First day of school

Don't Leave Me.. (Hiatus story.. Sorry!)

The dawn broke as the dark sky was lit up by sunlight. Students crowded around their lockers, getting their materials to be ready for school later. It's 7.30am in the morning. Just then a sudden silence took over the whole corrider.

Students who are chatting eagerly about their afterschool plans, stop immediately as 12 boys walked down the corrider. Teachers coming out of the office stop and stare at the gorgeous 12.

EXO.. Everyone thought. Alittle taken back by the sudden silence, Kris raised his eyebrows as he walked pass some girls, who pretend to faint.

EXO walked over to their lockers as they get ready for school.

*Ringgggggggggg* The bell signalling the start of school. But none of the teachers ot the students moved as they continued to stare at the EXO boys. Shaking his head, Sehun raised his voice 'HEYY!' Students and teachers all snapped back into reality almost immediately upon that 'shout'

'It's class time. Quit standing at their and stare at us.. It's making us uncomfortable' as Sehun continue to finish his statement.

Full of embarrassment, teachers and students quickly rushed to their classroom.

*It's going to be another hard day again* EXO thought as they signed and parted to went to their own assigned class.

Ms.Park, Sehun, Luhan, Yixing, Suho and Baekhyun's math teacher walked into the classroom and cleared . 'Class, today, we have a new transfer student. She is going to be with us from now on, so please give her a warm welcome. Come on in!' Ms.Park called out to the student standing out the classroom.

She walked in with the uniform fitted her perfectly, long wavy hair tied back into a ponytail, wearing a huge, thick frames glasses. She has a thin lips that was drawn back into a shy smile and a pink tinited cheeks. 'Annyonghasaeyo. Yoo Miyae imida' Her melodious voice filled the whole classroom. (A/N: she use Miyae only in SM HIgh as she use Mirae outside school)

'Thank you Ms Yoo. Can I have you to sit at the vacant seat beside Suho?' Ms.Park asked. 'Nehh' Miyae nodded her head and made her way towards the seat she is assigned.

'Hi' Suho greeted her softly. Miyae smiled back at Suho as a reply.

Suho gasped. *Her smile.. was so beautiful.. Omg.. if only she didn't wear that huge glasses...* When Suho realise that he had been staring at Miyae, he quickly shake his head and smiled at Miyae. 'I'm Suho' he said. 'When is your birthday? Miyae' Suho asked curiously.

Suho, was someone in EXO that don't care about anyone other than his own friends. He never speak to someone first unless it's his friends. 

But something in Miyae made Suho curious about her, wanted to know more about her. But Suho would never be able to be friends with her for he was one of the kingkas in SM High.

Miyae giggle alittle, replied 'My birthday is at September 22.. What about you? Suho-ssi'

Suho nevertheless, heard the little giggle, blushed alittle, 'U-uhm.. M-my birthday i-is at J-june' *Aish.. why are you stuttering?!?! Stupid Suho..* Suho mentally face-palmed himself. Luckily for him, Miyae didn't notice a single thing as she nodded in reply before turning her attention back to the teacher.

*Ringgggg* The lunch bell went off. But the teacher have yet released the class, so the students had to wait a little longer as the teacher was explaining their assignment instruction.

Suho was about to ask Miyae if she would like to have lunch with him when he saw a group of 6 boys, all wearing thick frame glasses, peeking into the class, as though they are searching for someone. Then the boys waved at someone.

Curious at who the 6 boys waving at, he start looking around, that's when he saw Miyae waving back, showing them her palm, signalling them to wait. The boys nodded as they clutch on their bento and wait patiently.

Finally, the teacher waved the class dismissed, Suho saw Miyae rushed out of class when everybody else haven't. Even Lay, Luhan, Sehun and Baekhyun look at Miyae curiously. Suho stood up to go out of the class, followed by the his friends. 

Miyae went towards B.A.P asked 'So oppas, how was your day today? So far so good?'

Jongup chuckled 'Yeap~ So far so good.. And there was this group of boys in our class, named what.. EXO? They seems like SM High Kingkas.. So you have to be extremely careful okay? Mirie. Because i heard that some boys in your class is also part of EXO..' 

'Nehh Jongup oppa' Miyae nodded as they head towards the school rooftop which is where they always had lunch at when they were still in TS High.

So the 7 of them seat at a small corner of the rooftop and eat their home-made bento and chat happily.

Just then, the door to the rooftop flung open, EXO appeared. As they walked towads their usual spot on the rooftop, they heard gigglings and chatting in a corner. Curious at who made those noises and angry at the same time that people intruded their territory, they walked towards the noise.

'Yahh!' a raspy voice rang into Miyae and B.A.P's ear. Looking up, they saw EXO. At the moment, they widen their eyes then slowly, the 7 of them stood up awkwardly. Kris who had been in bad mood the whole day, landed a punch on Zelo who was the nearest, stared at them with a murderous glare, spoke with a dangerous tone ' THIS place is OUR territory.. Don't you EVER DARE to step into this place EVER AGAIN.. Now OUT'

Yongguk, held onto Zelo, whose face cringe in pain as he clutch on his jaw, glare at kris and then walked out of rooftop. Youngjae, using Jaehyun identity in SM High (A/N: only in SM High he use Jaehyun but not outside school) , held onto Miyae's hand tightly and gently pull her out of the rooftop. Miyae shot a disgusted look towards the whole EXO before following her brother.

Himchan, Jongup and Daehyun follow behind Jaehyun and Miyae, went out of the rooftop

'Did you guys see that? They glare at us and worse, that girl, She looked at us with a disgusted look. How dare she.. She is going to regret it..' Kris clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in anger.

'Her name is Miyae' Sehun snorted.

And with that, they eat their lunch and continued chatting among themselves.

Miyae, together with her brother and B.A.P went to the nurse office due to Zelo's injured jaw. Good for them, they had finished their lunch.

'Aish.. We are going to have troubles for the rest of our schooling days. Good thing, umma and appa went on a business trip, won't be back till 5 months later..' Jaehyun signed as the nurse tend to Zelo's swollen jaw.

'I'm not too worried about us because we are pretty good fighters.. But Mirie.. I'm more worried about her..' Himchan said as he look at Miyae worriedly.

Half an hour later, lunch's over. Students went back to their classroom for their lesson. B.A.P escorted Miyae back to her classroom. Upon entering, Miyae saw Luhan, Sehun, Baekhyun dark expression.

Good for Lay and Suho, the duo went to get EXO their lunch, hence they were not seem with EXO. But both of them heard about what happen earlier on, Lay as a gentleman smiled at Miyae. Suho too did the same as Yixing. Of course, being a polite girl, she smiled back.

But Sehun and Baekhyun started bothering Miyae even before the lesson starting. They kicked her chair, called her names and of course made fun of her, earning both embarrassment and sadness from Miyae as the whole class laughed non-stop at Miyae.

*Worst day ever...* she thought as she endure the bullying all the way till lesson end. Two hours later, *ringgggggggg* school ended.

Miyae immediately shoved all her homeworks and books into her bag and made no hesitation to dash out of class. As she ran away from class, loud chuckle rang continously into her ear as if they were just beside her although she was far from her class now.

'Mirie? Are you okay?' Youngjae asked his beloved sister.

Mirae looked at her brother signed as she shake her head 'Bad day today gege.. Very bad..' Youngjae look at her sympathecially and nodded his head.

So the two siblings wait together for the rest of the B.A.P outside school. Just then, 'Hey Miyae, had fun in class earlier on?' Baekhyun smirked. All the EXO laughed loudly, gaining students attention.

Mirae look down at her feet as she feel embarrassed at what happen earlier on in class. Youngjae, who was a over-protective brother, glare at Baekhyun and spat 'Shut the up! Who the heck do you think you are? Bullying a girl very fun is it?'

Baekhyun widen his eyes in shock. Never in earth would he ever expected a nerd to back at him. Luhan who was known as the cool man in EXO walked toward Youngjae and narrowed his eyes 'Sorry? Had you just said something to me friend? Did you just asked he to shut the up?' Luhan hissed.

Normally, students who got treatment like this from Luhan would have immediately back off and apologise but Youngjae was different!

Youngjae smirked and said 'Yes, in fact, I said it out LOUD and if you excuse me, I would like to go home now. Come on Mirie, Yongguk hyung is waiting.' as he spot 5 familiar figures walking out of the main gate, signalling them to go over.

Mirae look at the direction her beloved brother was pointing, smile brightly and nodded as she held hands with her brother and walked towards B.A.P.

B.A.P glared at EXO as Himchan mouthed 'Never do you dare to bully her.. Watch what would happen when you do again' as he pointed to Mirae.

EXO looked at the 7 back views that was walking away, staring at them in shock as B.A.P and Mirae laugh and joked with each other.

'Interesting..' Kris stated.. No one have ever ignored EXO like that before or rather, no one ever treated EXO like that before.

It sure is a long day for both B.A.P and Mirae.. And yes the first day of school ended quite badly and tiredly for them. And they no longer look forward to going SM High anymore.

(A/N: I'm so sorry for the half updates all the time >

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Mizuho_Ootori22 #1
Chapter 24: This is so bad. Tsk Suho make it even worser than it already was
Chapter 41: yayy sneak peek of the upcoming chapter! I think you should write about B.A.P and Nu'EST's performance, and add in some of EXO's performance :) && ohohohhohohho confession~~~~~~~ ><
danbocute #4
Chapter 39: Plsssssssssssssssssssssss don't............this story is everythinggggggh
Chapter 40: Pls don't discontinue it authornim ㅠㅠ ive just started reading and now u r discontinuing it? *whines* i really love this story please don't i don't mind when u will update the story but please don't discontinue the story, i beg you ㅠㅅㅠ authornim fighting! hwaiting~
p.s. i do understand you authornim schoolworks r tough *cries* but readers would always support you dont worry! *hugs*
MinJung11 #6
Chapter 40: Eyy!! I know that school is stressful but still...Don't you dare to discontinue though!I will personally find you and strangle you before drowning you!!!JK!
Chapter 40: It's Okaay~~~ School IS important && STRESSFUL -,- I just hope u don't discontinue it~^^ I really love the story :D Update whenever u have time to ^-^ FIGHTING! IN SCHOOL!! <3