room which was darkly lit and full of red walls and red leather couches.

"Hm seems cozy" Jongup said looking around.

Suddently there was a loud echo through the room as they heard the sound of a door shut.

"Hyung?" Zelo said turning to Jongup.

"Well hello boys. You seem to be curious about certain things" a female voice sounded through the darkness. As they followed the sound of her voice her figure appeared out of the dark and into the light. A women with black hair sat on one of the red couches still wearing her shades and dark red lipstick.

"Why have you followed me here?" she questioned.

"We were in the bar and caught sight of you" Jongup said. "We wanted to follow a beautiful figure like you" he lied hoping to get a better reaction.

"Really? Seems like a false assumption boys seem to young to be hanging in a place like this" she smirked.

"Yes miss your probably older then us" Zelo said.

"Hm. Such gentlemen" she said before pulling out a gun aiming it in there sights.

"Zelo get down!" Jongup yelled as the two of them dropped to the ground.

The fire broke out through the room as she stopped to see if she shot them.

"How dissapointing...I wanted to see someone die" she smirked.

Zelo pulled out his gun aiming it to her as she only smiled.

"Please, you won't shoot. Your too nice to" she said.

"Don't listen to her Zelo, she's planning mind games with you" Jongup warned.

"I know hyung"

She put her hands up making the position that she surrendered. Zelo inched his gun down and walked slowly to the women. Suddently the light went out.

"Hyung where is she, don't let her get away!" Zelo said. As the lights flickered back on Zelo could see the Jongup standing.

"Hyung!" he shouted coming closer to him. He stopped when he noticed the women, who was standing behind him watching, smirking, and holding a gun behind his head.

"Jongup" he said.

"Don't move or ill shoot" she threatened.

"Zelo don't listen. This North Korean isn't gonna get away" Jongup yelled clenching his teeth.

"Hyung what do i do" Zelo said helplessly holding his gun up.

"You shoot and i will to kid" she warned placing the barrel under Jongups chin. It was a terrifying sight for Zelo.

"Don't worry about me Junhong, im fine. Take care of her" he said.

At that moment the door flung open and a female figure was leaning against the door frame.

"Hey- did i interupt something" she had short brown hair and was wearing a red dress. She had a curvy body and honey thighs with soft red lips.

Just as the female was distracted Zelo kicked the gun out of her hand as it flew to the ground. Jongup broke free and grabbed her gun pointing it toward her.

The women from the door jumped in fighting the North spy. They were kicking and punching, springing back flip.

"Whoa." Zelo said in amazement.

It ended when the women grabbed hold of her neck and chocked her until she passed out. She flipped her hair then looked back to the two men watching in amazement,

"Hey boys" she smiled.

"Ah noona thank you for saving our lives" Zelo said greatfully.

"Ah no problem, I take care of my juniors" she smiled polietly.

"Ah noona your a real life saver" Jongup said.

"Just call me Hyosung" she said smiling.

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bluematoki #1
Chapter 41: Thankyou for putting my name <3 and welcomee heheee
I always look forward to your story from the start ;3
daebak300 #2
Chapter 41: owwww thank you for putting my name there...
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 3: romance and romance

ohh, romance, come in~~~
Chapter 40: sobs they're so cute.pls jieun with yongguk in the end. ;--;
Chapter 39: OMG SongDae xD <3 Update soon.
Chapter 38: MORE SONGDAE MOMENTS ! </3 T-T
Chapter 38: Jieunnnnnnnnn, why you yell at Daehyunnnnnnn. XD UPDATE SOON.
Chapter 36: I read each chapter I'm still more in doubt, since I do not know if I'm hoping to finish with Jieun Yongguk or Daehyun ... I'm loving both pairings. ♥_♥
Dae finally appeared! :D
I feel watching a drama Kekekeke
Please continue updating ^^
Chapter 36: Luckyyyy u got a new computer i so jealous! plus im on hiatus cuz of homework so sad :( anyways like the chapter but i was a bit confused :p can't wait for your update!
Chapter 37: I wanna see Hana Zelo pairing! /crack ship