Another day off school and suspicion

Don't Leave Me.. (Hiatus story.. Sorry!)

*Ringgggggggg* Mirae's alarm clock went off. She stirred slightly before pulling her cover off her and get off the bed. She stretched her body slightly as it was quite sore after a few dancing lessons with Nu'est and their dance teacher. She then tidy her hair slightly before going to her brother's room to wake Youngjae up. She open up Youngjae's bedroom, found the room still dim dark, and a small figure still on bed with covers on. She smiled slightly at herself before moving towards her brother bedside.

'Gege~ it's 6.30am already.. Wake up or else Manager Lee going to scold you for being late for dance practise~' Mirae gently shook her brother. 'Hmm~' a tired voice came from under the cover. After awhile, Youngjae took off his cover and sit upright. Mirae giggle softly before kissing her brother's cheek 'glad you are awake now gege~ I'm going to bathe now then make breakfast for us both. Meanwhile if you want to sleep somemore then go ahead okays? But do wake up when I came to wake you later okays?' Mirae smile.

Youngjae nodded his head before lying down on his bed again. Soon, soft snoring come out from her brother's lips. Mirae gently cover her brother with his blanket, and went out of his room. She went to her own bathroom, brushed her teeth, rinsed before turning on the shower. Under the lukewarm water, her body and mind instantly relaxed. Figuring that she might not have enough time to prepare the breakfast, she quickly shower and ended the bath.

She wrapped the towel around her body before going out to her bedroom to dress herself. Looking through her clothings, Mirae signed 'sorry uniform.. Not going school today, got dance practise to go to.. Wear you again soon~'. She took out a D-signed blouse and a black skirt to wear. 'Hmm.. perfect.. I would just change into my dance attire later once I reach TS Entertainment.' Mirae mumbled as she packed her dancing attire into the bag that she is going to bring to TS Entertainment.


After dressing, Mirae went to her brother room to wake him up. 'Gege ah~ it's 6.50am lerh~ wakie wakie~' Mirae gently shook her brother. Youngjae although tired due to the new dance choreography, still wake up to his baby sister's wake up call. Youngjae took off the cover and get off the bed. 'Go and take a bathe gege.. See you later at breakfast and help me take my bag down will you?' Mirae ruffled her beloved brother hair softly before going out of his room to make breakfast. Youngjae went into his bathroom, brushed his teeth, rinsed his mouth and took a quick but refreshing shower.

He dry himself, open up his closet and took out a black skinny jeans and a black T-shirt to wear. Same as Mirae, Youngjae packed his dance attire into his bag before bring both his and her baby sister's bag down to the living room.


The two quickly eat their breakfast, toast and milk as they can't eat too much before their dance practise. After washing up their plates, they put on their sneakers and went out of their house with their bag. Outside their house, there they saw a 2 cars waiting, their cars waiting for them. The two siblings quickly get up to their own cars and off they went, to the company. 'Sorry to tell you children, you would need take leaves from now on till your new song, dance choreography is completed okays? If you are okay with it, then I would apply the application form for leave later for the 5 of you.' Manager Yoon informed Nu'est

Youngmin signed 'well, we have to take leave okays guys? We need time for both practise and rest.. So yeah agree?' Everyone in Nu'est nodded. 'Another day off school~' Mirae beamed. Because they prefer dancing more than listening to lectures. 'I'm going to tell Yixing that we are not coming school today okays?' Mirae informed. 'Ah.. B.A.P are not going to school as well.. Same reason as you guys.' Manager Yoon added. 'Okays'

To: Xinggie~

From: Mirae ^^

Heyy~ Xing, B.A.P oppas, Eunji, Chansik, Jotwins and I are not going to school today. Sorry.. Could you help to inform the rest of EXO and asked one of them to help B.A.P oppas take down notes as well as assignments? Can you help us take down as well?

Minutes later, Mirae's phone vibrated. She unlocked it and opened up the new message.

To: Mirae ^^

From: Xinggie~

Uhm.. Okays.. Then are you and the rest going to come to school tomorrow?

Not knowing how to reply, Mirae decided not to reply anything as chat with the others while they were on their way to TS Entertainment. 

'Hello Youngjae.. Now since you all are here, Listen carefully.. You boys and Nu'est are not going to school for this few days as you two groups have dance practises to attend. Nu'est would be having their new song,  dance choreography practises and you boys have your  new dance choreography to master as well.. So the day when Nu'est go school, it would most probably be the day you boys go school as well.. Or maybe earlier since they have more things to learn. Understand?' Manager Lee explained in details for B.A.P to understand. 'Nehh..' B.A.P replied. 'Another day off school~' B.A.P thought in union.

'Morning Lu~ come on let's go class..' Yixing greeted his best friend Luhan and dragged him away from the lobby where he always wait for Mirae and her brother. 'Uh? But Mirae is not here yet!' Luhan protested as he tried to break free from Yixing's grip. 'Heyy, I know you *ahem* her but she isn't coming to school today..' Yixing whispered, fearing that the students sround them would hear her and create trouble. 'WHAT?!' Luhan shrieked, gaining attention from the girls and boys. Yixing shot them an assuring smile before dragging Luhan to a quiet corner.

'Yes.. Mirae isn't coming to school today.' Yixing repeat once more clearly for Luhan. 'Who is not coming to school?' A voice came from behind Yixing. Yixing turn and saw Kris and the rest of EXO. 'Mirae is not coming to school today. In fact, Eunji, Chansik, the Twins and B.A.P are not coming either.' Yixing confirm them. 'Really? How do you know?' Suho asked suspiciously. 'Well because she only have mine number.. She tried to have you guys number too, but you guys are just too busy, she don't have the chance to take our number.. She texted me and told me.' Yixing shrugged his shoulder.

Luhan tried to think that maybe Yixing is lying. But at the same time, he also know perfectly well that Yixing don't lie. He can't either. 'What exactly are they busy about? That the top students other than us had to skip school. It looks like they hide something from us.. Something that we can't know..' Kai who was the calmest and the most observant among EXO concluded. 'Even Kai said so, then they must be doing something that we can't know..' Suho tapped his chin when he was in deep thoughts. 'Or rather they refuse to let us know..' Luhan commented.

Every pair of eyes focus on Luhan. Luhan, also known as the cool man in EXO, can guess one mind thought perfectly. He is also the hidden ace of EXO. He was able to guess what one is think correctly by observing the way they speak and their actions. Luhan is the second most observant one in EXO. 'Remember yesterday, Mirae handed Youngmin something. After Youngmin took that piece of paper, he immediately asked Chansik and Eunji whether they have written theirs or not. He also mention that he and Kwangmin were done with theirs..' Luhan explained in detail.

'Then? What happen next?' Baekhyun pestered Luhan. 'Then they told me and Luhan that they need to go find B.A.P. They packed their stuffs very quickly, that's when they bumped into Suho hyung, Baekhyun hyung and Sehun when they were about to go out.' Yixing continued. 'Yeah.. And it looks like they were rushing off to do something important.' Suho agreed. 'And the next moment I know, Mirae sent me text saying that she and the others are not coming to class later on.' Yixing added. 

'And they came up to our class to find B.A.P.. With 2 men, one of the men told our homeroom teacher that B.A.P would not be attending class that evening too...' Kai shared his thoughts.. 'And now, they were not coming to school... For how long? Xing, did Mirae say when are they coming back to school?' Kris asked as his mind tried to link all the details EXO shared. 'Nope.. She didn't reply anything' Yixing checked his phone, shaking his head. 'Well, let's go to class now and we can try to link all the details together later on.' Xiumin finally speak up.

'What exactly are you hiding? Mirie.. Why didn't you tell me anything? Am I really that untrustworthy? Or was it something or rather someone is prevent you from telling me? What exactly are you hiding... And why...?' Luhan and the rest of EXO members thought...

A/N: Another chapter is up :) as you can see, EXO are getting suspicious~~ Hehe.. Are B.A.P and Nu'est going to tell them the truth? Or would EXO find out themselves? Or is the next event that is going to tell the TRUE identities of both I DOL BAND B.A.P and Nu'est? Stay tuned :D Comments XOXO

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Mizuho_Ootori22 #1
Chapter 24: This is so bad. Tsk Suho make it even worser than it already was
Chapter 41: yayy sneak peek of the upcoming chapter! I think you should write about B.A.P and Nu'EST's performance, and add in some of EXO's performance :) && ohohohhohohho confession~~~~~~~ ><
danbocute #4
Chapter 39: Plsssssssssssssssssssssss don't............this story is everythinggggggh
Chapter 40: Pls don't discontinue it authornim ㅠㅠ ive just started reading and now u r discontinuing it? *whines* i really love this story please don't i don't mind when u will update the story but please don't discontinue the story, i beg you ㅠㅅㅠ authornim fighting! hwaiting~
p.s. i do understand you authornim schoolworks r tough *cries* but readers would always support you dont worry! *hugs*
MinJung11 #6
Chapter 40: Eyy!! I know that school is stressful but still...Don't you dare to discontinue though!I will personally find you and strangle you before drowning you!!!JK!
Chapter 40: It's Okaay~~~ School IS important && STRESSFUL -,- I just hope u don't discontinue it~^^ I really love the story :D Update whenever u have time to ^-^ FIGHTING! IN SCHOOL!! <3